LTTTC/Assisted Conception - Due Autumn/Winter 2012

I know! I will probably book it 3 weeks tomorrow, as hubby is off work on mondays.
will your inlaws be over the moon? we have told close people but not extended family and friends, waiting for the scan to do that.
My husband is off Monday's too! Weird! My inlaws will be crazy excited. Going to put dd in a big sister shirt for when we get to their house. It will be exciting. I have a feeling mil will say she knew it (which will annoy me :haha:) I feel like when you are in baby making years, everyone is just always waiting for you to tell them you are pregnant! Or maybe it's just me, so used to always waiting to be able to say I'm pregnant :haha:
ah thats so cute! I wonder if they will notice straight away?
Im 39 and my hubby is only 30. whenever kids were mentioned I always joked hubby wasnt ready. so no-one ever asked, I thought MIL would start to ask when I turned 39 last year. She was so happy when we told them. But shes annoyed me since as she keeps asking when she can tell everyone and wont really listen to me wanting to wait till the 20 week scan (well, 18 week :haha:). she doesnt get it, but she didnt wait 2 years and have loads of horrible tests, constant things placed up her hoo-haa, injections etc. so doesnt get why I dont want to tell everyone. Honestly it still feels so surreal and Im just being cautious.
i think its a really good idea to keep it quiet, in hindsigt i wish we had done the same thing! we told quite a few people about the ivf so we had to tell them i was pregnant really or they would be asking how the cycle was going. im so worried about a mc :( in a way it is just so good to know I can get pregnant, but even after only a week and a half of knowing im pregnant im becoming attached to the idea of this baby.
Sarah - I had to have that conversation too, about not telling. Both with my mom and with DH. I think for people who haven't struggled and/or had a loss or known someone who has they just don't think about how fragile things are. We started telling relatives and close friends after 12 weeks but it will be another month or so before we are telling everyone.

I haven't bought anything since the BFP, though I have started looking online some. I'm going to try to hold out til gender scan to really shop for much since depending on sexes we can probably borrow a lot from relatives. So hard to wait :wacko:
lovie I totally understand. I was so worried about MCing too, with my age and how long it took and reading so many stories on here. now I dont worry as much but now Im worried about the measurement scan, as what if they find something wrong. I suppose the worry is constant, even after they are born.
I didnt tell many people about IUIs, IVF etc as I didnt want them waiting each month to see if it worked, it would be too much pressure so I kept really quiet apart from mum/sisters/2 friends and it was really hard.

mrs bear cant wait for your gender scan! someone here I followed doing IUIs just found out its one of each. How exciting to shop after that. When I was buying the gender neutral onsies yesterday I was looking at the boy/girl stuff and will be shopping as soon after birth as I can :haha:

apart from the onesies the only other thing I purchased was some wall decals, as it will take some time to be delivered. I will attach them to this post, Im doing green and brown (will be slightly different to whats shown) and we back onto conservation with deer and wildlife so doing that theme.

sorry been so chatty today, some people will come on this thread and have to wade through me babbling for ages!!


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I love love love the middle one with the dear and trees, where did you get them from?

i have been buying things since i first started ttc, i am determined we will have a baby one day, by birth or by adoption so i have been picking up bits and bobs.. it helps with my pma!
Awwww, the deer are so cute I wanted to get one very similar (maybe even the same) as the first one. But the walls are bright green (like a dark granny smith apple) and I don't think it will show up well. We want to do bright disney colours this time since last time we did neutral softer colours since we didn't know if we would be getting a boy or a girl. Then once we had our boys for a while and knew (or thought) they were staying we did a Toy Story theme since that is what our oldest wanted.
I have no idea what to do in the nursery yet. If we end up one of each it will have to be more neutral. Though I did toy with the idea of painting and decorating the room half one gender and half the other so they both have their own 'space' :haha:

If it is two girls I think I will do a quasi-wizard of oz. I grew up loving wizard of oz and still have rainbow curtains, dolls my mom made, etc. So I am thinking blue walls and the rainbow accents then keep the bedding more neutral or just go with a mix of primary colors. I also have a ceramic raggedy ann clock and lamp my grandmother made when I was little that are primary colors. I would want to incorporate those to. Don't know that I can use any of that with boys though :shrug:

Marie - one thing they have had me do with twins is up my total folic acid intake to 2000 and add extra calcium (either in supplements or in extra dairy). So I take 3 folic acid on top of the prenatal and add a calcium supplement if I'm not having a high dairy day.
lovie I got them from, search for baby wall decals tree or something similar :thumbup:

care with these decals you can chose any colour from their palette (you choose the colour you want for the tree, animals etc) to match or work with your wall colour so perhaps you can do it? Im going to do 2 brown walls and the tree is going on one them so did white tree with green accents, then am going to do 2 green walls (for some colour, dont want it neutral like most of my house!) and the deer are going on there so again the white tree should work and brown deer. Im a graphic designer and love interior design too so Im loving doing this!! I found a really comfy rocker than I can get in a green ribbed suede so going to order that too.
do you still have the boys room as it was?

mrs bear wizard of oz was my favourite movie growing up, I had to watch it every christmas! I like the idea of half half if its a boy/girl. as we are not finding out gender I need to do neutral and I always have liked the brown/green thing so its ok. this room will be for baby #2 as well, so baby #1 we can do another room in a gender specific theme they like when baby #2 comes along (hopefully!!)
I'm behind and wading thru the posts :haha: Very enjoyable convo I've missed out on though! Didn't mind it a bit :)

Sarah, did you run across any 'under the sea' themed wall decals?
I hired a lady to paint a mural in my DD's room. She did a fab job. I could do that again or see about wall decals. So much fun to think about!

Mrs. Bear- I haven't had a chance to say OMG :shock: to your fluid weight. That is horrible. Bless your heart. Wow. I don't know what else to say about that! :hugs:

My 10 week scan is tomorrow. As usual, I'm nervous about it. I've been feeling pretty much the same. I have noticed some tightening in the lower tummy and not really cramps but some 'different' sensations down there. I hope everything is ok, considering I should be pretty much stretched out from my other 2 kids. The is what it is:haha:
Oh, I picked up a pair of maternity shorts from Ross for $7.00 and a top for $9.00. At that price I couldn't resist. I also got one of those belly bands from Target for $15.00. I'll use it alot more that the maternity wear right now.
I was proud that I went to the maternity section of Ross and didn't pass out!!! I feel like it took us so long to get pregnant.....and now we are....and I haven't had a mc yet. It's just overwhelming, I didn't ever think I would get here, ya know? It's like it's really happening, and then I go to bed and I wake up and it's still, really happening! :cry: Only about 200 more days of that and I may have a B-A-B-Y!!!! :baby: wow, ((sigh))
Hi all! Wow I always seem to miss so much on the weekends!

Teta - that's great that you're already showing and can feel movements! With having lost 7 lbs in first tri and still not keeping much down, I'm not showing at all, but hopefully will soon!

Love the nursery themes and ideas! We plan on doing a rainforest theme - with mainly browns and greens. I am hoping to find out the gender, but I fell in love with the Luv U Zoo line at Babies R Us!

Sarah - You should def be fine at 18 weeks for your scan! I am planning to go week 19 to be sure everything is ok, as we are planning our babymoon for week 20. Not quite sure where we'll go yet, defo want something beachy and relaxing but worried about the food at an all inclusive?

Other than that, I announced this weekend and it was very exciting to do so! I originally wanted to wait longer, but since MS isn't letting off its been hard to cancel plans and make so many excuses. This week was def one of the worst I've had since week 6!

Hope everyone else is doing well!
My dr visit went well. Baby and sac measured 10w5d so that's good. Heartbeat was at 169 :) Baby Klein was moving around alot and was very entertaining to watch lol. The nubs for arms and legs last week in the gummy pic were extended and waving this week! What a difference a week makes in looking at these little one's. Will post a pic later! So glad all went well :)

Dis-how did the announcement go, what was the reaction?!?!
kleinfor thats great news :) its amazing how fast these little babies grow!

i found some of the decals on ebay for super cheap, if you type in decal there are lots of choices, not all of them but some nice ones :)

im feeling sick:happydance::happydance: im so pleased! feels odd to feel pleased about feeling sick, but i am, it makes it feel a bit more real :)
Mrs.Bear- thanks for the supplement tip. I was only taking 800 folic acid so i will bump it up to 3 pills. I'm getting 100% DA of calcium so i think that's good. No one has ever even talked to me about vitamins/prenatals. I have just done some research on my own. Hopefully when i see the MW in 10 days she will give me some guidelines.

Care - i read that article on BF twins & her milk wasn't ready until 8 days after labor so that is good to keep in mind. I will have formula ready to go & not stress too much.

Klein- great scan... must be so exciting to see the LO in action.

Dis - sorry MS is still going on. It must be so frustrating.

Lovie - glad you're entering the MS crowd lol

AFM - i don't have my intense appetite anymore the last few days, just the old regular one. Still no signs of MS so i am thrilled. I'll wait to worry about my weight until the drs do. I've just been the same weight for so long & gaining that much weight seems impossible. I guess my body will do what it has to to keep these babies nourished & safe.
That is great news Klein! Glad baby is doing well.

Dis, how exciting you told everyone!

I thought I would post it here in case anybody was interested. For those in Canada, the Wave stroller is on sale for $225, but only for a couple more days. From what I can gather, I think the company is called Lamaze in Canada, because they have identical products to First Years in the US. I know somebody with the First Years Wave stroller and she absolutely loves it. It can turn from bassinet to toddler seat with baby in it, and the seat reverses while baby is in it. The thing I do not care for is you have to take the seat off to fold it (not sure if this is the same though). has pretty great reviews for it though, and it is cheaper here than in the US right now. I also don't know if it would be very comfy for a older toddler as the seat seems small.

I have no idea which stroller I want, I just know what things I need and like. I love to look though.
Care-Thanks for the stroller post. I am lost at all of the choices! I think you posted the video link for the sonoline B doppler. MINE CAME IN TODAY!!!! I watched the video and was able to find it in less than 2 minutes. It was great. I had a good cry. I also videoed it (just for the audio) to send it in a text to DH and my mom. YAY :)

There is a new movie coming out, comedy, in May called What to Expect When Your Expecting. Can't wait to watch it, looks like it'd be a funny one to watch with DH!
Yes, thanks care for posting the sonoline b doppler video link. It was really cool, and now I really want one! Oh then of course I was stuck looking on youtube for hours of that girls journey and many others :haha:

That movie looks really cute klein, I agree. I wanna watch it, because it's good timing (I'm finally expecting too!) :thumbup:
Hellooo my lovelies :D

Thought I'd best pop in and let you know how I'm doing - which is not very well :(
I seem to have/have had a combination of things that have been conspiring to make me utterly miserable.

Easter Sunday I was worried about my temps (102F) so I went to the walk-in clinic, who sent me to the hospital. I thought I had a chest infection, they thought it wasn't that and found I had a bladder infection. So they gave me anti-biotics and sent me home
All last week I was grim - antis finally started to tackle my temps, but my chest is horrid - I've coughed so much that I've pulled every muscle I have, and it's all so very sore.
The coughing has also been making me very sick - to the point of dehydration and so on Monday I ended up back in hospital with keytones in my urine.

The lovely Dr I saw gave me some anti-sickness tabs and some Ranitidine to stop the heartburn, to try and help me keep some water down.

But I have been so worried about Eenie - I know high temps are very bad for small babies and I've been stressing so much about what might be going on in there.
When I told the lovely Dr at the hospital, she brought us downstairs with her after we'd finished and even though she had finished her shift, took us to one of the ultrasound rooms for a sneaky scan ... where we heard Eenie's heartbeat good and strong. Can't tell you how relieved we both are :thumbup:

So, I'm resting up at home, trying to shake off the last of the chest infection - temps are still going up to 100F but no higher, so I'm not worried about that.... and it appears that my asthma is back, which I last had 18 years ago!

So that's me and my tale of woe (when the GP asked me what was wrong on Monday I replied 'I'm a small heap of misery :cry: ) I'm absolutely shattered and sleeping up to 20 hours a day - but I think the new meds are kicking in and I'm starting to be able to keep things down :)

A big welcome to marie, purple and lovie - I'll pop over to the front page and add your dates on.

I have read through the posts since I've been MIA, but there are far too many of them to reply to ... so can I just give everyone else a :hug: ?
Oh no Urch. I was wondering how you were doing and it appears not very well. I am glad Eenie is doing ok. That is what counts. I am sorry you are so sick. Take good care of yourself and get lots of rest. :hugs:

Klein, I know there are too many choices! and the stroller that is actually my dream stroller is a 2009 model and the newer ones have separate bassinets, which I hate. I am addicted to looking though. It is crazy. I am so happy that video helped and you found/heard the HB!!! It is so cool, isn't it?

Purple, I am addicted to youtube too. I like seeing other peoples stories and also I love reviews. Especially Baby Gizmo.

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