Looking for some buddies - ttc #1

Bloblo – Enjoy the break from the chart and happy travels :flower:

Amanda – I’m glad your migraine finally cleared up, it sounds like it was so awful.

Happy – how are you going? Still in? I have read that implantation bleeding is a lot more rare than people think (I’ve also read the opposite, so who knows?). There’s nothing wrong with holding out hope, it’s what keeps us going. I think I’m out this cycle unfortunately. My cycles are 33-35 days, O between CD21-23, so lots of waiting around for me :coffee:

Meep – good luck and lots of baby dust. Early luteal is such a magical time because it’s full of possibilities and still too early for crazy lady symptom spotting lol. Here’s hoping hubby’s SA is stronger this time around :dust:

Cheshire – sorry to hear that you think you are out, fingers crossed for next cycle

AFM – DH’s SA came back ok (count: 105m, motility: 70%, morphology: 7%). DH is very relieved. I don’t like the low morphology, but apparently the wonky looking spermies can still fertilise an egg if they can get there. I just hope they don’t get in the way of the ‘normals’. What do you all think? Tested today (12dpo) because af is due, BFN of course, and then I started spotting right after so I think I’m out. I always start spotting 10dpo and af comes 12dpo like clockwork, so when that didn’t happen I really got my hopes up. On the bright side the longer luteal phases is a significant victory for me, hopefully a product of recent lifestyle changes. On a totally unrelated side note, I became an Australian citizen today (born Canadian), so it’s still a happy day. If I ever get pregnant then lucky little bub will be a dual citizen too :thumbup:
Amanda- I used to get migraines all the time... for me, I think they were from stress. I made some life changes and luckily I haven't had one in awhile. I still get them from time to time but when I feel one starting I just stop, take a bath, turn off the lights and give myself a time out.

Meep- Luck and Baby Dust!!

Cheshire- total bummer- I'm sorry

Emily- Fingers crossed no AF!!! Good news about your DH and congratulations on your citizenship! Also no spotting at 10 dpo sounds promising if it's different than usual. I know how you feel thinking you are out tho- at the slightest inclination I tend to think I'm out... seems to make it a little easier when the witch does come!

AFM- Back to work cuz it's Monday! AF is due July 2nd... I am going to test Friday the 30th b/c I am on vacation next week and we have a party Saturday the 1st. I went to the store last week to get a test and they were OUT OF STOCK??? Lol... It would be nice to know but I can relax either way after I test. I wasn't having any symptoms and now my stomach is starting to cramp up and feel strange again. Glad to hear not everyone gets implantation bleeding but I still just have an intuitive feeling that this isn't my month (although I wish SOOOO badly it is my month).
Amanda: Glad that your migraine went away in time for the weekend! Hope you were able to enjoy it.

Meep: Fingers crossed for you!

Emily: Congrats on your citizenship! That's pretty cool your children with have dual citizenship as well.

Happy: Keeping fingers crossed for you still! I get that gut feeling as well so I know how hard it is to fight it. Were you able to find tests somewhere else?

AFM - It was definitely AF that got me so now I'm just riding that out. My partner marked in his calendar the day I want to start trying in July since he misunderstood the June plan.

Emily - Thanks! Congratulations on dual citizenship! That's awesome.

Happy - They are the worst! I think part of the problem is I need new glasses. I have an appointment on Saturday to get my eyes checked. That's crazy they were out of stock!

Cheshire- Good luck! Hoping July is your month.

AFM - I think I am out. Temp is slowly declining and I had some cramps this morning. We'll see when she shows. I had much less stress & symptom spotting this month though so I was pretty proud of myself.
Well girls- guess we get another cycle together!

AFM: I tested this morning, I'm out. Not sure if I have a urinary tract infection or what- no symptoms other than stomach cramps so I will give it till AF starts and then go to the dr if that doesn't fix it. Going to start charting BBT this cycle so I have a better idea when I O.
I was hoping this would be my month! I made an appointment with my new primary today. For the past few months right before my period starts, I've been getting this burning sensation when I pee. Almost like a UTI without the other symptoms. I don't know what's going on, but I want to make sure whatever it is doesn't cause any problems while TTC. :shrug:
Hi all!

Just checking in on everyone! I had some light brown spotting this morning and I've been cramping (front & backache) since yesterday. I took a test but :bfn:. I'm only 10DPO though, so I will probably test again either tomorrow or the next day. Hoping you ladies are all doing okay!
Oo, good luck Amanda!

What is everyone's thoughts on low overall BBT? My BBT is between 96.8-97.2 before O and in the LP it never gets above 97.9. I was reading more online and some sites indicate your temps should be above 98 in the LP, or you might have low progesterone - any thoughts? My temps are particularly lower than normal this month, hovering around 97.6, which makes me slightly concerned...
Amanda- Sorry you feel that way (like this wasn't your month) Feels pretty crummy. The pee thing is weird so def see good to get that checked out- prob nothing tho. If you're only 10 dpo it could still be a false negative? Still hoping for you

Meep- I haven't started BBT yet so I have NO idea. I need to get a thermometer... some are really cheap and some are very expensive. I think I will look for something mid range? The low temps could just be you fighting off allergies or a summer cold?

I'm just waiting for AF, each time I go to the bathroom a little part of me prepares for AF. Not yet but soon, I tested Wed and got a BFN so I won't bother testing again unless I'm late.
happytobettc - Thanks. I'm cautiously optimistic. I found a BBT thermometer for $9 at Target that I like. The only thing is the memory doesn't read out very long. I like to take mine before I get up to feed my cat, go back to bed and then read it after I actually get up for the day.
Amanda: Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Meep: It's possible you're just a slow riser this cycle, but you're staying above your cover line so that's good.

Happy: fingers crossed! I got my BBT off of Amazon for about $8. I think most people spend between $8 and $15 around here, so no worries about getting a super expensive one.

AFM: Started OPKs today. Supposed to start my fertile week within the next few days but I might not be able to try this cycle. The procedure I had done failed so I have to get it redone tomorrow (Bartholin cyst). My ob-gyn is on vacation so I have to see a doctor I never saw before. I'm really upset over the entire thing but knew this was a possibility. The plan was for us to start trying tomorrow but it's just not going to happen.
Cheshire - Good luck with your procedure today. Let us know how it goes. Sending you lots of well wishes.

AFM: I don't know what to make of my chart. I had a slight temperature dip again today. I tested again today only to get a :bfn:. I'm only 11dpo so that's not surprising. Monday is when AF is supposed to show her ugly head.
Thanks Cheshire and Happy. I guess it might also have to do with sleeping with the covers off an windows open now that it's summer, sometimes I wake up freezing, sometimes hot.

We got DH's 2nd SA back today and unfortunately his motility was even lower this time, 20%. So, my gyn is referring us to a fertility clinic for IUI or IVF. I'm hoping IUI since it's a lot more affordable. They're supposed to be contacting me after the holiday to set up a consultation - I guess I'm glad we're just moving ahead, my 37th bday is in a few weeks! :sad2:
Amanda: Thank you so much! I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Meep: Sorry to hear that the analysis was worse than you thought. Sounds like you have a plan going forward. Really hoping the IUI works for you!

AFM: Yeap, out for July. I was told to abstain for the next two weeks and with my fertile window starting tomorrow there's just no way. I'm really upset about it but I really don't want to go through all this again so I'm willing to do what it takes. Also debating if I'm going to bother to temp this month. I'm on antibiotics for the next week and I'm not sure if that'll mess with my temps.

:dust: to all! I'm going to be keeping an eye on threads to see how everyone is doing throughout July.
Meep - Hoping you can do the IUI! Keep us posted. Good luck.

Ducky - That really stinks! Keeping my fingers crossed that August is your month!

AFM - Temp dropped again today. More brown spotting & some cramping. I'm already disappointed because I'm fairly certain she is on her way. Had a good cry in the shower. I even bought some of the FRER to use on Monday since I have been seeing :bfn: with the cheapies. I was so hopping for some good news for my birthday in a week.
Morning all!

AF got me this morning. July is going to be my month!
Amanda – so sorry to hear about AF, but like the positive attitude! :thumbup:

Ducky – abstaining is so difficult when all you want is a baby, hopefully this month will just fly by fast for you. I took a temping break and it was just very relaxing. Now that Im in 2ww I am regretting it a bit though – I am assuming that AF should arrive end of this week, but I wish I knew for sure.

Meepmeep – sorry to hear about SA, but at least you know now and can start working on a plan! Fingers crossed! Your temps look great by the way!

Happytobettc – did AF show? I hope not...

Emily – congrats on dual citizenship! And hope this cycle is a good one for you!

Any other ladies still here? Update us on how you are doing!

AFM: I had a great time on business trip for 10 days in Denmark. The bad thing was that the airline lost my luggage (with my OPK in it) – so I don’t really know when ovulation was. My cycle is normally 25 days with O on cd14. I did feel some ovulation pains on cd15 though (PLUS that day was my anniversary) – so that’s what I marked on ff as O day. It might be completely wrong though, we will see. I am so happy that DH made the flight out to come see me on our anniversary/o-weekend... we managed to BD 4 days in a row! That has never happened to us in the past, so the zinc and vit C that I was feeding him this month is really making a huge difference! I think I am 8dpo today. Was originally planning to not symptom spot and only test on the tenth (15dpo), but I really doubt that I can make it that far. My “relaxed” part of the cycle is basically over since I arrived back home on Saturday. I dont know how to distract myself more from the tww, any ideas?
Hey ladies, wanted to drop in and say hi! I've been patiently waiting these 21 days on OBC until I have another ultrasound next Tuesday (11th). I haven't been temping since I wake up hot and I'm not sure if the OBC will affect the temps; it's been a nice break. I think my huge cyst might have popped yesterday while at work. I've been terrified of torsion (twisting on itself causing loss of ovary) so I'm hoping it's done with. Hopefully my US will be good and I can start my next cycle of Femara or Clomid.

Where is everyone on their cycle?
Bloblo - If I don't have a positive attitude I might cry. Lol. Ugh! Sorry about your lost luggage, but that's awesome that you got some BDing in when you think you O'd. Keeping my fingers crossed for you! Maybe start a new book or something? I like getting lost in the worlds of books when I need to take my mind of of something.

Desire - Good luck at your appointment on the 11th. Hoping for good news.

AFM - CD2 here. FF is predicting O between CD16 - CD18. This will be a good month for me to just chill. My birthday is Saturday so we're having dinner with friends and family, a baby shower for my cousin's girlfriend on Sunday, we're going out of town the next weekend to see some of my high school friends for dinner. a bridesmaid dress fitting on the 18th and finally the end of the month I have a bridal shower for my cousin! I'll have plenty to keep me busy over the next month and I plan on have some awesomely placed BDing in there! July is going to be my month, ladies!

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