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LTTTC # 1 w/o Assisted teammates needed!!!!

Hi Reba-
Your weekend sounds great! We have a bank holiday weekend here (Memorial Day-for our soldiers). We are still pretty swamped with work but have been invited to 2 parties tomorrow and should be able to make at least one.

This cycle I am on Soy cd2-6-I figure it is natural supplement so should be okay (is that rationalizing?) I think it is making me spot though. Usually I have a light+ to medium AF all done by end of cd4. This cycle I am spotting still with creamy cm which never happens. Anyone know if that is the soy?

There is actually ANOTHER issue going on down there (TMI alert!!!!!)....that is kinda starting to worry me-if anyone knows what it might be? Last week a few days before AF I noticed it was kinda itchy down there. Nothing else out of the normal-just the itchy for a few days. Well DH and I had sex one of those days and it HURT!! The best way to describe it was that I felt really really tight (sorry again) and he felt really big and it actually even did make a little tear (like an episotomy!). After it felt really swollen everywhere and all red :blush:. Since then it's still been a little sore & a little itchy off & on. But no weird cm or smells or anything. I tried "baking soda finger" for the first time last cycle (a LOT I must admit) and I'm wondering if that messed me up. I never have any issues down there so I'm concerned, but really DID not want to go to the Dr.!

Sorry for the super TMI but I'm just wondering if anything like this has ever happened to anyone? Poor vajay. I don't want it to be messed up for BD time.
Hi titi - that sounds like thrush to me (yeast infection) . I got one every month a couple of years back and it was exactly how u described it- itchy but not slot or even any discharge and then painful during sex followed by a tear. A someting totally swollen / it was a nightmare for a while . Have u taken any antibiotics recently? I blame my recurring infections on them. Get sone cream and the oral tablet too and then get some good bacteria tablets from health shop - acidophilus I think they r called. Try that first before going to dr- but if it persists def go see abt it-. It's so annoying a ruined our baby making every month. Rub some cream on DH tinky winky too :)

Okay I better get off the net- it's Friday nite after all :) hope u all have a good wknd!

And titi cant wait to see how the soy goes for you!!! It could be causing the spotting but so could the infection?
Sorry that post is a mess gramatically - I'm on the iPod touch and if I spell a word wrong it replaces it with a dif word - so hope it makes sense - :)
phew thanks Reba! That is really encouraging. The last time I got thrush I was in high school (!) and I seem to remember an awful (TMI***) cottage cheese type thing going on-----so I didn't realize, with no discharge that this could be it too-but glad it's not serious, hopefully as you described it exactly! I haven't been on any antibiotics but I did stick a finger full of baking soda up there 5-6 times last cycle (hey, someone in the SMEP thread did it and got pg!)........I am sure that must have thrown something off.

Have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just popping in to say hi girls! Getting ready to OV soon-I'd say next 3 or 4 days.

We went to a Memorial Day party last night and DH had a little too much to drink. Not bad, but enough to be more chatty than normal. Someone noticed our new car, (the minvan)-which I suppose is an odd choice for childless couple to most people- They unknowingly joked that with just us and all the seating we are going to have to adopt about 5 children right off to fill it. DH said, "we are actually very close to doing just that"-or something like that. Which we haven't even actually discussed and was also met with some strange stares since that kinda just laid all our infertility issues on the table for people that are only accquaintances.

Of course we are the second oldest couple there and the ONLY couple without any children. I was already feeling out of sorts b/c I don't enjoy myself at such outings anymore-and really wanted to kind of "cut loose" a little- The problem is that not having any children yet I'd like to at least be able to "have some fun" but I'm worse than the actual parents as far as being an "old fart". I was already exhausted and wanted to leave by ten-I don't like to drink too much, the smoke from the smokers was bothering me......who IS this person???? Plus there was this poor little 17month old running around exahusted at 11:30 so the parents could keep having fun and I was a little besides myself at that.

The thing DH said, was weird. It touched my heart that he has been thinking along those lines even when I don't think he dwells on this as much as me, but I was also a little irked for him to be so boisterously sharing it.

I dunno-sorry for long rant........I just hate this in between thing where instead of being the one couple without responibility that at the very least should be able to be having the most fun for the time being, I just feel lost.........
Aww Titi :(
its so hard to have to deal with people. :hugs:
Sounds to me like its possible you could have bacterial vaginosis- its even more common than YI but it also can hurt. I had a bout last year it was awful and took two prescriptions of gel to get rid of it. :nope:
Helllooooooooooooooo????? it's so lonely lately!!!
Hi Ladies

Sorry havent been on that much - busy at work since I got back from my few days off.

Hows everyone this week? Titi - how is the itch these days? I hope its clearing up for you. There is nothing worse that getting that whilst TTC - mine came back ever 2nd month for nearly a year and it was really depressing!

Also Tit - how is the soy going this cycle - are you close to Ov yet?

Well my spotting was 4 days late this month - of course I got my hopes up and tested - BFN - I wasnt upset at all. And today my AF is trying to come on (stomach feels like Im having contractions - or what I imagine contractions to feel like - wish the witch would hurry up). I booked my HSG today also - having it next friday so witch needs to come and go completely by then. If not then I will have to postpone for another month - nightmare! They told me to take painkillers before the procedure cos it can be unpleasant - i hate the thought of it but I suppose I need to rule out tubal blockages too.

I was thinking last night about how unfair this TTC carry on is - all my friends made a plan and got pregnant within 1 or 2 months - I made a plan 2.5 years ago and its not working out. My job is coming to an end too (possible redundacy in Aug) - if I got pregnant when I wanted too I would have been off work for a year and had maternity pay - now if I fall preggers within the next few months I will be out of work and who will hire a pregnant person - and I wont get maternity pay (just the crap money from the government that will not help pay my mortgage). This sucks!
Hi ladies,

Sorry about being MIA for a while.

Sorry about the thrush, Titi. Hope you feel better now. Are you in another 2ww yet?

Reba, I also pray AF shows soon for you, so you can get the HSG over and done with, and then move on to other things. I also only just noticed you're writing from Northern Ireland. My gosh.....I love every and anything Irish :D. I had a massive crush on James Nesbitt for years!!! I think its the accent :haha:. One of my favorite comedians is also Irish (Graham Norton....yeah, I know, weird right...lol). Nice one :thumbup:

As for me, well clomid this cycle was essentially a waste. DH and I decided to just leave the ttc thing this cycle and remember how to enjoy each other. I had slowly turned into a raging ttc beast and BD'ing had almost become mechanical for us. Nah...not for us two that life...lol. So we are rediscovering our sensual selves :winkwink: and I am patiently waiting for AF to show in a couple of weeks, so I can get back on this ttc road again!

Hope everyone's good!
Hi Isi - Yes Im living in Belfast in Northern Ireland but I'm orignially from the Republic of Ireland (Donegal to be presise). Thats mad you love James Nesbit - he is kinda cute (but the accent doesnt do it for me..... cos its the same as my own!!! :haha: Where are you based?

Thats good too that you and DH have taken a break and decided to rediscover yourselves without TTC getting in the way - thinking about that approach myself. Im just gonna relax and try not to get too caught up in it all. And not get too upset when AF shows (which she did in full force yesterday afternoon - but it was surprisingly painfree - think the MACA really worked its magic this cycle).

So if AF finished tomorrow or Sun at the latest I should def be done with the post AF spotting by Friday.... I hope!!!! So HSG here I come!
I'm based in Lagos, Nigeria, Reba.....but I was in the UK for a few years for school. You might not appreciate it, but that accent is seriously sexy :winkwink:

So glad AF came. Wishing you all the best this cycle hun :thumbup:. Have you decided on clomid or not?

Hi Titi. Hope you're good.
Hi All,

I'm on CD4 today and looking forward to this cycle and all it's possibilities.

Reba, can you tell me a little about the HSG in terms of the timing of it and what is actually done? Is it always done early in the cycle?

Isi - Sorry about the clomid last cycle, I've read that it can usually take a few cycles

I am trying accupuncture this cycle so we'll see how it goes.

Titi - take care hun :hugs:
Hi Girls!

PHEW! This was and will be a long week. I finally got some help at work but now my brother is going to L.A. for a week while I am training new person so next week will be worse than normal, not better!

Also there was the nightmare with my pup-she had about 8 seizures since Wed. but I think is on road to recovery now but kept us up all night and at vet all day since then.

Somehow, amazingly enough we got in all the bd's I wanted, and yes am now in another 2ww. Whatever was bothering me so much before seems to have gone on its own, although crazy me just had to try the "baking soda finger" again this cycle! I only did it once though and one other time diluted with water. I will gladly risk an itch for a bfp! Last cycle we BD too late to know if it would have worked.

I took a pretty hefty dose of soy but I really didn't notice any side effects and it seems I ovulated same time as usual. Nothing seemed different about it either. I really really hope though that I made TWO eggies and they BOTH got fertilized!

Isi I am glad you will be able to lighten up a little on yourself and DH. I know exactly what you mean about becoming a BD beast-I think we all do by now. Even if you only take a cycle here or there to not "ttc" like normal I is nice and a little breather I think for relationship and personal sanity. We try different sorts of "breaks". Last Sept. we went on a caribbean holiday and didn't even think about TTC- Two cycles ago we still BD on schedule, but didn't use the TTC lubes or care about position. Last cycle we just did one or two "really good" quality bds- I think your plan is a great idea!!

Reba good luck with HSG-I am excited for you-hopefully it will clear the way!

Dee-any new plans for this cycle? I love and admire your enthusiasm!!!
Good luck with the HSG Reba! Are you planning to medicate beforehand? Doc told me to take Aleve but I usually dont use that.. :shrug: I'm a little nervous so Im hoping I dont need it afterall.

Titi--Sorry about the pup, glad to hear it's doing better though. Thats awesome that you still O'd same time on soy! It's so crazy with your short cycles it seems almost like you O twice before I manage to O once! :haha: I'm definitely looking at soy as a possibility next cycle unless the doc wants to try something else!

Good luck this cycle Isi! Way to boom into next cycle!

11dpo today.. Hope the Angel on my right can keep the devil on my left from making me test! :haha:
Just saying good morning. Whit you are getting close!
Hey girls, I'm back. Haven't got time to catch up with everybody this evening, but I hope you're all well. :hugs:
Titi, when did you take the soy? I'm thinking about it.
Abi x
Hi Abi-
I took it from cd2-6. I took a little less than 75mg the first two days and then upped to just under 150mg for the rest.
Morning ladies, How is everyone today? Did you have a nice weekend?

Dee, im having the HSG on Friday. It has to be done before CD10 as after that there might be a possibility that you are pregnant and that wouldnt be good (as dye is injected into the uterus and tubes to check for blockages and Im sure the dye would be bad for a foetus). It prob takes a few days to clear out of system too so i wont be DTD for a few days either - might just leave it until CD15 to be sure to be sure!!! I'll post a link to a good thread on here that explained the HSG and how it wasnt as bad as people make out.

Whitbit - yes Im will be self medicating before the HSG - prob just 2 nuerofen about 1.5 hrs before hand and 2 paracetamol about .5 hrs before (just in case).... What i really need is a muscle relaxant so Im not all tense.... any ideas? I will use that "Rescue Remedy" stuff too - to relax me just before I go in also - im getting anxious now but need to be calm - its not gonna be as bad as people say!!!! When is yours?

Titi - hope the pup gets better - poor wee thing. And good luck with the TWW - BFP here you come!!!! :thumbup:
here you go Dee


I'm based in Lagos, Nigeria, Reba.....but I was in the UK for a few years for school. You might not appreciate it, but that accent is seriously sexy :winkwink:

So glad AF came. Wishing you all the best this cycle hun :thumbup:. Have you decided on clomid or not?

Hi Titi. Hope you're good.

Hi Isi - havent decided on the clomid yet - my job isnt very secure at the moment so need to speak to boss and see what the story is. If im gonna be made redundant in Aug then I dont want to be starting the clomid (just incase it works first time) and I have to find a new job and may be pregnant.... its a nightmare really - wish this wasnt happening. Im so pissed off cos Ive been TTC for years and my job was secure - now its not.

Lagos - its mad how we get to chat from people from all over the world on here - and we all share one common goal - A BFP.... :thumbup:

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