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looking for a buddy

WHAT A MORNING! our dog decided to take off this morning. I don't have any babies quite yet so he's my 4-legged baby. I called DH bawling because i looked everywhere for him. DH decided he would come home from work to help me look. I went to our neighbor's house and told them to keep an eye out and then took off in my car driving around looking for him. The neighbor called and said Max was in our yard running around. I was only 45 minutes late to work but at least i found him.

I think i was most panicking because last night DH was complaining about Max's collar smelling bad, so he took them off and washed them. Well this morning i couldn't find his collar so i went out with him to potty since he didn't have a collar on and he ran around the front of the house and was GONE. My poor puppy was running around naked and everything :(

Throw hormones into the mix of losing a dog and i was a basket-case to say the least.
Sooooo went to my appointment today and the receptionist said the midwife had just left! I said ermmmm well I've got an appointment for now, so they tried to ring her and couldn't get through and they gave me the phone number to ring her to try and get through myself, no answer :| about an hour later I get a call back from her to which after telling her who I was she said she didn't think I was coming because she'd checked the doctors computer and it said I'd been to the hospital because I'd miscarried!! I was like errrrr no! Not me! She then kept apologising sayin she thinks she's got 2 people with similar names and ages so she must have got confused... She wanted to come to mine to do everything after she'd been to someone's to do a home visit but I had work to go to, so I've got another appointment Thursday at 9:30... So we'll see how it goes this time!
Bloody hell, that's a bit frustrating!! Especially if ur all geared up for it. But least u have a new one to look forward to and hopefully no more mishaps will occur!

Aww Jamie must have been awful scary losing ur dog! Glad he's home safe and well!

How's ur rat saraaa? X
Yep! Had my sample ready and everything lol! He just spends a lot of time asleep in his igloo :/ he gets fed baby food every night to keep a little bit of weight on him cuz I don't think he eats the hard rat nuggets anymore, people must think I'm mad coming out with 12 jars of baby food and no baby lol!
I would be in pieces if I lost one of my dogs! I'm hoping they would work their way back cuz when we go on a walk I usually drop Kai's lead about 10 metres from the house and say "home" and he goes and waits at the front door, can't trust nala enough for that lol xx
oh my gosh! i'd be so frustrated with them! It's not like we don't count down the days until the appointment!

I was a mess yesterday but was so happy i finally found him. It's not like him to take off like that but he loves to chase squirrels and he just gets distracted.

So i finally broke down and told one of my good friends that i also work with that i'm pregnant. You kind of have to know her but she's due any day to have her baby (who was an accident) and she also went on maternity leave on Monday. She acts almost jealous if any one else announces that their pregnant and she gets very annoyed when other girls complain about getting big bellies or not being able to sleep or whatever when she does the EXACT same complaining, if not worse. When i told her, she literally didn't say anything so i just kept talking because it was so awkward. She just comes off like she wants to be the only one pregnant and everything is about her. And she's been milking her pregnancy LIKE CRAZY. Like she won't carry more than one file around and won't pick up anything off of the floor, etc. I think she would stay pregnant forever if she could because everyone does everything for her now. Sorry, i just had to vent a little. Was pretty disappointed in her reaction, even though i expected worse, i always hope in the back of my mind that she would have at least said congratulations. :nope:
I know :( atleast I'll be a week closer to a scan to see baby!! :)
Aww no :( i think I'd end up telling her to man up at work lol! I didn't go to work yesterday Thursday night I fell asleep on the sofa for a couple of hours and when I woke up the room what spinning, and continued until I fell asleep, in the morning I still felt like it and had a banging headache so decided to spend the day in bed! OH said I was literally sweating in my sleep so from googling it looks like I either dehydrated myself or had low blood pressure... I used to have high blood pressure on the pill but haven't checked since.
Hope everyone is feeling ok!! Xx
So i didn't quite make it to the toilet in time this morning before i threw up breakfast all over the bathroom :( I think this weekend was too busy for me and now it takes me like a week to recover from being exhausted. I try to keep telling myself only 2-3 weeks more of feeling like this :(
Oh dear saraaa that sounds awful. Hope ur feeling bit better. I get dizzy a lot, especially if I'm bending over cleaning or trying to be busy. Still sicky but mostly it's on the evenings so not too bad. Just feel Maisy n oh are being neglected food wise 😞

Jamie your friend sounds really selfish. I don't understand how people can't be happy for each other!! Ugh poor u on the getting sick on bathroom :hugs:

Hope ur ok Lauren.

Well I've had a bad few days with Maisy moo. She's been hit with a really bad virus which gives her an awful cough and high temps all the time. We've had no sleep for two nights and I've had to take a day off work today cos couldn't send her to nursery like this. With all thus going on I've had no time to worry about this pregnancy so I guess that's something x x
Had a bad headache since last night that I can't shift unless I'm asleep :( would have to happen just after I read someone's first miscarriage sign was a bad headache! :( tryin to up my fluids incase I haven't been drinking enough.
My hearts been playing up too cuz I have an irregular heartbeat so don't know if it's connected will be telling the midwife in Thursday, kind of glad it got delayed because now I'm feeling poorly I can ask her about it.
Oh no linny hope she feels better soon! Xx
Aww hormonal headaches are massively common saraaa, try not to worry. I get them sometimes and my friend when she was pregnant had them all the time! Never heard it as miscarriage risk :hugs:

Maisy a little better today, though her voice is all croaky haha!! Still not really sleeping but hoping that will get better once she's 100% x
Hi every one :)
Linny I hope your daughters better soon we are all full of cold in our house so it's not very nice at the min, thankfully though Alisha's still sleeping so I feel for u not getting much sleep :(

Saraaa I hope ur feeling better soon Hun, I get headaches now and again I didn't know it was a miscarriage risk? Maybe it was coincidence for that particular person?

Jamie I hope u are now relaxing after ur busy weekend! Take care of yourself and sorry to hear about the sickness :(

Soo what's new with me lol... I have now been prescribed anti sickness tablets since Friday I had to leave work and go to the doctors I think I nearly had a break down from feeling so ill. They are working (yey) so most of the day I now just feel slightly nauseous which is great!
As I said we are all full of cold in our house so it is very Germy lol
And I had my booking in appointment today it was pretty boring, paper work and family history etc and have been referred to a consultant
Other than that nothing interesting going on really looking forward to 2 days off work now :) and Alisha is sleeping at nanas tonight so sleep in for me yeyy Xxx
Caved in and took a paracetamol it helped after a couple hours :) yeah maybe my miscarriage symptom was an excruciating back ache so when I get a twinge that scares me!
Sorry everyone's been feeling poorly!! I've been sneezing for the last week or so so I hope I'm not getting anything lol!
My booking in is this Thursday again lol :) xx
hopefully we all only have about 3 more weeks of feeling nauseated!!! (this is what i keep telling myself anyway.) Seems like cold and flu season is in full swing everywhere. DH finally got the cold i had a couple weeks ago so he's now going to bed very early with me.

So yesterday the construction crew cut a gas line in front of our building and we had to evacuate. The gas smell was overwhelming and we had to wait about 10 minutes before they finally let us go home. I was so worried, breathing in gas for 10 minutes and my face felt hot. I did some research online and it said if you breathe in gas it doesn't harm the fetus until you pass out or something from breathing in too much. It still smells like gas today though and it's awful.
Soooo glad my sickness passed about 7/8 weeks I don't do sick!! Lol. Old man rat died this afternoon! :( I thought he was dead when I got up this morning he was cold didn't move when I touched him and wasn't breathing, got oh to get him out of the cage and he came back to life lol! Did it another couple of times through the day til he gave in around lunchtime, it's always easier to accept it when they die on their own, I hate going to the vets I always bawl lol.
Booking in AGAIN tomoz lol :) excited to get the ball rolling!! Xx
Sorry to hear about your rat Saraaa :( and best of luck tomorrow for ur booking in appt, my arm was dead from them taking blood all night last night! Lol thankfully was ok this morning
Lucky u on the no sickness! I haven't had much for a couple of days now because of the tablets but I'm scared now that something wrong:/ lol daft I know because it will just be the tablets lol scan in the morning fingers crossed this bleed has decreased xxx
Good luck on the scan Lauren, hopefully the bleed will have dissolved itself 😊 yey for anti sickness. Glad they are making u feel better, try not to worry though. Lack of symptoms is just the pills doing their job!!

Good luck with midwife saraaa. Hope it all goes smoothly this time. Also to put ur mind at rest I get a weekly email from baby centre and in that it was saying headaches are massively common in first Tri. Could be hormones or other factors ie stress. Sorry bout your rat!!

I'm full of cold again 😞 Maisy is much better and back to eating and sleeping so that's made a difference to how I'm feeling. Still nauseous on and off but mostly mornings and evenings!!

Three weeks to my scan :yipee:
Just got back from midwife :) took my bloods and while she was changing the bottles she kept pushing the needle down into my arm :( gotta keep my sleeves rolled down at work this afternoon so no one sees the mark haha. Got my pregnancy folder gonna get the freebie pack at asda later as well. I'm shattered today just want to sleep! Fell asleep on the sofa last night about 10 too lol.
Hope the bleed stops soon Lauren!!
Gotta wait for my letter to come through for my scan :( hope it's sooner rather than later! Lol is anyone else having the combined scan? Or just the dating scan? Xx
I haven't decided yet saraaa. I didn't last time but obviously I'm older now so risks are higher. In some ways I'd like to know what I'm facing but in another way I would rather not know. I gotta decide next week x
I'm having the combined one she just said they measure the back of the neck or something through the ultrasound, I'm new to all of this lol.
Just got a letter from the doctors telling me I'm being kicked out because I changed my address last week and apparently I'm out of boundaries even tho it's a 5 minute drive... So will this affect my midwife? Scan dates? Midwife said I've gotta see a consultant too because I've got an irregular heartbeat n they want to see if it'll be put under strain from the pregnancy. Eurgh so much for try not to stress about anything!! :mad:
I'm not really sure hun. Every area is different. I would contact your nearest GP surgery and explain the situation. They will be able to advice what ur next step is. Joining a new surgery is usually pretty easy but with you being pregnant you wanna get the ball rolling ASAP.

The nuchal test is three things. The measurement of fluid at back of babies neck at ur scan, a blood test and ur age. They combine the three and u get a ratio number of risk. The problem I have with it is if it comes back high risk would I want to have the next bit of testing as there is a miscarriage risk. So much to think about x

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