LTTTC # 1 w/o Assisted teammates needed!!!!

Hi Titi,

I am loving my chart too but know that it is too early to get excited but was daydreaming about it this morning and hoping it rises again tomorrow with a bfp soon!

Oh, how my mind works, always being optimistic and dreamy about this!

It is nice that you have a plan. I really really really really wish I could stop charting but I am so unpredictable, it all goes haywire when I don't! Last month I did not chart and I think I oved about 2 weeks late, of course, I know this after the fact.

Will you be using the ovacue? I was looking at it and I am sooooo tempted to get one with all the bells and whistles.

Most importantly, I like your new philosophy of enjoying the present with DH!
Hi ladies,

I dont know what keeps happening to my thread subscription. Anyways, going to manually subscribe now, so it has no choice but to pop up in my User CP.

Titi, I'm glad you sound more upbeat about this cycle....and I pray God rewards your efforts! Its awesome that your DH is ready to try everything. Praying for a lucky cycle for you guys!

Dee, thanks for asking :hugs:. Well......I did intend for us to do the SMEP this cycle. But I caught a bad bug over the weekend and have been ill since then. Today is my first day at work all week :cry:. I feel better though...but not sure I have the strength to BD tonight (CD8 being day #1 on the SMEP), but we'll see. I'm going home by lunch time, so I might feel strong by the time DH gets back :winkwink:

And pineapple core?? Never heard of that though. What does it do? are you doing? Getting ready for the fun stuff, right :winkwink:

Reba hun! How's the 2ww coming along?

Ladies, do you think I'm over reacting? I belong to another team on BnB (African/African-American team). In recent months, the majority of ladies have gotten pregnant and it has been a thing of joy. They share their pregnancy stories and even though the rest of us can not relate, we do chip in when we can and constantly offer encouragement and support....not to mention rubbing off some baby dust as well. Recently, one of us joked about feeling a little out of place, and they immediately said that wasn't necessary, how we could all learn from their experiences, etc. In a nutshell, we have been beautifully coexisting and sharing our stories in our different stages of this baby journey. Anyways, suddenly yesterday, one of the suggests that they form a spin off thread/team, for members who're pregnant (or in their own words, BFP members). Reason? So as not to make the ttc sisters feel bad....and how some of us might not be able to handle the pregnancy stories and all what not. My reaction was WTH???!!!! I have never felt so patronised in my whole life!!!! I immediately made my feelings clear and I'm really not sure if I'll be returning to that thread. I'm still hopping mad!! Do you think I'm over reacting though?
Yikes Dee I think your chart is triphasic.................has that happened to you before? It happened slightly to me once and of course bfn but it is still exciting nonetheless!
Sorry I missed your IM yesterday-we ended up taking FIL out to dinner.

Isi-nice to see you back! I lose some of my subscriptions too and wonder why no body is updating and then find I miss a bunch of stuff.

I dunno what to think about your it a TTC team? I know that I'm a member of another TTC thread where a LOT of the girls were getting bfps and coming back and discussing their pregnancies at length on the site. That really irked me b/c I just don't think that is the place on a ttc thread-esp. since we had had some recent losses that cycle and I imagined it must have been really hard for some of the girls to keep logging on for ttc support and seeing preg chatter-that's actually one of the motivating factors for this thread. SO-I mean, if it is actually a TTC thread I think a spinoff for pregnant women is probably a kind and appropriate reaction, actually-but would have to understand more of the situation and such?
Yeah, I see what you mean Titi. I think I just got upset about the "exclusivity" of it all. Anyways, I guess its all part of this ttc journey.

How are you today?
Hi :hi:

Isi - so sorry to hear that you've been ill. Hope you recover in a timely manner! Thankfully, you still have a few days before Ov right?

Titi - the temps are a bit higher than usual I believe. It is way to early for it to mean anything though. I've seen it do that step thing but usually the temp will fall again, maybe tomorrow. At 5 dpo I don't feel anything one way or the other and maybe that's a good thing or I'd be driving myself nuts.

Where is everyone? Whit, Abi, Jaime, Reba?? :hi: Hope you are all doing well.:hugs:
Hi Ladies - sorry I haven't been posting anything in the last few days - im going through a bit of a "i can't be arsed anymore" phase. And I also have absolutely nothing exciting or positive to tell anyone - im 5DPO and aint feeling any different, no signs, no symptoms etc (i know its too early but I aint feeling very hopeful either). I just really had high hopes after the HSG and reading about all the people who got their BFP's after having the procedure - I dont think thats gonna be me some how! I'm collecting my Clomid prescription tomorrow too (still dont know whether to start it next cycle or leave it for another month or two (only cos i have a FS appointment on 28 July and I have a holiday booked for end of Aug so if I take it and get lucky first time round (fat chance though) then I'll be preggers on hols and dont particularly want to fly in the first Trimester (listen to me talking like Im already preggers!!!).

Isi - maybe the pregnant ladies were feeling bad posting all their great pregnany stories and didnt want to be offending anyone who was still TTC so they thought the spin off thread would be a good idea? Maybe they want to shout from the roof tops "im pregnant" but feel that they cant really do that in that thread so thought a spin off would be better - I know what you mean though about feeling patronised, Im sure they didnt mean it like that. :hugs:

Hope the rest of you ladies are doing well? I must read back and see whats going on!
Howdy righteous LTTTC babes!

Isi - I'm so sorry the gals on your thread made you feel "on the outs". I think if they wanted to start a first tri thread they should have done it through private messages, not through posts on a TTC thread. For all the reasons Titi gave, I can definitely see why they would want to start a separate thread, just seems like they should have done it more tactfully. On the "trying to have fun: TTHF" thread we have some gals that have gotten BFPs; but they are careful to ask if it is ok to stick around. For me, if I "know" a gal and can relate to her journey, I don't have as much trouble supporting them after a BFP. But several gals on that thread have expressed how difficult it is to hear about BFPs and early pg stuff, so that is why the few that have crossed over are more tactful. It is a tricky thing that should be done with some care, especially on the TTC threads.

Ah Reba - I hope the final week in your 2WW doesn't get you all :wacko: Personally, I'd rather maintain a "I can't be arsed" attitude than an insane "could I be pg?" attitude.

I got a smiley on my digi opk earlier than I expected so DH and I have been BDing for the past two nights ~ also using some preseed and softcups. I hope to keep that up for another couple of nights and then try to hang loose :haha:

Hope you are hangin' in there Whit - are you in DPO territory yet?

Howdy Dee! That is a nice lookin' chart you've got there.

:hugs: LTTTCers! :hugs:
Hi ladies! I agree with Jaimie on the spinoff thread--def something that should have been discussed privately.

Dee- your chart really is looking good!

Reba I know what you mean.. I am having the same feelings right now. My chart is WHACKED and I have no idea when I ovulated! I'm not feeling positive at all right now..I'm just tired of obsessing, plain TIRED. Tried to call about my test results but got a machine and forgot to call back today.. Guess maybe I will know by tomorrow.

:hugs: to all!
Wow Dee you know your body pretty well even though you have some irregular cycles. I hope that dip goes back up soon!

Reba-I feel for you hun. It's definitely too early for you to get bummed but I can relate to it seeming like things work for everyone but me, and getting your hopes up during ov that the the thing you are doing will work for you too, and then very early on into the 2ww getting totally discouraged that this one didn't take either. I think it is a natural byproduct of the trauma of LTTTC. Maybe you can meditate in the meantime-visualize implantation? :hugs:

Whit-I'm going to say you haven't ov'd yet and either did yesterday or will today. Your chart isn't too wacky looking at it that way. Are you SURE your opk was totally positive the other day? There was a time where my test line was dark enough I was counting as a positive but really found later that I couldn't truly count it unless it was literally as dark or darker........probably know that, but just checking. Still, you could have had a + opk and then a - and ov yesterday-even today. They say you are supposed to stop opk once you get your + b/c you will ov 12-36 hours after the first + and retaking can lead to confusing.

Yeah DH & I had yet ANOTHER long ttc talk yesterday. He is really convinced that there is nothing wrong and it is just taking longer, ala Jaimie's theory. He says in his opinion he'd like to just patiently keep trying-albeit maybe a more relaxed approach. He doesn't seem worried at all that we will "Miss out" on anything and would rather give it more time before doing more tests. He's really flexible, if it were important to me to go for more testing now he'd support that-but that is what his 2 cents are.

Well guess that's all for now-how is everyone else?
Wow Dee you know your body pretty well even though you have some irregular cycles. I hope that dip goes back up soon!

Reba-I feel for you hun. It's definitely too early for you to get bummed but I can relate to it seeming like things work for everyone but me, and getting your hopes up during ov that the the thing you are doing will work for you too, and then very early on into the 2ww getting totally discouraged that this one didn't take either. I think it is a natural byproduct of the trauma of LTTTC. Maybe you can meditate in the meantime-visualize implantation? :hugs:

Whit-I'm going to say you haven't ov'd yet and either did yesterday or will today. Your chart isn't too wacky looking at it that way. Are you SURE your opk was totally positive the other day? There was a time where my test line was dark enough I was counting as a positive but really found later that I couldn't truly count it unless it was literally as dark or darker........probably know that, but just checking. Still, you could have had a + opk and then a - and ov yesterday-even today. They say you are supposed to stop opk once you get your + b/c you will ov 12-36 hours after the first + and retaking can lead to confusing.

Yeah DH & I had yet ANOTHER long ttc talk yesterday. He is really convinced that there is nothing wrong and it is just taking longer, ala Jaimie's theory. He says in his opinion he'd like to just patiently keep trying-albeit maybe a more relaxed approach. He doesn't seem worried at all that we will "Miss out" on anything and would rather give it more time before doing more tests. He's really flexible, if it were important to me to go for more testing now he'd support that-but that is what his 2 cents are.

Well guess that's all for now-how is everyone else?
Hi Girls,

Whit - Your chart is a bit confusing! CD15 would have been my guess but let's see what happens over the next few days it might be later than that since it seems to be seesawing.

Titi - My chart is following the same pattern as one I've had before (unfortunately)...

It is nice that you and DH are communicating and are on the same wavelength.

Hope everyone has a nice day!
Reba :hugs:

Hope you feel better hun. We're here if you need to chat. :hugs:
Thanks ladies. I guess I probably over reacted :blush:

Reba, just hang in there. Your 2ww is almost over! Praying for some good news hun!

Whit, Jamie and Dee, you're all in the 2ww right? I hope to join you next week. Fun times, lol! I'm really praying for a couple :bfp:s on this thread!

Titi, your DH has the same theory as mine. Maybe they're right and we just need to relax. Praying for successful cycles for us, dear! Did you give up temping and the other ttc stuff this cycle?
Aw Whit, I totally hear ya on the JUST PLAIN TIRED-ness of it all! I'll be today is your ov day ~ I wonder if the HSG just threw you off a little?

Hang tough Reba :hugs:

Titi - I really hope I can go with you into the "taking things a little easier" realm. Although the temping, vitamins, and sticking experimental things up my hoo ha have been a fun distraction they also add to the expectations and recurring disappointment. I've been slowing trying to make a transition to the "i'm in it for the long-haul so I have to get off this roller coaster" attitude. Renewing my commitment to daily meditation and exercise has really helped. I recently took a little vacation from exercise but I'm getting back on that bandwagon. I hope that your CCD class provides a good outlet for you - does that not start until the school year begins?

Isi - good luck with the BDing and cross into the 2ww!

Dee - glad you are down to the 1ww!
morning all - thanks for all the support - its great. Im not as pee'd off as I was - i think the first week after Ov i always get really down cos I just know it didnt work "AGAIN" but the 2nd week after ov im back to thinking "oh well not to worry" - Im in the 1WW now - but as usual no signs/symptoms etc - just hoping the MACA gives me a long LP and less spotting like last month - If so I'll probably need to order some more. My prescription of Clomid is waiting at surgery to be picked up - i'll get it next week - prob wont be starting it til September I'd say (give myself 3 months after the HSG).

Hope everyone else is doing okay and you all have a nice weekend. Im off to a 1st birthday party today and a christening tomorrow - its all babies, babies, babies....

Chat after the weekend - i have monday off work so wont be back on here til Tues so hope there is some good news to report from all you ladies in the 2/1WW..... :thumbup:
Hi Whit, Titi, Abi, Jaime, Reba, Isi :hi:

No symptoms for me, starting to feel discouraged now , another cycle bites the dust I guess.

Hope everyone's doing well. Have a nice day!:hugs:
Titi, your DH has the same theory as mine. Maybe they're right and we just need to relax. Praying for successful cycles for us, dear! Did you give up temping and the other ttc stuff this cycle?

yeah and DH is two years older than me and also wants a baby just as bad. Sometimes it's hard for me that he can be so nonchalant about it but mostly its really helpful and inspiring. I have been really trying to force this bfp for 20 cycles and am finally ready I think, for a few months anyway to let go a little.

I did give up temping and charting but have still taken my supplements and using the fertility monitor one more cycle. Then I will probably give up most all of it and just try to make sure we are DTD every 2-3 days 2nd & 3rd week of cycle without paying too much attn. to the dates. I guess :shrug:

Sounds like you are doing a better taking it easy too-maybe we need to look into Jaimies TTHF thread.
Titi - I really hope I can go with you into the "taking things a little easier" realm. Although the temping, vitamins, and sticking experimental things up my hoo ha have been a fun distraction :rofl:
they also add to the expectations and recurring disappointment. I've been slowing trying to make a transition to the "i'm in it for the long-haul so I have to get off this roller coaster" attitude. Renewing my commitment to daily meditation and exercise has really helped. I recently took a little vacation from exercise but I'm getting back on that bandwagon. I hope that your CCD class provides a good outlet for you - does that not start until the school year begins?

I accidentally have taken a hiatus from exercise and eating healthy and meditation & yoga and man, it is HARD to get back to it. I have such an all or nothing personality-as you can tell with my babymaking ways!!!

CCD starts in September-Its a big commitment-I hope it proves to be a nice distraction and at least will afford me a lot of time with a bunch of hopefully sweet little ones.
- i think the first week after Ov i always get really down cos I just know it didnt work "AGAIN" but the 2nd week after ov im back to thinking "oh well not to worry" - Im in the 1WW now - but as usual no signs/symptoms etc -:

No symptoms for me, starting to feel discouraged now , another cycle bites the dust I guess. :

Lots of PMA and :dust: and :hugs: for you both!!!!

That is what is so nice about this thread-the support and that we can ALL relate. The 2ww cycle is what always drives me insane to the point of not wanting to try anymore-I go through the EXACT same thing EVERY cycle-hope & elation at ov followed by dispair within the first 5dpo, back to hope again in the 1ww then to totally depressed two days before AF, back to denial in the next day or two followed by my period and despair again. sigh. If only we didn't have to have our periods-maybe we actually could "relax and forget" about TTC while we are trying without the constant reminder (and hormones!!!!!)

:hugs:!!! FX'd for both of you!!!!!!
I totally agree, Titi! I know I definitely need to relax and take it easy. It's easier said than done for me though....but I'll try. I really hope God blesses us this cycle.

Hi ladies...Dee, Reba, Jaimie, Whit! Blowing loads of :dust: to those in the 2ww! Seems to be everyone but Titi and I. Thank God it's the weekend, so less time to obsess. Goo luck girls.


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