LTTTC # 1 w/o Assisted teammates needed!!!!

Titi, how come you can see my post from earlier today when it doesn't seem to have posted?! I can's see it anywhere!

The differences between last time? Apart from 19th months' bd-ing, and not having the chance to even think about charting/when I was ovulating? My diet was seemingly healthy, vegetarian - same as it was before starting TTC this time round. My spleen seems to have really suffered since then though, from the dairy and refined carbs I suppose, and the damp I'm suffering is exacerbated by bananas, nuts, dairy and wheat. My kidney yang must have got weaker too, although it's always been weak apparently, it must have got a lot worse for my body to be so out of whack. But apart form the TCM stuff I now know, nothing's different. Which is why it's been such a shock to find I'm infertile. There, I said it, that's been a long time coming, but I think 21 cycles qualifies . Just got to keep going and keep improving my chances.

Thanks for the info about soy iso, whitbit. SOmething to think about as I'm pretty regular.

Anybody seen Alicia Silverstone's book, The Kind Diet? Very interesting. I have my sister's copy but am considering getting my own as she's going to want ii back at some point.

Have a good weekend everybody!
Oops, just found my last post.. blonde moment and I'm not even blonde...:haha:
Okay Isi & Abi-joining you.................:witch:

blame it on that ovacue
Since it said I was going to ov on cd15 (which seemed late for me, but we figured hey maybe that was the reason we haven't been getting pg since we usually finish bd at cd13) and waited until later to bd.

We didn't want to start at the same time and just do it for a longer period of time b/c we were going for the quality vs. quanity this month as have motility issues and really have been trying to "save up".

Anyhow now that my cycle is over, and I have correlated all the data I am positive I OV on cd11 so didn't bd enough (or at all) before ov.

Really gave it our all this cycle and had 70% pg symptoms yesterday according to ff (stupid site)....but truthfully I feel so much better this cycle at LEAST KNOWING why we didn't make a baby. Before I was thinking of going straight to NTNP (well I would never consider myself "ntnp" b/c face it I would always be "trying" to get pg)-

But going to just plan on OVing cd11 this month and do everything I did this cycle the same except the bd dates.

Also plan on going to visit our priest soon-we are very close to him. He knows we have been ttc for baby for a long time. I'm going to ask him how to not only accept-but how to find joy in the acceptance in the meantime, that God does not have baby planned for us at this time? I think it will comfort me to hear his response. One of the hardest parts of being childless and TTC for so long is that I feel so LOST in the meantime. At 34 years old I have really done just about all I have wanted to do in life before settling down. I am a mother now without a child-so not knowing what I should do with my time without a child-I am lost and clueless. I don't believe I am meant to just wander aimlessly until we are parents in some capacity or another.
My darling Titi. So sorry about AF. And I know exactly how you feel. We are already mothers in our hearts, which is why we hurt so much. Sending huge hugs your way. I'm also trying to find some peace in this waiting game as well. It is well! We will have our babies soon, Titi. By God's grace!
Hi girls - sorry the dreaded witch got you all - i'm next.... only 7DPO at the mo but will start my usual spotting in the next few days and then AF by 1st June - i can feel her coming - no other symptoms of any sort so not feeling too hopeful. Im really trying to accept it as well - "whats for you won't pass you" as the saying goes!!!

My 19 yr old niece had a baby last week (she was on the pill when it happened....!!!!!) How sickening is that - she was trying to not have a baby and falls pregnant! It just doesnt seem right. But he is the cutest wee thing ever - and Im glad she had a pretty easy labour!!! I nearly cried when I saw him - cos he was so cute and cos I want one too...... :cry:

Anyway hope you are all well.
:hugs: Reba! Sometimes, we just can't understand these things. But we just have to believe in the light at the end of this long dark tunnel. I also hope AF proves you wrong and doesn't show.....but hey, even if she does, once you're done with the HSG, you're gonna show her who'se boss :hugs:

Hope everyone is great!
Hi ladies - how are we all today? Starting to feel more twinges etc like AF is gonna make an appearance anytime soon - im due to start my usual spotting Thursday I think (Fri at the latest) so we'll see what happens. Trying to stay positive and think well if she shows up then its onto HSG and then after that clomid - if it has to be done then so be it - didnt want to be the one to have to take fertility drugs but C'est la Vie....

Any news to report? Titi? Isi? Abi? Whitbit? How are ya's feeling today? :hugs:
Hi Reba :flower:. I was just about to bump this thread :). I'm well and on my last day of clomid. Having a bit of birthday blues for tomorrow (a tad of self baby at 33...bla bla But I'm okay besides that. I hope AF doesn't show for you, but if it does, at least you already have your back up plan. I feel you about the fertility drugs, but just look on the bright side, hun. At least they (are supposed to) increase our chances, right? :hugs: are you hun? Miss you here :cry:

Oh, tried to have the IUI talk with my DH over the weekend, and he pretty much shot that to pieces. I guess because his swimmers are fine, he doesn't feel the need for it. He also doesn't see the need for the vitamins I got him, but that's another Ah well, it was just a thought. I just pray this clomid works. If it doesn't, I might move to femara as I hear it's easier on the uterine lining and stuff.

Ah...well, that's me!
Hi Girls-

Miss you all too-& Abi keep meaning to respond to your post but haven't had a spare second. I'm really shattered today-had the longest work day. Ready for bed. It's going to be a rough week with Memorial Day weekend here-we forgot all about it and thus didn't put in for any time off so we are being bombarded with overflow work from other appraisers being gone : (

will catch up when I can. Nothing really going on. Feeling fine. Love & dust.
Hi ladies. Everything is good here! I O'd today, done all I can this cycle now on to waiting. If I dont have any luck I am going to do soy next cycle. Im anxious about the hsg.. Reba are you feeling that way too? Relieved AND anxious? so many emotions... gah

Hope hubby comes around soon Isi.
Hope you take this weekend to destress Titi! :)
Hi Ladies.

Isi - cake was delicious, thanks...... I know how you feel about the age thing, Im 32 in August and I remember years ago saying I will have my 1st child by my 30th B;day (or be pregnant at least), 2nd at 33 and 3rd at 35 - doesn't look like that now. Maybe the clomid will work for us both and we will have twins..... :baby: :baby: or triplets :baby: :baby: :baby:

Titi - you sound like your stressed with work - hope you have a relaxing holiday weekend. Its a bank holiday weekend here too - Im off for a few days which is nice - no plans though. Need to book a summer holiday at some stage - thinking of Spain for end of Aug - as long as DH isnt made redundant by then (which is a possibility - more stress to add to the TTC stress).

Whitbit - Im not anxious yet, cos I havent booked it yet (waiting for AF to show first) but I know I will be - i hate the thought of it. But I've read that you should take some painkillers before hand (prob abt an hr before) and that might help - hopefully it wont be painful though - just uncomfortable I'd imagine.... Im more embarrassed than anxious - need to get the hair removal creams out.... :haha: :haha:
Happy Bday Isi!

Wah-I'm still the oldest girls : ( I won't have a baby before 35 now if I get pg straight away: (

Yes-work is a bit much these days. I am thinking of hiring some more help but haven't had the time to go about it! :grrr:
Hi ladies. Everything is good here! I O'd today, done all I can this cycle now on to waiting. If I dont have any luck I am going to do soy next cycle. Im anxious about the hsg.. Reba are you feeling that way too? Relieved AND anxious? so many emotions... gah

Hope hubby comes around soon Isi.
Hope you take this weekend to destress Titi! :)

I dunno Whit-based on your chart I'd get an AM bd in if you can!!!!!
I second that whitbit - looks like a pre ov dip today - get another session in with DH (or maybe another 2 if you can)..... :thumbup:
Happy Bday Isi!

Wah-I'm still the oldest girls : ( I won't have a baby before 35 now if I get pg straight away: (

Yes-work is a bit much these days. I am thinking of hiring some more help but haven't had the time to go about it! :grrr:

Uhmm, I might have the dubious honour of being the oldest...

I'm still waiting for af...I'm beginning to think I may not have even oved yet, I'm at CD 37. I'll have to start temping again to try to figure out what's going on.

Hope everyone's well.:flower:
Hello ladies :flower:. Thanks so much for the birthday wishes!!

Titi, how are you today? I hope you've been able to arrange extra help.

Dee, I hope AF shows soon, so you can get on to another cycle.

Reba...oooh nice one about the break this weekened. It's also a bank holiday weekend here, but I don't think we'll be going we have a friend's wedding on Saturday. On Sunday, my girlfriends and I are planning to "Sex and the City 2", so that should be fun :D. Monday.....I'm just going to c.h.i.l.l with my DH :winkwink:

Whit, I wish I could give some insight on your chart, but alas....novice that I value add there. But I do hope it's looking good and wish you all the best this cycle!! :thumbup:

Hello-not much new here. Another v. busy day here but hiring another person which will be complete in next week or two so at least can look forward to a break.

Dee-Don't worry-if you are the oldest it is only by a few months I am right behind you! But it doesn't matter b/c we are all going to get BFPs soon!!!!!
yeah ladies - age is but a number - we will all get our BFP's soon, :thumbup:

Im still waiting for the spotting to start - im CD27 and 11DPO at the moment. I havent gone this long in a good few months (maybe even a year) but I still feel the old hag making her way ever so slowly to me..... :witch: :growlmad:

Any nice plans for the weekend? I dont have much planned - cinema tonight perhaps and maybe a meal out (fed up cooking - and cupboards are bare anyway cos we are going home to our hometown for the weekend so might as well eat out - DH was paid so its his treat)!!! We are away tomorrow til Tuesday (off work Mon & tues - yippie :happydance: ). I hope the weather is nice so I can go to the beach with my niece and nephew - but think the forecast is bad - typical!

Well my boss is in the office today so wont get on here again so hope you all have a nice weekend.


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