LTTTC/Assisted Conception - Due Autumn/Winter 2012

Urchin-:rofl:OMG, your killing me with the theoreticall play by play! I must admit...the thought did cross my mind. Now, I am going...only with the help of using a suppisitory and it's a few hard balls about the size of grapes, maybe 5 of them a day.
I don't think that is normal, do you? Should I be alarmed? I'm so sick all of the time I really don't think I can drink anything like milk of magnesia or anything else...I'll just puke. To make matters worse, I can't swallow pills due to the puking too. It's all I can do to take the zofran and it's SMALL!
The only thing I can think of is to stop taking my miracle drug, zofran, which in honesty today is the first day it hasn't helped.
Oh and my OB is going to 'lanse' (sp?) a new hemerrhoid on Monday due to my constipation issues. I've heard it hurts like HE**. Has anyone had that done???:wacko:

So glad everything went well for you DIS! I too have put on the lbs this go round. It'll be ok though. I'm not eating any different it's usually all lost after our babies are here!

Marie, Thanks!

Good luck to all the upcoming scans!!!

Urchin-So sorry your having issues at work. I hope you reach a resolution one way or another, good luck with your meeting.
Klein, as of yet I haven't had any hemorrhoids (please stay that way!!!), so I don't know. I guess at least you are going, but too bad it didn't work better.

Urch, how long do you get mat leave for? I thought it was longer there for some reason. We get a year, but since I am self employed I don't get any leave.
It's up to a year - but not all of it is paid - depending on who you work for

Mine is 3 months full pay, 3 months half and 3 months statutory mat pay
Urch - good luck for your scan, hope eenie cooperates :thumbup:. Work sounds like a lot of drama, hope you can get things figured out. Those mat benefits are all better than we have in the US. You can take up to 12 weeks off but they only have to hold your job if the company has over 50 employees and you have worked there over a year. Most places don't pay for any of it so you have to use up all your vacation and sick time and pay for short term disability starting at least a year prior to get partial salary for the rest of the leave you take. A lot of people are stuck taking 6 weeks or less :growlmad:

Klein - that sound exactly like what mine is like these days so I don't know that you should be concerned by that. The colace is a pretty small gelcap so you might try that and see if you can manage it. It is a little larger than the zofran but not a whole lot.
Mrs Bear-Well at least i'm not alone :) Thanks for letting me know. I'll try not to be too's just so hard not to, I was going nicely 3-4 times a day before and have always had IBS with LOOSE stools! I don't know how to act lol. Is the colace a RX?

JJCOLE is having their twice a year warehouse sale from now til the 21st I think. Select items are 50% off w Free shipping. Just wanted to let everyone know. Some items are selling out quick if your interested! Happy shopping!
p.s. just click on the blue 'sale' button at the top of the website
Klein - just one more of the joys of pregnancy :haha: I've even tried eating stuff that normally gives me issues and it hasn't helped :loo: they can write a rx for it if you want to try to have insurance cover it but it is also sold over the counter
OMG my update. I am dying (or so I think) I am in so much pain, I was up most of the night with hemorrhoid pain. After much googling I decided to take a half of a hydrocodone. I tried to take it and couldn't even get it down due to my gagging. I am missing a function at DD's school today due to the pain. I have had a good long cry about it which only made the pain worse. The doc called and told me to try miralax. I just got it down. That's right yes down, yes it is a drink. I'm just hoping it stays down and works. Doc said if no BM in 12 hours take a 1/2 of a dose. Apparently she's trying to get me to go. She called in a foam to be inserted for pain, my hemorroid is an external thrombosed one so the foam really isn't helping. I am miserable and have thought about going to the ER to have it lanced before my appt to on Monday. What are they going to do for pain when they do it? Will I be given pain pills only not to be able to take them. I know I'm overreacting but my pain level is at a 7 out of 10 and I don't know how much more I can take. I am at my breaking point. NOT TO MENTION MY SON HAS EXAMS MONDAY AND I HAVE TO TEACH HIM THE MATERIAL TO STUDY. PLUS, I am hosting a baby shower tomorrow! I don't have time for this!!! ((sigh))
I hope everyone is doing much better than me!
Oh Klein I feel so bad for you! I really can't offer much advice, but I want to wish you well and I hope you don't suffer too long. :hugs:

And thanks for the JJ Cole sale info! I won't be ordering anything just yet, but it is nice to know when sales are on. Old Navy Canada also has a summer sale with $2 tanks. They are the long ribbed ones, so I thought I could use them for maternity since they stretch and are long. There is a bunch of stuff on sale and also I got a 15% off coupon in my inbox this morning. I think the US Old Navy has 25% off.

In case anybody wants the coupon but doesn't have the email, here are the links:
Canadian coupon - online code is ONSURF, printable coupon

US coupon - Online code is ONBEACH, printable coupon
thanks for the coupon care!

omg klein I feel so bad for you. in my early 20's I had some hemorrhoid problems and had them was more of a freezing style rather than lancet and it was painful, but not any more painful than living with the hemorrhoid. oh I hope I dont get them badly in pregnancy, I do sometimes have them after a bad bowel movement. I understand the pain completely and sympathize :hugs:

Im officially half way today! when should I feel significant movements? Ive only felt some flutters. my placenta is on the front wall so midwife said I will only feel things on the sides. could that be why Im not feeling much or at 20 weeks is it still early anyway?
Oh Klein, that sounds truly horrible - I really hope they can give you some relief soon :hugs:
There really is no dignity in any of this is there?

Would you all like some news? and maybe a picture of a baby Eenie waving?

You would?

Ok then!

Eenie is a sheenie! I am absolutely gobsmacked - I really really thought she was a boy. But no, the stork is bringing be a pink bundle :pink:

My placenta is also at the front Care - and I'm not really feeling anything either. I had been a little worried, but now i know why, I can chill a bit. It's also very low down, so they will be keeping an eye on it .... and they also need to monitor my fibroid - it hasn't grown since the last scan, but they need to keep tabs.

So I have another scan at 28 weeks, and then every 3 weeks after that.

There is a risk of premature birth/ mc because of the 'roid - but I think it will be fine. Oddly, I'm not actually worried about this - yes, it's there in the back of my mind, but I truly believe that now Eenie has made it this far, she will be fine :thumbup:

and here is the little laydee herself

Urch - yay for a little girl!!!

Klein - it says u can take metamucil, senakot, fibercon, fiberall & colace (if the other products don't work). Sounds pretty horrible :(

I had a slight breakdown at my appt today. They could only find one hb on the abdominal hb checker thing. The sonogram tech was not in and they didn't know what to do. Luckily, one of the OBs there was able to figure out the machine & check and one was on top of the other one so that's why they couldn't get a good read. They couldn't give me too much info but at least i could see 2 hbs and they appear to be the same size. Originally they wanted me to come back in a week for a SG. Can you imagine a whole week of not knowing? They want me to go for scans twice a month, once with the OB and once with the specialist. Sounds like an overkill but that is what they recommend.
very glad they found the second hb for you, what were they thinking of? A week to wait to a SG indeed!

those extra scans will give you ongoing reassurance marie :thumbup:
klein - so sorry you have to go through that :hugs:. The magnesium citrate will do the trick if all else fails. since my major issues I have been taking colace 2-3 times a day and I mix benefibe in whenever I'm making something with a sauce like a pasta dish. I also eat at least 2 fiber one bars/brownies per day to add to my fiber intake. I know it is no fun even without the hemmoroid so I can't imagine what you are dealing with. :hugs:. As far as painkillers I was on high doses of percocet for most of first tri so there are definitely things they can give you. I suspect they might just do something topical to numb the area but you never know.

Sarah - I have two and can't feel any definite movements yet either so I wouldn't worry about it yet. I can tell when they are up to something when it makes me uncomfortable but no discernible kicks or anything yet.

Urch - yay for another team pink! :yipee: We are all tied up now :thumbup:

Marie - Sorry you had such a scare but glad they were able to locate #2 after all :thumbup:. Going that often isn't all that unusual for twins so just be glad you get all the extra time to see the babies and know they are ok. I know I'm glad to have that extra reassurance as I go along even if it is a lot of visits.
Urch-OMG I am so excited for you! So glad your appt went well and you are having a girl, wow a daughter. The word daughter makes it a little more real to me! I must say my eyes teared up for your pic and pink post!]

Mrs Bear-Fiber bars, why didn't I think of that! Yes that may help some movement. I will send DH for some when he gets home!

Sarah-Thanks for sharing your story, I too hope this isn't a sign of what's to come further into my pregnancy. Congrats on being 1/2 way there!!! I know your thrilled. I'm not sure when you'll start feeling heavier movements. With the placenta in front like that, you may not feel anything significant at all. I haven't ever had one in front so I'm not speaking from experience but just a guess. That thing is pretty big and thick so it could act as a huge sponge for movement! Some of those ladies on that show 'didn't know I was pregnant' didn't feel anything, so they say. I guess it vary's from pregnancy to pregnancy. When I was pregnant with DD at 24 weeks you could see an elbow or heel roll all the way across my belly. I could poke on it and she would get mad and totally flip and change her position. It was crazy :wacko: She grossed out alot of my family and friends with that lol. :haha: It wasn't too comfortable when she did it either lol! Speaking of, I think I felt a flutter last night. Hope there are lots more of them to come!

Marie-Good thing you didn't have to give them a can of "whoop a$$" what were they thinking wanting you to come back in a week! Apparently they were, what we call in out household, smoking crack! Anyway, so glad someone figured out the machine so you can rest easier! Now you give them babies a nice talking to for scaring you like that :haha:

Thank you for all your kind words for my ((cough)) sensative issue. :blush:
After much consideration and online doctoring, I have decided to try to wait it out and see a specialist whenever they can get me in.
After reading online I found out that usually lancing should be done within 72 hours for best results. I have been suffereing off and on for over a week. SO, I'm going to continue w my ice packs and cool baths and creams and pillows and waddling for as long as I can. UGH, I remember my other pregnancies being a bit more glamorous lol.

FX I can go to my BFF's shower tomorrow. I did call her and give her a heads up on the situation though, just incase.

:hugs: to all, you all are awesome for support, just wanted to say thanks! :flower:
urch how wonderful! :pink::cloud9: you are so lucky to be having the scans, I was just saying today that I have to wait another 20 weeks to see bub :cry: hubby wont let me do one of those 3D scans :dohh:

marie omg that would be worrying, so glad they found the 2nd one and you didnt have to wait :hugs:

have a lovely weekend everyone :flower:
OMG a GIRL!!!!!! :happydance: Urch you must be thrilled! :cloud9: I really had I feeling she was a boy too. I don't know why, I never even met you. Funny how I don't have a guess for myself though.

Yay for halfway Sarah!!!! :flower: I am a couple weeks behind you but I haven't felt anything besides that one time. I was in the weirdest position though. They do say the placenta in the front can make it harder to feel baby move for a long time.

Marie, I am so glad they figured it out and you got some peace of mind!

Dis, I hope you make your bff's shower tomorrow.

Well, I went and bought a bunch of tanks and tees at ON. They are super long, so if I leave my pants unbuttoned they cover that up (right now I am wearing a stretchy long bra thing over the pants so it isn't as noticeable). I must be super bloated because my belly looked so much bigger! It was kind of cool.
Thank you all for the congrats - I've woken up all excited all over again! I think it will take a little while for my mind to properly 'get' that this is a girl - but I'm absolutely thrilled :dance:
Neither of us gave two hoots one way or the other - but then I don't think you do when you have waited this long... I may be wrong, but I don't recall any LTTTCer having a strong preference

We're off to the Baby Show today, where I'm going to have real fun looking at all the girl things - hurrah!

I mix benefibe in whenever I'm making something with a sauce like a pasta dish.
Is that pasta for everyone Mrs B? You must have an incredibly 'regular' household! :rofl:

OMG a GIRL!!!!!! :happydance: Urch you must be thrilled! :cloud9: I really had I feeling she was a boy too. I don't know why, I never even met you. Funny how I don't have a guess for myself though.

Well, I went and bought a bunch of tanks and tees at ON. They are super long, so if I leave my pants unbuttoned they cover that up (right now I am wearing a stretchy long bra thing over the pants so it isn't as noticeable). I must be super bloated because my belly looked so much bigger! It was kind of cool.

It's strange how we sometimes have a real hunch - and funny when that hunch is completely wrong! Mr Urch still hasn't decided what he wants for Sunday dinner - he's trying to think of the most complicated thing he can to capitalise on winning the bet! :D

Are you still getting away with normal trousers??? I gave up at week 12 and am completely in love with overbump stretchy panels - don't think I ever want to give them up!

Klein - you've hit the nail on the head - saying (and thinking) daughter feels completely different. I keep saying it to Mr Urch just to see his big silly grin!
His mum is on holiday at the minute, but keeps ringing up in tears cuz she's so happy - I think when she gets home she's gonna buy an awful lot of pink!

Sarah - I'm glad of all the scans too ... I bought the doppler for the worrying in between weeks, because I was getting too worried. So far we've only done it twice (and I'm not going to be an every day user) But I think once a week will keep me reassured.
So, we have our 4D at 24 weeks, hospital scan at 28 and every 3 weeks after that :thumbup:
Urch - I'd have pasta every day probably if I could but DH isn't big on pasta so it is only a time or two a week and usually DH doesn't even eat it. I have managed to stay pretty regular between all the extra fiber I am adding and all the colace but there are still the bad days here and there. A gal's gotta do what she's gotta do ya know :thumbup:. I definitely agree it is more 'real' once you know. DH has definitely gotten more tuned in to the pregnancy now that we are referring to them as boy/girl. He still claims it is 'his' son but whatever - men are silly and 99% of the time he is just trying to irritate me anyway :haha:. He did tell them to behave when he left for work this morning since they've been making me uncomfortable a lot lately - especially 'his' son :winkwink:.

Klein - I like the Fiber One Oats and Chocolate. I get the fudge brownie for an afternoon snack with a big glass of milk too. The peanut butter brownie is ok but I prefer the all chocolate myself.

Care - I've been in my stretchy maternity pants for a while now too. SO comfy. I think the bump looks bigger depending on the fabric too. I wore a knit sundress yesterday and felt like it tripled in size. I went from looking pregnant to looking PREGNANT :rofl:
Oh how fun Urch, Mr. Urch won the bet!

I have a pair of over the bump black yoga pants that I love, but I wear my regular capri leggings too because they are loose tops and low rise. I have a pair of mat jeans and a pair of mat tan cargo type capris. I was talked into getting a size too big though and after wearing them they stretched even more and I can swim in them. Probably when I get bigger I will wear them more. I can wear my normal pants and jeans if I don't touch the zipper or button. We don't have mat stores around here so I am limited. I can't even find a belly band to go around my pants so I am wearing that bra thing for now. My mom and I bought some material and are going to make one. Different material though, more breathable so not sure how it will turn out.
Urch - i agree that after waiting this long, how could any of us possibly have gender disappointment. It annoys me that it is a thread topic anyway. I think every baby is such a miracle and a gift and i don't care if they have 4 boys & #5 is a boy, how could a healthy baby ever cause disappointment. I should jump over there & share a few words.

Mrs.bear - i put the benefiber in the sauce & also use whole wheat pasta, so i get almost 50% of my daily fiber. Also, i mix banana in my pancakes & muffins and it is loaded with fiber. It's extra hard for us bc we are taking all of those extra vitamins too. I don't tell dh i am mixing extra fiber in his meals bc i don't know if he would like it. He is clockwork regular the same time everyday for as long as i've known him so i'm not worried about him.

Klein- i also find when you take your vitamins makes a difference too. My dr said to try to take them after breakfast or lunch so it has more time to get out of your system for the morning bathroom trip. Also if the hemroids are external, you can put prep h on every day as a preventative. I did that 3 years ago when i had a problem & it seemed to help.

Sarah - congrats for 1/2 way there!

AFM - announced to my family last night. Of course, they had no idea. I told my parents & other family members that happened to be visiting to check the e-mail. I sent only a scan of the 2 babies. My mom said "what is this?" thinking maybe it was a friend's u/s pic & dh screamed out "it's our twins" & everyone started screaming. It was so exciting. I still have to tell my grandmother & other sister hopefully today. My mom said she had figured it wasn't going to happen & was leaving us alone. My other sister that doesn't know yet just gave away all of her baby stuff to her friend 2 weeks ago. Good to know the family had so much faith in us lol.

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