LTTTC # 1 w/o Assisted teammates needed!!!!

Hi Girls,

Lilaala welcome!

Titi - well, you're not getting that BFP from me! My temp dropped again this morning and spotted a bit yesterday so next month here I come.

Fingers are crossed for the others who are testing!

Hi Isi, Abi, Jaime, Reba, NGRidley, Whit :hi:
Hay newbies :flower: (and you oldies!)

Re low pre-and post-ov temps and pre-af bleeding, Randine the TCM queen writes that this is luteal phase defect caused by kidney yang deficiency (which is quite often accompanied by spleen deficiency). I've never had pre-af spotting but I do have kidney yang and spleen deficiencies. It can be helped a lot with dietary changes, which are combined with acupuncture and herbal medicines in traditional chinese medicine to treat infertility very effectively (back me up, Reba!). Her book The Infertililty Cure (Randine LEwis) is wonderful - really explains TCM clearly and gives substantial advice on foods to eat/avoid, how to exercise etc. There's a questionnaire to help you get your diagnosis before usin the guidelines. (Newbies... anybody whp's been on here more than a few weeks knows that I go off on TCM every so often - but I htink everybody should at least try it, so I keep plugging away. CHeck out my thread The Really USeful TCM THread for more...)

Isi, have I missed something? Sorry, have been awol on and off -are you taking a break because you've had enough and need a break? Hope you feel ready to bounce back soon :hugs: You have to do whatever feels right for you - I don't imagine Titi will kick anyone off here (she'd have to fly to Lagos and tie your hands to something for starters :rofl:).

Sorry Dee - but I like your attitude :thumbup:

Love your bump pic Titi! I'll try to oblige with the BFP, as I'm oving today possibly (hopefully! CD17 here). Don't hold your breath though, eh? :haha:

Hey Reba, have you made up your mind about the clomid? I'm sure you've made the right decision if you have (want to borrow some willpower?!)

I'm going to go back ot read all the posts I've missed... I can only answer the ones I can scroll down to on the compose page - done't take it personally, Jaimie and Whit...

Abi x
NG - spotting throughout the whole month doesnt sound good - have you ask the Dr about that. I was tested for PCOS years ago and it was never conclusive (as bloods didnt match with signs/symptoms) but I probably have a minor case. That could be the reason I spot too - but who knows. I think i'll def ask the FS at my next appointment at end of July about getting a few progesterone tests throughout the 2nd half of cycle to see if it gets high enough to sustain a pregnancy - i just need answers - i hate having unexplained infertility!

Yeah I went to the doctor about that. It was the cycle after the one that lasted 74 days (and where I think I had a chemical).....and this is when I got tested for PCOS.
After that cycle of spotting for like 38 cycle after that I had AF for like 15 days. Like full flow red blood. It was miserable.

So I think I am Oing today....which is good, but I cant BD. I got a YI and the last time I :sex: was CD22 which was 3 days ago.....not sure if the :spermy: will be alive still
Fear not! In ewcm, sperm can stay alive for 5 days - and that gives them plenty of time to get into the right place for the egg :hugs:
Thanks Abi. I just think I need a breather. Think of something else for a few weeks. Woo hoo about ovulating!!! Wish you all the very best!!!! :hugs:
Lilaala ~ welcome – hilarious avatar! Especially for LTTTC. So were you diagnosed with endo? Glad you don't have any symptoms, I've heard it can be very painful.

:hugs:Reba & Lilaala:hugs: unexplained infertility totally sucks ~ I have the feeling that if I did go through all the testing that is the diagnosis we would get. DH's first SA wasn't too great but I hope his second one is much better.

NGRidley - so what is Canada Day?

:hugs: Isi :hugs: I'm so sorry that you got ov pains on the wrong side this cycle. I really do hope you can take a good break and re-assess things. Personally, I'd really like you to stay as I've learned you are a very considerate and compassionate gal and I know you'll remain mindful of your sisters that aren't pursuing assistance.

Dee - really sorry about the temp drop! I hated it when that would happen. It is a nice thing about not temping anymore.

Abi – no worries about trying to respond to everyone, I haven't posted much lately.

Howdy Whit!
Canada day is pretty much our version of Independence Day.....

Celebrating Canada's Birthday (which is when Canada separated from the British Empire and became its own country)
so nothing really new yet another bd in today even tho I'm pretty sure I've ov'd already-but since its our last "TTC" BD period for now we really want to try and keep going in case the only problem with us is that we've always stopped too soon b/c generally by the time my ewcm turns creamy I assume I've ov'd and put on the brakes.

Isi, sorry I didn't answser you early hun.about the your buddy I support anything you do! Just as moderator I wanted to make sure I had everyone in mind. I would never "expel" anyone :hugs:.......esp. you. Just please keep in mind, if you go that way, that for those of us that don't have that option available there is really an extra level of dispair we feel. As you can imagine-when getting desparate you want extra help, that if it wasn't open to you how scary and sad it could feel to you that you were at the end of the rope. Thus the special thread for us here b/c all the other ltttc threads generally everyone is planning at some point to go assisted which gives them more hope than us. So, if you could kindly keep that in mind, if you go that way, prob. keep most that stuff to other threads and we can be here to support you as our friend and on your ltttc journey :friends: :hugs:
Whaddya think?
NG - that sounds awful - such a long time having a period and all the spotting too. I hope you catch the egg this cycle! :thumbup: and I hope the YI clears up - i had it for a year on and off and it drove me mad! Think its probably all the :sex: that messes with the PH down there.

Jamie - your right - unexplained infertility sucks big time - cos you dont know what needs to be fixed. We'll get there in the end Im sure!!!! positive thinking!

Titi - your right, we really need a BFP in this thread soon - have we even got one yet? I can hardly remember.

Isi - dont go, stay!!! :hugs:

Radine, I mean Abi.... :haha: - i wish you would come to my house and make me all the thing Radine mentions in her book - i bought loads of stuff (aduki beans etc) and used them once or twice then reverted to my old ways. I just dont eat that bad and I think everything in moderation is fine - but I wish i had the will power to change a wee bit. Im so lazy!

Dee - Boo to spotting and AF - hope you get lucky this cycle!

As for me Ive decided to wait til September to start clomid - reasons being my job and my holiday. If I get pregnant 1st month on clomid and then I lose my job I will have to get another job and tell them Im up the duff and then they might not hire me or i probably wont get maternity pay from them (just the crap statutory money) and if I get pregnant before my holiday I dont fancy flying to spain in the first trimester or vomiting whilst lying by the pool in Spain. So im taking the next few months off and not worrying about TTC - not even gonna look at the calendar to see when I'll be Ov'ing - cant be arsed anymore - its so boring sometimes. If im really lucky and fall pregnant naturally before Sept (fat chance but who knows) then it was meant to be and I will manage the holiday and the new job. Im just gonna make love to my DH when Im in the mood - not when the signs tell me.

Good morning!

Hi Reba! That is funny I do the EXACT same thing- (I too have some REALLY old aduki beans in my pantry! and seaweed!!!).

Heres to taking a break. I have a similar situation where besides the mental anguish now that I have got a ccd class to teach in Sept. if I get pg now I'll miss their first communion. Also have a holiday in Sept! Although I am way jealous of your trip to Spain. Where in Spain? Ever since 9th grade Spanish class I have dreamed of going there-I love the culture! (and food!)

We can be break buddies for the next few months if you want. I even coined a term for it: SEMINATION VACATION :haha:
Hi All,

Hope everyone's doing well. I'm having a painful af this time around.

Have a nice day and weekend!
Hello Ladies,

My name is Kayleigh, i am 24 and i am married with two gorgeous girls.

I was wondering if i could join? Im not quite at the year mark yet but i am almost there.

As much as i would like to go private for fertility help me and my husband just can not afford it. The NHS has told me that they will not fund for any testing of any kind in my area for infertility.

I have had two children already and i miscarried Feb 08 at eleven weeks. Un fortunately i had one shot of depo after i m/c and i think this is the cause of me not ovulating. I chart, take opks and this month have taken soy although so far i have not noticed a difference. (although it is only CD15) :dohh:

So i guess its just a waiting game of when and even if my ovulation returns. Opks are never positive and charting seems pointless but hey i just cant give up.

I hope you laides are well and i am not intruding


EDIT: Sorry i just realised this group is for TTC1..i do apologise
Hey Kayleigh, don't worry about it - I have one already - feel free to join in!
Hope you start oving soon and don't have too long a wait til you get your BFP :hugs:
Came back form my GP appointment a little while ago and...
He knows about women's fertility!! He wrote down everything I told him about my cycle, listened to me talking about TCM (although he did admit to knowing nothing about it) and agreed that blood tests and hormone/ovary checking are the right way to go. I really waffled an about cycle length, ovulation day, LP, you name it. So... need to go for CD21 blood test at general on Mon (no appts at my surgery til 2 weeks' time), have a practice nurse appt for 12th (urine, weight, height I seem to remember), need to do an FMO sample to check for chlamydia and drop it back to the surgery (we both agreed it's highly unlikely but good to rule out - I've only ever had unprotected sex with Andy and he's never had anything either). If I have another period, I need to go for a cd2-4 blood test and after all that make an appt to see him again once the results are back.
He said that once theyr'e back we'll think about AMH/FSH level testin and an u/s to check my ovaries and tubes are ok. There's nothing TCM-wise to indicate blocked tubes - that would be pain and heat I think. I'm yang deficient and have no period pains and very little in the way of pm symptoms other than breast tenderness sometimes.
He also mentioned that IVF funding is available in our area up to the age of 35 but that's not a necessary road for me as far as I'm concerned - and I pointed out that that Qing is certain I can conceive naturally again and just need tweaking once we have the results of diagnostic tests. It seems strange to be in the medical system now, I have to say.

Dee, sorry it's hurting :hugs:

Titi and Reba, I have aduki beans and seaweed - the difference is I'm eating them! I've bought the seaweed becasue I want to make the recipes in Alicia Silverstone's The Kind Diet, but I need to buy my own copy first because for some reason my sister wanted her own copy back:haha:
Reba, the main thing with spleen is to knock out the dairy (use soya yoghurt and milk - provamel yog and alpro light soya milk and their pots of dessert are lovely.) and refined carbs - but if you have damp you need to stop wheat completely. Rye bread is great if you can get it, along with ryvita, and there are loads wheat-free pastas you can get. Eat plenty of rice - brown is best as your main grain. ANother important one for the damp is stopping bananas and nuts. Eatin fruit on its own, about an hour apart form anything else helps you to digest it better and peppermint tea really helps too - I try to have it after every meal and theoughout the day.
Good htings to have plenty of are: potatoes, seeds, cherries, dates, raspberries, fresh pineapple around ov time to help make the endometrium spongy. Lots of grains like quinoa, millet etc are good too. Bu tif you can onoy manage to drop 2 things, it has to be dairy and wheat. Or shall I Send you food parcels??! It helps me that I've always enjoyed eating seeds, beans, lentils, tofu so I'm not having to add things to my diet, just remove and replace them.

Jaimie, you're right about unexplained infertility sucking!

If anybody thinks their pH levels are wrong and their body is too acidic, wheatgrass is great (and if it tastes minging, it means your body is too acidic and this definitely damages your fertility. As your body becomes more alkaline, it tastes better. I've always liked the taste of it, but it's got a wonderful range of vitamins and minerals in it. I buy Urban Wheatgrass sachets (£19.99 for 30) in H&B and have one in water every day. A spirulina supplement is also very good for you.

Semination vacation :rofl: love it! Just one thing - shouldn't it be insemination vacation?

Hope the break does you some good, Isi - but promise to come back or stay here. Still waiting to ov! Hopefully today (CD18).

Hey, WHit, NGRidley. Have a godo weekend everybody!
Abi x
Gosh Titi - when I read Reba's post I thought "that is just like Titi"! Glad you have a semination vacation buddy!!!

Dee, really sorry your AF is so painful:hugs:

I have been such a crank my entire 2ww ~ and I still have a week to go :dohh: Just have a very negative attitude about my own prospects and alot of jealousy towards moms and pg gals. It is making me an all around crankster. I haven't been acting out too much yet but my mental state sucks and I'm sure it will have ramifications for DH as AF approaches :haha: I'm hoping my renewed commitment to working out will help me drop all that tired psychological baggage soon :bodyb:
I feel alot better - Thanks :hugs:

Abi, it is great that you've found an interested Dr. You've posted some interesting info. there too. I love learning about new foods etc that's good for us. What's the aduki beans and seaweed for? What do you take if you don't mind my asking?

Jaime - I remember being cranky too at 7dpo, hope you feel better. Your poor DH. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you and all the rest who are waiting.

Would love to join the girls (Titi & Reba) on vacation (and go to Spain too!) but will continue temping this cycle (and no Spain for me). I will however, stop counting down the days and try to take a more relaxed approach...while doing everything the same way as last cycle :haha: I can dream...:winkwink:

Can anyone recommend a yoga DVD?

Whit - how are you ?
Oh btw Jaime, maybe we can be exercise buddies, what kind of exercise are you doing?
Hi Kayleigh Lou - sorry for your loss :hugs: . As Abi says, welcome to our little group and I hope for a short and sweet stay for you!
Titi and Reba, I have aduki beans and seaweed - the difference is I'm eating them!

That sounds very does miso fit in? The only way I can really eat seaweed is in sushi or miso soup. But I keep trying!

If anybody thinks their pH levels are wrong and their body is too acidic, wheatgrass is great (and if it tastes minging, it means your body is too acidic and this definitely damages your fertility. As your body becomes more alkaline, it tastes better. I've always liked the taste of it, but it's got a wonderful range of vitamins and minerals in it. I buy Urban Wheatgrass sachets (£19.99 for 30) in H&B and have one in water every day. A spirulina supplement is also very good for you.

I LOVE wheatgrass juice. We have it fresh squeezed here in FL. I do 2 ounces. I agree its an accuired taste but I have been drinking it since I was 18. Back then I used to mix it in v8 juice which was actually quite good. Now I like it on an empty stomach.

Semination vacation :rofl: love it! Just one thing - shouldn't it be insemination vacation?

:dohh: No wonder I can't get pregnant!! :rofl:
Dee-I have "Yoga 4 Fertility" With Brenda Strong. Don't worry that it might not work-it is currently collecting dust with all my other exercise related items.

I will join you & Jaimie, as exercise buddies if you don't mind. I haven't been to the gym since April and haven't done anything at home either. I have the hardest time getting REstarted.

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