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Eurgh what a crap day, had to take both the dogs for their boosters which was so much effort cuz they both get worked up and think I've pulled something in my stomach, work was rubbish, and now I've walked home one of my old rats is in a bad way so he's gonna need to be put down :( just bawled at the thought of it! Had to txt oh and tell him he's gonna need to do it this weekend :( I'm hoping he dies on his own accord before then so he doesn't have to go... Think my hormones are making it 100 times worse! :( xx
I always say no more pets... But I always ignore myself! I was expecting old man to die a few months ago because he was poorly but he's held on happily for the last 6 month lol I got 2 more rats to keep my other young one company cuz I wouldn't want to leave one on its own. So my house is a zoo with 2 dogs, 4 rats and a kitten lol who was ferrel when we rescued him at 3 weeks :)
Gotta wait til 9 for dinner tonight cuz oh is working lates all week :( xx
Oh poor girls it sounds like you've both had rough days 😞😞

Jamie hope u get a better nights sleep tonight. I'm struggling to eat in the evening so I know what u mean about feeling that awful hungar. I get it most mornings!!

Saraaa aww your poor rat! It's always sad when ur pet is poorly but add pregnancy hormones into the mix and it's much much worse! How do u cope with so many pets haha! Do u think u will keep adding? X
Haha my dogs are brother and sister too so I had 2 puppies at the same time lol! I had the 2 rats first them got 2 more then when 2 died I got 2 more lol. My dogs are my friends dogs puppies :) her 5yo let her dogs In together when the girl was in season lol! I only bought Kai from her and she kept Nala but couldn't cope with 3 dogs so asked if I'd have her so I'm a softie and I did! The kitten came out of nowhere someone found 5 kittens being chased around his garden by his dogs so he rescued them and I couldn't say no lol. No more pets lol ill always have a dog cuz I don't think it's a home without a dog to come home to. I get it from my nan she always used to have loads of pets when people didn't want them anymore she would take them in lol xx
Haha oh my gosh! i love pets. I grew up on a farm so we had all kinds of animals. Right now we only have 1 dog and he's enough for me. I love him but he can be a handful. He's an 80 pound Labrador and still acts like he's a 20 pound puppy. DH would get another dog in a heartbeat if I'd let him.

For some reason i only actually throw up at night right before bed. I had a cold a couple weeks ago and even though i feel fine now, i still have a runny nose in the morning and a cough throughout the day. When i get to coughing at night though is when i get REALLY queasy and then i end up getting sick. DH said being nauseous at night means it's a girl and morning sickness in the morning means it's a boy. Not sure where he got that from! haha.

Is it just me or am i the only one who feels like these weeks are DRAGGING.. 3 weeks from tomorrow is my next appointment and i feel like it's an eternity away. Probably because after that appointment is when i plan on telling everyone but still! can't it just be here already!!
Yup weeks are dragging. No scan date yet but go back to midwife in just over two weeks for bloods. Hopefully I get the scan through soon. I want to see my bean now!! I'm getting very impatient!!

I love dogs too. We don't have one though, we both out of the house from 7.30-5.30 on work days so couldn't leave it on its own all day. See how I go with bub 2 and would like an older rescue dog when both kids are a little bigger 😊

Just got Maisy into a school nursery to start jan/feb. I'm excited to take her out if private nursery cos it cost a lot and the days are too long. Shorter school days will defo do her good! Will have to get her a little uniform and everything x
Lauren did u say ur next scan is tomorrow? If so good luck x x
Hi all sorry to hear every ones feeling terrible I'm the same :( getting fed up now of feeling so ill! Yes scan is today at 2.15 don't know why but I'm really nervous even though I do think everything's ok I'm not as nervous as last weeks scan lol although I need to ask it a new pic as Alisha had taken to taking our last one everywhere with her as has lost it lol! Thankfully I took a pic so we can still look at it I'll be buying another pic at the 12 week scan just for her, she's coming with us his afternoon to the scan and is so excited bless her she didn't want to go to school!
Aw Linny they look lovely in there little uniforms (that are usually too big) lol and Alisha loves the fact that she comes home on an afternoon at the min she likes going for the 3 hours but she's so tired when she comes home

This is Alisha on her first day at school xx


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aww Lauren good luck on your scan today! Alisha is so stinkin cute! She looks so excited for her first day :) I totally agree with you, feeling sick all the time is starting to wear me down too :(
Aww what a little cutie!

Hope all goes well with scan, post a beanie pic 😊 x
Hi :) well I've been for my scan, baby is fine but they've seen a large bleed outside my uterus so back again for another scan next week, not really sure what to make
Of this bleed they've told me not to worry and it should resolve itself
Here's a pic :) they keep posting sideways not sure why lol xx


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Awww so teeny 😊

I had something similar with Maisy at my 8 wk scan. Had spotted off and on so EPU scanned me and had an area of a bleed next to baby like urs. They said it would just resolve itself and to keep off my feet etc. I had a bit more bleeding about 14 wks but nothing after. Midwife gave me leaflets n stuff and said it was quite common etc. good that your getting scanned again 😊

Try to rest now. Stay off your feet if poss x
Yeah thankfully we r pretty quiet at work this time of year so I will do doing my clients then sitting down, epu said not to worry about it but they need to keep an eye on it, they said that's probably why I started bleeding last week

Haha I know it's so little but it's tripled in size since last week so we r happy about that at the scan las week the fetal pole was only measuring 5+6 and should of been 6+6 and it measured 7+5 today so caught right up :)

The untrasould techs will be sick of me I've been for a scan every week or the last 3 weeks lol I'm glad that they aren't just fobbing it off though :)

How's everyone feeling now? Any better any one? Xx
Glad your scan went alright! She looks so cute in her uniform! :):) I've got my midwifes appointment tomorrow at 11:30 :) had a pain in my abdomen since yesterday :( think the dogs pulled me funny, it's like a pulse of pain every so often :/ mainly when I'm up and about, can't really describe it like a crampy pulling stretching that only lasts a second or so, will mention it to midwife tomorrow.
aww glad everything went well at your scan! I'm jealous of the scan every week! Try to get as much rest as you can now (which at times can seem impossible)

my appetite is returning finally but i'm so nervous to eat an actual meal. Every time i get excited and eat a bunch is when I end up REALLY getting sick.
Saraaa there are so many funny twinges and pain and mostly it will be ligaments stretching to accommodate growing baby. Mention to midwife but I'm sure it's very normal. Good luck with appt, it's a lot of paperwork and family history but you will get your folder 😊

Yey on baby catching up Lauren! Just enjoy the scans it's fab there looking after you so well.

Jamie I haven't eaten an evening meal for a while. Like u I'm scared to. I gorge all day and then after 3/4pm I feel sick so struggle to eat!!

I want my scan date now!! Getting major impatient 😞 x
Lol I know it's amazing seeing the progress week to week aswell and thankfully my hospital is only 15 mins drive away so not too far to travel

Linny you scan will come soon enough have u had your booking in appt yet?

Hope all goes well with your appt saraaa hopefully u will get a scan date soon :)

Still feeling terrible but forcing myself to eat cos otherwise it's worse :( xx
:yipee: :yipee: I love the postie today! Got my scan through.....5 th december!! Four weeks I hope fly by 😊 x

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