LTTTC/Assisted Conception - Due Autumn/Winter 2012

Care - I suspect no news is good news. My 1 hour they ran it at the nurse station in the office so I knew right away. My 3 hour I knew next day. If you had failed they would have probably called you already.
my first test I did on a monday and heard on a wednesday, second test I did on a monday and heard on a thursday. when did you take it care?
I took it Monday. We don't have labs right in the offices and I am not in a large city so sometimes things take longer. But I am hoping no news is good news like MrsB said.
sorry to hear that MrsB :( pah! and meh! to GD :growlmad:

Me and Mr Urch have round 2 of the spring cleaning today - last weekend we did downstairs, this weekend we'll do upstairs.
There's a whole lot of stuff we moved out of the room while we were doing the nursery - that's all currently in the front bedroom (along with all the kitchen units) so we need to go through it all and decide what to keep, what to chuck, and what goes on ebay or tot he charity shops.
Hopefully we can get that room to rights today, and also clear out the little front room, so that can become the store for all things that have no home just now!

My cousin gave me loads of things yesterday for Eenie that I have to find homes for - clothes for Eenie, a lovely rocker, 3 carriers, and yet more nappies!
i have so much washing to do, it's going to look like Widow Twanky's!
good job the sun is set to come out this week :D
Urch - I have the same issue. Need to get the nursery set up so I have some place to put all the baby stuff. My sister has a bunch of stuff to give to me and she keeps bugging me about when she can bring it, but just no place to put it right now :shrug:
Who would have thought such a small person would need so much stuff!

We've had a good clear out day - lots of things taken to charity shops, or left out for the scrap man ... and I washed Eenie's new bedding and got it dry on the line, so it is now looking lovely on her cot
Nice Urch! I haven't taken mine out of the bag yet to wash it. I am waiting until the painting is finished (we are just adding three stripes horizontally).

Wow ladies. I have been busy making my lists of what to bring to hospital (labour bag, hospital stay bag, and baby's bag). It is a lot to think about! I know I am missing things still. What do you ladies have? So far I have this:


Labour Bag:
birth plan
massage oil
coconut oil (hard - for me or baby)
socks (2)
underwear (big, x2)
tank tops x1
pj bottoms x2
phone (loaded with audiobooks), nook colour, ear buds

Hospital Bag:
underwear (big, x4)
tank tops x2
pj bottoms x2
breast pads
maternity pads (night time pads)
witch hazel (for tear or stitches)
plastic bags for dirty clothes
toiletries (tooth brush, toothpaste, brush, shampoo, conditioner, soap, makeup, lotion , nipple butter)
loose track suit or yoga pants, tank, and hoodie for going home

Diaper bag (might pack 2 – one for newborn and one for 0-3 – and keep one in car):
newborn diapers x10
size 1 diapers x 10
onesies 3x newborn
onesies 3x 0-3 months
sleepers 3x newborn (not too warm since the hospital is warm)
sleepers 3x 0-3 months
hats x2, mitts or socks x2
blankets (1 x warm, 2 x receiving)
outfit for coming home (with sweatshirt/hoodie, socks)

If everything goes well and there are no issues with baby or me, I plan to only stay one night. My mom or DH can bring more things if I need them. My hospital likes to keep you for three days for natural birth and 5 for SC. I am hoping to be in and out though (but stay long enough to make sure baby is healthy). My midwife will also be visiting me and baby at home.

My hospital also supplies blankets and diapers and pads, but I prefer to have my own (and knitted hats, mitts, and booties depending on what is available). But you may want to find out what your hospital provides.
Wow what a plan Care! I took my GD test last Monday but didn't expect a call, I knew I would just hear at my scheduled monthly OB visist which I had this morning.

Mrs Bear - so sorry about GD! Horrible and I hope they don't limit food too much! Hopefully they adjust for the fact that you have got two bubs that need to grow in there!

This weekend we picked up our new car, which I love! Its so much easier getting in and out of an SUV than a sedan when you're all big and preggo!

We put together the crib on Saturday and I love staring at it :) Its so nice to have things getting in place! Next weekend we paint! I'm yet to have come up with a hospital packing list or anything like that though!

Had my OB apptmt today. Passed my GD test! Yay!!! Also thyroid is looking fine but iron is low, so have to take a supplement :(

Weight wise I think I'm doing decent. From IVF transfer to now at 27 + 5, I'm up 11 pounds... I'm happy with that!
hi everyone!!

care the list looks good :thumbup: I get a bit overwhelmed thinking about the hospital bag for some reason, but I better start it as Im 30 weeks at the end of this week!

I went to see my MW today and while waiting the cutest little boy kept running up to me to show me toys. He had an older brother there too, and the woman was pregnant. I asked how old the lil guy was who ran up to me and she said a year and a half. I was saying 'choo choo' with the train and he was repeating, it made me soooooooo want to meet my boy!

My mw apt went well, I asked if I would be allowed my acupuncturist in my room during labour for pain relief and they said they'd find out...they are ok with it but will check about the hospital :thumbup: Im definitely going to use acupunture at 40 weeks to try and induce if things arent happening naturally as I want to avoid the medical inductions.

Had our last prenatal class last night, she mentioned about not liking bassinettes which worried me. I purchased this bassinette to use in our room for the first 3 or so months, then will get a crib...

she was mentioning closed sides and airflow regarding sids, so now Im not sure whether to just get a crib now, and use the bassinette for napping. I know a lot of people use the bassinettes though, am I silly to worry? so then I thought perhaps I will have a friend who does upholstery remove some of the fabric and put in a mesh on the sides?? what is everyone else planning?

oh a friend on fb mentioned she had some baby things to give away and Im getting them! a crib mattress, jolly jumper, high chair and swing :thumbup: this is the first giveaway Ive got as most of my friends had babies a long time ago. she is quite well off and meticulous so Im sure the items will be in good condition.
Sarah, I plan on using a bassinet in our room as well for the first 3 months as I want baby close. I think the materials are made fairly breathable and they are not very deep at all so it should be okay. As long as you don't have blankets and things in there as well - just a sleep sack.

This is the bassinet I bought:
Update from the OB:

Both babies are 3lb 3oz and are measuring a week ahead. Cervix is shorter but still in a good place at 3.2 cm.

I asked the Dr (the perinatologist, not the regular OB) about the odds of having them come while DH was away and he said it was pretty slim. Though he also said it would be unlikely we could delay things long enough for DH to get back if they did decide to come early and my water broke. So for now going to hope for the best and focus on that it is unlikely they will come in the time DH is gone.

I also polled a local twin mom group and of the 20 that replied, 16 delivered at 35+ weeks. The 4 that delivered before then all delivered before 30 weeks. So also trying to find comfort in that.
thanks Dis3tnd, you are right the material is pretty thin. your bassinette looks nice Ive not seen that one before. definitely not putting anything else in there, I did purchased a bassinette pad as I thought it would be extra comfort but they warned against that in the manual incase its not a perfect fit. so going to use the pad with a waterproof cover on as an extra changing mat.

mrs bear praying your babies stay put until daddy comes home :hugs: so I think you are going to be the first to give birth on this thread? I am the first singleton by dates I think. wow we are getting close.

does it still blow all your minds that we are actually going to be mums? I still have a hard time imagining a baby inside. he has been really active the last week and so Im glad, with my front placenta its taking longer for me to feel so much. when I lie down I just think 'theres a baby in there'?? :shrug::haha:
sarah - totally blows my mind. DH put the cribs together over the weekend and it is a little overwhelming going in there and seeing two beds - eek!
I cant just imagine mrs bear!
I was having a silent freak out the other day thinking of how life is going to change. Im mentally preparing myself for a month inside with 100% of my attention going to bub. I know that I will barely have time to do anything for myself, perhaps if we mentally prepare for that its not as much as a shock? my mum will be here with me for a few weeks so she can hopefully feed me and hubby off for 2 weeks so we can work as a team.
how about you...will you have some extra help? they mentioned at the prenatals how a csection mum has the recovery from surgery ontop of baby care.
I agree with it being surreal, and I already have one! It would be much easier to believe if I had an ultrasound machine at home and could look every day! haha. I think you are ok with the basinette, especially with the baby in the room with you. I know with DD in the co sleeper with me it always made me feel better to reach over and make sure everything was ok in the beginning. I still wish I could. I will be using the cosleeper again this time.

Mrs. Bear, when will DH be back? From my experience, unless someones foot is hanging out of you, they can hold off pretty long, so worst case scenario is he will have to rush home, but I'm very confident he will be there. I see babies born early every day and can count on one hand (maybe 2) the amount of times they haven't been able to hold off long enough for dad to make it home!

I have my 28 week appointment tomorrow, now I go every 2 weeks instead of every 4 which makes me feel better. Hoping the Dr will let me get a peek with the ultrasound. Its been too long (9 weeks!)
Teta - Still isn't 100% but looks like he will be gone all of August - I will be 34.5 weeks by the time he gets back (WAY too close for comfort with twins). It is the army so he can't just hop on a plane the second I call - It would take 12-24 hours at best for him to get back so it would all really depend on how the babies are handling it. It will most likely be c-section so I know they won't want labor to advance much before they do the c-section.

Sarah - I have tons of friends and family around to help out so that doesn't concern me. Just don't want DH to miss it. It will be easier on me if he is around of course, but I would hate for him to miss the birth for something stupid like this trip.
Mrs Bear - great news on the growth and cervical check! Can't believe babies weigh so much already! How does it feel carrying around almost 7lbs of baby with you??? Fingers crossed you don't go before DH gets back, but also hope you don't have to deal with bed rest while he is gone - that could get very difficult without DH around.

Its all very surreal indeed! I get very choked up thinking about bubs and holding our little bundle of joy. I love cuddling his clothes!

My exhaustion has been explained by severe anemia, so I have to start taking extra iron supplements. I'm glad there is some explanation and hopefully it helps with energy levels and shortness of breath. I helped put the crib and dresser together on Sunday, and that exhausted me so much that Monday went horribly. I was so tired by Monday night with the Sunday exhaustion and work all day Monday, that when I went to eat dinner I just started crying as I couldn't lift my arms even. Went to bed at 8pm and that extra sleep definitely helped me today!
Dis - it feels like I'm carrying a full term baby around, which I kind of am :haha:

I felt much better once I was put on iron so fx it does the trick for you. I use slow release so it doesn't have as strong of side effects.
Dis - it feels like I'm carrying a full term baby around, which I kind of am :haha:

I felt much better once I was put on iron so fx it does the trick for you. I use slow release so it doesn't have as strong of side effects.

I second this! I thought my exhaustion was just related to being pregnant but once they discovered my anemia and I started on iron supp I can't believe how good I feel! Better than before I was pregnant! I'm also on slow release, and have no side effects. Its called ferralet 90. I hope you feel better soon :hugs:
Sarah and Urch - we are squash! So glad it finally changed, was boring being an eggplant for so long... :sleep:

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