LTTTC/Assisted Conception - Due Autumn/Winter 2012

klein great news!
I was released from my fertility clinic as soon as they confirmed a HB on my 7 week scan! then I registered with a midwife and got a 12 week scan as part of the screening, but otherwise would have had to have waited till 20 weeks. Im jealous of you girls getting multiple ultrasounds!
Sarah-Thanks, Sorry, I told my MIL I like all the attention and scans, too bad they can't last lol. Once I go to OB I'll just be a 'normal' pregnant person I guess. Glad to be normally pregnant but the scans are nice. Wish everyone could get the scans every week. Give technology another 5-10 years and everyone will be getting their own personal iultrasound machines or something lol!

I put all of my u/s pics in my journal that shows weekly progression if anyone wants to take a look.
Awesome news Klein! I am not near my clinic so I went to a OB at 6weeks. Then we got transferred to my midwife (or got the OK to transfer) at 9 weeks.

I bought the Sonoline B as I have read a lot of ladies here use it and like it. I think Dis has the same.

Sarah, galloping is how I first explained it to my husband, but it still sounds swooshy to me. Including the link you gave and other recordings I listen to. Thanks for the link though. The others I heard were harder to hear. I actually had to aim the probe sideways towards the middle of my abdomin to hear it, but the probe was on my left side close to my ovary. It wasn't my HB as mine is pretty low and never goes over 80 without exercising. I was excited to hear it at all even if it was just for seconds.
kleinfor3, so glad your progesterone number is in the comfortable range and your scan went well today!

Sarah, yay for your bump!

AFM, I'm not totally accepting the fact that I have to gain a lot of weight, it's all for the best reason but I'm silently freaking out about it. Don't feel like eating any kind of meat, so I'm eating a lot more carbs than I normally do (it's usually very limited). Yikes!
Kiseki, what day do you have your check-up? Wishing the very best for you.

Hi Sienna, next Monday (16th). I'm trying to stay calm and pragmatic. What will be will be! In the meantime, the morning sickness has set in since yesterday. Crap!!
kiseki - FX all is well at your next appt. I would think the arrival of MS is a good sign since it likely means your hormone levels are surging.

sarah - I know what you mean about waiting for scans. I went from one a week at the RE to not getting another one til May. I will get one every 4 weeks (every appt) with the twins though so I guess I'm lucky there. It is just so much more reassuring to see the little buggers flipping around in there.

Klein - glad all went well at the appt and baby klein is on track :thumbup:

Sienna - I can't give much advice on weight gain. Maybe load up on peanut butter :shrug:

Care - glad you heard the hb :thumbup:

Urch - feeling any better? :hugs:

Not much to report for me. DH is either being awesome or driving me crazy. Next appt isn't til May 3rd so just keeping status quo for now. Had a weird dream last weekend about delivery. I posted in my journal but didn't repost here as it is a really long post. Short story - my c-section was like someone unzipped a fanny pack and after delivering baby A I couldn't get anyone to deliver baby B. It was very odd... :wacko:
Hi all! Sorry I missed so much over the long weekend! I spent most of the weekend in bed - I'm past 12 weeks but MS was just as bad as when it first started this weekend. I've had an awful time keeping anything down the past 4 days, even while taking diclectin for nausea every night! When did MS ease up for you guys? Maybe mine is worse due to the horrible constipation as well?

I had my 12 week screening scan yesterday and all looked well. Was great to see baby actually looking like a baby now! It put its foot in its mouth at one point, and was sucking its thumb - so cute! Measuring right on track, posterior placenta, and a hb of 157 :) Starting to believe this is happening!
awww Dis that is so cute! on my scan the woman wasnt that friendly but she did show me a hand by the head like it was waving :cloud9:

as for the nausea mine was still bad @ 12 weeks some days even with meds. perhaps not staying in bed bad but that kinda nagging sicky feeling. I just this week forgot to take my night pills and thought Id see if I need them. Ive been fine so hope its easing off. however the past 2 nights I couldnt sleep, woke up at 3am and couldnt fall back till like 8am! it was horrible. Ive been sleeping like a baby on diclectin. MW said that insomnia is common in pregnancy and the diclectin was probably helping a lot. she said to take some gravol if I really need it. I will see if my nausea returns this week.

I was waiting till my midwife apt today to come and update, nothing too exciting. I can go for my 20 week scan at 19 weeks if I want, but she says sometimes people have to go back if they cant see anything. Im anxious for that one as I want to know everything looks ok then I will tell the world Im preggers! Im 15 weeks at the end of the week so I suppose I can last 4-5 weeks more. Have to go for bloods at 16 weeks and then I get my screening results a couple of weeks after.

The 20 week scan is the last one, thats crazy! but I will be half way through and hopefully feeling the baby. I wanted to do a 3D scan but hubby wont let me, thinks thats way to much for a little baby and said ' I will see it in 3D when it comes out' :haha:
I have still been sick too, at my appt yesterday my ob said "you shouldn't still be sick" I wanted to knock her out! Haha. I was sick until 14 wks with dd so I'm giving myself until then.

Dis, great news about your scan. How are Things going with the doppler? Any more luck? Excited that everyone is progressing so well! My preliminary results for my 12 week testing came back good, a few days after the 16 wk bloodwork I get final results.
Glad everything is going well. Too funny about DH and the 3D scan! I figure we'll do one. I haven't checked about prices though. I hope they came down, they were ALOT 7 years ago when I had DD. I payed for 2 of them and we got an extra one free b/c on on of the scans she had her arm over her face the whole time lol. They are very accurate though she came out looking just like her 3D. I was impressed!

Teta-Glad your bloodwork came back well. Sorry your still sick. I've often heard of it going into the second trimester, I know you probably don't want to hear that. Sorry :(

Dis-So glad your scan went well. That's amazing that they go from nubs to feet that can reach in their mouth so soon! Very cute :)

Mrs.Bear-Probably not the last crazy dream you'll have! Maybe you'll get a better, restful sleep tonight!

AFM-Thanks for the advice, I bought my sonoline B today! I got it new off ebay. I figure it will come in about a week or so. Very excited about it. I rented one monthly with DD and ended up paying more than if I just would of bought it from the start.
I woke up at 3:30am and tossed and turned before finally realizing I needed to eat to be able to go back to sleep. I ate an eggo and slept like a baby!

Sienna-I'm not crazy about the weight gain either. I want to gain a healthy amount but nothing over. Since I am saying that this will prob be my 60 lb pregnancy :( Ugh.

Kiseki-Glad you have morning sickness as a sign of pregnancy but sorry your feeling sick :( It's a very yucky feeling.
hi ladies!

I read from the previous pages that some of you have been craving for coke and some fastfood?
I've been missing coffee and coke too so I just satisfy myself with just Sprite. I've been trying to hold myself off from eating at McDonald's but so far I've had myself indulge a couple of times last week because it seems like burgers and fries are something I can easily take because for the past weeks I've been trying to eat healthy but I feel like I'm tired of eating vegetables and just the thought of eating them makes me want to puke. I've been having quesy stomach though but I haven't been vomitting until Monday morning this week. But so far no vomit again after that. I actually feel normal for the past couple of days and as usual this makes me worry because I don't know how's my baby doing. My next check up is next week and I'm quite anxious.

How did you keep yourselves calm during the first 10 weeks that everything is ok?

Oh, and how much is a doppler?
Dis - great scan! Your MS sounds horrible, hope it eases up.

Sarah- i feel like i may go through scan withdrawal too after this month! I am getting used to these once a week scans.

Klein - i may be released to OB in a few days & i'm nervous about it. I'm comfortable where i am & i have to go to the MW who i never met. It's going to take me a while to adjust to infrequent scans.

Yellow - maybe you're craving the burgers for the iron. I think it's good to listen to your cravings as long as it isn't fast food every night.

Sienna - i have been getting nervous about the weight gain too. I read that i need to gain over 50 lbs & it should be mostly by 28 wks. I was underweight b4 i got pg & having twins. That's like 10lbs/month? It feels weird eating all of this extra food but if i have to to keep the babies healthy i will. Just remember your baby needs it. It's like training our minds to let go of all we learned. I was reading today that pg is no time for lean eating. Red meat, carbs & some fat are all good for the baby. I've seen women put on no weight & have healthy babies but they were prob putting the baby at great risk & just got lucky.

AFM - yes, insomnia, what am i doing up right now?
Sienna, I am not too happy about gaining weight, but I am trying not to care. Whatever I gain I can loose after baby is born and safe. I kind of freaked because I gained about 7 lbs during IVF and have been crazy bloated like I have never seen (and the year my boys left I gained almost 15 lbs so I am a lot bigger than I was). Then I lost about 4 lbs when I was really sick. Then this morning I woke up and my boating was way down, so I weighed myself thinking my weight would be the same or less, but I was 2 lbs more than my post ivf weight. I almost died when I saw it. It will probably go back down, but then again, maybe not. I am almost 13 weeks...

Mrs. bear, I have had some weird dreams too.

Sarah, the 20 week scan is our last!? I wasn't told that. I thought we would get at least one more after that.

Dis, awwww, that sounds so sweet. I wish we had the screening just to see the baby again. I am glad everything is going well. well except for the MS. I feel for you. I have been in a similar position. When it is so bad moving brings it up your throat, it really sucks. Hopefully it will be over soon and we can enjoy the second tri!

Klein, yay, you got a doppler! I found an awesome youtube video on what other noises you hear and how to use it. I will try to find it.

Yellowbell, I think moderation is ok. I am generally a very healthy eater and lately I have been wanting junk like pizza and yes, even McDonalds. Yesterday I saw a commercial for chicken nuggets and I wanted them. But part of me wants to puke juts thinking about eating them, so why do I want them? Instead I made myself a veggie stirfry with home made honey garlic sauce. It was good, but didn't satisfy me.

Dopplers are very cheap in the US, about $50-60. I had mine shipped, but it cost more. Not sure how much they are around you or how much shipping would be. You can look into it though. I bought mine where Dis bought hers. The site is called

AFM, nothing much to say. I did record the audio of our baby's HB, but I am not sure how to post it.
I have still been sick too, at my appt yesterday my ob said "you shouldn't still be sick" I wanted to knock her out! Haha. I was sick until 14 wks with dd so I'm giving myself until then.

Dis, great news about your scan. How are Things going with the doppler? Any more luck? Excited that everyone is progressing so well! My preliminary results for my 12 week testing came back good, a few days after the 16 wk bloodwork I get final results.

I know, everyone tells me it should ease up by now. Yesterday was prob one of the worst days since week 6, and I'm 13 weeks now! I walked from my car to the office, felt queezy and ran to the bathroom on the main floor - nothing happened. Got off elevator on my floor and knew it was coming, went to bathroom, threw up. Had to throw up 2 more times during the day, and then again walked to my car at the end of the day and threw up once I got there. Horrible feeling :( Does anyone else find that standing/ any exertion makes their nausea worse? I have to take really quick showers now, or else I throw up in the shower :( (Sorry for all the vomit talk)

Doppler is going well, I've been able to hear it everytime I try, but bubba moves away pretty quickly and I have to chase it. Its so funny how active it is!
Klein, here is the review that tells you what noises are what

Dis, I am sorry you had such a horrible day. :(
yellowbell Im also craving burgers and junk, its so weird. Im trying to only have something like mc'd's once per week as I know its full of crap but I still crave it. Im also eating chips quite a bit. And still craving coke a lot...I think its because Im thirsty a lot and drinking water all day that I need something extra.

Its hard to keep calm the first trimester, but all we can do is hope for the best. if you are not having any pains or bleeding things should be moving along as normal so keep positive. Im 15 weeks on friday and was saying to my MW yesterday how it just doesnt feel real. Im anxious for my 20 week scan as they will measure everything in detail. and I cant wait to feel the bub!

care - my MW said it was my last one, not sure if thats true for everywhere. thats the measurement one so I guess they feel theres no need for anymore?

As for weight gain I asked my MW about that yesterday. She said she would expect a pound per week from week that would be 20 lbs. Im slighly overweight for my height so not sure if she is basing it on that, or is the same for everyone? I actually lost 10 pounds in first tri, so if I only gain 20 then Id actually only have gained 10 which seems impossible. I always thought people gained like 50 lbs? perhaps the pound per week is conservative? Im definitely not eating more than usual as Im still sensitive.

Dis I feel sick just reading your post :sick::haha: Id mentioned Id stopped the diclectin a few days ago and couldnt sleep for 2 nights, so I took it last night and slept through till 1pm!!! luckily I work from home and came make my own hours. I feel a little sicky this morning too.
I looked it up, this site says "By the end of pregnancy you may weigh about 12.5kg (27.6lb)", so thats not much more than the 1 pound per week thing my MW said

and it says if overweight then gain is 15lb to 25lb
Care-Thanks for the video! I can't wait to get it in and give it a try!

Dis-Your MS sounds awful. Bless your heart. Showers haven't been fun for me either. I get bouts of MS while I'm in there and then I get sorta faint feeling. So I take a quick shower. We just had our shower redone and we have a nice bench in it. I find myself sitting now days. I don't know if its the heat or what but something happens in there and it's not pleasurable anymore :(

Marie-I wouldn't worry too much about the weight gain.:) (it does seem like alot) Although I haven't been pregnant with twins, I am underweight and I always seemed to gain the correct amount w/o really trying. I think alot of it is water weight too that we can't really control gaining. Boob weight, placenta weight, baby weight etc. I'm sure if your not gaining enough they will have a 'talk' about it. So sorry for the insomnia, it stinks!

Yellowbell-My doppler I got off of ebay in the U.S. it was $60.00 shipping included in price. I know that probably doesn't help you much though :) I'm not calm at all so your not alone! We can totally flip out together!

AFM-I'm still nauseated off and on all day. I have to photograph a daycare tomorrow. It's going to whip my tail :( I'll be running extra slow, UGH. Wish this energy level would pick up.

Test driving a Toyota Sienna (sp?) We need a newer car. I like it and kids LOVE it but when your going from paid for to payment, it stinks. DH is an electrician, he gets laid off some throughout the year and it'll be tough finding the funds to make the payments while he's on unemployment :(

DH stabbed me wrong for my progesterone shot today. He's done it once before and I don't know what goes wrong when it happens but I'm here to tell you it HURTS!
Klein - I don't enjoy showers anymore either :nope: We got a shower stool though to use when the OHSS was bad and I still use that so I'm sitting most of the time too. It is just so exhausting and the heat wears me out. I figure I will be sitting through the whole pregnancy at this point
I need to get a stool! Being pregnant is really taking a toll and making body hair grow fast! A stool would make shaving legs so much easier! I tried shaving yesterday and nausea hit hard, and felt very dizzy!

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