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LTTTC # 1 w/o Assisted teammates needed!!!!

I'm right behind you in the 2ww whitbit - I wonder if getting or not getting pms is an early pg symptom? Some cycles my most intense pms comes about 5 days before AF. Hope you feel better soon whit!

Abster - really hope your OH comes around. What on earth is the hold up if you have a child and a house with him? Crazy dudes!

Titi - I'm so glad to hear your vows went well and that you were filled with love and appreciation for your hubby afterwards. That shower sounds HORRIBLE. I bagged out on the 1 year old birthday party I was thinking about going to for the same reason - I just didn't think I could stand to be around all those new moms and babies. I also might have stolen a baby if no one was watching - haha! My real fear was that I was going to start asking crazy ttc questions...

I had a nice bike ride with my DH this weekend - we went to a free music festival downtown and saw some friends play a good set. Yesterday I finally sewed a dress for a friend - we started the project a year ago and she got bored of trying to learn how to sew. I decided to finish it up for her birthday.
I don't really get PMS.. I get POS (pre-ov-syndrome LOL) But I have noticed I get really tired and lazy in the 1ww..

Thanks, Jaimie, couldnt have done it without you! Although it's hilarious how bare of temps it is! :haha: Sounds like you had a nice weekend. I need to get out and do something I'm so sick of the same old thing! lol
Hey girls. :flower:How lovely that you renewed your vows Titi - I'm still working on my OH for the first time round! When we had #1 I agreed to let her have his surname on the proviso I got it soon as well. Three years on and not a sign of it! Had quite the argument about it the other night. Truth is, he's just a lazy arse but it's become a real issue for me, not having the same name as my daughter - as far as anybody knwos I could just be her nanny or something. Grrr, lazy-arse men! We've been together since Dec 00 and bought our house in 02, for goodness' sake.
Sorry, needed to rant. Won't mention it again!
Abi x

Hey Abi-you can rant whenever you like! I actually can relate to you, I think-as I've been with DH since 2000 and we built our house in 2003. We did not get married until 2008. DH said he knew all along that we'd get married but he didn't want to rush it b/c he truly wanted it to be forever. I kinda thought it was a crock when he used to say it but now with what we have I believe him. He's slow with everything!! His favorite saying is that good things come to those who wait..........how often I could wring his neck when he says that!!!!! :gun:
Jaimie-I TOO get SUPER PMSY at 5 days before AF! In fact, every cycle-DH says, "oh boy 5 days!" It used to piss me off but now it is such clockwork and so apparent I just have to laugh. I get super bitchy. Mostly (okay always) it comes in the form of suddenly thinking he is not doing enough to help out around here. I get really upset about the lack of fairness and then emotional when he gets irked by me being so bitchy and yelling at him all morning, lol.

I get seriously lazy in the 2ww though too! And, Whit-this first cycle ever I noticed pms like feelings at ov. Was hoping it was a good sign but just more F*^#Wittage I guess. I'm jealous you are in the 2ww! This is a nice time of cycle, emotionally but so boring! It is also very dissapointing when you know there is no possiblity that you are pg. At least in the 2ww you can always hope.

Jaimie-I got a sewing machine for xmas 2 years ago and still am afraid of it. But I want so much to learn how.

Oh and Abi-it wasn't really so much a vow renewal b/c of how in love we are or anything so much as finally making our marriage "church legal". It was a nice little ceremony but was kind of weird too b/c my parents are the only religious ones left in either of our families at the moment-so it kinda felt like a hassle for everyone else and that made me feel weird.
haha! My real fear was that I was going to start asking crazy ttc questions...


That is hilarious. We are so NOT shy on these forums that I tend to forget in the real world and always want to ask pg ladies what position they did, how long they ttc, etc. lol.

In fact, I wasn't thinking and signed my mum up for B&B so she could relate a little better to what I was & I was talking about using w/d method prior with DH and how I was also trying the yoga handstand (bad-I later found out that causes sperm to overshoot cervix) with DH after BD. My mum asked me if I really had intended for her to see such things b/c she couldn't take any more! :blush:
Oh my gosh that is WAY too funny Titi! I feel like bnb is my dirty little secret because I refuse to tell anyone in my real life about it. I am right there with you on this quote "We are so NOT shy on these forums that I tend to forget in the real world and always want to ask pg ladies what position they did, how long they ttc, etc." I seriously have to stop myself mid-sentence all the time with ttc talk - and that is with gals that aren't even trying! I would be seriously frightening in a room full of pg ladies. The urge to go up to pg women I don't know is bad enough - if I actually knew more pg gals they would be doomed. Fortunately I only know one and she got pg in about 6 months and really didn't have to get all wrapped up in ttc. Her best advice is just have loads of sex, so she is useless (hee).
ha ha laughing outloud again. It is so true that I think your average pg women actually didn't TTC the way that we do.

I told my mum b/c cd 1 is like DOOMSDAY for me-but no one on the "outside" gets it. My mum will call and I'll be in tears or whatever and she is like, "is something wrong?". I always feel like "yeah, cd1" or "my period came today" should suffice and the whole world should immediately feel terrible for me! (lol) but my mum would always be like "ohhhhhhhhhh......so.....did I tell you about the conversation I just had with so & so?". I mean, I really want sympathy from my mum if no one else. I like to be able to cry like a baby when I bleed for an hour or so and feel incredibly sorry for myself and THEN get on with my day. Nobody in the real world knows what this is like. I thought maybe, if I shared some of it-they would know it is DIFFERENT than when regular women are trying for a baby and its a joyous one month occasion with champagne and and great sex and a bfp next month. Oooh boy I am sarcastic tonight.
oh gosh the excitement-I just saw my ticker! I thought I was cd5 today but am a whole day closer to OV than I'd known!
Oh my goodness, now I feel guilty! I am also Catholic, Titi.....vey much so, in fact. But I guess I have just convince myself in my head that it really wouldn't be that bad to do IVF.....if they can harvest only a few eggs, right? I know....bullocks, right :). I guess my desire for a baby is making me justify it. But IVF will really be the very very last bus stop for us. But I am considering IUI for later in the year if I don't get a :bfp: anytime soon though. Even though that would have to come after I get back from my trip to Augusta Georgia in July (I'm Godmother to my best friend's Son. And flying all the way from Africa will cost me a few nickels).

But in the meantime, I'm going to rely on my novenas....with a little help from clomid....and temping (thanks for the offer of the tutorial guys. I will most surely be taking you up on the offer :haha:)....and OPKs.....whatever else I can do. And what is maca???? Sometimes, when I read posts and see what other ladies are doing, I just feel so darned unserious about this ttc business, really! Never have I even set eyes on a pack of Preseed....I only am JUST getting my thermometer....never even used OPKs. :dohh:

So....how do I get to at them banners then!!!!! :winkwink:

Glad to be back after a few days away! I am so loving this group. Thanks for havng me Titi, Whit, Jamie, Reba....everyone :hugs:
Titi - I totally hear ya on the seeking solace from your mom. I'm sorry she doesn't realize how devastating that is. It is like getting a rejection notice after being unemployed for as long as you've been ttc, you know? After AF arrived on my 10th cycle I called my mother-in-law and she made me feel better with her ttc story - they tried for 7 years after they got married. Well, the first few years were NTNP but then they got serious. Would you believe they are one of those couples that started the adoption process and then got pg?! Have y'all ever heard that "ttc tip" - just adopt and then you'll get pg? That is right up there with "just relax"!

Isi - you live in Africa? Wow! I love how you meet gals from all over the world on bnb. Maca is an herb that is supposed to be good for increasing sex drive, right ladies?
Oh my goodness, now I feel guilty! I am also Catholic, Titi.....vey much so, in fact. But I guess I have just convince myself in my head that it really wouldn't be that bad to do IVF.....if they can harvest only a few eggs, right? I know....bullocks, right :). I guess my desire for a baby is making me justify it. But IVF will really be the very very last bus stop for us. But I am considering IUI for later in the year if I don't get a :bfp: anytime soon though. Even though that would have to come after I get back from my trip to Augusta Georgia in July (I'm Godmother to my best friend's Son. And flying all the way from Africa will cost me a few nickels).

But in the meantime, I'm going to rely on my novenas....with a little help from clomid....and temping (thanks for the offer of the tutorial guys. I will most surely be taking you up on the offer :haha:)....and OPKs.....whatever else I can do. And what is maca???? Sometimes, when I read posts and see what other ladies are doing, I just feel so darned unserious about this ttc business, really! Never have I even set eyes on a pack of Preseed....I only am JUST getting my thermometer....never even used OPKs. :dohh:

So....how do I get to at them banners then!!!!! :winkwink:

Glad to be back after a few days away! I am so loving this group. Thanks for havng me Titi, Whit, Jamie, Reba....everyone :hugs:

Don't feel guilty-that is why we have a support thread for these types of things. I struggle with the exact same issues.

Well maybe it's good news for you that you haven't tried a bunch of ttc stuff? That can give you hope!
Oh yes I have heard the "just adopt" tip. In fact DH's aunt had a similar success story (actually adopted 1 child-then got pg right after with 2 in a row after YEARS ttc).

Too bad "just adopting" runs $10,000-$20,000-MORE THAN IVF!!!! arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

My mom had SEVERE endo and was actually told she'd NEVER conceive naturally 5 years after my parents were married. So, she can relate, it's just that her nature is a little preoccupied combined with I think the Edith Bunker way of just kind of smiling and moving along, ya know? When I just want to drone on and on about it.

Funny thing is my mom got pg with me naturally VERY shortly thereafter that diagnosis and THEN got pg naturally with TWINS and then again after that on "accident"!!!!!
Hahaha.. the maca does seem to be working on the hubby's sex drive for sure!! It's a fertility booster as well.

About the banner.. just tell us which one you like and one of us can give you the code for it. Or you can make your own at mybannermaker.com. :)
Woa - I had no idea adoption was that expensive! Its really a shame that your Mom went through a similar ttc struggle and she isn't more sympathetic. But my Mom is the same way - she hasn't tolerated me feeling sorry for myself ever since I can remember! Not that you are feeling sorry for yourself when AF arrives - you are mourning the loss of everything you built your hopes and dreams around ever since you started trying. And the longer you try the more built up those hopes and dreams get.

So whitbit - does maca boost female and male fertility?
Heh.. supposedly! But I havent been able to take the right amount ( I got the powder ) becuase the only thing it tastes good in is tea and I cant have all the caffeine of more than two cups of tea! maybe tomorrow i will mix it up with a full glass of crystal light and just hold my nose and down it to see.. haha
Well not sure it'd help much because ive been feeling sicky/ dizzy-ish these past couple days. It comes and goes so Im sure its hormones + my imagination= very crazy Symptom spotting Whitney! urrrgh
Hey Whit have you tried to make a smoothie with the Maca? I have the powder and find it tastes kinda like malt powder. I like to put it in chocolate and vanilla based smoothies and its good.
I also have a liquid extract. DH has it in his fertilaid pills. I've heard its good for both sexes. I noticed a big difference in DH's libido when he first started taking it although it seems to have normalized a bit now. I have been taking for about 3 months or so and maybe only notice a little difference all around.
Well I tried it in a mando strawberry pineapple smoothie but it wasnt so good.. I have no clue how to make any kind of smoothie other than a fruit smoothie so I have no clue! If you have any recommendations I'd appreciate it!
Hmmmm....this maca is sounding more and more interesting. I'll look into it :winkwink:

Gosh, it's so amazing how people do get pg right after adopting, or just when they've given up. I came 6 years into my parents' marriage....just as my Mom was getting ready to see a specialist (she'd had a couple of miscarriages though....and a stillborn). But I hope I don't have to wait 6 years though.

Jamie, yep I live in Africa.....Lagos to be precise.

Kinda down in the dumps this morning. Had a major fight with my DH this morning....so it's not looking likely we're going to get any BD during this "fertile period" of mine. Sometimes men can be so pig headed and not know just when they hurt your feelings! And I'm such a passionate person that when I get mad or upset, I just HAVE to say something. Ah well....there goes this cycle.
Hey Isi - there is always make up sex, right? Really sorry about the argument though - once I started ttc I realized that I get sorta pmsy just before I ov and I've often started fights that way. Not to say you weren't justified, it is just something I've learned about myself. Hope you get some good make up sex though : )

Can your Mom sympathize with your ttc frustrations because she has been there too? I always feel so sad for all the ladies I meet on here or hear about having mc. Really can't imagine the grief of a stillborn - that has to be intense.

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