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LTTTC # 1 w/o Assisted teammates needed!!!!

Hi all,

Dee-how exciting about going for HSG.....and getting some answers. I've only found the name of that Dr. I mentioned on a Catholic website-I have a lot more research to do and am probably months away from anything really. Are you able to link your chart? I love to stalk you but I can never get to it from FF for some reason.

I miss Isi too. I know she was taking a little "break" from obsessing about ttc this cycle-maybe this is part of it. I've been there.

Well that dip wasn't an ID because FF says an ID is a single day dip and mine is hovering in witchville. Based on my chart, I expect af today as I always get af on the 1st or 2nd day (max) of temp dips like that. And mine don't usually ever go to or past coverline, just close. It is just freakily early at 12dpo. Of course maybe then I did ov on cd11...................:shrug:

All I know is it is literally something new and confusing for me every month-even after 19 times around.
Titi, I've been trying to link the chart but can't seem to do it right...can you remind me of what I need to do?
oh no, I don't remember-maybe someone here can help? I'm bad at a such things.

On another note-what the heck is going on with my chart? Opinion?
It does look different from the months before, I am hoping that's a good thing. I've never seen it rise after a big drop like that AND you're a little over the coverline. Don't want to get your hopes up but have you tested?
nah, I haven't tested. I normally don't dip all the way to coverline and I did see it rose a teensy bit but b/c it was only 1/10 degree I thought maybe yesterday or today could have possibly moved the wrong way or something before temping and that would throw it off just enough to look higher when in fact maybe its lower? No symptoms at all.
:hugs: I was thinking the same thing with my temps as I had a restless night last night but :shrug:

My chart is in my signature now, please tell me if you can see it. I should warn you it's a bit weird this month.
yay I can see it!

Dee, I don't know that you did ov yet. Nice big dip on cd14 but it looks like the temp or two higher would still be below coverline.......and no +opk yet. Do you still have EWCM?

Every cycle I know I'm out and have a little cry when I get my 4-5 day before AF PMS. Then I accept it and feel fine until TWO days before AF is due something new always pops up to get my hopes up to make me test...................
The EWCM comes and goes during the day so can't say until later this evening but as of right now the amount is too small to tell.

I know how you feel...all too well. I think trying not to get our hopes up is one of the hardest things and it doesn't get easier when our hopes are dashed every month, if anything, it gets more difficult. Having said that, it's not over until af so keep positive, it will help in the long run. :hugs:
I have been having super watery cm.. I never really get EWCM so I guess its a good sign. I got my pre--ov dip. Looks textbook of my chart last cycle if Im O'ing earlier this cycle. Weird, but it's a good sign that my hormones are all regular. Just got back from the doc they stuck me three times :)
Okay, I figured it out. I think I just mentally look for things to make myself crazy, because now that I've compared with only my 1/13 chart, the pattern is totally normal for cd12 (with period to follow : ( two days later)

It just looked so weird b/c the temps themselves are different. But lower is never better!
Whit, I read yesterday (because I've been obsessing over CM) that watery CM is as good as EWCM because it is easier for the swimmers to swim in. I don't know if it true but I choose to believe it :).

Titi...I think we are both driving ourselves crazy... and unfortunately we won't know the answers for a few days... it is nice to have a place to obsess isn't it?

BTW, how is your little brother? Have they figured out what's wrong?
I know-I do this every single month. It's miraculous I make it 25 days anyway-but then get goofy.

My brother was dismissed Monday. He has a hiatal hernia and also had some sort of infection somewhere that was made very worse by his hepatitus C, but all the other tests came back negative which was really good!!! Thank you for asking!!!

I dont really get watery cm and only get a teensy bit of ewcm with a lot of gf juice. I did get REALLY watery cm the cycle I used Robitusson-but I didn't get ANY ewcm that time so I got nervous and didn't do it again.
I am so glad to hear your brother is fine. I don't know much about those illnesses but you must be so relieved. I wouldn't be surprised if the stress of it has thrown off your cycle abit.

I have the opposite problem with CM. I recently read that you can get EWCM for days and days when your body is trying to ovulate and doesn't for one reason or another. That seems to fit me. I had given up doing OPKs because they were close to positive but not :( . Anyhow, this cycle feels different...I am thinking it is the RJ/BP and wheatgrass which I've been taking from CD1 or so.

Wouldn't it be great if it could make my cycles more regular. I'd be :happydance:.

Right now, I'm trying to wait so I can get a decent OPK test done.
I can practically NEVER do a four hour hold!!!

Hope your cycle works itself out too!!! Yes-this was a really stressful cycle with Marlow and my brother and the situation at work. My other brother (who works for us) finally came back from vacation today and the new guy is almost all trained, and the workload is down. Marlow is seizure free 12 days and little bro out of hospital............really looking forward to a normal pace!!! : )
Hey Isi I see you lurking down there-you doing okay hun? :hugs:
Whit, I read yesterday (because I've been obsessing over CM) that watery CM is as good as EWCM because it is easier for the swimmers to swim in. I don't know if it true but I choose to believe it :).

Titi...I think we are both driving ourselves crazy... and unfortunately we won't know the answers for a few days... it is nice to have a place to obsess isn't it?

BTW, how is your little brother? Have they figured out what's wrong?

I;ve read that too. I hope it's true!

I think I'm number three here driving myself crazy. I guess I obsess more before O than any other time. In the tww I try to stay away and get good joojoo. I'm worse now since HSG is tomorrow. So nervous about what they will find. :dohh:
Whit I hope everything will be okay with HSG!!! What time is your apt? I think it will be good to have some answers-hopefully you will be all clear and if not at least once they know what they are working with it's a lot better than unexpalined infertility I think where you don't even know what to do to remedy the situation.
Thanks hun.. yea I guess it will be good to know but Im dreading it. Cant shake the feeling that something is wrong--and last night I had a pain on my right side where my ovary should be. It's a little early for O pains so I hope it was nothing.

Apt is at 1130 so hopefully by 1230 or 1 I will be on here and updating.
Ok-will look out for your post. I have weird pains all month long in my left ovary----had an ultrasound for it and nothing......so I know what you mean about worrying something is wrong.

Well I couldn't help myself-I used my one and only frer and -
awww Titi....:hugs:

At least your brother is back so work stress is less.

I hope everything's good with HSG Whit. PMA PMA

I am having slight pains in that region too but according to FF we can get those before, during or after. Not much help :dohh:

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