LTTTC # 1 w/o Assisted teammates needed!!!!

Thanks Titi. I could really do without the suspense and the mean tricks! You know the more hopeful you feel, the worse it is at the end, so I'm trying to remain level headed about it.

Have you been drinking more water? Or maybe the soy is now taking effect this month and you're oving earlier? When is the monitor predicting ov?
Yea Dee-I want to be excited for you but don't want to get your hopes up b/c you are right-it is SO much worse to get AF when your hopes are most high. FX'd (and toes!) tho!!!!!!!

I have been drinking a little more water but no where what I should be. The monitor says cd13 but it predicted that off of last month and I don't think it can change. I don't think I got a "high" on my monitor last cycle this early, I am thinking it said possible-will have to check.
Well girls I am having kinda a hard day today.

My DH's cousin's wife (the one I ranted about in here before who hates being pg #1 and says never again & hasn't posted any pictures whole time she is pg, etc.) are in labor right now. She was due 7/4 but is so sick and tired of being pg convinced the dr. to induce her today as she has been bugging him straight the last 3 weeks. I didn't know they'd do that early for #1 but what do I know.

Every five seconds everyone in DH's family is anxiously posting on FB. Her water just broke. Yeah, I could stay off FB but I love stalking everything baby related. Everyone has been telling them that this is the going to be the best day of their lives, that this is the best thing that could ever happen to a couple, that now they will really know what love truly is, etc. etc.

I've never been so jealous. I've never even been an envious person-its not my nature and I am generally so happy for other's good fortune that this is really weird for me, but I picture them cuddling over their newborn and get so jealous I'm almost sick to my stomach all day. Maybe its more fear than jealousy, IDK, I do have that same feeling in my stomach and distraction I get when I'm really nervous about something. But I keep thinking over and over, "OMG, what if DH & I NEVER get to experience that?" and every time I have that thought I well up with tears and want to ball my head off.
That is a super exciting chart Dee! FX'd for you!

Whit - thanks for explaining the adrenal stuff. I lack of progesterone after ov would explain your lack of a clear temp shift...I hope you don't have it, but if you do, I hope it is easy to fix:hugs:

Howdy Abi and Isi and Lynn!!

Isi - i love the story about praying with your friend, I hope it works for you again! :happydance:

Titi - I meant to respond to your post about DH's cousin's wife on TTHF but forgot, so I'll do it here. I completely understand your inability to get off FB, despite the status updates. It is like watching a train wreck, super hard to take your eyes off. I think it is pretty whack that she was able to talk her doc into inducing ~ it definitely goes to show how much she is disliking this pg, something you would give anything to suffer from. I agree, it is the thought that it might never happen to you and your DH that hurts the most, especially when babies, bumps, and deliveries are happening all around you. At least you won't have to deal with her complaints about being pg anymore :hugs: Although I know that is little consolation. I don't have much good advice about how to get through this hon, but I really hope you can hang tough. Like you, I never thought of myself as the jealous type until this TTC business started dragging out...but I'm a down right green eyed monster some days!

:hugs: titi :hugs:
Thanks Jaimie,
I kinda feel like a spoiled brat when I post things like DH's cousin but glad someone can relate. I feel better now-am just stalking still waiting for news. I am snickering a little that she was in such a hurry and is still in labor. HEE HEE I'm mean. (not really just jealous, lol)
I have to say that really amuses me as well. But when you first wrote that she begged to be induced I thought "isn't that dangerous if you haven't even passed your due date by some amount?" I'm still surprised she talked her doc into it.
yeah I dont know what the deal is. I always thought I heard that first babies are notoriously late and you just wait. That maybe a week or two after due date if it is dangerous, or if your water has broken early with no signs of dilation they induce. She is due 7/4 and has been showing up at the doctors for 3 weeks begging to be induced. I don't get it-I am kinda ignorant about the labor part b/c I only started researching a lot the when WTC and the first month TTC (when I was sure I would be pg and read the entire "what to expect when you are expecting" the week after our 1st bd session) and now I can't bring myself to go there. I dunno-I'm from the natural school of thought-had all my pre-ttc stuff done by a midwife and had picked out the birthing center to hypno-waterbirth my baby in-kinda a hippie still in that regards.

How is everyone else tonight? It's quiet.
Good Morning Everyone!

Whit - Yay!! Crosshairs!

Titi - How are you this morning?

Isi - how are you feeling? I'm following the football but not too closely. Alot of shockers this time around, I think.

Jaime, Abi, Isi & Lynn :hi:

My temp is very slightly down today, I am not feeling so optimistic today because I noticed another of my charts that was doing something of the sort and then the temp plunged at 12 dpo which is tomorrow. I am tempted to do a test today but I'm thinking I should hold out until tomorrow because even if I get negative I'll be thinking it's too early. On the other hand, there is a possibility is could be positive.

In addition, I've been getting slight cramps so it feels like af is on the way.
Hi Ladies,

Sorry Ive been away for the weekend and just back at work this am so finally getting a chance to reply.

Well I started spotting yesterday - CD26 (10DPO) - thats my usual day to start - so much for the MACA this cycle. The only thing different from last cycle is that I stopped taking the Pregnacare Preconception Tablets - they might of worked along with the MACA to give me a longer LP - now its back to the usual short LP. Or maybe it was the fact I was nervous about the HSG last month that it delayed it a bit??? So needless to say Im pretty pissed off. I have to collect my Clomid prescription today and I was contimplating starting it once AF shows for definite - but maybe I should hold off - V confused.

Titi - did your cousin in law have her baby yet? Or is she still in labour?

Dee - hows your temperature today? I hope its good news.

Isi - hope you managed to get a few :sex: in over the past few days. I was dying of a hangover on Sunday too - had a christening party saturday which went on into the wee hours of Sunday morning....

Whitbit - have you Ov'd yet? And did you get plenty of :sex: in?

Abi - the flipping MACA didnt work its magic for me this month - hope it works for you.

Jamie - what's happing with you - are you past ov yet?

Well im just waiting for AF to show now - 2nd day of spotting but its very light - AF is due Fri or Sat.
Hi Reba, sorry about the spotting, how long does it go on for?

Well, I just did a HPT and it is negative, I wonder why I thought it could be anything else? Hope springs eternal I guess. Anyhow, I'm saving my $1 s and not testing again since I have no doubt the witch is on her way.

I'm not feeling too crushed...maybe I'm adjusting to this rollercoaster we're on.
Hi Reba, sorry about the spotting, how long does it go on for?

Well, I just did a HPT and it is negative, I wonder why I thought it could be anything else? Hope springs eternal I guess. Anyhow, I'm saving my $1 s and not testing again since I have no doubt the witch is on her way.

I'm not feeling too crushed...maybe I'm adjusting to this rollercoaster we're on.

Hey Dee - sorry about the BFN :hugs: - what CD are you on at the moment?

The spotting lasts for 5 days (6 sometimes) so AF due fri or Sat at the latest. Im the same as you - im not totally crushed - getting use to it now after 28+ months.....
Thanks Reba, I'm at CD29, 11 dpo. Almost the same length of time for me but we took quite a few cycles off in between.

Have you tried anything else for the spotting apart from maca?
Thanks Reba, I'm at CD29, 11 dpo. Almost the same length of time for me but we took quite a few cycles off in between.

Have you tried anything else for the spotting apart from maca?

Yeah I tried Bcomplex vitamins for a few months and they didnt do any good.

My FS said if its a hormonal thing then taking Clomid might help - but if its not hormonal (fibroid or endo) then no amount of vitamins or clomid would help. Thats why i really want to start the clomid sooner rather than later but my job isnt secure at the moment-neither is my husbands, and we have a summer holiday in spain booked for end of Aug so I'd be better waiting til after that at least. Im still living in hope that I will fall pregnant naturally.... fat chance at this stage.

How long have you been trying Dee?
We've been trying since March 2008 but we've missed quite a number of cycles for various reasons.

Are you going to do tests to find out if its endo or fibroids?

Don't discount falling naturally, a friend of ours tried for years to have a child in her 30s and even had IVF etc. and none of it worked. They eventually had a child naturally after all of this. We hadn't even known until - out of the blue- she told DH the other day.
Good morning!

DEE-:hugs: Sorry about the bfn, but of course it's not too dissapointing as its early and wasn't FMU right? Like you said-hope springs eternal. I will send extra babydust your way. Glad you are feeling okay.

Reba-I was wondering.....although I'm sure the FS you are working with already know best.......but I am confused. I don't ever have spotting so I'm not very familiar, but I had always learned that you don't count the spotting and consider your first full red flow day as cd1. So if you spot from cd10 for 5 or 6 days before AF really arrives that would put you at a normal luteal phase............wouldn't it?

I wanted to tell you & Abi that I've been supplementing with Maca for at least six months and the results are more energy and a better libido but it has never, for me anyways, effected my cycle in any way.

Whit-Whoop to crosshairs! I was off a few days I guess-glad you finally know what the heck is going on!

Yes, the cousin's wife had the baby last night. Don't have any details yet as far as the birth etc. but DH and I had made a little bet (well not really, since we both bet the same thing) earlier in the day that as soon as he was born there would be a proud Daddy pic and M.I.A pics of her. Afterall-if she was so disgusted by her bump as to go into FB/Pic hiding for 9 months then we figured she would be way too vain to post a "post labor" pic.
Well sure enough-last night the dad texted like crazy and fb posted how excited he was and instantly put a pic of the baby up and one of him holding his new baby, but still haven't seen one of her or her and baby yet. Is that normal? I feel uncomfortable that LTTTC is making me judgemental of others, but I think the entire world knows that you aren't looking red carpet ready after having a baby-and that most people would be thrilled to post a mom & baby pic. But maybe I don't know what its like for the real world TTCers anymore. The baby is sooo cute btw!!!!

As for me I am still having EWCM :happydance: and got a really nice BD in yesterday. : )
Hey girls!
Titi, having been induced (against my will! - they dragged me out of the pool and made me go upstairs and be attached to a drip and therefore stuck on a bed because my waters had broken early and they wanted me to give birth within 72 hours of the rupture of membranes - policy in the neighbouring county is 96 hours, by the way!) I can confidently say (and I think you'll probably agree, after what youve told us about her) that only an IDIOT would ask for it when it's not a necessity!! It's horrible, you can no longer walk/move around to alleviate the pains naturally and your body stops doing its natural painkilling thing. I could go on and tell you more, but I won't unless you ask really nicely.

It's very easy to think that it'll never happen for you - we've all done it, and it feels horrible even the second time round. But you've had some tests haven't you? Didn't they indicate that you're fine as far as western ? Doesn't stop the worry though, I know - and it doesn't help that it's taking a long time either. Qing was at a Zita West course over the weekend and when I saw her yesterday she said she had some different / new ideas now. She asked me to see my Dr. to request blood tests to check my progesterone levels, a scan to check my ovaries and tests to determine my ovarian function and FSH/AMH levels ( know FSH is follicle stimulating hormone, which triggers the ovary to release the egg and that AMH is the hormone that can indicate when your menopause will start - but I'm not sure what the abbreviation stands for). That made me panic momentarily that she was concerned I had something wrong with me that she couldn't alleviate, but she assured me that she just wants to know exactly what's wrong in case there's anything she's not been able to pick up - once she sees the results she can tweak me further.
What I'm trying to say, although I've just gone on about my own situation (again) is that you shouldn't lose hope. Didn't you say a little while ago that you might consider an FS but were going to leave it a while just in case you fall pg soon? THat was the spirit! Is there a little bit of fear about what you might be told though? I'm wondering if that might be part of the reason why I've not seen my doctor since I started TTC - although the main part is that I hate the idea of assisted and dont' believe I need it. Sorry I'm waffling, but I'm trying to be reassuring whilst at the same time making you examine how you feel in terms of seeing your doctor.
I'll be back later... dirty nappy calling!
Abi x
Hi Abi-

I was pretty sure being induced was just as horrible as you describe, although I can guarantee she had an epidural so not sure she would care about natural painkilling. I guess we'll see tho-I'm being judgmental and I don't know what it is like to be pg and/or in labor.

I had all the tests (scan and blood levels) that Qing is reccomeding for you-everything normal-good which was a relief-the best part being told my egg reserves were really good which truthfully is the thing I have been most fearful of.

I am really a naturalist-(not to be confused with nudist! lol) which is one reason I hate to involve doctors in my bedroom scenerio. Also it is very expensive here and I don't like to be wasteful with money. I wouldn't mind spending the $$ at all if I knew there was a problem and it would guarentee a pg........but I hate the idea of spending all that money when it just turns out I am impatient and don't need to. Also I have a pretty big belief system in what is meant to be will be and that things shouldn't be forced.

I am pretty sure those are the reasons I've put off FS. I too have analyzed if it is fear related but I still think i would rather get the worst news possible, at my age, and know, then to just waste time......

Don't worry about Qing suggesting Dr. apt. I think it only makes sense. I have a big belief in Eastern medicine but imo it works best as a compliment to necessary western approaches.
Hi everyone....

I thought I could come over here because I am also TTC without any assistance at the moment. I havent been TTC as long as many other LTTTCers; will be 12 months after this cycle; but I have PCOS so I am assuming that it may take me a while longer.

I am 26 and DH is 28, have been together for 7.5 years, married for 1 and have been TTC since being married. I was diagnosed with PCOS in may and right now I am battling it with diet and weighloss only.
Hi NGRidley and welcome.

Abi - nice story about not giving up hope

Titi - good going with the BD

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