LTTTC/Assisted Conception - Due Autumn/Winter 2012

Thanks everybody! :flower:

Care - I actually worked with a woman a few years ago who had boy/girl twins and we joked she should name them Luke and Leia :haha:. We still refer to them as that when we run into each other. Oddly enough, especially for our generation, DH doesn't really care for Star Wars :shrug: It is very strange.

My OB policy is two in the ultrasound room with you and absolutely no children. I don't know how hard core they are on the policy but that is what is on the paperwork as the official rules. I would suspect they will let you have more than DH in there unless the room is super tiny. You can always tag team if they won't let you bring both. I plan to bring my mom to a later u/s since I wanted it just DH and I to find the gender.

FF and Klein - I agree b&w is the way to go. Most of my wedding prints were b&w too. Not likely to have any birth photos for me though. DH hates having his picture taken and we will probably have a c-section anyway.

FF - sorry NHS is jerking you around. Would you be able to get a home blood pressure monitor so you can keep an eye on it yourself? Re: downs - from what I understand the inherited version of downs is a small percentage of cases so try not to get too worried about that just yet. :hugs:
mrs bear one of each, how amazing!!! omg I soooo want to find out on monday but keep changing my mind, wont decide until in the room.
Mrs.bear- how perfect team purple! Were you totally shocked?

Sarah - congrats on your results

FF - i know you're nervous but you just have to believe everything will be fine. This whole process is so scary if you think about it too much.

AFM - i haven't got MS yet but i'm on such a huge cocktail of vitamins that i feel nauseous after taking them all. It goes away in an hour or so but i'm hating it. I may have to stagger them out through the day. I don't know.
I wasn't shocked - more relieved. I have always wanted a girl and I knew DH wanted a boy badly even though he wouldn't say so. They said the boy first so I was super nervous waiting to hear what baby B was but all worked out :thumbup:

Sarah - whatever you decide is the right decision, so don't let DH or MIL make you feel guilty about finding out if that is what you want and if it isn't then that is right too :hugs:

Marie - definitely space them out. I have to take my calcium separate from the iron because they said it doesn't absorb as well. Other than that I take prenatal in the morning with calcium and part of the extra folic then have iron with lunch dinner and take the rest of the folic before bed. Too much at one time can definitely unsettle the tummy.
thanks mrs bear, I keep changing my mind myself so it doesnt help. I talked to them yesterday mentioning all Id been through and how wonderful it would be to have the news in a few days, so I think they understood more. but some of me wants to wait, grrrrr Im a typical libran, always weighing up the odds.
Sarah - I'm not a libra, but I'm like you. I want to know sooo badly about gender, but kinda want to wait too!

Maybe I'll ask them to write it down, and if it really drives me crazy I'll look at it later.... I don't know. It would be pretty awesome to find out in the delivery room, but then its already overwhelming just seeing your baby for the first time - so is the gender excitement going to be pushed aside? I dont know!
Sarah I don't think you will be sorry with your decision either way. I've never known anyone to say they wish they had or hadn't found out. You will be so excited for that moment either way!!

I got my screening results back and the results are negative. 1/1000 chance for downs syndrome and trisomy 18. :thumbup: One more things to check off as a relief! One more major hurdle in 19 days to feeling like this is really going to happen! So excited for everyone!!
Marie have you had any morning sickness?

Sarah I agree, you will be happy with whatever you decide :cloud9:
FF - it's definitely a postcode lottery ... My midwife came out to see me at about 11 weeks. I don't think I'd be happy with just a phone call :((

I think getting your own BP monitor would be a good idea - they might think it's common enough not to bother with, but this is your health and your baby - not theirs!

I really don't know how people manage to stay team yellow - I'm bursting to know if Eenie is a boy or a girl!
.... and I don't understand what the big deal is about saving the surprise for the delivery room??? The day Eenie is born, I get to meet Eenie! That in itself is so special and exciting that the sex will just be an also-ran :shrug:

But if I find out at a scan, it will be super exciting all by itself and I will be able to enjoy the excitement a lot more.

It's kinda like saving your easter egg for christmas ... The easter egg will still be nice, but really, are you going to appreciate it amongst all of your christmas presents???
MrsB, I am not a huge SW fan either. I am a geek though, but for some reason I am not too crazy about it like others are. I am more into Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, and I am very big into The Wheel of Time (a fantasy series), like hugely obsessed. I used to read a lot, but with these horrid headaches and migraines, I hardly do anymore. It is very sad, I have only read about 10 books this year and I average 100-150 a year.

FF, I am sorry you aren't being seen. That is sad. I was seen at 6 weeks by my midwife and OB (before I fully transferred to my midwife I saw the OB). I know girls out west in Canada that aren't getting seen until 30 weeks! Can you imagine? Try not to worry too much about the downs. I don't know any of my family history with being adopted and it can be hard not knowing for things like this. But sometimes I am glad I don't know so I don't worry. Lets pray your baby will be perfectly healthy.

I am glad I am not torn about knowing the gender. My DH and I decided before we were pregnant that we would find out. His dad tried to talk me out of finding out, and I was like no way. I have waited almost 13 years for this baby and I think I have been patient enough. But now his dad keeps asking when we find out, so I think he is getting excited.

Teta, woohoo! Great numbers.

Urch, I like the Easter egg analogy. I agree.

We are not having the U/S at the OB since I requested not to have my U/S with him. First, he never explains anything to me AT ALL. Second, he is usually 1-3 hours behind and my husband has to leave our booth at the market so I don't want him to be gone too long. Third, his space is so cramped and I know he would have a problem with my mom coming in, where the clinic is usually more laid back.

I feel great today. My headache is mild and no nausea! I have cleaned and cooked twice today (even meat, peameal bacon, yum). Not sure if I can do meat for dinner though. It still turns my stomach.
my friend who didnt find out did say during a very painful labour the excitement of not knowing got her through....I would think you would be excited to just meet them too, but perhaps the added unknown would be more of an incentive. I was saying to my MIL who said about the surprise at birth 'but it will be a surprise if they tell me on monday' as I do also think whats the big deal about waiting. and its a nice piece of info to have now while you are waiting and cooking! I think my hesitation is more that hubby doesnt want to know, and Id like to find out as a couple.
Lol, for me it's exciting not to find out. IF THIS WAS MY FIRST OR SECOND, I'D NEVER WANT TO BE ON TEAM YELLOW. I would HAVE to know, I'm a planner so for me wanting to be on team yellow it's very unusual. If I was dying to have one of a specific gender, I'd have to find out to so I wouldn't feel disappointed or let down at the birth.

Since I have one of each and it's the last one...Keeping everything a surprise and keeping everyone in suspense just seem like more fun lol. Even though everyone is trying to pressure me to find out. I'm sticking to my guns! Go team yellow!
I guess because we are so early on no-one has mentioned if we will find out the sex. We will be staying on team yellow as I think it is more natural. I know myself that this is completely weird for me wanting to be 'natural' (it's a clomid baby for one and I am willing to take all the medical assistance in the form of scans etc :haha:) but for some reason not finding out just feels right :shrug:

I think it is because I love surprises almost as much as the gift itself :cloud9: thinking about hearing the midwife says "It's a ........" has me brought out in goosebumps :)
I'm definitely in the 'it is still a surprise whenever you find out' camp. We have all waited so long already too. It also feels more real to me and definitely to DH now that we know. Plus we get to announce it to lots of people individually rather than the one big reveal (I plan to tell my parents by wrapping up a boy and a girl item for mom to unwrap on mother's day next weekend). I kind of like that since we had to tell family about the BFP so early. It is definitely a personal decision though. No right or wrong answer.

Teta - congrats on the good results :thumbup:

Care - DH loves Star Trek too. I think it is a good idea to go elsewhere for your u/s if your OB is like you describe. To me long waits for u/s are inexcusable. They know exactly how many are coming for that. There are very few emergency work-ins for u/s. FX the place you go will have no problems bringing mom in too.
FF-Yay, I'm not on team yellow alone lol!
I think it will be great when they hold little one up and make the announcement, then for DH to get to go to the waiting room and make his big announcement to waiting family. It'll be great. To each their own :)
It wouldn't do if we were all the same :thumbup:

I wonder how our mums and nans managed without all the scans? All they had to go on was whether their bump was getting bigger, the Dr's hearing trumpet, and everything else became clear on the day!
I'm very glad we have dopplers and scans and the like to let us know what's going on in there - it's worrying enough as it is, I can't imagine the worry of waiting 9 months to find out if everything is ok
MrsB, the wait is so long regardless of why you are there. The reason is he is the only high risk OB in our city. So if he has to go do an emergency delivery he gets backed up. And instead of cancellation and rebooking, they have no time to fit those in so people just wait. It never fails. At least you know when your time comes he will be there for you. But I need answers and want things explained to me. He doesn't have time for that. It is so frustrating.

I am so tempted to go to the hospital and get an ultrasound. I want to know if these ovaries and cysts are shrinking. Sometimes it is bad and sometimes I hardly feel them. But lately my left side has been hurting so much when I flip to that side in my sleep the pain wakes me. But I don't want to go if I really don't have to either. What would I say? Just that I am worried because they still hurt when my doctor said they would shrink by now? I guess I really don't have to go. I can continue being careful and watch what I do. Lol, I keep changing my mind.
Having some spotting, gonna go see if I can get a scan....
Mrs. Bear- Congratulations! What wonderful news to share with your families on Mother's Day.

Dis3tnd - Hope they see you right away.

Great news for the ladies that got the screening results!

AFM, I've graduated from the specialist. Hard to believe, now get to start seeing a regular OB. The one I cried to about having to do IVF! As far as finding out the gender, we're excited about finding out at an ultrasound. It will help us take in the info, focus on names for just one gender, and of course decorate the nursery. Even though my DH is still not completely positive (he's aware of all the bad stuff that can happen), the other day he started looking up nursery furniture online!

Have a great weekend.

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