LTTTC # 1 w/o Assisted teammates needed!!!!

yeah-in a way its depressing not being in the 2ww b/c I know for 100% that I'm not even possibly pregnant-but also its a bit of a relief as there is nothing to worry about or drive myself crazy with. Going to have sake & sushi with pal tonight!!!!

Hey-I have CRAZY ewcm today. I had watery the last few days which I never get-it always goes straight from creamy to EW-and now all of a sudden I have more EWCM then ever. Do I start BDing? I'm only CD7!!!
Hmm - that is a tough question Titi. I had a little EW early in my cycle and didn't pay it much mind. But then my digi opk was positive a couple of days before I expected it too - I would just do some earlier BDing.

And I've grown pretty convinced that ideally I would BD 3 days before my most fertile day, and then on my most fertile day (the day before ov). I really think those stocks need to be recharged, so to speak. We BD'd for 3 days straight this cycle when I got my pos. opk but now I'm not sure that was the best idea...

I love your description of the 2ww Titi - that is precisely what I go through.

Hope the sake and sushi are GREAT! That is our favorite type of date, DH & I. My fav sake is "pearl". It is unfiltered and really nice and mild.
ha ha Jaimie of COURSE you like sushi & sake!!! : )

I would so give both up for a bfp tho.

Well-DH got so excited about my cm he wanted to BD right away-so that answers that question, lol.
Thanks for the input!! Ive had my first REAL (more than a tiny bit) of EWCM for 2-3days now. Im sure the opk was pos and def neg the next day. Still no clue on the chart tho. :shrug: Got another Dr apt next week to discuss doin another stimulated hormone test. Apparently the results are a little confusing- some previously high levels are now nirmal, some still high, and ones that were normal are now high. Doesnt look good though im still hoping its not congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Anyway for Ov im thinking cd 17 or 18 now. :wacko:

titi- thats great your dh is so flexible about the whole ttc thing. I agree about the fertile cm- everything Ive heard says to bd when you see it! :dust:
its getting to be a long road. I really want you to get your bfp this month!

Hi jaimie, isi, reba and dee! :wave: hang in there hunnies :dust: your way!
Hey Whit! Wow your chart has me really confused if that was def. a pos. opk. It could be you ov'd same day as the +. I forget what fertility friend calls this type of temp pattern but pretty sure I've seen it before where even tho. they aren't consecutive highs if you get a highest temp tomorrow will prb. give you crosshairs for cd15-but IDK b/c of your cm.......My body is like clockwork where about immediately after I OV every month my cm goes straight to creamy.
Good Morning,

Whit, sorry your test results were confusing, I hope it normalises or they can do something about it.

Jaime / Titi - there is a great deal of discussion on timing. I think in the end we need to do what feels right for us. Titi - I am glad you're off to a great start for this cycle.

I'm just waiting...just a few more days (well 5 to be exact) so I'm hanging in there!

:dust: for all of us.
FX'd Dee!

Whit - I must confess that everything you explained in your post is new and mysterious to me. What is a stimulated hormone test and congenital adrenal hyperplasia? I know the first two words but not the third, or how it affects fertility. Glad you got some EWCM though!
yeah I don't know about any of that stuff either!

Whit - your chart continues to confuse me:shrug:

Slept fitfully last night after going to bed very late so no temp this morning.

Hope everyone doing well.
I wondered where your temp was Dee-I have been stalking your chart all morning looking for it : )

Doing good here-I just 'joined' the TTHF! thread and I love it!!!! In keeping with "trying to have fun" this month we bd'd on cd7 when my ewcm made a nice early appearance and maybe will get one in today if the 'mood strikes'-trying to keep the bd like normal sex before ttc if we can. Working on the remodel still. Not much else going on.

I agree Whit-your chart is nuts. I wonder if you ov'd yesterday? Last day of fertile cm and a temp rise today. It isn't consistant with your opk but maybe you got an lh surge but didn't drop the eggy? Or maybe the opk was wrong. or maybe you did ov back then and just have goofy temps? What do you think?
tryn to conceive here:)

wish the best of luck to everyone!
I wondered where your temp was Dee-I have been stalking your chart all morning looking for it : )

Doing good here-I just 'joined' the TTHF! thread and I love it!!!! In keeping with "trying to have fun" this month we bd'd on cd7 when my ewcm made a nice early appearance and maybe will get one in today if the 'mood strikes'-trying to keep the bd like normal sex before ttc if we can. Working on the remodel still. Not much else going on.

I agree Whit-your chart is nuts. I wonder if you ov'd yesterday? Last day of fertile cm and a temp rise today. It isn't consistant with your opk but maybe you got an lh surge but didn't drop the eggy? Or maybe the opk was wrong. or maybe you did ov back then and just have goofy temps? What do you think?

Glad you're tthf this cycle!

I am so confused.. I HAD to have ovulated with all that fertile cm--I ovulate normally but have NEVER had that before! I have appt with endocrinologist this week so Im definitely going to ask about it.. when I had the stimulation shot for my last blood test I'm wondering if it affected anything.. ugh. Going to go look at my last chart a little.. I had pretty low temps my last 2ww, but not these kind of dips. :shrug:

Jaimie- CAH is hard to explain, but its an adrenal gland disorder that causes hormones to be out of whack-where I would probably need to take steroids to regulate it.

I'm trying not to get the thoughts of "Am I pregnant?" This time because of my chart. and its really easy! D:
ehhh where is everybody?! :hissy:

tthf! :haha:

Whit, your temp has gone up two days so far so maybe it will continue that way.In that case maybe you've oved in the last couple of days or due to ov soon :shrug:.

My temp has gone up slightly, it has never done that before. No symptoms except normal pre-af ones and even those are hardly noticeable unless you're attune to every twinge like I am :dohh:.

:hi: everyone, hope you had a great weekend!
Hi ladies!

Titi hun....hope you had a good weekend :hugs:

Whit, Jamie, Reba, Dee.....I still have everything crossed for you :hugs:. When do you test?

As for me, well DH and I were not able to get any BD in over the weekend....last time was Friday. Last night he was recovering from a hangover all day and just wanted to cuddle . I have to go all gangsta and seduce him tonight....probably have to dig in my repotoire for some extreme R rated seduction Any suggestions would also be welcome . I've also started feeling twinges....but from my left (dodgy) who knows about this cycle :shrug:. The good thing is that I had a negative, lily white OPK hopefully, we haven't missed anything. I'm not scheduled to o until Thursday anyways....but I guess there goes my SMEP for this month.

BUT on the flip side, I got a visit from an old friend yesterday and she prayed with me for me to conceive my baby asap!! The reason I'm kinda excited is that the day before I hooked up with my DH, this same friend prayed for me to meet my husband (she got married when we were 25, and at the time, I had just turned 30 and with no fella in

Oh, and so sorry to all my English gals. I swear, I felt just as gutted yesterday as when the Nigerian team crashed out. But the officiating was appalling though!
:wave: MsLynn225

Whit-I get fertile cm quite a ways before I ov-I still think maybe you just ov'd-and that the tests must have messed it up. dunno tho-we'll see.

Dee-I stalked your chart before reading your post and noticed it's higher than any other temp at any other cycle. Does it have to have a few consecutive temp rises to be triphasic? That's really exciting. I really have my fx'd for you.

Isi-I am fertile too now! We got a BD in on cd7 and that was it so far as we are tthf! It was a really nice one. I wanted to get one in yesterday, cd9 but DH was working on our kitchen remodel from 9am-9:30pm straight. Not the time when he is in the mood-he gets in the zone. I'm proud of myself-normally I would have bugged him to come squeeze in a BD and he would have obliged, but that didn't seem very tthf! to me, which in my mind is kinda like waiting for it to be most like our normal pre-ttc bds. So I too will have to turn up seduction mode tonight!!! I got a high on my fertility monitor today and that seems to line up right. CD10 a little early but not too early for me and I started having ewcm on cd7!

Hello to Reba and Abi and Jaimie and others-miss you! How are you holding up Reba-you must be getting awfully close to the end of your cycle.
I imagine it would have to be at least three. My hopes are moderated by the lack of symptoms so I have to wait for tomorrow's temp. It'd be really cruel to rise like that and then drop but we all know the witch is cruel.

:hi: MsLynn
Hey girls, quick post as I'm ina hurry... Titi and Isi we're all at teh ewcm stage together (albeit I'm on cd14) - titi, I say if you've got it (ewcm) it (you know what I mean)!
Maca seems to be working wonders, now there's heightened stimulation during BD for me, by the bucketload! (makes me keener to do it, can tell you!) Didn't get my hands on it til CD7 though, so I dont' hold out hopes for e\rlier ov. Maybe an extended LP though, like Reba....

Baby dust for all of us - I'll catch up with everybody properly tomorrow. Just felt the need to write about my sex life, from the look of this post!

Abi xx
Hey Abi-I'm with you-I was so happy the first cycle I tried the maca and female libido tonic mixed and found it actually did something!

I'm not sure what I can attribute my extra ew to this cycle. I have been drinking slightly more gf, but also started the wild yam this cycle, and am trying soy one more cycle.

Dee-I am here on the edge of my seat with you. My chart almost went triphasic and dipped right back down in a depressingly mean trick-but I have everything crossed for you. IDK about early pg symptoms-some people get them and some don't this early. Having never been pg I have no idea how much stock to put in them. :hugs:

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