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LTTTC # 1 w/o Assisted teammates needed!!!!

Hi Dano-o! Welcome!!! I'm sorry your TTC Journey has been such a struggle and so sorry about your MC. I can't imagine how hard that must have been, let alone the bittersweet birth of SIL's baby. My little brother had a totally unplanned pregnancy with his EX girlfriend while we've been TTC and my niece is already 8 months old and mom has already gone to JAIL and has had to sign away rights to baby!!!!!! Sometimes it does not seem fair at all. I wish you lots of dust and hope too your stay here is not long!!

Well I couldn't help myself-I used my one and only frer and -

Titi - you are exposed to far too many crazy moms! Must make you very motivated to be a good mother, and I'll bet it adds to the longing :nope: :hugs: about your negative honey :hugs: I'm getting tired of these virtual hugs and really wishing they could be hugs in person! I'm so glad you found a doc that can help you while respecting your fertility treatment choices. I think you should definitely check her out. Maybe it will give you something else to focus on and change this awful repeating cycle...DH and I decided that we'll do a second SA in July and if we don't succeed this cycle or the next one we'll make an appointment with the fertility clinic my gynie referred us to.

I'd also like to extend a welcome to Dan-o too:flower: had the same thought as Titi when I read your post.

Abi, we will get there. I just know it. I find it reassuring when I look at old threads where there were LTTTCers and they're all pregnant now. It just goes to show that it is only a matter of time for the vast majority of us.

Thanks for writing this Dee - that has been my precise hope lately, that it is only a matter of time and patience.

I think I'm number three here driving myself crazy. I guess I obsess more before O than any other time. In the tww I try to stay away and get good joojoo. I'm worse now since HSG is tomorrow. So nervous about what they will find. :dohh:

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow Whit :thumbup: Hope you aren't too uncomfortable during the procedure.

Glad to hear it went fairly well for you Reba :thumbup:

Hi Isi and Abi!
hey Jaimie I'm glad you are back!!!!!! Thanks for the "virtual but wishing they were real" hugs! xoxoxo : )

I'm not too bummed about the - as I wasn't expecting a positive at all this time which does make it better. And yet I am really fed up with ttc and more angry all of a sudden for once then sad :shrug: ??

And yes-there are super crazy people in my life who have been blessed with kids they don't or can't care about and it makes me so frusterated!!!!!!
Hey girls, CD2 in Abi-world. Bah!

Watery cm isn't quite as good as EWCM, but it is good fertile mucous :flower:

Maca can make you ov earlier? Where's the maca??!! I need to ov earlier!!

Good news about your bro and your dog, Titi. :hugs:

Good luck for tomorrow, Whit :hugs:

Welcome, Dan-O! Ever so sorry you've had such a hard time - I can absolutely recommend acupuncture to help you - traditional chinese medicine in fact. Check out my thread, the really useful tcm thread (sorry titi, do you mind me advertising on your thread?!) Like Reba says, hope your stay here is short and sweet and it's your turn soon. :hugs:

Hey everybody I've missed out.
Abi x
Thanks hun. And apparently it can--or in my case does make me O early!

hope af leaves you quick!
Hey Abs-of COURSE you can advertise-ANYTHING that helps someone get a bfp is a go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On another note-I'm sorry you are with witch again......I really do hate her now. I am right behind you....any day now......

I've been taking maca for about six months now and haven't noticed anything different with my cycle-except that it is possible that it may have helped my libido a little.
Hey girls, ordered me some maca last night. Hopefully it'll make me ov earlier, as this seems to be the one thing TCM is having trouble achieving. Higher libido would be good too - I really need to be arsed to bd when it's not actually bd time! I'll let you know if it helps, obviously.

Have a good day x
Thanks hun.. yea I guess it will be good to know but Im dreading it. Cant shake the feeling that something is wrong--and last night I had a pain on my right side where my ovary should be. It's a little early for O pains so I hope it was nothing.

Apt is at 1130 so hopefully by 1230 or 1 I will be on here and updating.

Good Luck today Whitbit - hope its painfree and you get good news. :thumbup:
Hi ladies. So sorry I've been MIA. I've missed you.

Sorry about your brother, Titi. I hope he's feeling better already. I feel you 100% on this whole ttc business. It can be soo draining. As for the pregnant lady you mentioned..... gosh so very annoying. I have a very arrogant, pregnant colleague who constantly talks about how she got pregnant without even trying (or rather....whilst trying not to). It does upset me and it's increasingly difficult to have her around me...constantly rubbing it in. The good thing is that she's going on maternity leave next week....so that's a relief!

Reba, I'm so glad your HSG went well :hugs:. So I guess you're definitely down to business this cycle!!!! When do you o?

Whit, good luck with the HSG today :thumbup:

Jamie, Dee and Abster, hope you guys are doing great.

As for me, well....went for a scan yesterday, and my doctor declined to put me on clomi or injectibles this cycle, and possibly even next. He says my ovaries are a little swollen and wants them to have a rest. Made me a bit bummed out, as I guess I have to go au naturel this cycle. But I know that nothing is impossible with God! So, armed with a good measure of PMA, I'm going to do everything in my power this cycle and leav everything to God!
Im into my 2nd month of MACA and I def noticed a differnece with AF last month - 3 days spotting (its been 5 days for years and years), 2 day period (relatively medium to light - usually a very heavy day followed by med - light), and virtually pain free - so Im def liking the MACA.

As for making me OV earlier - i havent noticed that - i have been OKP'ing the past 2 days and CD13 was totally negative but CD14 had a faint line so the hormone is gettign ready to surge - which will prob be my usual CD16 (tomorrow).

We got a :sex: session in last night and prob again tomorrow evening or night - Im babysitting for my cousin tonight and staying over so no DH - unless he comes for a few hrs to visit me and we sneak off up stairs - maybe a change of sceanery would be good - I could tell my cousin in a few weeks that we got pregnant in her house!!!! hahaha :haha:

Hope everyones well today :thumbup:
Hi ladies. So sorry I've been MIA. I've missed you.

Sorry about your brother, Titi. I hope he's feeling better already. I feel you 100% on this whole ttc business. It can be soo draining. As for the pregnant lady you mentioned..... gosh so very annoying. I have a very arrogant, pregnant colleague who constantly talks about how she got pregnant without even trying (or rather....whilst trying not to). It does upset me and it's increasingly difficult to have her around me...constantly rubbing it in. The good thing is that she's going on maternity leave next week....so that's a relief!

Reba, I'm so glad your HSG went well :hugs:. So I guess you're definitely down to business this cycle!!!! When do you o?

Whit, good luck with the HSG today :thumbup:

Dee and Abster, hope you guys are doing great.

As for me, well....went for a scan yesterday, and my doctor declined to put me on clomi or injectibles this cycle, and possibly even next. He says my ovaries are a little swollen and wants them to have a rest. Made me a bit bummed out, as I guess I have to go au naturel this cycle. But I know that nothing is impossible with God! So, armed with a good measure of PMA, I'm going to do everything in my power this cycle and leav everything to God!

Hi Isi - welcome back!

Sorry to hear about your ovaries - but I suppose its a good idea to give them a rest for a few cycles if they are swollen - you dont want to be doing any real damage to them. When do you Ov this cycle? I Ov tomorrow (or the next day perhaps - will keep at the OPK's until I get a dark line).

PMA all the way !!!! :happydance: :happydance: :hugs:
Yes Reba....PMA ALLLLLL the way :thumbup:

I'm just on CD2, so still have another 12 days or so, but I most definitely will be cheering you on :dance:. Good luck dear!
Good morning!

Hi Isi! Missed you! Sorry too about your ovaries but you never know-I know on one of the threads this month someone got a bfp this month their first month off Clomid!
Lucky for you your annoying pg lady is going on leave!!! I only work with men......won't have to worry about that at least!!

Whit-Good luck today! Let us know what is going on as soon as you find out!

Abi-Good luck with the maca-what form did you get? I also get something called "female libido tonic" from Whole Foods. It is a liquid extract of herbs known for this that I take 30 drops of a day, 3-4 times a day before I ov. I use that in conjuction with the maca and have definitely noticed a change in libido. I would like to take both all month but am afraid of the effects on a fetus as I don't know that it has been studied too much so most my supplements I stop just in case after I ov.

DH & I had another long talk about TTC yesterday after I got my - hpt. I feel like giving up (not really-you know the feeling. You don't want to stop but you feel you can't bear to keep trying?). His optimism is inspiring but for some reason hard to take......I don't know why I want him to throw his hands up in the air and cry with me. He is still convinced that it just takes longer for some people and there is absolutely nothing to worry about and that I shouldn't "worry". (grrrrr). I told him FINE he can come up with next month's plan since I'm tired of making a plan every month or even saying "its bd time!"

Anyway-I need some quick temp advice. I always temp at 5am. Of course my puppy woke me up last night at 3:20. Since I knew I wouldn't get the requisite 3 hours solid sleep in again before 5, I took my temp and it was 97.80. I was up and awake until about 3:50 and then went back to sleep until 5 and temped again and it was 97.74.
In fertility friend I tried out the temp adjuster. If I only put in the first too early temp it adjusted it to 98.14. If I put in the second optional temp on 1.5 hours sleep, it adjusted to 97.94. Obviously, today is one of those days where it makes a BIG difference in my chart which # I use. So-advice, which temp would you go with?
97.80-actual temp after 3 hours sleep but 1.5+ hours earlier than normal
97.74-normal temp time but only 1.5 block of sleep
98.14-fertility friend adjusted temp only inputting first actual temp
97.94-fertility friend adjusted temp inputting both actual temps.

How is everyone else today??
hi Titi

I would probably go with either the 97.94 or the 97.80 - or average all the temps out and go with 97.91 ??? I dont really know too much about the temping - i use to do it during my 1st yr TTC but havent done it in a while.

I really hope the higher temp is the right one and that might mean good things for you - but its so hard to know.
Thanks Reba-I know......I think this is the last month I am going to temp again for a while.
Good Morning All,

Isi - hope your ovaries get a good rest, overstimulation can cause real problems so it is good that the Dr. is monitoring you for that. I can imagine your frustration though but I have also read of a few people who got bfps after coming off of clomid. :hugs:

Titi - I do know how you feel :hugs: Men do express themselves differently and it can be maddening to us.

I would use the 97.8 and here is my reasoning. 1. You got the required amount of sleep. 2. According to how FF works, the temperature would only go higher if you had slept to the normal time,so using 97.8 would be the most conservative temp. It wouldn't be exact but close enough. My second choice would be 97.94. I would not even consider 97.74. I'm going to check your chart to see what you decided and how it looks. :hugs:

Abi, I'll be following how the maca works with you since I am a bit irregular myself.:flower:

Jaime, Reba - it looks like we're all oving around the same time. Good Luck and baby :dust:

Whit - :hugs: Let us know how you're doing, when you can. FX crossed for you.
I wish I could offer good advice, re your temping Titi. All I can do is wish you the best, hun :hugs:

Thanks so much, Dee! I'm hoping that's the case with me!!

That maca sounds extremely interesting indeed!! Hmmmmmmm :)
Thanks Dee-
That is EXACTLY what I thought this morning and entered the 97.80. I really wanted it to be the high one but that didn't feel right and no sense in getting my hopes up, as I already got a - anyway.

Your chart is interesting as well! It is possible that you Ov'd on cd15 already, but based on your ewcm and + opk it probably hasnt happened yet.
Interesting...or confusing chart! I had slight lower back pain and right side slight twinges yesterday. Oh and had another restless night so I am hoping that's why the temps are so high. I have found that I don't sleep as well when I temp.

Anyone ever heard of using Extra Virgin Olive Oil?

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