looking for ttc buddy?

naderz...still no af! now 15 days late...im having a few symptoms, heavy feeling in my belly, quite a bit of heartburn, twingy cramps on and off and slighty sore and itchy bbs. will be going to the dr next week to see if he'll give me a blood test. fingers crossed! xxxxx

hope all you girls are ok and good luck with ur cycles! xxxx
itchy boobs lol i had REALLLLYYYYY itchy boobs wen first preg with noah. i couldnt stop scratching them lol was so funny. i hope its a bfp for you hun.xxx

im going through a very broody stage at the moment.

claire we are all here for you. pm me anytime for a wee chat or anything. :hugs:

melissa wat about the surrogusy? (sorry i dont know how to spell it)
sinead-we prayed a lot about it. i asked the Lord to give my DH the answer and lead him into what we should do about it. just this last weekend he told me he didnt think that was the direction the Lord was leading us. so i guess its not what is in store for our future. i havent told her yet, but will this week. she was having a bad couple of days so didnt want to add that on her troubles.

are you guys full on ttc now broody miss lol?
thanks would love a bfp especiall as af is so late, but start to feel not so positive anymore i know there are some women that ridiculously late bfps but im really doubting im one of them..
melissa it would be as extremely hard thing to do, how would you keep yourself from bonding with the baby and handing the baby over when he/she was born. i think you hav def made the right decision.xx

no we arent as much as i would love too OH wants to wait untill Noah is at leased 1. although i might mensions the 'no protection' and leave it in the hands of god to decide wen another baby is right for us. il see what he makes of that. financially it may not be a good idea though and i know both our families would think we are crazy. also i would love to be married first but it isnt essential that we are.

i do think it would be hard too. it would be a little easier in my head knowing that it wasnt my egg. i would just be like an incubator lol! i honestly think it would be harder on my DH and kids than me. i know that sounds crazy. my DH is so sensitive though and he gets very protective of me when im preggo. also he loves to cuddle and kiss my belly when i am, he talks to it and goo goo's at it. i think it would be awkward for us to not bond with the baby while pregnant.

i hope your DH changes his mind soon. i absolutely love how close my boys are:cloud9:
how old was jaxon wen u got preg with nathon and how old was alyana wen you got preg with felicia? xxxx

im so scared of future births with having such a traumatic labour with noah. xx
blessedmomma- have scheduled drs appointment for wednesday so im gonna just wait and see what happens..think im 16 days late for af and have been gettin really bad heartburn, but i know heartburn dosent really happen untill later months..hope you girlies are ok xxx
neenaw i think my heartburn began the second my egg fertilised lol i had it non stop for 9months i hope its good news for u. are you still doing tests??? xxxx
how old was jaxon wen u got preg with nathon and how old was alyana wen you got preg with felicia? xxxx

im so scared of future births with having such a traumatic labour with noah. xx

alyana was 9-10 mos old when i got pregnant with felicia so they are 19 mos apart. and jaxon was 5-6 mos old when i got pregnant with nathon so they are 14 months apart. i remember my girls being so close when they were little. they played with the same toys and watched the same shows. since there is 2 1/2 yrs between peyton and jax i feel like they kinda missed out on that. they do play with some toys together but there is still some things that peyton is big enough to play with that jax cant. like boardgames, puzzles, things like that where jax could potentially choke and stuff. also, peyton watches some kid shows that jax doesnt understand, and the shows jax wants to watch are still the little kid shows like sesame street and barney. peyton used to watch them but doesnt like them anymore. they still have some things they watch together though. and they play together good but i think thats more cuz jax is huge for his age and peyton is small for his age. so they weigh the same and peyton is only slightly taller.

it sounds silly im sure. and they are still close, but my girls did everything together. even potty training, napping, everything. and still do. peyton is potty training but jax is still too young, and jax takes a nap but peyton is up all day. i know most of that doesnt matter, but its just little differences i notice. jax and nathon wiill probably grow close when nathon gets a little bigger.

try to not worry about the next labor. i havent had a tear like you so i cant compare. but i have had some horrible labors. i had stitches with two of them, only like 8 i think though. but i had a really hard time with my 1st and 4th. my 1st i bled really bad and even passed out after she was born. my 4th was caught sideways in the birth canal. they can come out heads up or heads down, but he was facing sideways. it was so painful and there is nothing they can do, baby has to turn on their own. of course my 2nd and 3rd were very easy and uncomplicated. and my 5th was the easiest. it was so smooth i seriously told my DH i could do that ten more times, lol! i wouldnt even compare though, they are all so different and unique. thats easy to say after having 5 experiences with labor though. and you only have 1 to go on so i understand.
Naderz, haven't tested again, but am at my 'ovulation date' now and have had some ewcm so I doubt I'm pregnant very much maybe the spotting I had was just af acting up..have no idea what to think any more ? Is it possible to have the ewcm around the time u would ovulate if not pregnant!? If that question made any sense lol feel like I'm going mad here! Xxx
aww melissa your family sounds so sweet. its so nice how they play together and do things together thats really lovely. close age gaps sound nice.

i keep telling myself that every labour and pregnancy is different so im not going to try and not touture myself untill its happening. the more you hav the easier it gets ur 6th baby and so on will just slide out melissa :haha:

so it is possible then, am gonna do one more hpt tomorow morning then i shall wait ntill i see my doctor. hoping for a bfp if not then i know af is round the corner and can finally start trying again lol
aww melissa your family sounds so sweet. its so nice how they play together and do things together thats really lovely. close age gaps sound nice.

i keep telling myself that every labour and pregnancy is different so im not going to try and not touture myself untill its happening. the more you hav the easier it gets ur 6th baby and so on will just slide out melissa :haha:


LOL i wish it worked that way! i dont think mine have gotten easier or quicker. in theory i guess it should be that way haha:haha:
quick update, did yet another hpt got bfn..:( will see what the doc has to say ...good luck everyone thankyou for ur support and advice i guess this want my month afterall lol xxxx
aww neenaw im sorry but here is too the nex cycle. thats why we are here to talk about problems issues and give eachother 100% support. let us know wat doctor says xxx

hope everyone is doing good :hugs:
claire and katie F'x for you both so much

melissa i think we are sort of ntnp sometimes we use protection but last night we didnt :blush: roll on a week or two so i can start testing :haha:
ive no idea wen i ovulate though.

love you all :flower:
shey and hayley wer hav you gone???????????????????????????????????????????????

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