LTTTC # 1 w/o Assisted teammates needed!!!!

hello :wave:

whitbit pointed me in your direction. please can I join in?

we've been trying quite a while now, we've found that there is a problem with ovulation. our doctor has agreed to refer us to a FS but we're not quite ready for that yet.

best wishes, Elsie x
:wave: NGRidley & elsie2010! Welcome! Glad to have you here-its nice to have a joiner, we haven't in a long time! Check out p.1-I'll add you-what would you like by your name?

Carebear, Yomo, Lyns..........Hope you girls are doing good-miss you!!!!!
Welcome ngridley and elsie! :wave:

dee sorry bout the bfn hun. I dont know how we do it! I guess the only choice us to keep trucking- and dealing with it so long sometimes seems to lessen the blow. :hugs:
reba do you normally get spotting? Wonder if it could be leftover from the hsg? Well if it is af you still have a few months of fertility boost from it! I took b50 complex 2 cycles ago and it didnt seem to help- only made my lp shorter. Im also doing maca but forgetting to take it lately!

Titi- i dunno about who id show my labor pics to! :blush: who knows though maybe id be so proud I wouldnt give a hoot!

Hi jaimie and isi! How are you girls doing? Off to peak at some charts!
Hi ladies,

Welcome to Elsie and NGRidley - hope your stay is short and sweet.

Titi - I just figured that if Im spotting at 10DPO then there is no way an egg could implant in my uterus (because the spotting would be coming from there wouldnt it?). I dont get full AF until 16DPO but just presumed that the spotting means that my progesterone levels are going down. Im not sure - thats just what Ive been thinking all these years. I would love to get a few progesterone tests done throughout the 2nd half of cycle to see if it gets high enough and if it starts to decrease at the spotting stage. Another reason i think the progesterone is low is because my BBT never gets very high - its always 96.6 pre Ov then goes up to 97.5 post (it takes a few days to reach that level then goes straight back down to 96.6).

Whitbit - yes Ive been spotting since I can remember - since early 20's if not before that but the amount of days got longer over the past 5 yrs or so.

Dee - i think I'll wait til i get my proper results of the HSG from the FS in JUly before thinking about gettign checked for endo or fibroids (unless the FS sees something sinister on the HSG xray that would indicate either of those).

Just dont know what to do about the clomid - going to pick it up today - but should I start it this month or not?
Hi Everyone,

Elsie2010 - Welcome!

Whit - Thanks for the kind words.

Reba - I know I would not have been able to resist taking it :)

Titi - We took pics like that at a bb shower once, everyone did exactly what you're doing using balloons, it was hilarious...come to think of it I've never seen the pics. Anyhow, looks like you're succeeding in trying to have fun!!!

My temp has started to drop so I'm expecting the witch at 5.00pm tomorrow. It's been an exciting month though and what is important for me is that I did not get carried away dreaming about what ifs. Now, I do have to start thinking about a plan for next month, we'll see.

Hope everyone is going well. Isi, Jaime, Abi, NGR, Elsie :hi:
Hello ladies

Dee-I love your spirit today. Proud of how good you are handling the rough temp dips. Inspiring. Hope the witch still pulls a no show though! Yes I am TTHF! DH & I actually took that pic when I was a lot more optimistic. We used to practice what it would look like to be pg when I first started TTC-but I found it last night and thought it would be good for a few laughs.

Reba-I have NO idea what spotting means as I don't ever get it-but I would deffo check with the Dr.s with the same questions and also make sure I'm right about what is truly cd1-because I'm pretty sure that means you don't have any sort of lp defect which would be good!!!! Although maybe it depends on how heavy the spotting is? :shrug: dunno. Maybe you should go ahead and start the Clomid, I don't see why not?

Whit-I sure wouldn't post "labor" pics-but I mean the typical afterwards shot of mom & baby. I love that one and have yet to see one from DH's cousin's wife. So far just baby and baby & dad.
Titi - Strange but I feel quite cheerful :) ...I think there's a reason for this and although I don't know what it is, I have faith that things will work out the way they are supposed to (although maybe not necessarily the way I want them to). I'll face it and deal with it, other people have and they have survived and so will I. In addition, I haven't given up. I am still doing the best I can.
Dee-it makes me happy that you are doing well. I am kind of it the same spot suddenly too. You should come over to the TTHF! thread-I think you will love it-it's really helping already!
Dee I hope the witch stays away!

Reba- Im having the same issues with temp. I havent gone over 97.6 this cycle.. or last cycle either. :shrug: I hope when you get your results you get more answers. If it was me I'd take the clomid--who'd be able to resist? haha

Titi- that is what I meant by labor pics. Everyone Ive ever seen honestly looks like crap--Ive seen a ton on facebook of afterwards, but I guess in the moment thats not what matters! :haha:

I love your attitudes girls! At least Im not hopeless anymore-but it's hard to have much hope. Im thinking of maybe throwing it all to the wind next cycle if I dont get anywhere this time! Time to start thinking positive. :)
ok for my front page
TTC#1 since July 2009
05/2010: diagnosed with PCOS
Battling PCOS by losing weight, following the Low GI diet.
Currently taking pre-natals and Researching other vitamins beneficial to those with PCOS
Waiting for DH to get SA
Hi ladies,
I just figured that if Im spotting at 10DPO then there is no way an egg could implant in my uterus (because the spotting would be coming from there wouldnt it?). I dont get full AF until 16DPO but just presumed that the spotting means that my progesterone levels are going down. Im not sure - thats just what Ive been thinking all these years. I would love to get a few progesterone tests done throughout the 2nd half of cycle to see if it gets high enough and if it starts to decrease at the spotting stage. Another reason i think the progesterone is low is because my BBT never gets very high - its always 96.6 pre Ov then goes up to 97.5 post (it takes a few days to reach that level then goes straight back down to 96.6).

Just dont know what to do about the clomid - going to pick it up today - but should I start it this month or not?

I had always assumed that spotting for many days before AF is a sign of low progesterone. I agree that you should maybe get it checked at the doctors. I have the same issues with my Post O temps being not much higher than my Pre O. I have thought that it is that I either didnt actually O, and FF is just making its best guess, or that my progesterone is low
whit-I agree-EVERYONE looks hellish in the labor pics but theyre still so awesome-I mean, you are supposed to look like crap after all that. I want to see her pics dagnabbit! :haha:

NGRidley-I hope we can give you some comfort here.
I had the tests for progesterone-it couldnt have been easier. I just went in on cd21 and got a quick blood drawn and that was that!
Titi -

Maybe I will check out the tthf thread although I might be too boring for it!

NGR/Reba/Whit - I hope someone can shed some light on low temps and spotting. I have a book called Taking Charge of Your Fertility, I believe it mentioned those things. I will have a look. Has anyone else read it?
Dee-you are not boring at all. And your hope and inspiration I think would help any TTHF!er.....Besides-you and I have had our fair share of naughty giggles :haha:
I have read it.....i cant remember what it said....and I think i have even gone back to look.

I have never had the spotting before AF arrived though, except for the cycle when I did for entire month (ugh).

the issue for me is that I dont ovulate every month because of PCOS, by the time i realise that I did O, it may be too late for the blood test. Especially since when I have Od in the past it is somewhere between CD19 and CD23. When you dont O, there is no progesterone to measure.
Hi all, I'm glad there is this thread *subscribes* as after the exploratory Lap in Sept for what would have to be entirely asymptomatic Endo, that's it for medical intervention for us.

All my bloods are normal, my BMI is ideal, my Thyroid is fine, no PCOS, hubby SA is normal, BBT and OPK have confirmed ovulation which was backed up by a blood test one cycle. Pelvic ultrasound normal, HSG normal. About to be cycle 18, and never a hint of a BFP, and trust me, we never miss the egg. I'm up sh*t creek without a paddle.
Welcome Lilaala - totally understand where your coming from - everything comes back normal and I never, ever miss the egg and still not even a whif of a BFP.... how can that be - i just dont understand. I know the chances every month are only 20% or whatever but come on, give me a break - where the hell are the BFP's???? Up sh*t creek without a baby!!!! hahaha :haha:

NG - spotting throughout the whole month doesnt sound good - have you ask the Dr about that. I was tested for PCOS years ago and it was never conclusive (as bloods didnt match with signs/symptoms) but I probably have a minor case. That could be the reason I spot too - but who knows. I think i'll def ask the FS at my next appointment at end of July about getting a few progesterone tests throughout the 2nd half of cycle to see if it gets high enough to sustain a pregnancy - i just need answers - i hate having unexplained infertility!

Dee - i must check out that book and see what it says - i need answers!

Whit - i dont know how Ive resisted not taking the clomid - i guess I just like to do things au natural and hate the thought of putting chemicals (which Im sure there is plenty in clomid) into my body - but Ive decided to wait til after my Spain holiday at the end of August to start - gonna pick the tablets up tomorrow (hope I can resist not taking them!!!)
Hi lovely ladies! Hope everyone is having a great day!!!

Okay....I think I'm about to be officially expelled from this group. I am considering IUI... possibly later in the year. Reason? I'm 99.99% sure I ovulated from my bad side this month. I'm just tired of the drama and want to try taking it up a notch. I hope I can still hang around here :blush:

About to read the previous pages now, but hope everyone is doing great.....Titi, Dee, reba, Whit, Abbie....hope you're all well. Oh, and welcome NG :hi:
Welcome Lilaala!! I am so excited our thread is finally growing!!!! But as always hope your stay is VERY short!!!! Have you read the first page? That tells a bit about us and our group.

Girls-we need a bfp in here!!!!!!!!!

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