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LTTTC # 1 w/o Assisted teammates needed!!!!

Hey that's neat the advertisment at the bottom of this screen right now is for the pink shell beach resort where we got married!
Good Morning everyone,

Whitbit, I sometimes wonder the same thing though about why if everything is okay, it doesn't happen like clockwork. I've read that there is only about a 20% chance each month. If we go through the process there are so many variables that need to be viable, egg, sperm, lining, timing, ph balance to name a few. When you think about it ... it becomes quite complicated!

I agree with Abi, the R.L. book is helpful to look at even if you don't start acu right away. Maybe you can borrow it at the Library?

Titi, your pics are so lovely!

CD13 for me today so getting ready to Ov sometime next week around CD16-18, I hope.

Hope everyone's weekend is going well.
aw thanks Dee-
Nothing new here with my cycles or symptoms or anything, but my little brother is in the hopsital with some kind of massive infection they can't pinpoint. Phew when it rains it pours.
Titi, hope your lil brother feels better soon. My thoughts are with you. :hugs:

I'm going to check out your journal next.
:hi: Dee, Abster, and Whit!

Titi - I completely understand why you'd be frustrated with your cousin (i think that is how you are related? i apologize if I'm wrong). I'd be hella frustrated if I were in your shoes. It also makes all the empathy you were getting from their Mom seem phony if she knew all along. And they DEFINITELY should not be complaining in front of you. Or drinking or all that other nonsense. I hope that you get some sort of break from that behavior.

Really sorry to hear about your brother - I am very close to my brother and I would be devastated if he were hospitalized. I hope he gets well soon! :hugs:

I had a face to face TTC chat with a friend here in Tucson on Saturday. I've only hung out with her a few times but she is a super sweet gal ~ we have quite a bit in common and recently found out that we have long term TTC in common too! She and her hubby have come back clear on all their diagnostic tests and just haven't gotten lucky yet for some reason :dohh: They have been trying for just over two years now. She lent me a really great book on fertility that has lots of great factoids. I'll share whatever I think might interest y'all.

So abster - is there fertility acupuncture for men? Just wondering....

Loads of love and support to you ladies,

Hey girls,

Hope your brother's better very soon Titi. Not knowing what it is must make it more worrying. I love it that you keep posting new pics - they're all lovely. How's your dog getting on? Did you write a little while ago that there were some more seizures? Hope all's OK.

Jaimie, yes TCM works for men too - very effectively. There's a chapter in the book about men too.
It's great that you've found somebody you can talk to face-to-face. I have a couple of friends like that and it makes a huge difference to my sanity, I'm sure.

Reproduction is so complicated it's a miracle any of us get pregnant! It'll be you (and the rest of us) one day too, Dee. It's easier to tell somebody else than to believe it for yourself, isn't it?

We'll get there! :hugs:
Abi x
Thanks girls for your support on Doggie & Brother.

Both are seemingly on the up & up. Marlow (pup) hasn't had a seizure in over a week, so hopefully her meds are working. It was really scary!!

And with brother, at first they thought he had endocarditus, but he just got the all clear to go home today-with a hernia and a bad infection (made 10x worse by his hepatitus) that is clearing up. So it's good news on both fronts and hopefully brother wants to work harder at changing his lifestyle after this latest scare.

Thanks about the pics abi-I was just keeping the same one but really enjoyed when another girl in our other thread was changing them up so much.

Jaimie that is really inspiring about your friend. I keep assuming the worst about us (me & dh) but it is good to know the timing can just be off for "normal" people-gives me hope.

The "bitchy pregnant girl" is actually no real relation to dh or I......its his cousin's brand new wife.....so we are even more allowed not to like her, lol! I don't think she cares one way or the other what anyone thinks or what anyone else's plight is. I don't begrudge anyone being over the moon with a pg and posting it all over the place-It just irks me when they are the opposite. The only person I ever knew like that was like that when pg was my 12 year old mother's nephew. And sure enough, she abandoned him (moved to another country even!) about five years ago: (

Anyone hear anything from Reba???

Got behind on homework so spent 4 hours on it today. Exam tomorrow.. Hormone test Wednesday and finally HSG on Thursday. Was looking bleak was going to have to drive myself! But I called granny and shes taking me :)

I get so down sometimes hoping for the best but expecting the worst. Had a really weird dream I had IVF the other night. I had 3 embryos introduced and I got a bfp. Felt so real I remember willing it to take, please take. And I woke up. I really hope it was just from me spending too much time over in the LTTTC forum, cause we are never going to have that as an option and it feels so ominous! LOL

Titi Im so glad your brother is doing better. :)

I posted on Reba's profile and she wrote back saying everything looked clear. Hope she is doing ok though! :hugs: if you're reading this Reba honey.
Hi ladies, would it be possible for me to join this group?

My story:

We are both 33 & started TTC in July 2008. I did get pregnant once, on my December 2008 cycle, but I MC at 12w & found out afterwards it was a partial molar pregnancy. A week after my MC my SIL announced her first pregnancy, her due date was the same week mine would have been, she went on to have a healthy baby girl last September.
I had lots of problems after the MC & my hCG continued to rise, so I went up to London for treatment (lowest form of chemo did the trick for me luckily) and 2 months later got the all clear. I'm currently on cycle 12 since I started ovulating again (my cycles went haywire until I was sorted)

We are not eligible for any type of FS referral, as my GP says we have not been trying long enough. I'm not sure why, a month short of 2 years seems like forever!

Our original plan was to have 2 children before I hit 35. Can't belive I was so neive to think that was possible!

Hi ladies - im so sorry I thought I had posted on here to say the HSG went fine - but I think I must of missed this thread out. Anyway no blockages thank god. Not that the radiographer could see anyway but the FS dr needs to read them and give me the proper results. But I must say it was a little sore - it was grand at the beginning but once the dye started to go into my uterus I siezed up in pain - it was like the worst period pain ever but didn't last that long 20 seconds or so, so it was totally manageable but never Want to have one again - ever...... Actually its not that bad - just really uncomfortable!

I had it done in the x-Ray dept of the hospital. 2 ladies performed the procedure and there was a male radiographer behind me in a glass room reading the results - i didnt realise he was there until the end (hope he wasnt looking up my vajayjay.... :haha: :haha:

I had a bit of bleeding after and I was still slightly spotting brown up until Monday morning but all clear now. I had the odd pain and twinge fri eve and Sat too but it wasn't that bad.

As for the rest - I usually Ov on CD16 which is Friday but yesterday I had alot of CM (EWCM kind of) and i had the worst nights sleep with pain in my side and ovaries.... So i wondering have I just Ov'd? Im only CD13 today so thats a bit early. Maybe the pain was the CM being produced and was sore cos of the HSG??? I dont know - wish I tracked my temp. Must POAS this eve and see if it looks like Ov is close or passed. Thankfully DH was off work yesterday so we got a :sex: in just in case. Need to get a few more in for the nnext few days too.

Okay lots to catch up on here so must go back and read whats been going on.
Titi - hope your brother is doing better. And of course the pup too. :thumbup:

Whitbit - the HSG will be fine - dont worry. Its not the most pleasant experience but totally managable. I took 2 nuerofen (ibuprofen) an hr before I went and was suppose to take 2 paracetamol abt a half hr before but didnt have any in the house and was too late to run to the chemist. So im sure the 2 i took helped but Id say 2 more painkillers would of helped even more. What CD will you be on when you get your HSG done?

Dan-o - welcome to the thread. Sorry to hear about the MC - I really hope your stay is short and sweet (in a good way).

Abi - are you sure your not Radine's sister or cousin???? hahaha :haha: kidding. Its a great book and def worth a read.

Hey Jamie - send us some interesting factoids from your new book :thumbup:

Dee - are your Ov'ing yet - Im usually CD16 too but had EWCM yesterday and a bad sleep with side pain so not sure if its early this month - I wonder can a HSG do that? Im also taking MACA and maybe thats the reason - balancing out the hormones perhaps!!!

Well ladies I think we are due a BFP on here soon - so lets get down to business!!!! :happydance: :happydance:
Hi Dano-o! Welcome!!! I'm sorry your TTC Journey has been such a struggle and so sorry about your MC. I can't imagine how hard that must have been, let alone the bittersweet birth of SIL's baby. My little brother had a totally unplanned pregnancy with his EX girlfriend while we've been TTC and my niece is already 8 months old and mom has already gone to JAIL and has had to sign away rights to baby!!!!!! Sometimes it does not seem fair at all. I wish you lots of dust and hope too your stay here is not long!!

Reba thanks for the update! It is appreciated as I'm sure many of us will be following suit. I had originally been planning on waiting until after our 2nd anny in Sept. to do anymore things but I'm not sure now. I found a RE an hour+ from here in Sarasota that specializes in acceptable infertility options for Catholics. That seems too good to be true-didn't know that existed so I really may want to pay her a visit before then! At any rate, I suspect maybe your pains are residual from the HSG but defiitely doesn't hurt to BD-FX'd that the HSG is the charm to clear the way for your bfp this month....then you'll be next Whit!!!

Girls-I had a SERIOUS temp drop today. If you overlay my charts I've never had anything close to this on 11dpo. I am really wondering now if both ff and fertility monitor got my ov date wrong. I suspected originally I'd ov'd on cd11. That dip would make perfect sense if I was actually 13dpo-albeit depressing sense.

Speaking of which I have had the WORST emotional PMS of my life this cycle. I don't know if the stress of everything the last two weeks has really added to it or what but the last two days (not including today yet) I have been an irritable, emotional monster. I think DH is afraid to even be in the same room. Twice I have gone to bed crying now over the stupidist things. I'm NEVER like this ever except in the end of LP.
Hi titi - could that dip be an implantation dip? ANd the PMS a symptom??? Oh I really hope so - but I dont want to get your hopes up - you know your own body best.

Yeah the twinges for me might just of been the HSG - but the EWCM as well makes me think differently. I'll just keep DTD all week anyway just in case - until Sunday at least (oh I will be woren out). :haha: oh and DH too of course :dohh:
Titi hun its so hard to say with missing temps. :( I guess now all you can do is hope for the best but prepare for the worst. Sounds awful but at least hope for it! It could be implantation like Reba said! :)

Reba thanks for the encouragement! I will be on cd 11. Cd 9 today and got my cue peak! So far its saying I will O on cd 14, but I guess that could change. The day after the HSG we will have to get to Bding!

Welcome dan-o! :wave:
Hi titi - could that dip be an implantation dip? ANd the PMS a symptom??? Oh I really hope so - but I dont want to get your hopes up - you know your own body best.

Yeah the twinges for me might just of been the HSG - but the EWCM as well makes me think differently. I'll just keep DTD all week anyway just in case - until Sunday at least (oh I will be woren out). :haha: oh and DH too of course :dohh:

Oh yeah-I forgot about the EWCM-sounds right. Keep on BD!

Is it kinda late for an ID? Most people have their bfps by now (47% per FF). Also really hard to tell without yesterday's temp. I dunno. I don't have my hopes up at all b/c I think likely the best explanation is that either I ov'd on cd11 and will get witch tomorrow...or is is just a weird fluke. Normally I get crazy bitchy & emotional 4-5 days BEFORE af and that would actually coincide with a ov day of cd13, but that would also not support me being pg. sigh,
Welcome Dan-o :hi:

Abi, we will get there. I just know it. I find it reassuring when I look at old threads where there were LTTTCers and they're all pregnant now. It just goes to show that it is only a matter of time for the vast majority of us.

Reba, thanks for the details on your procedure. I'm going to do one next month if no luck this month.

I'm CD15, I love that it is also 15th day of the month, this cycle is so easy to keep track of. The Dr. told me to expect Ov around CD18 so I am hoping that she's right. I got a really dark but not yet positive OPK so I think I'm on track for now.

Reba,I think maca can make you ov early so be prepared.
Titi, I am so happy you've found a Dr. who can help! I am excited for you.

Whit , Jaime :hi:
Hi - well i did an OPK yesterday and it was negative (not even the faintest hint of a line) so i think the early Ov pain was prob just HSG pain or something - and I looked back on my previous cycles and I seem to always get what I think is EWCM on CD 12 (prob the CM starting to get looser and getting ready for Ov - maybe its not even EWCM cos I get confused as to what exactly that should look like too). I had some more CM this am (CD14) so prob just Ov on the usual CD16 (Friday). Will get some :sex: innthe next few days just to be sure I dont miss it and I will keep doing the OPK's too as back up.

Dee - you should get it done just for reassurance more than anything - at least i know now that my tubes arent totally blocked up anyway and all i can do is keep trying.

Titi - i know you dont want to be getting your hopes up only for them to be trashed - but you never know - you could one of the 53% who dont get a BFP until a well after AF is due ????

Whitbit - hopefully you'll be feeling up to bding the day after HSG - I was spotting for a few days so didnt bother but I wasnt sore or anything so I could of easily done it but thought I'd wait.
p.s where is Isi Buttercup these days? Hope shes ok - or is she on holiday?
Hi everyone,

Reba, I'll remember to schedule the HSG as early as I can in the cycle so it won't be too close to Ov time.

I'm having a confusing time this month too with my CM and temps. The Dr. mentioned CD18 because of the follicle size on CD12 but my chart looks suspiciously like I oved on CD 14 (which hasn't happened since I've been charting). ARGHHHHH!!!!!

It means that I may have missed the boat !:growlmad: ](*,)

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