looking for ttc buddy?

katie!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats so awesome hun!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:

almost that same exact thing happened with me. before i had any kids we were ttc for a long time. i got real sad and upset but was in college and focused on that instead. a few months later i realized i had missed my period and tested pos. im not sure why it happens like that. im so happy for you though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do you have an appt set up yet?
ive not done anything yet lol and i cant now cuz its the weekend ill have to wait til monday im still in shock.. ladies i couldnt sleep last night i dunno why but i felt so sicky... first time ive noticed since ive found out..

thanks melissa im so excited i cant believe it just happened its self i thought me and oh would need help some day in the future. any tips to stop the quesyness?
Girls sorry i havent been on in a while. the midwife told me to see my gp on wed morning and i did and he sent me to the epc to get checked out. turns out i had hypermenisis and had keytones and everything possible in my urine so they admitted me to hospital wed night and thursdsy night, put me on a dip to get me undehydrated and my urine clear again and get me eating and drinking again.

so i hav a HUGE suprise.......... while they wer doing a scan they noticed IM HAVING TWINS :) wat a mega mega shock. but we are starting to get used to the idea now. its sinking in.

katie so glad to hear from you and that is fantastic news hun...congrats. xxxx :hugs:
omg!!!!! sinead!!! that is a shock! wow your soon gonna be a momma of 3 babies! are you happy? how lovely
i know i cant believe it. the consultant looked a me and said 'i hav a surprise for you' and was smiling... i near rolled off the bed. Gerald near fell over. we are getting excited now that it has sunk in. Im going to hav 3 under two.......omg.

katie im sooooooo happy for you hun its fantastic.

now claire hun this app is going to bring you a sticky bean.. then we all can be bump buddies :) xxxxxxx
im so happy for you!!! :) i hope you have one of each sinead!!! :) how nice would that be. i bet your oh is shocked! lol
Omg Katie that's fantastic news, I hope this means you will be on more xxx
Bloody hell it's a double shock on this thread you get no news the boom then there is loads xx
Sinead I'm over the moon for you, so I take it you wont be going back to work xx
Where's the scan I would love to see it xx
katie- i have heard these motion sickness bands help a lot. i tried them for a couple weeks but the are very annoying to me and i kept having to take them off to do dishes, laundry, cleaning, etc. since i have a ton of dishes and laundry to do every day im not sure if it helped me much. plus when i took it off my wrists felt bruised and sore. but, i have heard they help some women a lot lol! my best friend for morning sicky is a medicine called zofran. i dont know if you have it there, or maybe in a different name, but its safe for baby and works wonders. i hope you dont get it too bad or for too long:hugs:

sinead- im sooooo excited your having twins!!!!!!!!!! :yellow::yellow: thats a double blessing! your gonna be a busy momma for sure, but it will be worth it and fun in many ways. im sorry about the hypermesis. i had it with my third and got dehydrated. it was so horrible. i wouldnt wish that on anyone. did your due date get changed at all?

im so over the moon for you ladies:cloud9:

claire- i hope you get a sticky one this time:hugs: would be lovely for us to all be preggers :cloud9:
thanks so much melissa.. im finding it difficult, im starving one mine so i eat as it makes me feel sick to be hungry.. then after only a few bites i feel so sick so stop..then i feel quesy for about 30 mins then im starving again... :wacko:

but its all worth it i know it will be :happydance: my last af was aug 27th.. so im sure im 7 weeks today.. :shrug:
Im so excited :happydance: hehe but MEGA shocked still.lol

claire i dont hav a scanner but i can lend my mums to get it uploaded sometime. we find out in 2 weeks if they share a placenta at my next scan. i think that will tell us if they are identical. but i do know they are in different sacks.

so how are all you ladies ???? :hugs:

claire i cant wait for your app this thur :) i hope it brings lots of happyness xxxx

i think im going back to work 16hours a week just. but il be off again in march lol. gerald still has not found a proper full time job yet and its really stressing us out.
i hope he finds something so you can relax abit more, i still cant believe it.. twins! david keeps joking that its going to be twins! lol im due 3 weeks before our wedding! which means i hope baby arrives on time and not late or i dunno what we would do lol..
it will be so nice to have a small baby at the wedding though :) my best friend a bridesmaid has asked to look after the bab for the day :) so i said of course as i wont be able to with him/her all the time so its good to know someone will help me :)
katie thats so awesome! im so happy for you. i cant believe baby is due 3 weeks before your wedding too. what a double blessing:flower: so you guys arent changing the wedding date at all then. what is your official due date???

sinead- are they gonna measure the babies at your next scan for a more accurate due date? i know you were worried about that when it took forever for your bfp to come up:hugs:
well im not sure what my due date is tbh... my last af was aug 27ish i think.. but i might of ovulated at a different time, but going by last af i should be due around the 2nd of june, so that makes me 7 ish weeks i think but im sure when they do my bloods they should be able to tell roughly wont they how far i am?
katie- im not sure from bloods. it may be something they do there. here they usually do a scan. june 2 is a great day!!!!!! thats a good time of year to have a baby. one of my dd is may 11 and one of my ds is june 21. he was due june 10, but went way over the little rascal.
how are you feeling today???
i wont get a scan til im 12 weeks but i dunno when that will be lol.. but with my history of mc's i hope they scan me sooner..

im feeling ok i actually got sick today first time.. i seem to feel my worst around lunch time.. i get so nauseous its usually when i have the cramps.. which is normal i hope ladies? these cramps? i get them every day on and off all day..
i hope they get you in soon hun! yes, the cramps are normal. i get them a lot in the beginning. and every so often throughout when things are growing again:hugs:
katie they will prob do a scan to see how big baby is measuring and give you a proper date. hav you made your doc app yet?? xx

melissa wen they scanned me in the epc on wednesday the babies measured 9weeks exactly. but according to my lmp i was 11+6 so they hav put me back 3 weeks which i thought was a lot. i get another scan on oct28th with my ob so we will see wat they measure then. as for a due date i hav no idea wen i would be due somewhere in may im guessing but i know that twins are usually born around 37/38weeks and i was already at higer risk of preterm labour now with twins im a even greater risk. i would say end of april start of may but il ask my ob/consultant for an exact date wen i see him for the scan. xxx

i hope this hyperemesis stays away, wen did yours start melissa, did you hav to go into hospital? and wen did it end?? xxxx
sinead- i hope they give you a better date. i dont remember when my hypermesis started. i usually start getting sick around 5-6 weeks but that was a weird pregnancy. we werent ttc, we were using the pullout method.:blush: and i didnt realize i had missed my period til a few weeks later. im not sure how long it lasted either, that was 4 1/2 years ago lol. i would say the first tri at least. i know it was the worst ms i have ever had though. i was throwing up all day long, whether i ate or not. and my throat would burn all day. it made it hard to drink or eat anything. i ended up getting dehydrated and yes, i went to the hospital. i got on a pill called reglan here and it is a medicine to help heartburn my emptying the stomach out. i had to take a couple a day but it did the trick. there wasnt even stomach acid to throw up. i would still feel sick every now and then but at least could eat some and drink water. they told me that getting dehydrated can make you have contractions and you can miscarry the baby so that was scary. i knew you went early with noah, i was wondering how that would effect a twin pregnancy that usually goes early anyways. at least they already know that about you so they can keep a better eye on you.:hugs:

our 20 wk scan got moved up from oct 31 to oct 27, yay!!!!! i know its only a few days, but im sooooo excited to know which it will be. we get paid the day after, so im sure we will go get the baby some things when we know for sure:happydance:
hey ladies hope ye are all well, melissa thats great its closer! i hope your having a girl so you have 3 of each :) that would be nice im sure your girls would like that xx

sinead thats alot to bring it back by.. :/ im still so shocked its twins! lol

i had my doc appt today she was very nice.. but very busy so felt abit all over the place.. but she got me to take a preg test was positive i was starting to freak out in case the tests were duds lol last min paranoia, but all was fine and they are gonna give me an early scan so hopefully in 2-3 weeks i will get my date in the post :)

i hope i get it soon, my due date is june 2nd :)

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