looking for a buddy

I tried the Chinese predictor and that said Girl for me! An tried it with my sister last baby which was a boy and That said it should of been a girl lol xx
Ahh I suppose the only way you'll really know is when it comes out ;) haha xx
I'm gonna try that now saraaa hee hee!! Are you another that's on your feet all day?

Woah that is a lot of hours! Defo need those few weeks before to relax a bit and get organised. Maisy came two weeks early for me, I was not amused! I had pencilled in a full couch potato day haha!!

This pregnancy is totally different. Not as sick, much more tired, craving salty savoury things, last time sweet. My belly is huuuge bloat-age! I can barely close the buttons by end of day, didn't get any real change in belly till well over 20 weeks last time. Still liking tea, last time couldn't drink it! How about you? X
Lol yeah and on my 3 days off I spend it running round with a 3 year old lol it's all fun :) I had to get induced last time I'm hoping I don't have to this time
Yeah definately different my symtoms are pretty much the same just a lot earlier and stronger than last time and last time I wanted full meals all the time whereas this time I just want lots of small snacky things and def more bloated this time after I eat I've already got a 'bump' lol x
Omg I just did that predictor for my sister, Maisy, OH's sister and both kids of my best mate! All fricking right!! Wtf haha!! This is now my favourite game 😀 x
Yep I work in Primark :/ lol I do 3 8 hour days and 2 4 hour days, exhausting. Actually wanted to die at work today after stock take and getting up so early lol.
I'm glad you 2 have been through it so I know where to get my answers ;) haha xx
I'm soooooo tired 😞 Maisy is not one to miss any part of the day and usually strolls in full of beans between 5.30-6am! I used to be ok with it but with pregnancy crapness and this damn head cold it's a killer!!

Both your jobs are pretty full on, thankfully once the sickness passes pregnancy can be really quite nice 😊

I work mon-weds. The only difficult bit when u feel crap is part if the job is serving on a customer counter....and we all know what smells they can bring in :rofl: I'm getting made redundant in December though boo!!

What's ur mat leave like? How long you taking off? X
Aw I'm quite lucky Alisha sleeps until Atleast 7am so any time after that I'm
Ok getting up lol she ony just started sleeping through a few months ago we had some
Real problems with her being up for hours on a night between 3 and 6 lol that was hard
Work but she's a lot better now thankfully!

Eurgh yeah I have a few 'smelly' customers haven't had them in since becoming pregnant but I'm dreading it! Lol
Aww sorry to hear your getting made redundant!
I'm thinking middle of May until middle of November as December is a really busy time for us so could do with being back into it for then I only had 2 month off with Alisha cos I didn't qualify for any sort of maternity pay! So we couldn't afford or me to be off any longer unfortunately :( but looking at 6mths this time! I love my job though so I'm quite happy to go back then I don't even like havin time off it gets my routines all muddled up lol

Are u looking for a new job or are u going to wait? Xx
Yep! Especially the shop I work in, some disgusting people in there! Swapping clothes over... So you go to pick something up and is worn, eurgh!! It is pink day for breast cancer today tho so atleast I don't have to wear my horrible uniform :) I'm wearing a pink hoody because everything else shows off my belly and I'm trying to keep it secret lol :)
I'm gonna leave as late as I can so probably a week or so before I'm due aslong as everything goes smoothly :) ours is a year I think but I hate my job so I'm not going back lol, ill use my maternity leave to look for a new job or weigh up if its worth me going back with the cost of child care xx
Oh I didn't think my message had posted I was about to write it all out again lol
Lol I hate it when that happens u accidentally delete it all! We are allowed up to a year but I don't think we could afford for me not too work for too long.. I couldn't think of nothing worse than going to work if u don't like your job, don't get me wrong it's stressful and hard work but I still love it lol plus u hear loads of gossip :p (tht is of course confidential) but I've heard all sorts over the years one of my clients was having an affair and she was confiding in my and asking how to tell her husband.. That was a bit awkward to say the least! Lol xx
I find my job really boring but absolutely love the people I work with. I'm gutted that I won't be seeing them every week. But I think it will give me a kick up the bum to try something else. I'm not sure I can really afford to try find something when I leave. I will be about 16 weeks and unless I walk into something straight away I will just save pennies by taking Maisy out of her private nursery. I've put her name down for school nursery Easter intake so we shall see.

I'm hoping a year too but again like you saraaa I'm not sure it would be worth me getting a job with childcare costs for a 6mth old and after school clubs for Maisy. I guess I will just see what comes up x
:rofl: on the life stories you get to hear!!

We had same sleep issues with Maisy too. Last year we had to get a community nursery nurse in to visit and help me out cos she would wake up countless times and would be up ages. It's so hard sometimes haha! BUT she has massively improved. I still get up 1/2 times a night, it's the early mornings that's a killer. Especially now it's dark x
In my shop the whole thing is gossip lol there's a lot of arguments but I think that's what you get when there's about 50 girls all working together... Feel sorry for the 5 blokes the work during the week! One being my OH haha. There was one girl start an affair with one of the electricians we had in! Lol then he turned up at her house when her fiancé was home lol!! Xx
:rofl: :rofl: oh dear!! Lots of naughty antics!!

Did u meet your OH through work then? Was there a fight for him with all those girls?? 😊 x
Yeah I'd been there about 5 years when he came to my store :) we both had partners, I lived with my ex who was a tw*t he was a soldier n used the fact that women liked the uniform to his advantage... Then I left him n found out that my OH liked me took him about 3 months to ask me out and then we haven't spent a night apart since :D the first time we went out his car ran out of petrol and we spent about 2 or 3 hours stuck in the car waiting for our friend to bring us petrol haha xx
Aww haha!! Memorable first date 😊 lovely that you've never spent a night apart! Your ex sounds like a huge arse! X
Omg my girl can eat! So far today she has had...
Rice Krispies
Bowl of prunes and Nat yog(with bit of honey)
Handful of rice cakes and raisins
Shared oddities bag with me
And a huge banana.
Lunch given just now....ham sandwich and cubes of cheese!

In comparison I've eaten
Special K
Few of the oddities
Just eaten a rice pot for lunch 😀

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