LTTTC/Assisted Conception - Due Autumn/Winter 2012

Wahaaaaay Care! another one for team :pink:
Glad to hear that all is looking good - it's such a relief isn't it xxx

omg care Im just so so happy for you! will you get another scan or is that it? I dont have anymore, and hubby wont let me do a 3d one but im tempted to pay for another regular one as I miss my boy.

I would too Sarah - no way could I last from now to October.
My schedule looks like this: wk 24 private 4D scan, wk28 hospital scan - then hospital scans every 3 weeks to keep an eye on my fibroid and placenta

Yay for a girl Care! So happy for you! I think knowing the gender makes it all so much more real for those of us who have been waiting for this endlessly, and can't believe our time has finally come!

Absolutely agree with you Dis ... it feels so different knowing that I have an actual real live DAUGHTER inside me - and Mr Urch has started talking to my belly now...which is very cute :cloud9:

Teta - hope you've had no calls today ... I don't understand why they set things up like this - if you had a working party meet to try and come up with new ways of stressing pregnant women, you'd bet this would be on the list!

AFM went to pick up the moses basket today that Mr Urch has bought for Eenie ... it's lovely, very sweet but not all ruffly :D
Not much left to get now!
Teta! I love love love your scan pics! So clear and so adorable! Love that the heart looks like a heart, and love the shot of baby's foot! Oh so excited! All your scans are making me sooo anxious for mine!!!

Urch - can't believe all your shopping is almost done! I have nothing yet!! Will wait until after my baby shower (July 14) so I can put gift cards etc to good use!
Teta, that is a beautiful profile pic! Mine seems fuzzier.

Maybe she just didn't want to you see that there was nothing there. I guess you won't really know until bubs is born! Mine basically said the same, but after almost begging, she basically said I shouldn't have anything to worry about. I hope you don't hear anything today!!!!

Dis, my shower for my US family is July 7, so just the week before yours! I think the Canadian shower will be August. Not sure if I am even having one here.

Sarah, my midwife said I wouldn't get any more scans unless they couldn't see something important like the heart or kidneys (or if there is a problem). I am going to ask, but I will probably have to get a private scan done. Not too sure what we will do. We might go for a 3D. My DH thinks it would be cool, but things are tight right now so I am not sure if it is worth the almost $200.

Also, I never asked about my ovaries/cysts. I was so concerned about baby I forgot about me. I know she measured them and I could see cysts, but they did look smaller to me. But then again my uterus is so big now maybe it is hard to tell. My midwife will tell me in 3 weeks, so no biggie. All I really cared about was baby.
teta omg look how the heart looks like a love heart, so cute! Im going to guess boy as the forehead is not overly rounded like a lot of girls, but Im not an expert!! had the tech already looked at the genitals before she said look away? as often they will say that just incase, but if she had already looked during measurements it could be a sign.

urch my hubby is so stubborn with things like that (Im sitting on the computer right now with a belly blanket over my bump to avoid rays). he is adamant about the 3D but perhaps I can work on him about a regular scan. however I changed his mind about the gender thing so perhaps I can even about the 3D thing :haha:

dis I agree, knowing if its a boy or girl really made it feel more real to me, I havent regretted finding out for a second. plus it is sooooooo much easier shopping, although I didnt do it for that reason.

we are having babies ladies, can you friggin believe it!! :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:
I love the heart! I didn't even notice until you ladies pointed it out! She told us to look away after she already did the measurements. When she was looking there the first time I was trying to peak, even though I don't want to know :haha: but I couldn't tell either way. No phone call tonight, still going to be anxious waiting for it tomorrow!! I'm going to call and see if I can get a copy of the report tomorrow, then I will feel better!

Who's scan is up next? Dis?? :happydance:
Oh she also said I am measuring 20+2 with a due date of oct 8, instead of 19 wks due oct 17. But since it was ivf and we know for sure nothing changes. Just interesting to see how varying the results could be!
I was measuring over 1 week ahead on my 18 week scan, but they havent changed the due date. Im 5'10 and hubby 6' so assuming we will have a big baby lol
Teta - Wow, those pics are really clear! And props to you for remaining strong and staying on team yellow. I don't think telling you to look away means anything one way or the other, so I wouldn't read much into that. I think the fact that she told you your OB would get the report in a few days means all is ok. Otherwise I doubt she would have been that specific. She didn't tell you they might call you today until you prompted her.
Urch - can't believe all your shopping is almost done! I have nothing yet!! Will wait until after my baby shower (July 14) so I can put gift cards etc to good use!

Ah, but I still have a house that looks like a building site Dis - I might have things, but I am short on rooms to put them in!

urch my hubby is so stubborn with things like that (Im sitting on the computer right now with a belly blanket over my bump to avoid rays). he is adamant about the 3D but perhaps I can work on him about a regular scan. however I changed his mind about the gender thing so perhaps I can even about the 3D thing :haha:

we are having babies ladies, can you friggin believe it!! :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

3D scans are still ultrasound - but tbh Mr Urch could be as stubborn as he likes and I would still book myself an appointment!
The belly blanket I'd go along with as it would be no skin off my nose ... but the scans I neeeeed dammit - otherwise I would go completely crazy!

and yesssss - babies - we're actually having babies :wohoo:
It's so good to be able to say it, after all this time

I was measuring over 1 week ahead on my 18 week scan, but they havent changed the due date. Im 5'10 and hubby 6' so assuming we will have a big baby lol

Oddly they changed my DD by 2 days at my 12 wk scan - but I'm still sticking with the 9th, as you say, with IVF you know exactly when conception occurred
Sarah and Dis, both your babies were ahead. Did they tell you approx how much they weighed? My tech only said 11.5oz but not how long she was or what week she was measuring at. Just going by the few apps I have they should be 10.5oz at 20 weeks. I know it doesn't change the actual DD since we know, but I was just curious.

And yes, Sarah, I can't believe we are having babies!!! :baby: :happydance: I honestly (at least for myself) never dreamed I would be here. We gave up wishing years ago. It is still almost like it is happening to somebody else. I could see her move and couldn't feel it, so it was kind of strange.

Oh, and I guess my placenta is on the top too, so maybe that is why I only feel her to the sides sometimes. But on the screen it looked like it was at the front, but down low near the cervix. I know she measured the distance but didn't say anything about whether it was good or bad.

Urch, at least you have the summer to get your house in order. And it will be so worth it! Is a moses basket a bassinet? If so, I have a hard time finding ones that aren't ruffly. Really it would be in my room so who cares (Using the bassinet on our pack and play for downstairs), but they all look the same. I am thinking of skipping it and just using my friends or having Aria :)cloud9:) cosleep for a couple months.
care I didnt get a weight, I have a full report but I dont see that on it. hopefully you will get the same report. mine has all the individual measurements, then says age was 18 weeks 1 day going by last ultrasound, but this ultrasound age is 19 weeks 2 days. Placental site is anterior and 3.5 from internal...she said that was a good measurement from cervix. They will say if your placenta is lying low and often it moves up as your bump grows. And I agree, its so weird to see them kicking but not feel it. Im feeling a few more odd things, but only once I thought it was a kick!

best part is where it says Fetal Sex: Male External Genitalia :cloud9:
That is awesome!

I wonder what ours will say. We go in three weeks to go over the full report with our midwife. I can't wait! Our tech said based on measurements the baby is 11.5 ounces. But I don't think she said what those measurements were (length or weeks). At least I know she is growing because I was kind of wondering since I haven't gained much. I thought I gained about 4 lbs, but today I was back down 4lbs so I guess it is still bloat.

Today I had the first person who didn't know I was pregnant ask if I was pregnant! I don't know if he counts though, as I think he was trying to say I gained weight, lol. But he said "what are you having a baby or something?" and when I replied yes he was still shocked. He is my old boss and the first person to tell you if you gained some weight.

And today was the first day I felt her move while sitting down!!! And then I felt her at least two more times in the next couple hours! Usually I only felt her on my side in bed. It is still very light feeling and not strong, but it is kind of like bubbles or fluttering. It feels like she is a fish in there!
care cant wait till we feel big kicks!! someone on here a few weeks more than me is feeling hers everyday now.

thats so cute he asked, only this week Ive popped out a little more above my belly button so I think i look pregnant now rather than that Ive eaten too much. I havent gained much, I lost 10 pounds when so sick and have maintained that, but just the last week noticed Im finally up 3 pounds, but that means im still minus 7 from my pre pregnancy weight. Some friends on here have gained 20 pounds already, Im not sure why I havent as I havent been watching my eating. But I was overweight pre pregnancy so Im not worried about it and bub is over measuring, so perhaps he has been eating my fat stores!!!
For some reason mine like to lay as low as possible these days so half the time my bump is super low. I'll feel like above the belly button is practically normal and below is all hard baby. Don't know what they are doing in there but apparently they like the basement better than the penthouse. Silly babies...

I can tell when they are up to something but not feeling any definite kicks or anything yet. One week til next scan, which is the full anatomy scan. Will be fun to get to watch them for so long :happydance:
Care - yeah I think a moses basket and bassinet are pretty much the same thing.. and most are decidedly ruffly - not my thing at all

and - Aria is that the name you've picked? If it is, I love it! :cloud9:

sarah - I'm still 1lb down on my pre-pregnancy weight ... but up 10lbs from my normal weight due to the IVF drugs - I just seem to be redistributing it at the minute!

Oooo Mrs B how exciting - at my 20wk scan the sonographer was concentrating on individual body parts - but we got plenty of time to look at recognisable baby bits too!
I just went and picked up a copy of my ultrasound report bc I didn't like not knowing anything! All is normal thankfully. The weight is 336grams or 12 ounces and all measurements show 20+2 instead of 19 wks. But of course I know it's 19! Nothing else exciting which is perfect! I also have an anterior placenta, which surprises me for how much movement I feel. Several times a day at least! Ok... NOW it's real!!
Yay Teta!!! I didn't know we could ask for it before the doctor/midwife goes over it. I guess Aria isn't too big then at 11.5 if your bubs is 12oz.

Urch, yes the only name we had picked out was Aria Rose. Originally it was Aria Grace, but my DH's nanny passed last year and Rose was her middle name so we chose it. I like it better anyway. When we were in Mexico for IVF we met a lady having dinner at the next table over. After we started talking she said 'I know you are going to have a little girl, and I am never wrong". Her husband then said it was true, she always guessed right. We already had the name picked then so we told everybody our baby's name would be Aria Rose. Kind of funny it turned out to be right.

But I never heard of an Aria and that is why I chose it and now I see it at the bottom of this forum taunting me. Oh well. I still don't think it is very popular.

I didn't have much to do today so I spent a lot of time adding items to my baby registry. :)
Well, I've never met an Aria Care - so I don't think there are many of them about ... and anyway, it is an absolutely beautiful name - so who cares!

I've woken up to another beautiful day, and a day off work - how often do those 2 coincide? ... oh, and it's also payday TRIPLE WAMMY!
I'm off for a haircut, then going to see my lovely s-i-l ... and after that, who knows - but the important thing is No Work! :wohoo:
Yay for a day off Urchin! Today is soo nice out, wish I was off work! I have been feeling really crappy past few days, as if I'm in first tri again wtih the nausea, and the body aches of second tri. Every inch of my body is sore :( DH decided I needed to relax, so we're going away for the weekend to Niagara Falls to unwind and destress - can't wait to leave work and be on my way! Then, I'm off of work Monday for my scan and just 4 more days of work before my vacation in Mexico - really can't wait to be on a beach for a week!

Teta - I'm sure you're feeling all your movements even with an anterior placenta since this is baby #2. From what my doctor says, you can be sure you're feeling baby #1 by 22 weeks, and baby #2 is 15 weeks - a huge difference!
Dis, I hope you feel better soon. A weekend away should make you feel better for sure! We live an hour from the beach, but my parents live at the beach so we will be spending the weekend there (and every weekend til september!!) This is by far my most favorite weekend of the year, I love summer and the beach!! Sooooo, to celebrate I made my pregnancy "Facebook official" :haha: Which means its REALLY real now!! I wanted to share the pic I posted, b/c I love it so much and wanted you all to see. You are going to get to see me and DD too! Which is kinda funny since we are all just names without faces on here!! Here we are!!


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