LTTTC # 1 w/o Assisted teammates needed!!!!

yeah Whit-I think I wrote that wrong. I made it sound like are relationship is already stressed out and this is worse-and what I meant is that I am AFRAID of that happening after time. We have the best relationship-are best friends and really taking the infertility as well as can-but I do know it takes a toll with a lot of couples.

Even though the stress hasn't hurt, it doesn't help that there is a baby hole here........In every other part of my life I am not about pushing what is not meant to be so this whole thing has me stumped.

Dee that IS a really nice temp rise! Mine has never done that so maybe that is a great sign!

I'm not sure why I don't feel total crap today. I was really excited when I didn't get AF yesterday and found my temp rose today........and then SO crushed just to find I'd started AF in my sleep & didn't even realize it while I was daydreaming about DH's first Father's was awful. I really thought earlier in the week I was going to throw in the towel a little but I'm just not ready yet. But I'm not sure I'm ready yet to go to FS. I don't know why-I will have to do more research and pray.

Hope everyone else is having a great weekend. At least I find Father's day is nowhere near as hard as Mother's day. I also have the first weekend off in a long long time and going to lay down on the couch now and do nothing.
Good Morning All :hi:

Titi, another lovely pic! The witch was really cruel to you this month, sorry :hugs2:.

Whit -hope you had fun swimming.

Jaime - every day sounds like a good plan, I am trying it this cycle but got a late start next month will start really early.

Isi - have you decided on a plan of action for this month yet?

Abi - how are you?
I started taking pineapple core yesterday when I got high temp. so hope it works!
Thanks Dee! Oh-I totally forgot about the pineapple core! I did that for about 3 cycles and then forgot!!

Your chart looks so good. Oh I'm going to cross everything for you.

Well, last night DH and I were talking and I said, "okay, I'm ready to try the one thing I have been so far unwilling to do". Bless him he really pays attention-he said "Egg Whites!" I said-"righto!"...........I'm lucky he's such a good sport.
Anyhow I was trying to research the olive oil as a lube thing and kept coming back across how fertility specialists still say that egg whites are best b/c of the protein level and most similar consistancy. So...........(erw) egg whites it is!
I also started taking wild yam yesterday cd1 -ovulation. This is supposed to be an amazing fertility herb. I bought it a while back but have been uneasy to try it since it is one of those weird things where used half your cycle it is for fertility but if you use it the other half it is actually birth control (eek!). I've done enough research though that I'm comfortable with using the first half of the cycle-1 time only, just to see. It's also been known to help with twins which we are really hoping for since we need all the little chillies we can get while we can (and I do have twin brothers).

DH & I are also going to try and go for broke with the BD this cycle. The last few cycles we've tried every other day and a.m. & "good quality" sex and nothing. Now I think we are going to try really hard to get 2 bds in a day the day before ov-in case they only make it 12 hours or so-and one on ov morning.

This is the last cycle I plan on continuing on like this. I am going to research the FS and either make an apt. soon-or take the rest of the summer "off" and make an apt. after our anniversary/holiday in Sept. Dunno yet.
Your plan of action sounds good.

The egg whites do seem to be mentioned alot, I wish it weren't so icky though. We decided to not use anything so I'm drinking alot of water, so far it's been okay.

Having twins would have it's upside. Does the soy also increase chances of that happening?

I too had forgotten the pineapple core but saw pineapples last weekend at the market and told dh about it, we didn't get any bec I wasn't sure when Ov would be... and three days ago he brought home a really is nice when they pay attention!

I agree with the every day/ every other day /regular bd schedule - regardless of whatever else like OPKs, temps etc. - because I don't want the reason for taking so long to be poor timing and it irks me that I left it to so late this month!
aw Dee I know it's hard to time it just right b/c we don't want to start to early b/c we tire out by the time most fertile rolls around but like you said it's scary when you start too late since they can also last five days in there!

That was sweet about DH bringing home a pineapple-bless him!

I think soy might also help with multiples. Both DH and I really want multiples since we do feel we are starting late and it would be really special-but it does have its downside too a big one being that I've already picked out the birthing center I wanted to have baby naturally in waterbirth using hypnobirthing but if you have multiples it is considered high risk and you have to have in hospital instead. Also of course it is really overwhelming in the beginning. But at this point the youngest I will be is 35 when I have a child, and also wanted to breastfeed a long time which I know is almost always a natural b.c. so it seems it is going to be hard to have the size family we wanted at the rate we are going.

I have to remember to drink more water. I've been eating terribly and not exercising due to the stress and slight ttc depression, and I really do want to be healthier this cycle. It's so hard to get back once you slack for so long.
Hi :wave:

Titi- I didnt mean you guys had trouble in your relationship.. you didnt word anything wrong at all! I just meant for us, it has brought us closer. We went through a phase where we just weren't getting along... We have really re-evaluated everything and instead of stressing and arguing we are trying to go with the flow and not pressure ourselves so much. I know what you mean about the exercise thing. I havent worked out in so long! Still losing some weight and 8 pounds from my goal.. but the workout would do me good.

I LOVE pineapple! I will be eating it my whole 2ww--cant eat the core though since I have braces :nope:

Eggwhites would be interesting. Ya never know.. I may get to the point where I am trying it :blush:
Whit, I eat the core not the rest of the pineapple - I read it somewhere on another board- I'm no expert so can't recommend or advise either way!! Maybe you can do some research on it!
Yea I have read about it. The whole pineapple contains bromelain.. which is supposed to help with implantation. However, the core has the most concentrated amount of it. It's so hard to chew though. I just stick with the fruity part. :thumbup:
Ohhh, thanks for the info. How are you doing? Have you recovered from the HSG?
Yea 100% thank you for asking :)

How is the 2ww going? Not too hard I hope :)
Good Morning All,

Whit, good to know that you've recovered in time for Ov. Your sig says it's tomorrow, is that correct?

FF has changed my Ov day from CD 15 to CD18 which I was hoping for.

How was everyone's weekend. Ours was quiet.
Yay Dee that's great!!! Quiet here too.
Hi Titi :hi:, hope you were able to relax after the stress of the last few weeks.
Hi Dee-
Thanks I did! I can't remember the last time I had a whole weekend off-it was really nice, and I have a 1/2 day today and lunch with my mom!

Maybe will have time for a chat later! : )
Hi ladies!

Nice to see that you are feeling recovered from the HSG Whit, and gearing up for ov! I am too - I'll start my digi opks today. Gotta make some time to practice with the softcups : )

Howdy Dee! I had a pretty quiet weekend and got a lot of chill time with DH. Glad your ov day is more agreeable now!

Titi - I'm so glad to see you bouncing back with a plan of attack. I was thinking of you all weekend and hoping the down time would help you recover. I completely hear you on either taking a break for the rest of the summer or making an appointment after this cycle. I need a change too. I hope we are both able to come up with something that works - ideally a pregnancy!!!
Hi Girls, sorry I can't chat, off swimming in a little while, but I just wanted to check in and say hello.
Sorry the bitch got you, Titi (and awfully cruelly to boot!). Don't give up though, will you?
I eat pineapple after ov too. Yummy! Hadnb't heard of eating the core though. Mmmm... more pineapple can't hurt, surely?!
I ordered my maca last wed night and it still hasn't arrived. I;m cd7 and was really hoping it might have the possibility of bringing my ov forward this cycle. Ho-hum.
Got to dash, love to everybody!
Abi x
Good Morning everone,

Hi Jaime - nice hearing from you, I hope you work out a plan of action or preferably that you get that bfp before you need to. Here's a little :dust: to help.

Titi - I can't wait for the next pic!

Whit & Abi :

I saw Whit's thread - Anyone heard of pineapple core?

There is also another bnb thread called -pineapple?? does it work- and alot of other stories on the internet.

I tried to post the links but can't seem to get it right!

There are various opinions on whether it is helpful ranging from helpful to harmful and there are warnings about eating too much, drinking the juice and eating the flesh of the fruit etc (depending on what you read). It is best that you read up on it before you decide whether or not to try using it. There are some that say it brings on contractions and miscarriage.

Please do the research, just like any other supplement etc., before you decide if to try it. Also, your TCM practitioner / Doctor etc may have an opinion as well so it would be best to consult them.

Hope everyone has a nice day!
Good morning!

Dee-I'm loving your chart this cycle! What are you thinking about it?

Well I dropped temping today. I just can't do it this month. Was initially excited to try again but not going to. Plus my fertility monitor is actually really good at confirming ov so I will just stick with that this cycle.

I'm pretty sure my new will be that if I don't get pg this cycle then for the rest of the summer I think I will take a break from everything but prenatals and probably only try to dtd every 2-3 days 2nd & 3rd weeks instead of paying attn. to the calendar.......but really only if it happens that we are in the mood. I was thinking of taking a little break and now I have signed up for a teaching commitment for CCD next year that runs sept-may and ends with first communion. I really wouldn't want to miss the little kids first communion after a whole school year and think it is interesting that in order not to that timing sorta coincides with the 2 months I was thinking of breaking anyhow. I mean-I'm not going to try and prevent it or anything-I'm not crazy!

So-will just sort of enjoy a few months back to "normal" and have our 2nd wedding anniversary holiday the first week of Sept. and in the meantime I will research the FS or RE and prob. set up an apt. for mid Sept.

I want a family more than anything but I don't want to lose sight of what DH and I have now. If this ended up taking years and then we end up with beautiful children forever-ours or not- I would look back wishing we had enjoyed the last years of our time alone more than just being depressed and waiting for baby.

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