Looking for some buddies - ttc #1

adastra - Congratulations! That's super exciting! Our first BFP! :)

Emily - I feel you! Another "high" on the OPK today. If I don't get peak soon, I am going to call it quits until next month. I'm on CD17. I will test again around 10:00 AM my time (2.5 hours from now) and then try to hold it so I can test again later this afternoon & again this evening. UPDATE: Tested at 10 and it was still that stupid flashing smiley face. I'll test again at 2PM (2.75 hours from now).

Desire2Mom - Welcome! I'm so sorry to hear that you've been trying for so long. Any month could be the one! I have a cousin who has PCOS and her husband also has slow swimmers. They ended up adopting after she had some issues with the hormones they were giving her. Hopefully you don't have that problem as well! Good luck!
Congrats adastra! Pop in time to time to let us know how you're doing. :)

Desire2mom: Welcome! So sorry to hear about your troubles so far. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Emily: Hope you ovulate soon! It can be so frustrating waiting for it to happen.
Sorry I dropped off the BnB planet for a little bit, but I am back and super excited to see a bfp in our midst!

Last cycle was a big ol' nope for me. It was a terribly weird cycle after April's CP so I didn't have my hopes up very high. This cycle my temps are being super weird. I normally have really rocky pre-O temps, but they have been really stable with only minor variations and then I had a huge temp drop this morning at CD13. It was the lowest my temp has ever been while taking my bbt. If my body goes by last month I should be ovulating around cd 16 or 17, but my normal is cd 20 or 21. So, may happen this week or may happen next. I did stop taking my sleeping pill (OTC) because it is an antihistamine and can cause issues with CM. I have noticed a slight increase in CM this month-- hoping it makes the difference and I get my bfp soon. I have been really struggling the last month as I passed the 16th anniversary of my first loss at 22 weeks. It would be nice to have something really positive to focus on. Or at least something new to worry my brain..lol
Still no temp rise today :(
At lease I can look forward to meeting with the fertility doc later today – I will let you all know how that goes.

Question – how did you all link your ff chart to your signature? Can someone teach me please? The more eyes on my chart the better at this point.

Amanda – That’s so frustrating. I gave up on OPKs when I kept getting highs and never the peak, even though bbt was confirming that O did happen. I couldn’t keep justifying the expense. Fingers crossed for your solid smiley so you can get busy.

Nuthatch – So sorry about your loss. Temps can be so weird, I always have to remind myself that there are so many non-hormonal factors that can affect temperature at any given time, and to not let the variations bug me. I can’t say it helps to know, but I keep telling myself anyway. Side note, I notice you have a lot of furbabies – I seem to be accumulating them since ttc, and now have 2 dogs, 1 cat, and 3 ducks. If I don’t get a BFP soon my house will be a zoo!
Question – how did you all link your ff chart to your signature? Can someone teach me please? The more eyes on my chart the better at this point.

In FF, there's a menu option to "share" and select "get code" then you can copy the ,"bbCode Code" into your signature
Emily - Did they ever peak for you? I'm also not having any significant temperature rises either. Let us know how your fertility appointment went!

Day #7 with only "high" on the ClearBlue OPK. I did have a bit of EWCM last night, so we went ahead with the BDing, but no rise in temperature again today. I'm super frustrated this month. I'm only going to test through tomorrow and then I'm calling it for this month. I've gone through almost a whole new box of the CBA OPKs and those are not cheap, I should have gone for the cheaper ones. Maybe I'll walk down to the dollar store tonight after work and pick up some cheaper ones.
Congrats Adastra!

I saw my new gyn this week, really liked her. She felt confident I am Oing and she agreed there was no harm in doing an SA for DH now, so we're awaiting those results. If no BFP in the next 2 cycles, we'll start looking into IUI/IVF.
Congrats Adastra!

I saw my new gyn this week, really liked her. She felt confident I am Oing and she agreed there was no harm in doing an SA for DH now, so we're awaiting those results. If no BFP in the next 2 cycles, we'll start looking into IUI/IVF.

That's good news! At least you have some answers and it's good when you like the doctor that's giving them to you. Lol. Good luck!

Nuthatch: So sorry bout the anniversary of your loss. Sending you lots of baby dust!

Emily: Hope your appointment went well at the doctor!

Amanda: Cheapies are definitely a plus when testing every day. Hope you get your temp rise soon!

Meep: Yay for getting along with new doctor! Getting answers and coming up with a plan sounds like a productive visit.

AFM - Nothing to really report. 6 DPO and nothing exciting going on. My temperature is much more slow rising than usual. Gotta love how much our bodies can change from cycle to cycle.
Hi everyone :) I'm very regular in the TTC #2 looking for buddies section but I'm actually TTC #1! So although everyone in the other group is absolutely WONDERFUL, I was hoping to join another to get some support from those who don't already have children. I dunno sometimes I psych myself out so much with the other ladies because they already know for sure they can have kids and I don't!!

So if you're willing to bear with my crazy I sure would love to join :) This is me and my DH's 2nd cycle TTC, so we're still early but hoping to get a BFP soon :)
Amanda - I'll eventually adopt, but I have this weird issue with feeling like I won't be complete if I don't experience one pregnancy for myself. I'm not giving up yet. As for OPK's, have you tried the cheapo sticks? I loved the smiley face previously, but I like being able to blow through as many OPK's without worry. I've even been using them as HPT until my test date.

Meep: Yay for new docs! I thought I liked my last one, but now that I started seeing my new one, I realize he was poop. How long have you been trying? How was DH lab?

Sander: Hi! I'm pretty new to the group, too. Baby dust to you! :dust:

AFM: Big temp dropped today so AF should be here tonight or tomorrow :witch: School and work is keeping me too busy to dwell on it, but I'll be off for a week to go to New Orleans for the first time and I'm sure I'll dwell in my sorrows then. Plus side, I get to have a few drinks? :wine:
Thanks Desire2Mom, you saved me a lot of searching.

Update from fertility doctor: hormones are ‘borderline’ PCOS. Essentially I have multiple cysts, some symptoms, and some hormonal irregularity, but not enough for a diagnosis. Clear as mud :wacko:, but at least it explains my funky long cycles. Otherwise, blood test from yesterday shows I did ovulate, and today ff detected it, though temps aren’t as high as I’d like. DH had to abstain for a couple of SAs so hopefully we ended up doing the deed on the right days. Looks like we did. Has anyone had their AMH tested? The one that shows how many eggs you’ve got left? We’re still waiting on that result.

Amanda – The OPKs never peaked for me. I asked my fertility doc and she said some women will get ‘high’ through almost their whole cycle (even right at the beginning and end) and never get a peak even if they ovulate. It's especially common in PCOS or ‘borderline PCOS’. She said she no longer trusts anything other than blood tests when it comes to pinpointing ovulation (even bbt charting – my bread and butter!). I did not know how to make a happy response to the prospect of more needles, so I just smiled and nodded. At least it validates any frustration with the OPKs. Fingers crossed that you get your peak or a temp rise and can stop POAS soon.

Welcome Sander, I agree it’s confronting not knowing whether it actually can happen, let alone will happen. It definitely helps to have buddies.
Sander - Welcome to the thread! This is Cycle #2 or for us as well and I get what you mean about the other thread. I was a lurker there for a long time and then I saw this one and thought it would be perfect. Sending baby dust your way!

Desire2Mom - I completely understand. I just ordered some cheapo sticks from Amazon yesterday. They were the iProven brand. I went to my local drug store and they still wanted $25 for 8 cheapo sticks. Thanks, but no thanks. I'm jealous of your trip to New Orleans! I went many, many years ago in college in LOVED it.

Emily - Well, at least you have SOME news even if it's still not clear. And YAY for having the big O. Looks like you timed it right with BDing too, so good luck. I'm sending you lots of baby dust! I'm terrified of the AMH. I'm afraid it will tell me I totally missed my window. DH is also worried about SC, but at only cycle 2 we're way to early to do that sort of testing without having to pay oodles of money for it. Our doctor told us on our first visit that we needed to try for 12 months before we are considered "infertile", so 10 more months to go. I do plan on going back at 6 months and documenting if we still haven't conceived.

AFM - Day #8 with "high" on the OPKs. Last month I had 4 days of high and then peaked on Mother's Day. I ordered some of the iProven ovulation kits on Amazon for super cheap (50 tests and 20 pregnancy tests; 70 total for $20.00). I went to my local dollar store, but all they had were $1 pregnancy tests, no ovulation kits. No temp spike either so far. It actually went down from yesterday. I have 6 of the ClearBlue Advanced tests left from that 20 pack I just bought last week. I'm going to knock down my obsessive testing to twice a day (morning, evening) until the other OPKs get here on Monday. DH and I tried last night but we were both so tired that it didn't happen. This month has been very frustrating for both as he started his final quarter for his Bachelor's Degree so he is very stressed out.
Thanks Amanda, CheshireDucky, and Desire2Mom!

Amanda, I never got a fully positive OPK until I tested twice a day, how long have you been doing that?

Desire2Mom, we've been trying for 4 months, about to start trying for the 5th time, probably next week.

Got the call about DH's lab today, the doctor called him instead of me, early in the AM after I'd left for work, so he can't remember exactly what she said - but something about borderline low motility and they want to re-do the test. So he will abstain through Monday and we'll do another lab. Fun! I'm trying not to worry too much about it, unless we get lucky in the next 2 cycles we'll be moving on to a fertility center anyway.
Meep - I startered testing twice a day when I saw high on the monitor. Good luck with the retest. Hoping for good news!

AFM - I finally got peak this morning. I had been so worried that only after I let the stress go I peaked.

Hope you ladies all have a wonderful weekend.
Emily, PCOS is such a wide variety of types but I've never heard of someone being borderline and I'm not sure how that would be; it sounds like you have plenty of symptoms. But that's just my opinion after wasting a few thousand dollars on labs and ultrasounds with a doctor that didn't believe I had PCOS. I haven't had an AMH test, but I am very curious about it.

Amanda, I've never been but I'm there for a work convention so it's not all fun. I checked the weather and it's supposed to be in the high 80's and thunder storms.... not cool NOLA, not cool. I'm dragging hubby with me though so we can spend the afternoons and evenings together. Still trying to figure out where to go and what to do in the downtown/convention center area.

AFM, AF is here for a visit, guess it's time to pop open a bottle of :wine: and call the doctor in the morning. Not sure if I'm sticking with Femara for another month, switching to Clomid, or adding injectables. Wish I could do an IUI again this cycle, but we're just timing :sex: this time.
Sander: Welcome! It's really great to have buddies on this journey.

Emily: It's good that the blood test confirmed your ovulation. My temps aren't as high as usual this cycle, either. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Amanda: So glad to hear you got your peak! Stress can really mess with the body so glad you were able to let it go.

Meep: Keeping fingers crossed for you.

Desire: So sorry to hear about AF. Hope you're enjoying your drinks.

AFM: Got my thyroid tested yesterday and my TSH is 1.4, my endo wanted me below 2.5 for conceiving. I see him on Friday so we can come up with a plan moving forward to keep my levels steady. I was so nervous about the test results but so glad to hear they're down!
Hoping we can get a good group of ladies together to share updates regularly and support each other on this journey. I would like to bring some positive energy and baby dust for us all.


I will add your name and next testing date below and keep it updated as much as possible (Read next post for a bit of my journey).

Melissandei : 15 June
Desire2Mom: 17 June
CheshireDucky: 23 June
EmilyIGF: 27 June
Bloblo: 10 July
Adastra :bfp:

Hi I would love to join this group. My name is Laura I have been with my SO a little over a year and I think he's going to propose this summer :happydance: Neither of us have kids but we want one together. He is 31 and I am 32. We have been not trying but not preventing since December but I still get my hopes up each month. I have a short cycle 26-28 days; I have a hard time knowing when I ovulate... my window should be basically last week and ending now. It felt like I ovulated around last Wednesday and my cervical position would have supported that. Usually my breasts are very sore and they haven't been at all the last couple of days but I am very wary because I am a symptom seeker myself... I don't want to get my hopes up and it's especially hard since I have had an upset stomach the past 2 days. I could use a cycle buddy, or 5! Well- that's my story :coffee:
Desire - I think you'll love it and will have a great time. Is the convention SHRM by any chance?

Cheshire - Me too. It wasn't worth it to keep carrying that stress around.

Happy - WELCOME! Good luck! Hopefully he proposes this summer! I'm also a symptom seeker so I totally understand. I was calling it "wishful symptoms" but I like symptom seeker better. Lol.

AFM - I'm officially in my TWW, testing on 6/30. My cheapie OPKs and PTs should be here sometime today.

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