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looking for a buddy

:rofl: bless him! That's funny!

Anyone else got a constant sore throat? I had a head cold last week but it seems to have gone but now I've a sore throat all the time 😞

Also why does decaf tea have to be so rank :sick: x
:rofl: bless him! That's funny!

Anyone else got a constant sore throat? I had a head cold last week but it seems to have gone but now I've a sore throat all the time 😞

Also why does decaf tea have to be so rank :sick: x

I've had a cold for almost 2 weeks now. My nose is always running and i'm almost constantly coughing especially in the mornings and at night.

We're staying at my in law's on Saturday night. I hope all goes well. My mom has been so excited and asking me all sorts of questions I haven't even put a thought to yet. I don't mean to be Ms. Negative but the more excited i get the more i'll be preparing myself for a let down if something goes wrong in the next few weeks. I just don't like talking about things that we need to buy or what child care we plan on using, etc. Word is starting to get out that i'm pregnant but i'm still trying to keep it from the people i haven't told yet. I just want to wait until after my next appointment.
That's totally how I feel Jamie. I haven't given anything I need to get a thought yet, my mum keeps offering to get things but I just don't want to plan anything this early x
Bands did NOT help :( ahh will have to try something else any advice ladies? Tried ginger, mint and flat coke etc

I'm also pretty crampy but only on a night but after being stood
Up all day it's to be expected I guess

Sorry I haven't been on for a while just felt so terrible my poor oh just keeps
Saying ohh I wish I could help u bless him and Alisha thinks the babies naughty for making mammy poorly! Lol the funny things 3 year olds say

So how is every one and have u all enjoyed ur weekends? Xxx
Eating little and often is helping me! Especially pickled onion space raiders, or these really nice salt and vinegar baked walkers are helpin mmm.
My weekends been pretty boring :/ oh has been at work so I've just been cleaning and watching tv lol, made loads of pumpkin pies yesterday with all the left over pumpkin, not that I fancy anything sweet :/
Oh and neapolitan ice cream is helping my sickness :) xx
Aww bless ya Lauren! I have to say last pregnancy nothing really helped. I would keep a rich tea biscuit by my bed and soon as I woke up would try to nibble on it before I got up. Sea bands did help (maybe it was all in my mind)

Have u thought about some anti sickness meds from docs?

I get crampy quite a bit. Thurs was quite AF like so i did get worried but it does seem worse when I'm doing more!

Maisy had peed all over the couch and then again on our rug and I can't get the pee smell out 😞 wouldn't mind but she's been out of nappies since July grrr!! X
Saraaa do primary sell maternity jeans in the stores or are they just online? X
Yeh they sell them in the shop £11. I'm getting my friend to get me some because the stomach band bit is really soft and flexible my new look ones the band is really stiff so it digs in and hurts when I'm sitting. Obviously I can't buy them myself because we have to do staff purchases haha x
Try white vinegar and bicarbonate soda for the smell, think that's what it is for pets so must be the same for kids lol
Ooh thanks for tip! It's a brand new sofa and rug so OH is not happy she peed on them!

My sister gave me some new look jeans and I found the same. Short band that digs in. I haven't moved into them yet cos some days my bloat is not to bad x
Yeah I'm finding I have to wear them in the evening cuz I've bloated out by the end of work lol it seems to be the harder I work the more I bloat :/ now on lunch with a king pot noodle, all I can think about is that I want an egg mayo sandwich tho haha x
Today I haven't stopped eating! I keep wanting mcdonalds burger though haha x
Hey everyone! Hope you all had a good weekend! I'm def back to feeling more sick than not. I had a cold about 2 weeks ago and i still haven't gotten rid of my cough and runny nose. It wouldn't bother me but i get to coughing and that's usually when i get sick because the constant coughing upsets my stomach. I keep trying to tell myself, only a few more weeks, only a few more weeks, but i'm really starting to get worn down. This weekend is not going to help at all either because i'm in my friend's wedding on Saturday so i have a rehearsal dinner Friday, the wedding all day on Saturday and then i have to work at the bar on Sunday :( Hopefully i can fit some sleep in throughout the weekend though. That seems to be the only thing that helps my stomach settle.
Ohh nightmare that she peed on ur sofa and rug Linny! Alisha had the odd accident up until about April if I remember correctly (we potty trained December) and she was still quite young so we were extra cautious but since then not a thing, she was dry on a night from about then aswell but it's so frustrating I'm glad at the time we had a leather sofa and laminate flooring lol was a god send!
I actually felt 'normal' for a whole hour last night I was so excited lol until sickness came back :( and I'm not sure if doctors will prescribe anything because I'm only physically being sick until 11am ish then it's just really bad nausea
I booked my first midwife appointment this morning for 12th November and I have another scan this Wednesday 6th.. Does any one else feel these last few weeks have dragged? I kinda wish I never found out I was pregnant so early lol xxx
Oh it's massively dragging for me! I found out when I was a day late so 4+1 and I can't believe I'm not even 8 wks yet 😞

It sickness continues it might be worth chatting to your doc to see if he will prescribe anything. I've started with evening nausea. I'm not too bad through the day but come late afternoon it starts and I can't eat my tea. It's better at night I guess.

Fab on the scan, how exciting you will get to see lil bean again!

Maisy been good with potty training so can't understand why she would wee twice!! She wears pull ups at night cos she won't poop....at all. Mostly does it in her sleep so until she stops being scared I have to keep pull ups on! It's stressful x
Ugh Jamie that sounds like a super busy weekend. Hope you manage to get some rest in x
Yeah I found out at 3+6 so very early lol
Aww bless her Alisha had a phobia of the toilet she wouldn't sit on it we tried everything it wasn't until we went on holiday that she finally started using the toilet and we had my cousin looking after our house so ssked her to bin the potty and she never asked or it she still occasionally tells me that she's not going to fall in the toilet lol so I think that's what she was scared off bless her
It was her first day back at school today and the teacher told my oh when he picked her up that they had to change the story because Alisha got upset (the story was goldilocks and the 3 bears) so I thought it must of been the bears but no.. It was the little girl pinching the porridge lol bless her

Yeah jamie sounds very busy try to rest as much as possible in between Hun xxx
Aww that's so cute! There funny little things aren't they!

Maisy isn't so much scared of the toilet as scared on pooping. She is prone to constipation, always has been so I have to give her daily meds but since she's come out of nappies she holds it in. Can do it for days, even though she's in pain. Been to docs loads, HV etc but they say she will grow out of it so not to stress her out about it. I've tried bribing her with treats, the park, toys but nothing works. Now if I ask her to go she says 'il do it in my sleep' and then says 'are u upset' so she knows how upset I get seeing her in pain. Hopefully it will sort itself out 😞

So night nausea lasted all night and into this morning. Work gonna be a struggle x x
ughh what a night! i was SO sick before bed again so i woke up at 1:00am and was so hungry it felt like my stomach was eating itself so i went downstairs and made some toast. Then, to top it off, our dog figured out how to get upstairs last night (he's never been able to get up there before) so he thought he needed to sleep in bed with us. I tried to tell dh that this is NOT going to happen but we were both too tired to deal with it when we went to bed. Then in the middle of the night i couldn't take the dog flopping around anymore so i got up and put a baby gate on the stairs so he couldn't get up them. Then i got to listen to him whine for the next 10 minutes.

Needless to say, i'm exhausted today and feeling SO sick :(

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