LTTTC/Assisted Conception - Due Autumn/Winter 2012

So many ppl knew we were having IVF (and when!) that it would've been churlish not to tell them the outcome ... and they would have assumed we'd not been successful.

As for other people, we told them after the 12 weeks scan - but I can totally understand you wanting to keep it under wraps longer than that xx

we had this problem, i had told loads of people about ivf as it felt to me like it wouldnt work 1st time and i didnt want my friends thinking i was just being moody and sad for no reason. then when i got my bfp the week we were due to start stimming i had to tell people as they were all asking me how the injections were going and how i was feeling. When i did get my bfp it felt so wrong telling people, like it was such a personal thing! if there is a next time im going to keep it as our little secret for much longer :) i think we will go public at 12 weeks if everything looks normal :)

FF-My ms started at about 7 weeks, it would come and go, some days not being as frequent as others. It seems to have been picking up speed in the past few weeks though. I have not actually thrown up, but I have to eat ASAP when I feel it coming on. I keep cinnamon altoids, gum and red hots in my purse. It all seems to help me.

Progesterone ?-
For those of us on/been on progesterone, do you think it may be making the ms worse?
Also, how did you stop using your progesterone? I need details on this. I have about another week to go.

Sarah-Yay for no more ms! What is the diclectin for, throwing up?

Marie-He may have been right but maybe you can word it in a way where he don't think he is. I swear mine thinks he knows everything lol. I have to shoot him down and bring him back to Earth sometimes! OMG, he sounds like my DH on the 'believing' thing. It's not like believing in santa guys. Ugh, apparently I am having a man bashing day!

Dis-I had to look at your resort, and it looks fab! I'm sure you will have a great time :)

Oh and babymooners, unless something has changed, you cannot cruise after 25 or 28 weeks. I can't remember which. I remember going on a cruise when I was preggo with DD and I was 24 weeks. There was a pregnant lady in front of me who was getting turned away at the boarding station :( Just a heads up! I felt SO bad for her. To my understanding it's b/c they aren't medically equiped for a delivery, if one had to happen.

AFM-I'm showing. I was hoping to not be showing this soon, I'm not comfortable with everyone knowing that I'm pregnant yet. We've told close friends and family but I'm not ready for passing strangers to know. Oh well, 3rd kid, I should of known.
I am happily hearing my little one's hb daily now. It makes me feel so much better lol.

Oh goodness i didnt know you couldnt cruise! we often go on a 2 day cruise to latvia or finland in the summer, i will have to check out the rules!
Klein, I was originally told to stop PIO and suppositories at 8 weeks. I talked to my doctor about being worried and she emailed my OB asking him to keep me on until 12 weeks but I was to only do every 3rd day. I was worried because my OB wouldn't take any blood to check my levels, but everything turned out fine.

Yesterday I kind of hurt myself. I jumped up fast and ran down the stairs in the morning because my dog was acting like she was going to be sick. My left side around my ovary hurt so much I was limping and it hurt to move. I didn't want to go to the hospital because it wasn't a severe pain, at least not compared to endo pain. I checked Bubs HB just to hear it and although it took a while I found it. This ovary/cyst is supposed to be gone or going away, but it isn't and I wish it would. Sometimes I can't do anything. I read online that if the cyst doesn't shrink and they are large they end up removing it as torsion can lead to miscarriage or early labour. My doctor never said that, but the doctor in Mexico did and the pharmacist that made my suppositories. it freaks me out. For now I am going to play it safe and be super careful with everything I do. Sorry to whine, but I just wish I felt like this doctor told me everything. I feel like he was always just trying to get me out of his office. I was so happy when he said I could see my midwife, but shouldn't he have said something or warned me about torsion? He said my ovaries would shrink and the cysts would be gone by now. Shouldn't I have been told to have another U/S to make sure they are shrinking properly? OK, vent over.

I am sorry you are still so sick Dis. I am pretty sick too, but I luckily get an hour or two some days where I am not so nauseous lately. I guess that is something to be thankful for.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Care - yes you should definitely have an u/s to make sure the cyst is shrinking. If nothing else, it will ease your mind. If they say u don't need it, u can always go to the ER. The drs are always pushing you out of the office. Thank god my dr lets me e-mail him questions bc i can't get them all in when i'm there.

Klein - they just took me off of pio thursday at 7-1/2 weeks. It didn't cause me any nausea but did increase my appetite which if i was nauseous would magnify it i would think. I have man-bashing days every day bc dh keeps saying/doing dumb things constantly. I spoke to my dr about the MW & they just want me to meet with her initially & then assign me to a dr so dh overreacted. The MW will go over nutrition & the basics with me.

Sarah - i never heard the details of your finger injury at 7 wks, sounds horrible.
Oh I forgot to mention I did the baking soda test again and it was still flat. According to this wives tale I am having a girl. We'll see how true it is in a month.
Care - maybe it is round ligament and not ovary. I get pain from that all the time. Not severe, but your rush may have escalated it :shrug:. My ovaries were always sore well after cysts were gone so hopefully the cyst isn't an issue. They should be able to scan you to make sure though, especially since you are having pain.
Yeah my left ovary is sore after cysts as well. It never was this bad though. I know it is not round ligament pain as I have had cysts and problems with my ovary since I was 15, so I am very aware of the feeling. The only thing I can explain it as is it feels like after my 3rd surgery where my left ovary hurt quite a bit and I took longer to heal compared to usual. My doctor then thought because they had to do a lot of work to remove endo from that ovary and maybe there was a nerve ending there. So maybe my uterus or some other organ is being pushed up against it? Right now I am laying down on my right side and it feels like it is a throbbing pain. Not extreme though. It hurts more when I move or do something that feels like I am squashing it. I also felt this way after retrieval and a few weeks after pregnancy. Even though I had cysts on both ovaries my left bothered me most. It was the one that got crazy large during ivf and moved.

I get worried because my sister had a very large cyst on her ovary and just by jumping off the couch fast she had torsion and had to have surgery. I wouldn't care so much if it wasn't for bubs in there.

I am going to try and hold off and wait till my next U/S in a month. I am still going to be extra careful though. If it doesn't get better or it happens again before hand I will probably go in to the hospital just to make me feel better.
Well, hopefully it eases up soon. Maybe if it is still hurting later or in the morning call the on-call line for your Dr and see what they say. Better to check it out and have it be fine than not and have a problem.
Care-That sounds painful, if it gets worse or anything I would have it checked out. It does sort of sound like a nerve thing now since you explained that aspect of it. I hope it isn't though. I would think that would give you pain issues throughout your pregnancy :( I am shocked that they didn't measure the ovaries and check for that. On my weekly visits she measures each one and its documented in my chart. I have no idea why but it appears that's part of their routine visit lol.

I think I am going to ask the doctor for something for nausea when I have my video conference/release on Monday. I may or may not take it, I think better to have it incase I need it though!

WHOO HOO! I'm a lime :)
Klein yay for lime :dance:

Care I had to have an early scan yesterday and they reported an ovarian cyst that was probably causing my mild throbbing. I wasn't told that it could be a danger and they said it was completely normal during pregnancy. My doctor mentioned something about increasing progesterone in pregnancy, is this right?

Sadly bubba is measuring a week behind my dates so am having to be re-scanned to check for viability :(
FF - cysts are definitely common in early pregnancy. FX everything is ok. It is hard to get accurate measurements early on. My reports gave the measured age with +/- 7 days so as long as you are in the ballpark it is a good thing.
Klein's a lime, woot woot!

FF, I have known a couple women where their early scans showed the bubs was over a week behind and everything turned out fine. FX everything will be ok. How far are you now? Corpus luteum cysts are very common in early pregnancy. The only reason I was warned about torsion was because during stimming my ovary was so xlg and moving they were worried about torsion. Then when I became pregnant my follicles turned into CL cysts while my ovaries were still extremely large. All together (ovary and cysts) they were the size of cantaloupes, maybe larger. I rarely felt my right ovary/cysts though. The cysts themselves shouldn't cause concern. But if they are very large you need to be aware of torsion/twisting.

My pain is lessened and only got bad enough to take my breath away about 20 times today (it only lasts seconds). It is mostly if I am sitting or bending. The rest of the time it is lightly throbbing and sometimes I hardly feel it. Thanks for the get well wishes.

Speaking of get well, Urch how are you doing? I hope you were able to enjoy your weekend and are feeling better. :flower:
My computer keeps double posting on this site. Ooops.
I'm on the mend Care, but still very weak ... it took me 2 hours to get my strength back after having a bath this morning!

FF one week either way isn't too bad, fingers crossed baby is doing ok in there xx
FF-Hoping everything is ok, Like everyone else said, try not to be too alarmed. It is still very early. Did they mention anything else about the progesterone or when they would rescan you? Did they do bloodwork?

Urch-So glad your feeling better. Hope you get your strength back soon.

Maternity bathing suits? What are your thoughts ladies? I've been looking online at a few places. I am finding that I don't like alot of them, I have to have a halter top so that limits things and there isn't a huge selection to start with. I'm thinking if I don't get one soon then they could be hard to find.
Will keep you all posted after today's scan :flower:

I feel cheered no end after I have read so many positive stories about being a week behind :dance: I finally understand that dating scans are done from 12 weeks because it is so hard to get an accurate gauge before as things are changing at different speeds. Am hoping I will be offered a re-scan next week and haven't ruled out seeing a HB then.
hi ladies! Hope you're all having a good start of the week.

hi feisty! congratulations on your BFP! So nice to see you here.
I calculated I was 6 weeks based on my LMP when I went in for my first scan and the doctor only saw a sac even if the scan was transvaginal. I was so worried because I read at 6 weeks we should be able to see a fetal pole at least. On my scan the following week, we were able to see a fetal pole and heartbeat and from the baby's measurement we found out that I was a week behind my LMP and come to think of it, I do ovulate not on CD14 but around CD18 so that makes sense.
So maybe in your case you just ovulated late too.

As for me, I went it to have my blood test for down's syndrome today. Hubby and I finally decided we'd go for this test including the scan test (on my week 13) just to be ready for anything (but hoping we don't need to be!).
by the way, ladies, when your bumps started to show, which part of the tummy first bulged?
Coz for me, I am definitely starting to have a bump but the bulge is mostly at my stomach area. I thought it's supposed to bulge from the abdomen? Or maybe this bulge I have right now is just from my indigestion? :haha:
Glad to see you are feeling a little more positive FF.
I think the very early scans are more trouble than they are worth - all they seem to do is worry people. The difference in measurements between 5 weeks and 6 weeks is so small - I'm amazed that they are prepared to make definite statements.
The way I look at it is this: We all know that children are different sizes, and their growth spurts happen at different times - so why on earth do we expect unborn children to be any different?
And although they phrase it as a measure of time (weeks and days) they are actually talking about a unit of length that happens to correspond to an average amount of time listed in a text book!

When I went for my 12 wk scan they said Eenie measured 12+3 ... now given that it was IVF, and fertilisation date is absolutely known, there is no way s/he can be ahead of or behind dates - so all that means is that Eenie measured the size that the average baby measures at 12+3.

and the same goes for yours - the important thing will be when they rescan, has baby grown and is there a heartbeat ...and you stand as good a chance as anyone who hasn't had an early scan :thumbup:

Hi yellowbell :hi:
I have a double bulge going on - I have a definite bump below the belly button, but another one above ... I'm blaming this on Eenie pushing all my innards up!

Another day at home for me - I'm going to try doing a little cleaning today I think. Mr Urch has been doing everything since I've been ill - but in truth, he doesn't clean like I do and I'm starting to get twitchy!
Thanks my lovelies :flower:

Well I saw the midwife counsellor that guided me through our last miscarriage and she seemed a lot more understanding. In a completely caring way she was ready to disregard dates and what had/hadn't been seen on Saturday's scan as she stated it was too early.

She also advised against another scan and instead decided to measure HCG levels by blood. She has taken one today and I can find out results tomorrow after11am and then repeat on Wednesday.

Feeling a bit more positive.
sounds like this midwife is clued up - we like her!
fx for your HCG results tomorrow and the Wednesday one xx

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