Looking for people TTC after miscarriage

I replied but the update ate it... Glad you are taking the extra time you need MrsFruitie. I think the hormones have a huge impact and will definitely be affecting your mood. I don't think our husband's fully get it. Mine was really supportive in the begging but now just wants to move on and not talk about it, I'm still having tearful moments and it kind of annoys him I think, I don't know. Our marriage is going through a bit of a rough patch. We haven't had sex in ages and I still don't want to so that's causing some friction. It all just feels hard at the moment
Chicky my husband is the same. They don’t understand the bond, the toll on our bodies, the hormones, the prospect of having to go through it all again, etc. and then us not moving on means they can’t just pick up and move on and so it’s frustrating. Fighting after a miscarriage is so common :hugs:. We still haven’t had sex since we last conceived, but that’s not entirely unusual for me.

MrsF so glad you can take the time you need <3:hugs:

Hcg down to 13 today for me. Anxious at the prospect of a new cycle starting again. The only thing that’s helping me prepare mentally is that some Love You Like I’m Gonna Lose You bc that’s what I’ve done and what I’ll have to do again for the majority of my journey.
I couldn’t sleep last night and ended up reading round on forums. A lot of ladies got pregnant immediately after miscarriage and went in to have very healthy babies. I don’t think I’ll be 100% careful until first period, just in case I’m lucky and catch on.

I cried a lot yesterday. My husband keeps asking what’s triggering it but he doesn’t understand nothing is at all. I just overcome with emotion all of a sudden and bawl
Lesonde men seem like a totally different species sometimes. We had a big talk last night and are getting there. Think some things we will never fully agree on, we just look at things so differently.

Do you need to keep getting blood tests till it drops down. Might get nine dine today. I've been too busy to get into town till today.

MrsFruitie you do what you feel is right, my Dr said wait one cycle but the gyn at the hospital said that's only for dating purposes. I have chosen to wait. Not quite ready to jump back in yet

You will see in the previous posts that all of our husbands don't seem to understand, it's frustrating. I think they Want to 'fix' things and there's no real fixing this.

AFM started spotting yesterday. Just slightly tinged ewcm. Still there this morning but hasn't picked up at all so not sure what that is all about. Will just have to wait and see.
My RE actually didn’t give me a next step in her vm, so I guess I’ll call tomorrow am and see what my next step is. I haven’t asked about the possibility of endo affecting my egg quality. I’m almost too nervous to ask.

MrsF it’s totally up to you. I’ve seen it all sorts of ways and you never know what your story will be. I really wanted to try again right away this time but my RE is really conservative and there is a statistically higher chance of miscarrying again right after bc your lining needs a chance to rebuild so she said to wait and I feel like it would be a violation of our trust if I didn’t. The first time my ob also said to wait until the next cycle and I wasn’t sure that I wanted to but in the end I needed the break to just sort through my own emotions.

Chicky - Talking it out does help. I did talk to mine about how I was upset that he didn’t ask about the appointment. He said he just forgot, and I said I wish I could just forget, and he hugged me and apologized and we’re ok. It really is about accepting that you can be supportive of the other person without feeling the same way. Not an easy task, but definitely possible. Hope it becomes clear what the spotting is soon.

I’m getting a bit nervous about AF possibly arriving this week. I was really hoping we’d have the genetic results by then. I’m still on the fence about trying right away or doing a 3 month egg health boost and maybe seeing if my RE will do a lap and check for endo. I’m leaning towards trying Oct and Nov and then going that route but idk...the risk of going back through this again is daunting. I’m hoping the genetic results will help me decide. Fx the results get here before my next fertile window.
Totally get where you are all coming from regarding not being ready to move on and partners 'not quite' getting it. Mine was super supportive when it was all happening but I don't think he realises that I am still going through it emotionally. I am quite good at putting on a brave face but I got upset at the weekend when we were with friends and something that was said was a bit of a trigger. We were joking around about our relationships and my friend said I'm 'needy'. Usually I wouldn't take something like that to heart but it just really got to me and before I knew it I was crying (talk about needy!) haha.

Anyway... it's cycle day 14 of my first proper cycle post termination. We have BD on day 10 and 13 but no positive opk yet (said I wouldn't track it but just so want to be pregnant again!). I would like to try and get another one in tomorrow but not sure if I will get my own way. He doesn't have the biggest mojo at the best of times and he's got a bit of a cold at the moment lol.

Just dreading the next period because I feel like it's going to be a monthly reminder of what I lost and what I want back so badly :( but I will keep you lovely ladies up to date.

Hope you all have a manageable week finding moments of peace and happiness wherever you can
My O was a few days later than usual my first post mmc cycle last time. That can be perfectly normal.

AF and BFNs if they happen will be harder but we are here for you :hugs:. No matter how hard it got, I just kept reminding myself that it was the only path forward to a baby in my arms one day <3
Hello ladies. I have mixed emotions about my period, will be a bit of a full stop after our loss so to speak so I think it will help with moving on... Once we start trying though I'm sure it will become more painful each month as you have said ladystardust.

Just had a phone call and hcg is at 4. Guess my cycle will return soon. More spotting yesterday but none today so far. Feeling crampy and heavy though so maybe my period will come on soon.

Now that we are getting closer to having ladies trying/testing does anyone have any rules on how to handle bfp announcements? I'm sure we all want to see an announcement when it happens to each other but any thoughts on how to handle this with respect for one and other?

Hope you get your results soon lesonde and I hope they bring some clarity on what step you want to take next.

My husband wants to NTNP, we will see how that goes. I'm probably to anal to be that relaxed! There is some appeal in going that route but I don't want to miss any opportunities... Don't need to decide now anyway. Xx
Hello ladies. I have mixed emotions about my period, will be a bit of a full stop after our loss so to speak so I think it will help with moving on... Once we start trying though I'm sure it will become more painful each month as you have said ladystardust.

Just had a phone call and hcg is at 4. Guess my cycle will return soon. More spotting yesterday but none today so far. Feeling crampy and heavy though so maybe my period will come on soon.

Now that we are getting closer to having ladies trying/testing does anyone have any rules on how to handle bfp announcements? I'm sure we all want to see an announcement when it happens to each other but any thoughts on how to handle this with respect for one and other?

Hope you get your results soon lesonde and I hope they bring some clarity on what step you want to take next.

My husband wants to NTNP, we will see how that goes. I'm probably to anal to be that relaxed! There is some appeal in going that route but I don't want to miss any opportunities... Don't need to decide now anyway. Xx

Morning Chickybaby. I definitely got a small amount of closure from the arrival of my period. Like you said - it felt like a 'full stop' on the whole experience. As we found out we were pregnant in June and had the TFMR in August, it kind of feels like the whole summer revolved around it and with the weather changing now it feels like everything and everyone is moving on. Does that make any sense at all?

Personally, I would love to hear about BFPs from the rest of the group. I feel like we are all in this together now and a success for one of you ladies will make me really happy and hopeful for myself too. With that said, I TOTALLY understand if anybody else would rather keep that news separate from this group. I am happy to go with the majority on this one! :)
I say let us know. It is different seeing a BFP for someone you know has been through this. From my experience, it’s good to let us know here, but maybe post any photos elsewhere? Then anyone who wants to go see the lines and first ultrasound etc if you post can go join you there and the rest can choose to minimize exposure if that’s what’s right for them.
I am also happy to hear if any of you lovely ladies get BFPs, as it will bring me hope and I will be exceptionally happy for you after what we have all been through ❤️
Sounds like a good plan lesondemavie!
I'm with you MrsFruitie, you ladies have been with me since it happened and are the only people I actually speak to who 'get it'. So I'm going to be over the moon for all of us whenever it happens.
Hope everybody is feeling ok today <3
I’m feeling pretty alone today. I had a mini meltdown yesterday bc I couldn’t find my matcha whisk. It’s not about the matcha. It’s just this morning ritual that I started after my D&C recovery. I wake up do 30 minutes of yoga (I finished day 9 of a 30 day yoga challenge today) and then have a low caffeine matcha with ripple milk. It’s small and silly, but it brings me comfort and helps me feel like I’m taking care of myself. Well DH snapped at me when I ran upstairs and asked him where it was (it was probably in an accusatory tone bc he often scurries my things away). I cried after we found it, and then he softened and asked me what’s wrong (seriously dude? such different places right?). I think I just try to be so strong all of the time that he sometimes forgets that I’m still breaking on the inside. I told him that I didn’t feel like sharing bc he’s in a different place than me which is ok but it means he’s not the right person to be there for me right now. It just doesn’t feel good to share this with him right now bc he expresses more concern than empathy and that just makes me feel worse, more broken, less than. He accepted that, held my hand while I finished crying, and then we got on with our day. I’m seeing my best friends today and that helps. One had a stillborn at 32 weeks so she gets it more than you’d ever want anyone to get it. I think seeing her will make me feel less alone BUT I also don’t want to be that friend that always ruins a good time with dead baby talk soooo...I guess we’ll see <3
Hello all,

I am ok today, too much work to get done this week in the office so my mind is keeping busy. But i am dreading this weekend though. Meeting some friends for the whole weekend, the gang keeps making jokes all the time about who is going to be next parents in the group, i just wish no one makes a comment that makes me break down again! Making me think if i need to tell them about the miscarriage to avoid those jokes, but i don't want to share this tragedy with everyone, so i'm not sure :(

I would love to hear BFPs in this group and healthy pregnancy news, would give me a lot of hope and genuinely bring me happiness as i know what you/we are going through.

Glad we are all on the same page about announcements. Great idea lesonde about posting pictures/details somewhere else and having it be our choice to see that or not. As we all know some days are harder than others so there may be days where seeing those things will hurt more than others.

Lesonde I'm sorry you are feeling alone, can totally relate to your comment on your hubby asking what was wrong, sheesh mines done the same. My other favourite comment was when I was opening up about not wanting to try this cycle to ensure that if this happens again I feel like I have done what I could to prevent it, maybe I will feel less at fault that way... He commented on my nostrils being uneven... Thanks. They're soo different to us and so removed from the whole thing.

Even on here you come across as an incredibly strong woman, being a rock however is soo exhausting, sometimes something has got to give and it all has to come out. I hope some time with friends helps xx

Happyway glad you are doing OK, keeping busy can definitely help. Hope you manage to have fun with your friends. Those comments always hurt, I've been getting a few questions about when we will be trying for number 2/if we will have more kids, once followed by a comment about how its nice for siblings to grow up close in age... That one hurt. It depends who it is but I either just say we'll see/hopefully or tell them straight up. You do what feels right, but hopefully you won't be put in that position.

AFM I've been doing good. Super busy so that helps, I kind of feel guilty about how well I'm doing... Its still only been a month. Seems crazy to be living life normally. No more spotting, will see what happens, it dawned on me that we are already officially in October. That made me nervous and less hopeful of being pregnant by Christmas, my cycles have been long and no AF yet. I may not get many chances before then...
I went for a meal with a friend last night and really struggled. She doesn’t know and I don’t want to tell anyone else what we have been through. She kept asking ‘are you pregnant yet? When are you going to have a baby’ and saying she can’t wait until we do... you don’t realise how insensitive those questions are until you’ve gone through this. I managed to laugh it off and say hopefully soon, but it was sore!
@lesondemavie So sorry to hear of your down day. I can totally relate to small things tipping you over the edge. Sometimes it feels like we're being super strong and coping well on the outside but people don't see the internal struggle. Including our partners sometimes. They are able to move on a bit quicker because they don't carry the baby or have all the hormone changes. Many of my male parent friends have said they didn't feel like they bonded with their child until they were six months old... we bond from the second we see that second line! Keep your head up, you're a good person and good things will come.

@HappyWay Sorry I don't think I've spoken to you yet. The inevitable "when are you having a baby" comments are hurtful and insensitive but please do not feel bullied into sharing your sad news with anybody if you don't want to. It's your business and you decide who you confide in. Sending hugs x

@Chickybaby I'm sorry but that comment about your nostrils made me laugh. Sounds like our partners would get on! Men aye! So pleased to hear that you are feeling on top of your emotions at the moment. Yes Christmas is just around the corner but if it doesn't happen by then, just have faith that it will happen soon and when the time is right. I'm on my first proper cycle since the loss. Day 16 and no sign of O yet so seems my cycles will be a bit messed up and longer too! Time will tell...

@MrsFruitie URGH. I actually felt angry for you reading that. and the worst thing is... I used to make similar comments to friends before this happened to me. You're right, you really do not realise how insensitive those questions are until you've been through this.

Hugs to all! <3
Chicky: Thanks I knew you’d get it. For me, opening myself up to and being vulnerable at times is a part of that strength. I think that in the end I emerge stronger and eventually it’s less likely that something can take me by surprise and send me right back to that dark place. Husbands are so weird sometimes. When mine makes comments like that I just look at him and say that’s not helping right now. I think when it’s too much some just check out? Mine for example was all oh I didn’t get attached I’m fine no big deal and then I talked to him about a plan yesterday (as I expected AF today) and half way through the day I get a message that he’s feeling really anxious and sad...so yea it’s there...it’s just buried deep.

Happy and Fruitie: Yes, people make the worst comments sometimes, and I also made some of those comments before I went through all of this. I try to remember that. They just don’t know any better...they can’t possibly understand, and that’s a wonderful thing for them. Wouldn’t wish this on anyone. It’s not your job to share and educate them...even if you do...they may just get awkward and say more things that sting. You never know. You have to do what feels right for you. I chose not to share and that is still the right thing for me, but I know others who found it very healing.

I really don’t have any advice, but I can say it gets easier. You may come to expect it and have a rehearsed response and that will help. I remember when I had to go to two weddings for DH’s family. It was 7 months after our mmc, just a few weeks after our cp, my first babe’s edd month, and our first time meeting our 2 month old nephew (after my SIL was awful to me during her pregnancy and sent me this long email about how anxious she was about seeing me again...oh let me make you feel more comfortable in the midst of my grief while you blissfully enjoy exactly what I lost ugh, which I ultimately did but still ugh). Anyway, I knew it was going to be tough and I knew questions about when we were going to have kids were going to fly at me from all sides (we married 1 month before his sister and we are older). I decided to look up a bunch of different responses and I chose one that involved humor. When the question landed, I just said, “ummm well I don’t really like sharing my food so idk we’ll see,” and everyone cracked up laughing and then it was easy to switch the conversation to food/baking/cooking or excuse myself to the bathroom. I only ugly cried on the floor of a trailer bathroom once the whole trip (thank god it was a single bathrooom and not a shared one with many stalls!), and that was when I finally worked up the courage to hold my nephew and some clueless server told me how cute MY baby was and asked me how old. Passed that baby right back to my SIL and ran the heck out of there, and I’d do it again. So total success yea?

AFM: AF arrived today just as predicted based on when I thought I O’d. Calling my clinic tomorrow and figuring out where I go from here.
How are all you strong ladies doing?

I’m nearly two weeks post surgery and still bleeding was hoping it would have stopped by my return to work Monday. It’s just dryish old brown blood when I wipe after a wee mainly, but it is a constant reminder... plus very irritating!!
How are all you strong ladies doing?

I’m nearly two weeks post surgery and still bleeding was hoping it would have stopped by my return to work Monday. It’s just dryish old brown blood when I wipe after a wee mainly, but it is a constant reminder... plus very irritating!!

Hi Mrs Fruitie

Been a bit up and down lately. But getting there! Ahh the bleeding is so annoying. I had bleeding for about 10 days and then it stopped and started again a few days later. I had medical termination though so not sure if it's different. As you say - it is a constant reminder :( Hope it finishes soon and you can focus on rebuilding x

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