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LTTTC # 1 w/o Assisted teammates needed!!!!

Hi Ladies

Jamie - sorry the witch showed - she is such a cow!!!!

Well Im getting ready for my HSG at 2pm - de-haired last night..... will be popping a tablet soon and then another before I go to ease the pain (which I hope there isnt much off....), then off work for the rest of the day to chill-lax. DH is coming with me - I told him to just drop me off but he said no that he'd come into hosp with me - ah how sweet!

Anyway I'll let you all know how I get on - please god let there be no major blockages!!!!

So sorry Jaime :hugs::flower:

Whitbit, that's quite a cocktail there, sounds like a super fertility boost. Have you used the EPO before? I've been trying the Royal Jelly too because I've heard so many good things about it.

Titi:" at least in the overall scheme of fertility 2010, even though we feel like late bloomers, we are still young and could still pop out 2-3 before 40! "

Titi, I so agree with you, even the acupuncturist told me that at least I'm young...hearing that was so calming to me.
Praying for you Reba that everything is clear on the HSG honey!!

Dee I used the I've used it all before.. the royal jelly and the EPO I used last cycle as well. Hoping this is our lucky cycle!! :)
Reba - I have my FX'd that your HSG goes smoothly and shows no blockages!

Whit - I think you are right, no matter how you plan it life always throws you curve balls you never see coming. So maybe if I had all my ducks in a row in my twenties I'd still have a long term TTC struggle, who knows?

Thanks for all the AF sympathy ladies! I'm definitely taking it more in stride. Now I get to try out those nifty softcups!
SOrry the witch got you Jamie :hugs:

Hey Bernina, my acu prac told me I'm still really young too, at 34. It's great to hear that from someone who knows what she's talking about, isn't it?

I'm taking wheatgrass, omega 3:6:9, pregnacare conception and spirulina. Plus the you-gui-wan and er-chen-wan my acu prac gives me. Less than I used to take (dropped the B-vits and agnus castus).

I'm 4dpo and had the most positive session with my prac I've ever had. She was thrilled with my chart and a lot of her positivity has rubbed off on me (hurrah).

Reba, hope it all went well today, you've had good news and are comfortable and being spoilt rotten. :hugs:

Have a lovely weekend!

Abi x
Hey Reba-Can't wait to hear how today went for you hun!

Dee/Abi-it does help me to remind myself that many women don't start becoming mothers until 40 these days, because in MY personal life-really just about everyone else are already parents and we are almost the oldest. I think alot of the emotional trauma of ltttc can be helped with just a slight shift in perception.

Whit-I hope it wasn't offensive that I mentioned "waiting". I REALLY wish dh and I had been blessed as you and met young and married and had a chance to start sooner. You are so lucky-You have over a decade to get a bfp before you are where I am!!! That is really I think-what I express as a regret-being a "late bloomer" to begin with and then feeling like I should get everything together first....and now of course that I know it makes really no difference-it's too late : (

Well, I think I'm out this month. I don't know if the soy has come back to haunt me, or if it was the stress we went through with our pup at ov time, or what,,,,,,but my fertility monitor is saying that I didn't actually ovulate on cd13 as thought, but only tried to and then ACTUALLY ovulated a few days ago....of course we stopped bd'ing after my monitor confirmed ov the first time : (

This month, I took the soy isoflavones, an herbal tincture female libido mix, 1 tsp maca a day, grapefruit juice, prenatal vitamins and a female reproductive factor supplement. Also used Baking Soda Finger, Preconceive plus, zestrica, temped and fertility monitor.
Titi - I like how you provided a frame of reference for what we were saying about waiting. I totally agree!

Bummer about your ov day - are you feeling more confident about your ovacue now? I'm using digi opks this cycle just to give that a go again.

Howdy Abster! I'm 34 too : )
I wasnt offended at all.. I just meant that it's not always the age that determines whether or not you can or do get pregnant.. sorry.
Thanks Whit-for pointing out it might not be b/c we are "too old" now : ) and glad what I was saying about waiting hadn't come out wrong-no need to be sorry : )

Jaimie-I am really not very confident about the ovacue yet-but we'll see............I'm not sure if the manufacturers made up the "secondary fertility" thing or if its a real true thing.
I am actually curious about the secondary infertility thing.. Since when I had my cyst my doc said they form when the egg doesnt let go properly. :shrug:

who knows about the ovacue. It was right on for me last cycle. It helped determine that my positive opk really was positive and my temp reading confirming Ov really was feasable. Hopefully Ill have the same great experience with it-- and im really hoping it clears up for you!

One thing I just cant get my head around is--if we are bding on all the right days even with softcups--why am I STILL not pregnant? :(
One thing I just cant get my head around is--if we are bding on all the right days even with softcups--why am I STILL not pregnant? :(

Aw Whit - definitely no need to feel sorry! I think we are all really sensitive for each other and want to make sure we aren't hurting each other's feelings, especially when this LTTTC stuff is already so hard. You made a valid point and Titi and I agree with you - no offense taken and no apologies needed :hugs:

So this is one of my big questions too - if we are ovulating and our hubby's SAs are halfway decent, what on earth are those :spermy: and eggs doing? There oughta be a gif for eggs :haha: Are they just hanging out in our fallopian tubes doing the hokey pokey or what?

Too funny! I believe it must be something along those lines! It's just not making any sense!
I have no idea hun what is up with us. Part of me wants to really get on with the FS thing, b/c the clock is TICKING!!!! but I think for both DH and I there is still a lot of comfort in being where we are with the hope that maybe nothing is wrong and just any day it will happen naturally-whereas if we start going through more tests-then we might just find out something we don't want to know where the next step for most would IVF but no where to go for us : (

On a similar note, DH's cousin, who I have spoken of before (just got married in Jan. to a woman he'd been dating less than a year and they announced their pg 3 weeks before the wedding via facebook scans) is about to have their first baby any day and it's driving me insane. This is the couple that his aunt seemed all sympathetic with us b/c they are our age and she was saying it was going to probably take them a long time to conceive b/c he'd abused steriods which is why they'd started trying before wedding.. What made me mad is NOT that it was a piece of cake for them like everyone else-but that the whole time we were having these chats she was keeping their secret that they already WERE pg!!! At their wedding she was 3 months pregnant and drank like a fish with no shame (said she was sure it wouldn't hurt and didn't even seem to be embarassed having wine glasses, champagne, etc. in all the pics!).
So that was hard enough on us, but she has been so "miserable" about being pregnant that she has refused to post a single pic of herself since the wedding and bitches about being pregnant the whole time. She has been saying this whole week how this was the worst thing she's ever been through, she can't wait to get "it" out and how she is never having another one.

Now-I'm not trying to be judgmental-maybe being pregnant can be pretty rough for some people. But it's hard enough when people have babies around us and are over the moon-but when someone seems so ungrateful it keeps gouging open the "why not us?" wound.
Oh my god. No offense but I might have already slapped her. How dare she--and being so insensitive to you. Oh that just makes me sick..
I honestly don't think she knows better. Some people just are ungrateful-really.
Ugh, don't get me started on people moaning about their pregnancies, especially if it's just that they don't like being fat. By all means talk about it, but not to bloody me!! And drinking and smoking.... some people need a good slapping!

As regards LTTTC - I can recommend traditional chinese medicine to help you. Or just check out the Randine Lewis TCM book, The Infertility Cure. Full of info about why things might not be working as we'd like them to and a self-diagnosis tool to help you work out your diagnosis under eastern medicine principles, plus diet, exercise and herbal medicine advice tailored to each diagnosis.

It might just be something very simple that's stopping conception - or something more complicated - but some natural TCM treatment (no medical intervention in the conventional western sense and no invasive procedures other than a bunch of tiny needles).

OK, no more ranting (and I promise I'm not Randine out for publicity!).

Abi x
As soon as hubby's new job transitions and we can get some money saved--Im going to call a local TCM practitioner. I've been thinking about it for a while now just havent had the cash. :D
Yay! Money is the only issue with TCM - but in the meantime you could get the book. Dietary and exercise changes and other little things you can do can make a huge difference to your body - I got mine really cheap on Amazon.

TCM is a wonderful thing to do - check out my thread - the really useful tcm thread - if you want to see what we're all doing.

Abi x

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