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LTTTC # 1 w/o Assisted teammates needed!!!!

instead of preseed etc....Dr. prefers nothing but suggested a few drops of EVOO only if absolutely necessary. Googled it (of course) and found mixed responses.
hmmmmmmmmmm...........it seems..........interesting (and not soluble).

Will have to google. I have been using preseed 6 months, pre-concieve + 2 months and zetstica (brand new from Austrailia-only lube to actually IMPROVE motility, supposedly) and no luck yet-so was contemplating actual egg whites (still can't) so maybe evoo?

I definitely HAVE to use something. I normally don't have much going on down there to begin with and after a few days of BD its absolutely DRY.
Just looked at the Zestica, sounds promising. I hope it is as good as they say.

I'm drinking alot of water which will help I suppose. I just saw a thread in the TTC section about the foods that help, looks interesting.
I've got my fingers crossed for Whit - I wonder if her appointment is this morning?

Howdy Isi! Is there a particular reason why your ovaries might be slightly swollen? Is it from taking clomid in previous cycles? Just curious as I've never heard of that before...

Titi - it is really hard when our men don't react to this TTC business in a manner we expect them to. For a long time I was surprised at his lack of disappointment each month ~ but now he is getting disappointed when AF shows and it makes me feel badly for putting him through the same roller coaster I've gotten on. I hope you are able to take some solace in your DH's faith that it just takes some couples longer. I really do think that is what we are up against here - that and our lack of patience ; P

Dee - your chart looks good to me - just need some post ov temps to get some perspective on the total range of temperatures, then it will look great!
Hi Jamie. In March, I combined clomid with injectibles, and I did over stimulate a bit. I do ovulate on my own, but as I have only one good tube, we were just trying to increase my chances. My ovaries were fine before my last dose of clomid last cycle, but I guess I can't have back-to-back treatment. I'll give it a rest for a cycle or 2.....I pray I get my BFP then so I don't have to go back :winkwink:.

CD 8 for you....nice! Are you on the SMEP?
I see Isi, thanks for explaining! I also pray that you'll get your BFP during your rest period : )

I'm not doing SMEP, but I am going to try and increase the number of BD sessions for this cycle. The past two cycles we've been trying every other night during our window, but I think with DH's good clean living his :spermy: should be up for nightly insemination duty by now :thumbup:
Hi ladies!!! :wave:

My tubes are all clear! I got an extra spurt of dye just to make sure--the most painful part. It was worse than a menstrual cramp but I was all done cramping after about 5-10 mins. She says hopefully we will get pregnant soon--if not maybe try clomid again

Isi- Glad your ovaries are getting a rest. Last time I was on clomid (I was taking 150 mg) I had cysts emerge and rupture. Mrskcbrown was on clomid, but when she quit taking it, she got pregnant! Fxed maybe you'll have some great luck on your own!

About the EVO--that would scare me to put organic material 'up there' but who knows, maybe its safe? :shrug:

Almost all of us are on a fresh new cycle, are we not? :dust: for all!
Yay Whit! I am happy for you and now that they have been flushed out they should be better than ever!!

EVOO - I figure it's safe but it does seem like a strange thing to use

:hi: Isi & Jaime
Yeah for your clear tubes Whit! Now we just need to hope that your eggs and DH's spermies will do what they are supposed to in that nicely flushed out space : )
Thanks Jaimie and Whit :hugs:. I know its a blessing in disguise that my ovaries gets to rest. I heard about Mrskc and I'm soo hoping that's the case with me as well :D. FX for this cycle....for all of us!!!! :thumbup:

And yay for the clear tubes, Whit!!! That's always such a relief to hear!! I pray you get that :bfp: soon!!!

Dee and Titi....all these lubes sound perfect...especially the zestica. I'm just lucky I was able to find Preseed here....lol! I pray whichever we choose all work for us. I'm also trying to drink more water this cycle.....and of course the grapefruit.

Reba....how are you today?
Hi ladies

Whitbit - great news about the tubes - its such a relief isnt it. Did the Dr give you the final results or just the radiographer? I still have to wait for the proper ones from the Dr but the radiographer seemed to think mine were fine - just hope Dr doesnt see something different (im sure she wont but cant help but worry). Let hope it works and we get our well deserved BFP's!!!! :thumbup:

Well Im having alot of EWCM today and some last night (of course I was babysitting so my DH wasnt with me to DTD). Hopefully he will be home earlish from work today and we can get an afternoon session in - and again tonight perhaps or in the morning. I did an OPK yesterday evening too and it was darker than the previous day so the surge was starting to happen at least - hopefully it will stay positive this eve and tomorrow so I dont miss out - we DTD Wed night but that seems so far away - cant imagine the :spermy: still alive in there - hope so !!!!

Isi - I'm good - how are you? i'm overdosing with Grapefruit juice this cycle too and think it has def helped with the EWCM. Someone on this thread needs to get a BFP soon..... lets hope its all of us!!!!
Good Morning Girls :hi:

Titi - how are you? :hugs:

Reba, glad to hear your tubes are okay!

I've been told every 72hours (at the least) so Wednesday's should be okay until this afternoon.

FF has showed a tentative Ov date of CD15 for me...I hope that's not right because I may have missed the boat in that case. In all the months of monitoring my cycles I've never Oved that early! My temps do seem a bit low for post ov so hopefully FF will change it to later. In addition, I did not start getting dark lines on the OPK until CD15 and only got a positive on CD16.
aw Dee, your chart is always confusing! : ( :hugs:
I hope you didn't miss BD-it sure still looks like you are fertile based on everything besides temps.

Well, I am officially REALLY depressed. My temp has dipped WAY below coverline. Usually AF comes as soon as it dips CLOSE to coverline and now I've gone even below. SHOW YOUR FACE YOU STUPID HAG!!!!!!

Anyway, I'm not going to temp again next month. I seem to ov about cd12 every month and I'm never pg and never think I am except for these stupid temps so I'm going back on break. In fact I think I want a break from the whole thing except I really don't. This is riduculous. cycle 20 and never so much as a faint bfp in my whole life.
Titi :hugs:

I'm sorry. I wish I could say something more inspiring and helpful.

I too wish we could take a break from having to think about it EVERY SINGLE DAY. It rules our lives and it's not as simple as it is for others.

Titi - sorry your temp went extra low - Its so hard to stay positive after so many months (im on cycle 28 myself - maybe more cos Ive stopped counting). We've come this far so we can def keep going. Maybe give yourself a break from temping for a while - i did and never went back to it - it bored me too much and made me miserable when my temp went below coverline (deep down I still hoped I'd be pregnant but I never was - ive never had a snife of a BFP is all these months/years.... I cant even imagine what it would feel like to see 2 lines on a test - but it will happen for us, its got to!!!!

Dee - thanks for the reassurance - im gonna have to jump on DH when he gets home (but i spoke to him earlier and he said he's watching the world cup match at 3.30 (in ten mins) so I will have to jump on him at half time!!!! How romantic.........NOT

Well hope you ladies have a nice weekend what ever you get up to - i'm taking it easy myself - cinema perhaps and thats it - shopping too of course (window mainly though - funds are low towards the middle/end of the month).

chat monday
Thanks girls for sharing my excitement! Not sure how long it could last. I have a silt like discharge- very dry and papery. It sucks I should be O'ing in two days. Not sure about it, but hoping for the best.

Reba hope you get a good Bd in ;)

Titi- Sorry honey :hugs: I know you've been thinking about an FS appointment, maybe you should make one and by the time it rolls around you will be ready for it--I'm sure you can talk Dh into it, as it's for your peace of mind. You have been miserable for a while now and you deserve to be happy!
I agree with Whit, Titi - you definitely deserve some peace of mind and at the very least a distraction. So what do you say to making FS appointments together? Like I've said, I planned on making the call in July anyways, after DH's second SA. Maybe that will help give us something else to look forward to? And you wanted to check out that FS you found, right? I don't mean to pressure you, just wanted to offer you some support. I can definitely hear the disappointment and frustration in your posts and I feel for ya hon.

I'm with you on the temping, in fact I gave it up last month after you said you had gotten an exciting ID one cycle. After that happened to me, and after hearing that you'd given it up, I decided I had gotten all I needed out of that approach. I'm doing digi cb opks this cycle anyways, so that will give me a better idea of when ov is taking place. I'm pretty consistent though so I fully expect it to happen around CD 15.

Good luck with your post HSG ov Reba and Whit! Sorry to hear your discharge is a little strange Whit, hope it turns into nice, fertile cm real soon.

Hugs ladies! And loads of support and encouragement...
Well, I had a really grueling af experience this cycle where was totally ready for it yesterday and it didn't come, and then my temp actually went UP this morning. Talk about an awful trick. I was wide awake at 5am planning the fathers day bfp for dh when it crossed my mind to do a knicker check before getting anymore excited and there she was in all her mean glory.

I thought I was going to give up this cycle but suddenly I want to bring it all on: soy, red clover, maca, temping, ovacue, lots & lots of bd......

I dunno about the fs. I'm going to have to do some more research and see. I guess my fear is bringing even more artificial weirdness to an already tired and stressed romantic relationship. Don't get me wrong-DH & I are very happy-and I think weathering the infertility as good as could be.......but I do always have the nagging fear that after too long it can really hurt a relationship and maybe we should just focus on something else if it isn't meant to be yet. I just can't get over the hump of indecision to do one thing either give up or go full Dr. I am stuck.

Anyway-in my obsessing today I found this: thought it was interesting.

Susun's Response: Time is not running out!

Dear Layla

Perhaps you are pushing yourself too hard. It is quite normal for women to have
babies in their forties, even in their fifties. Time is not running out and you may
injure your own health by taking IV hormones.Herbs that increase fertility and
encourage pregnancy tend to work slowly. I know you are impatient. Nonetheless,
I urge you to slow down.

I know many women who were told their tubes were damaged but who
conceived without IV. What did they use? Red clover infusion. (Not tea, not
tincture, not capsules. If you don't know how to make an infusion, instructions
are in all of my books.) Try drinking red clover infusion for three months. During
this time, visualize your tubes opening and accepting your egg and then your lover's
sperm. There is lots more information on red clover and on fertility after forty in my
book New Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way, available from

If you are not pregnant in three months, you may want to continue drinking red
clover and also add tincture of Chasteberry (a dose is a dropperful, taken several
times a day. More information on this incredible herb can be found on my website: https://www.susunweed.com .

Green Blessings, Susun Weed
Hi Reba, Whit, Jaime, Titi, Isi, Abi - hope you are enjoying your weekend so far. :hi:

Titi, you are so upbeat this morning, that is wonderful! :thumbup:

I hadn't heard of that before (about the red clover), it sounds quite interesting. The part about positive thought and visualisation, I have read in many of the articles on fertility.

My temp finally went up to normal LP temps today so I am keeping my fingers crossed that I have not missed the boat and that I actually oved in last couple of days. Just waiting to see.
Hello! Going swimming soon :winkwink: So glad Dh is off today!

Titi- I know what you mean about causing more stress. I guess it's different for everyone. Do what's right for you! All this has brought my Dh and I closer. We appreciate what we have now and we don't argue quite as much. It's so relieving to have has the HSG done, and to at least know there's nothing wrong on that front--although unexplained infertility is very daunting. I'm trying not to think about that though--just focusing on the possibility of a nice fertility boost! Thanks for the info too. I am always open to looking into new things. I was on a tea kick for a while though, need to get back in the habit-- going to go drink my green tea now!

Dee your chart is looking awesome! Nice high temp you have there :winkwink:

Hi Reba, Abi, Jaimie, and Isi! Hope all is well :wave:

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