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LTTTC # 1 w/o Assisted teammates needed!!!!

Isi - sorry the witch got you again :hugs: - i really hate her sometimes..... Im the same as you, dont know when to start (or even if to start) the clomid. Its a big decision but I suppose after trying for so long you'd do anything to see a BFP. It might be best to wait til after your holiday - maybe a break away will do you the world of good and even get you a BFP.... who knows!!! :flower:

As for me Im CD19 - I'm 3DPO going by my usual Ov day of CD16 but my signature thing always tells me Ov day is CD18 so just for safe measure we DTD last night again.... I was having pains and twinges so maybe it is my OV day.

Anyway the 2WW sucks - wish it would hurry up - then i can get my HSG done and then decide whether to go for the clomid or not (which reminds me I must pick up the prescription).

Hows everyone else this am?
Reba & Isi-

Have either one of you tried Soy Isoflavones yet? I actually haven't ever taken them before (don't know why, now come to think of it) but I have read in many places that they are considered "nature's clomid".
Reba & Isi-

Have either one of you tried Soy Isoflavones yet? I actually haven't ever taken them before (don't know why, now come to think of it) but I have read in many places that they are considered "nature's clomid".

Hi Titi - no I havent tried it but was thinking about it. I thought it might be better than Clomid (less side effects etc) - but Im already taking MACA and didnt want to be trying more stuff - and then I thought i dont want to try Soy and it doesnt work and then i try Clomid - seems like alot of things messing with mother nature!!! Im afraid that if I start taking things like clomid or soy then they will seriously mess with my body (i do Ov on my own and have a pretty regular/normal cycle) - if i start messing with it then it might get totally messed up and make a BFP even more of a distant dream! Im a bit of a chicken!!! :wacko:
By the way does anyone know what these Jenny Renny readings are all about? I see alot of people taking about them but no idea where they get them. I;ve never in my life went for a reading or anything like that (again Im a chicken) but would love to know what the Jenny ones are all about.
Reba-I guess I haven't taken it yet for same reasons as you.

Jenny is an online psychic that predicts your conception date and gender. If you want to see how accurate she is the girls have started an accuracy thread. It looks like a bunch of bull to me. I still wanted to do it myself, just for fun but didn't for two reasons. One is I know even though I don't believe it-if she said I was going to get a bfp next month and I didn't I'd be crushed. Also DH is very angry that he feels she is taking advantage of all us poor desperate ttc women and doesn't want to financially support that!
Thanks Titi and Reba :hugs:. Yeah, it was pretty crushing seeing it on the TP this morning.....very in fact. I'm still not quite myself today....more quiet that I'd ordinarily be....but I just have to chin up and move on.

Thanks Titi....but my birthday is on the 26th :D. My Dad called me too early, which is why I got bummed out. First time I'm not looking forward to a birthday. 33 and no :bfp:. Wow.....never would thunk it :shrug:. I pray God has a plan for me this year.....

Thanks Reba....I agree that the break might do me good....but to be honest, I don't know if I'm that patient to wait till July. In fact, I'm still actually toying with the idea of going to see my doctor today!!!!!!!!! I want this baby soooo bad....I can't even think straight right now.....I don't know...

No, I haven't tried the soy, Titi.....not sure if I'll be able to lay my hands on it here. I ovulate on my own, but I take the clomid to ensure I do so from both tubes, being that I have 1 good one.......

Sorry ladies...I'm all over the place today. Maybe I'll feel better later.....
Well....kinda changed my mind about the clomid. I've decided to go see my Doctor tomorrow and take it for the 2nd time. But my husband has forbidden me from doing the HMG injectibles as well (since I reacted so badly to it before).....ah well! I hope the clomid alone works. I actually don't have a problem ovulating....it's just making double sure it's from my good side.

Ah well....such a difficult journey, this one....and I never seem to be able to handle it well when AF shows. Cycle after cycle, I convince myself I'll be fine regardless, and when AF appears, I'm a nervous sobbing wreck :cry:

I'm still toying with the idea of going home early.....but my DH will be really upset with me if I do that.....he really doesn't understand why it gets me the way it does. I wanted to throttle the phone today when he said to me "We don't have a problem, babes. We haven't done 2 years yet". He also screamed blue murder when I mentioned going back to my Dr. after last treatment didn't go well....and wasn't successful either. I'm actually going to go behind his back to do the clomid....hoping that it doesn't affect me the way the injectibles did...... Lord help!

Forgive my selfish rant :cry:
Oh Isi-hun I know you don't feel yourself right not but not so sure it is a good idea to go behind your DH's back on something that truly is equally both your say-I'm just not sure anything good can result from being dishonest........hope you didn't mind me saying that I only hope for what is best for you!!! :hugs:

I'm right with you tho and feeling crap today too. In fact I just went back to bed for hours and only dh got me to come back up. I tested bfn with the brand new SIX day early FRER this morning (the box says ALL the women in the study that were pg got a + by FOUR days before AF)-

I wasn't going to test but my temp went up, like triphasic this morning and it never, ever has gone up at all on 11dpo in all my temping. It has always gone down toward AF so I couldn't help myself. I didn't have any tests here so actually drove out to a store very early. Not even a hint of a second line. Cried my eyes out again and I just feel like how do I keep doing this month after month after month after month-I know how hard it is Isi-

Anyway-I'm pretty good at temping but never knew the things, beside waking up later that could make your temp higher than it should be. And I took right on time. Does anyone know why I might have got a higher reading?

If I remember right things like alcohol, lack of sleep, restlessness, etc. all make your temps lower right?

Ah Isi :hugs: I know its hard - i have one good month one bad month etc but lately its all bad!!! It sucks so much that we have to wait so long. And i understand about going to get the clomid tomorrow - im the same - no patience at all... Did you just take one month of clomid and then stop cos of the bad reaction with the injectibles? Maybe a few months in a row with the clomid will help you.

I just cant wait to get the HSG to see if my tubes have been blocked this whole time or not - if not I'll be happy but also sad that there is no medical reason for not conceiving. If they are I just pray that its not badly blocked and it can be cleared that day!
Reba-I guess I haven't taken it yet for same reasons as you.

Jenny is an online psychic that predicts your conception date and gender. If you want to see how accurate she is the girls have started an accuracy thread. It looks like a bunch of bull to me. I still wanted to do it myself, just for fun but didn't for two reasons. One is I know even though I don't believe it-if she said I was going to get a bfp next month and I didn't I'd be crushed. Also DH is very angry that he feels she is taking advantage of all us poor desperate ttc women and doesn't want to financially support that!

That is pretty bad isnt it - preying on us desperate women and getting our hopes up... Still I would like to see what she says....
Give it a try then Reba-I think it is only 8usd!
Thanks Titi and Reba :hugs:

Titi, I know exactly what you mean....but I don't think my DH really understands. I've tried to explain to him why it was I reacted so badly but all he sees is that I was in pain...and for nothing as well. My Doctor is one of the very best in Lagos and is quite expensive. My DH doesn't understand why I have to pay so much when I didn't get any "results". He's so black & white, my husband. I didn't get pregnant so the Doctor isn't as good as I say he is. I feel so much at ease with my Doctor and really do honestly have some questions to ask....but my DH just doesn't understand.

Reba...good luck if you try the clomid this cycle, hun! I pray the HSG goes well (I'm sure it will). I really can't wait for this ttc ride to be over.

And as for the Jenny readings....a whole load of crap if you ask me!!! I'm also not sure how getting a psychic reading would jive with my religious beliefs, so it's totally out of the question for me.

Gosh, WHAT A DAYYYYYY!!!!!! :cry:

Okay....selfish rant over. No more whinning and crying!! That's enough for this cycle.
Titi hun....can't believe I omitted this in my last rant. So sorry about today's BFN....but don't lose hope yet, okay?! Your temps have been good and you just might still in the running for a BFP! I don't want to give you false hope, but I also don't want you to give up till AF shows, okay Sweetie!!!! :hugs:

AND as if my day wasn't going bad enough, I just found out that my BBT thermometer was not sent to me after all, and is instead still sitting pretty in my friend's Atlanta home. So annoying, it's almost comical :haha:

Will go hunting around this weekend to see if I can find it here.

Yeah Titi - sorry about the BFN as well - i totally missed that post yesterday for some reason. You never know, it might still be too early. :hugs:
Hey girls, sorry I've been AWOL - I caught #1's cold and then she came down with chickenpox (or chicken pops as she calls them) on tuesday morning. Oh, and greetings from CD3! I figured it was going to turn up on wednesday and I was bang-on. I've had to cancel today's acu appointment, but have made one for monday, which will be CD6 and far more useful cycle-wise. Was going to start trying soy isoflavones this cycle - apparently you take them at the beginning of your cycle, depending on when you ovulate, but I didn't research more into it because once the chickenpops turned up there was no way we were going anywhere to buy them. Maybe next cycle. This cycle I@ve decided to drop the B-vits. In 7 months they've not lengthened my LP and I'm startin to wonder if theyr'e preventing me from ovulating early enough.
We should be going on holiday to the Lake District on monday - 5 nights in a youth hostel by one of the lakes, followed by a week with my OH's parents. I say should becasue it relies on #1's spots scabbing over. Thinking of calling them to ask if we could shift the booking start date by a day, just to be on the safe side.

Sorry you're having such a stressful time, Isi. I know it can make everything far worse, and leave you feeling isolated, if you're not getting the understanding you need from your partner.

Titi, last time I came on here I couldn't post a replyfor some reason. My hypermobility is actually very mild - some people are actually disabled by it and find they are in constant pain. Doing the yoga seemed to really sort it out - because it's caused by joints which flex too much, which can lead to muscle and tendon damage (I've twice been on crutches with damaged ligaments), strengthyening the muscles and tendons which hold the joints, and learning how to protect your joints can really alleviate it the kind of hypermobility I have. I didn't mean you could sue yourself silly - I meant you're safe from a dodgy employer. Do you have an ergonomic keyboard and mouse and wrist rests for both? There's all sorts of stuff out there which can ease the strain. Do you have the right type of chair and do you set up your desk properly, so you're in the correct posture when you're working? You can probably find all the info you need on the net - unless you already know all this, in which case I'll shut up!
Re your temps, triphasic charts aren't an indicator of pregnancy and dont' say one way or the other whether you're pregnant or not. As for things which lower or raise your temp, more than a little alcohol will rasie your temps, although a glass or so the previous evenin won't make a noticeable difference I shouldn't think. I'm not sure with stuff like movement whether it raises or lowers temp. Just makes it inaccurate. So you may well still be in! :thumbup: Love your new avatar! Is it from your church wedding a few weeks ago?
Hey Reba, how're you doing?

Abi x
Sorry Isi :hugs: our :bfp: s are on order! :)
Reba- my doc told me to call when I got af to schedule the hsg. Af is expected around the 9th.. Hopefully everything is good news for both of us!
Titi- dont lose that pma hon! I read on ff that not ALL women have the classic temp raise. I guess its different for everyone! By the way I like your new avatar- thats a gorgeous picture.
Ooh-- on the jenny thing.. I think its neat to hope for or look forward to-- but personally I think its all based on probability and statistics, and is definitely a money making gimmic. :nope:

i also popped into the soy thread not too long ago. There were warnings not to take it if your cycles are regular bc it could just throw you out of whack. But I dont know! I wont be trying it.. After my hsg Im going to have the Femara convo with my doc :thumbup: even though I am leery of any of that right now- by next cycle I may be feeling like I will try anything!
Thanks Whit....and good luck this cycle :hugs:. Yeah, I'm also worried about the soy since my cycle is almost like clockwork. But who knows....

Yep, gorgeous avatar Titi. You're a supermodel, you are :winkwink:

DH and I spoke last night. I went to the doctor today and he also agreed I should leave off the injectibles this cycle....but I'm going on another round of clomid (100mg) starting tonight. Wish me luck :D

Have a great weekend ladies!!!

Hi Isi-hope today finds you feeling a little better and hope your chat with DH got somewhere and makes you both feel better.

Thank you about my avatar-nope Abi it is from our 1st wedding-our church thing was just a quick religious thing that we didn't dress up for.

Thanks for the votes of Pma about my temps, bfn, etc. I get in a very strange place at the end of my cycle, where I feel like negative thinking is not going to do any good and/or can actually bring upon negative results, and yet I am afraid of the positive thinking b/c the more optimistic I am, then the worse it hurts when AF comes.

Speaking of which ABI, I am sorry you are onto another cycle-but I do feel you must be getting close. What do you think is the main difference with your body/mind/lifestyle now versus when you conceived #1?

well going to go to lunch with dh now. more later

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