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LTTTC # 1 w/o Assisted teammates needed!!!!

Makes sense, Reba! But I do pray everything is secure with your job so you can jump on the wagon like immediately.

Titi, so sorry about your pup. Hope she's doing better now.

Whit....any day now for testing! Rooting for ya :dance:
Hi Ladies! I've missed you!! My DH and I had a great time back in New York, but we are glad to be home.

Reba - I hope your HSG goes well, it is this Friday, right?

Whit - I think I'm only a day behind you. I took a temping break this month so I'm assuming I ov'd on the full moon (May 27). It was a gorgeous, full moon that rose bright red back east. I hope that is a good sign for us!

Titi!! I thought of you every time we started jamming out to the Grateful Dead station on XM : ) You've got to explain what baking power finger is - that is a new one to me! But I'm seriously intrigued. How is the vajayjay situation? I would have been surprised if my hubby said something like that at a party too. My DH did mention the TTC thing a couple of times at different family and friend gatherings. It is the first time I've heard him talk about it in public.

Hope you ladies have been hanging in there the past few weeks!
PHEW! I'm so glad you are back Jaimie.......How do you miss people that weren't even in your lives months ago? : )

Glad you thought of me while truckin........I do too now in the VW when the GD station plays.

There is a thread in TTC about baking soda finger-probably easier for you to read up on there than me explain-but it is pretty much JUST what it sounds like!

And my vajay is rosey again----------: ) thanks for asking!
Hi Guys,

Thanks RebaR for the info on HSG, that thread was really informative. I'm so glad I asked.

Good Luck to both you and Whitbit for the procedure.

The acupuncture was interesting and I was asked to come back twice per week for now. I am considering it. Titi, I actually started back with thirty minutes of exercise daily and back on my healthy diet for the most part. That's all for this cycle I think. I've been reading up on reflexology so that might be my next adventure.

Hi Jaime and Isi :hi:
Howdy Dee! Howdy Isi!

So I'm all up to speed on baking soda finger now : ) Really glad your vajayjay is rosy again Titi! Your new profile pic is super cute.
Aww thanks Jaimie! & ha ha! Well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, you didn't mention............Are you going to give the BSF a try????????? Come on..........can't I tempt you with an itchy vajay????? :rofl:

Dee-I am jealous. I completely forgot my plan to be healthy this cycle and have been eating worse then ever and no time for any exercise at all with work & sick pup.

I will send you an email when I get a second about my accupuncture experience.

Night girls-I'm beat!!!!!!
Welcome back Jaimie! Glad you had a nice trip.

Reba when did you have your HSG for?? I finally got an appointment!! It's next Thursday morning!! :yipee:
Hi lovely ladies!

Welcome back, Jaimie! So glad you enjoyed your trip to NYC (I love that town!). Ooooh, I am sooo excited about your 2ww!!! I'll be cheering you and Titi on :dance:

Deen, I hear only good things about acupuncture. I'm too chicken to try it out myself, but I pray you get all the benefits. Are you in your 2ww yet?

Titi....hmmmm....I can only say I admire your dedication to this whole ttc business. Baking soda in my where????????????? No WAY!!! LOL!! What is it supposed to do for you anyways?

:yipee: for the HSG appointment, Whit!!! I hear it does make everywhere nice and clear and a lot of people get :bfp:s right after it. Good luck hun! :thumbup:

Reba, rooting for you for Friday!!!! :hugs:

As for me, I am just (im)patiently waiting for my next cycle to start!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to jump back on the ttc wagon :winkwink:
Morning ladies,

Jamie - welcome back - glad you had a good trip. Love NYC too - my sisters lived in Brooklyn for 10 years so was in NYC alot as a kid.

Whitbit - my HSG is this friday (2 days- aaaaaaaaahh Im scared). Glad you got your appointment through too - roll on the BFP's.... :happydance:

Isi - thanks - Im gonna be a nervous wreck on Friday but it has to be done - prob not that bad I just hate the thought of it... I need DH to knock me out before I go in!!! :haha:

Titi - i've never heard of the BSF either - whats it all about? I suffered badly a few yrs back with thrush etc that the thought of an itchy va jay jay is just depressing!!! :wacko: but I'm open to new things - tell us all about it?

Dee - def go for acupuncture - I've been going since February and its soooooooooo relaxing. I fall asleep every time I go. And reflexology is great too - but the woman I went too didnt make me fell relaxed - she talked too much so I didnt go back.

Well as for me Im still waiting for the spotting to clear up - its taking forever - and if its doesnt go by Fri morning Im gonna have to postpone HSG (which in one way is appealing but cant be waitng another month to get seen). Please spotting go away and dont come back for 9 months.....
Hi Girls

Reba-don't worry about Friday! We will be thinking of you and it will help bring you a bfp-maybe your next cycle!

Check out the thread "baking soda finger".......it is more detailed then I have time for. And I wrote a long post in there about my experiences. However, baking soda is alkaline and therefore lowers acidic phs. There is a lot of speculation that too acidic of a vajay will kill off the spermies before they even get where they are going, and that using baking soda in there reduces the ph to the perfect level for the spermies to not only not die, but thrive.

Also-it is not like itchiness is a guaranteed side effect. I did it again this cycle a little easier on it and had no side effects. So I'm not sure if that was even the problem last cycle-just suspected it b/c I've never had any trouble down there and that was all I'd done different.

I have to admit, I am so desparate that there aren't many things I WOULDNT put up there if I thought it would get be pregnant.
Oh yay! I hope the spotting goes away so you can still go! I was nervous too and then I looked online all about it and most of the discomfort was when they didnt take meds beforehand. I had bad cramps yesterday so I took some extra strength tylenol and took not of when it fully kicked in--so Im planning on taking one 2 hours prior, and one 1 hour prior to the procedure. :)

I've never had my cm examined so I'm not sure I'd be comfortable trying baking soda finger.. Maybe if I knew my ph was acidic but at this point Im so paranoid I will mess something up!
There are PH strips you can buy-I think there is even a vagisal kit now that comes with them.

I haven't used them yet and have no idea if its acidic or not. I just know for a fact that I've tried everything else and sure didn't think I could screw anything up since there doesn't seem to be anything to screw up, lol!!! Anyway, I know that Preseed etc. are shown to help lower PH and nobody is too concerned about them.......they just don't lower it as much.
Interesting! I will defo keep an eye out for that then. I tried preseed last cycle and it didnt do a damn thing--just made dh uncomfortable so I started putting it in the softcup before I put it in. I have tried so much stuff Im starting to feel anxious there is something else wrong. Oh well what can I do but wait. :shrug:
Reba - really hope your spotting stops so you can get your HSG over with. I hope it gives you and Whitbit some added reassurance that everything is A-OK with your uteri (I assume that is the plural for uterus ; P

Oh Titi - I can't say I'm tempted by BSF - but at least I can add that trick to my ever expanding encyclopedia of things to stick up your hoo hoo! You cracked me up by saying you've stuck everything else up there so why not BSF : ) Those girls that just need to stick spermies up there are missing out on all sorts of fun!

Isi - I definitely hope your next cycle rolls on soon and that you have a much easier time with the BDing.
Jaimie hun, I am glad you are back. I :rofl: every time I read one of your posts. It really lightens the otherwise unfunny business of LTTTC. :hugs:

Yeah-I've been using preseed, preconceive and now zestica and is isn't helping me either. DH seems to really like it tho-although I guess we have a slickery fetish over here. : )
I'm glad I can make you giggle Titi - you do the same for me! LTTTC has definitely helped my sense of humor, at least for CD 3 - 27 ; P

I should clarify that I didn't go to NYC - my hubby and I grew up in upstate NY, about a 5 hour drive from the city. We spent part of our honeymoon in the city though and LOVED it!
I have tried so much stuff Im starting to feel anxious there is something else wrong. Oh well what can I do but wait. :shrug:

Good golly do I ever hear ya on that Whit! I'm glad you are getting an HSG and I really hope it makes you super fertile next cycle. I forget, did your DH get an SA too?

Darn AF showed spot on time this morning :dohh: While driving to work and throwing myself a pity party I thought "maybe I missed my opportunity while getting a phd, a good husband, and a good job". Ironically a strong secondary motivation for those achievements was wanting a good home to raise children in. It just seems so sucky that taking the time to build up a secure income, family, home means I'm less fertile because I'm older...

Anyhoo! Pity party is officially over, time to gear up for next cycle. Grapefruits, EPO, preseed & softcups here we come!
oh no Jaimie!!!! :hugs: I am sorry : (
I was really hoping the "vacation" mysteriously sealed the deal.

I am with you on waiting until it was perfect and feeling we've missed the boat...........but, at least in the overall scheme of fertility 2010, even though we feel like late bloomers, we are still young and could still pop out 2-3 before 40!
Aw, thanks Titi! I'm sort of glad vacation BDing didn't work because I would hate to add validity to those tired old pieces of advice! I had also hoped that BDing at my in-laws' house would help because that is how one of my closest friends got pg. Is that weird? Yes, a little, but I think y'all can relate to strange, illogical hopes like that.

Yes, I certainly agree that in the age of delayed fertility, we are relatively young and can pop out as many babies as we please. We just need to get knocked up first!!!
I have tried so much stuff Im starting to feel anxious there is something else wrong. Oh well what can I do but wait. :shrug:

Good golly do I ever hear ya on that Whit! I'm glad you are getting an HSG and I really hope it makes you super fertile next cycle. I forget, did your DH get an SA too?

Darn AF showed spot on time this morning :dohh: While driving to work and throwing myself a pity party I thought "maybe I missed my opportunity while getting a phd, a good husband, and a good job". Ironically a strong secondary motivation for those achievements was wanting a good home to raise children in. It just seems so sucky that taking the time to build up a secure income, family, home means I'm less fertile because I'm older...

Anyhoo! Pity party is officially over, time to gear up for next cycle. Grapefruits, EPO, preseed & softcups here we come!

I always take at least two days for a pity party! I think mine stuck around till day three this time ;)

SA was fine, btw! Praying for a miracle fertility boost!!

oh no Jaimie!!!! :hugs: I am sorry : (
I was really hoping the "vacation" mysteriously sealed the deal.

I am with you on waiting until it was perfect and feeling we've missed the boat...........but, at least in the overall scheme of fertility 2010, even though we feel like late bloomers, we are still young and could still pop out 2-3 before 40!

In all honesty, I didn't wait for the perfect time and enviornment. We are finally stabilizing financially, but our story is a little different..

We met when I was 20 (3 years ago) started trying right away, got married three months later. (afterall I had met the man I would be with forever and always wanted kids so, why not try?) I never thought it'd be so hard. I'm so young! Don't ever think if you had done it different it'd be better, no matter what the situation COULD have been like, ladies.. it'd always be something else! :roll:

Speaking of the arsenal coming around again for the month..I think we're all taking similar things! So what are up all your sleeves?

Here's my cooky list:

EPO 2000 mg
Prenatal with DHA (just found out 30 days worth has been underpriced and now on I have to pay 22.00 for it--forget it after this month Im getting a script!)
Maca 1 tbs daily
Green tea
Royal Jelly 1000 mg

Was going to get the soy this cycle but decided to wait to see IF there's a cycle after my HSG!

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