LTTTC/Assisted Conception - Due Autumn/Winter 2012

yaaaay for the squashes! I'd got bored with being an aubergine too - I hear we'll be squashes for the next 4 weeks, so I'm sure we'll get fed up of them too. But still it's very exciting now!

I'm definitely there with you Sarah - I keep thinking in 10 short weeks I will have an actual baby! A real one. That they are gonna let me take home!
... and I am sooooo excited about it.
I'm sure lots of people get this strange feeling of unreal and excitement mixed together, but I think it's even more so for us LTTTCers. After waiting so long for this to happen, you kinda get so used to the disappointments and failures, that finally things working out is such an odd thing.

Good luck with the 28 week appointment Teta - hope you get a sneaky peek :thumbup:
MrsB, great weights on your LOs!!! I can't imagine how you feel. I am so uncomfortable sometimes and two would be crazy feeling I imagine. FX your DH makes it home for the birth. We will all send your babies sticky vibes to stay in until your DH gets home! I am sure everything will turnout for you, but just in case do you have an alternative plan?

Sarah, yes the list kind of freaks me out. But I haven't started packing it yet, lol. Just thinking of it. I need to do my birth plan too, which to me is harder because it really is a lot to think about.

Bassinets. I see what she is saying. You are not supposed to use bumper pads, so why would you use a bassinet. Some now are ventilated/breathable. I have used the bassinet on a pack and play, a cradle, and a bassinet while trying to find something our poor little guy would sleep in, and he wouldn't sleep in any, but he did best in the pack and play. In the end he slept with me. If it makes you feel better, I bought one of these and it is great for keeping your mind at ease: Snuza. You can let your husband know that there are no microwaves at all like most monitors. And you can use it wherever baby is (bassinet, crib, your bed..).

Sarah and Dis, I looked at both those bassinets. I really thought at first I would get the one Dis picked because it would go with any room in my house, but in the end I figured I would try to use what I have. I am trying to save money and I have lots of things so it didn't make sense to get another.

Dis, woohoo for the new SUV! I have a hard time driving cars now. I have had a SUV or van for so many years. We have a minivan now as we found the SUV didn't have enough room for our business, and even for our kids and our dog along with all of our things when travelling (keep in mind when going to the US my mom is usually with us as well). Our van will be 3 years old this winter and they don't make them any more, so I am not sure what we will get after it. I have a feeling it will be the longest car we have ever kept as we usually trade in within 2-3 years.

Anemia, I have been wondering if I have it. Only because when my blood pressure was so low (102/41) I did a lot of research and a lot of my symptoms could be anemia.

Has anybody else had a return of MS?
Care, my nausea hasn't left and I'm still throwing up everyday, so I can't say its returned. However, I have had a lot of moms tell me that their nausea got bad again around 7 months once they got uncomfortablly big....
Well, it is official - DH is gone for August :cry:

Care - I have tons of family and friends around so help for me isn't an issue. Just hate the possibility of DH missing the birth. The military means he misses so much already. :nope: Two of the three guys they are sending have wives with high risk pregnancies due in Sept too - great planning army :dohh:

I haven't had MS return, but didn't really get MS in the beginning either. I have been getting waves of nausea again the past few days.
Woohoo for squashes ladies! I can't wait for mine to get there.

I agree Urch, we have had so many let downs, it is hard to believe it is happening. I see my belly and feel him move all the time, but it still feels like a dream. Crazy. But my DH and I talk about how exciting it will be to finally meet and hold him all the time. We just can't wait! I am sure you all feel the same.

I am so sorry Dis. I know you have still been having MS. That truly sucks as it is horrible. I have read that too, that it can come back. I was just hoping it wasn't something else. Mine right now is mostly bad at night. And that is how it was in the beginning and end. Nights were always the worst except for the middle as it was constant. At least I had a break at around 15 weeks till 27.

MrsB, so sorry he is gone. :( I would hate for my husband to be away. Military is always saying they are for families, couldn't they have planned it a bit better? But you are lucky to have so many friends and family close by. That is a blessing. I have my mom (which I thank god for), but all the rest of my family is in the US. And I don't have many friends close by. We will be here if you need to vent or just chat when you are lonely. And we will be praying baby bears stay put until DH gets home safe. xo
My MS never really went away either :(

What I have now is a horrible reflux - it often strikes at night when I'm asleep and I wake up choking on it ... and that is as scary and unpleasant as it sounds :sick:

Mrs B - that really sucks about your hubby missing the birth ... there are many reasons that I have a golden rule to never date anyone in uniform - and this is one of them!
I really couldn't cope with my SO's job having more of a hold over him/her than I have - if I need Mr Urch (and giving birth to our child qualifies as a need situation) then I expect his work to release him ... and I know it just doesn't work like that in the forces :(
oh mrs bear thats too bad :hugs: did you say you are 35 weeks right at the end of august? if so we will all say a prayer to keep your babies with you until he is home. are there things you can eliminate the chance of early arrival like bed rest? surely having little pressure might help. when do they schedule the c section?
I cant imagine having a hubby gone so long :hugs: I count down the hours till when hubby is home and he only works 8 hrs, 4 days per week.
and yay for squash, although I dont know how big they are, thats why I got rid of the fruit ticker :haha: a watermelon I can picture, when are we that!! although you are probably watermelon right now with 2.

care thanks so much for that link, I should have known you might have a solution as you and hubby are so alike with that stuff :thumbup: Ive sent him the link, so it monitors breathing well? I have a pack and play too that I could use, just no crib yet but I might get it shortly after birth. I *might* have a friend who does upholstery put in mesh on the sides of my bassinette just for my piece of mind, it is thin fabric but its just one of those things thats niggling me.

dis I cant imagine how you have coped with the frequent ms. mine has never came back like it was but I do have a few days I feel a bit sick, I think its the weather. Im glad they found out the source of the tiredness as that did seem extreme, I had to go on iron years ago as I was pre-anemic and it worked great.

teta so your doctor does ultrasounds at every apt? I asked my mw again and she said no, nothing after 20 weeks unless theres a problem. I had the private one at 26 weeks and I miss him so much :cry:
My dr doesn't routinely do an ultrasound every visit, but when I have asked for a peak in the past they have never turned me down. I forgot I had one at 22 weeks when I was bleeding so it really hasn't been that long. But I chickened out and didn't ask. Plus he felt around and could tell exactly where everything is. Baby is mostly on my right side, which I could tell without a doubt, head down and wrapped around to the right with butt and feet under my right ribs. Measuring on track, with dd I was until 33 weeks then I stopped growing as much but the dr wasn't concerned. I just don't carry very big. He said I am right on track for weight gain, but I have gained in 28 weeks what I gained in 40wks with DD :dohh: Up 18 lbs already, idk why I don't eat a lot bc it hurts too bad to get full. The dr didn't care so I don't either, counting on the magic of breastfeeding again to melt it all away in record timing! So glad to be going back every 2 weeks now. It feels like such a big milestone! :thumbup:
Sarah - They wouldn't schedule a c-section til 37 weeks or so. The danger is them deciding to come early on their own. The army would send him home right away if that happened, but no guarantee he would make it back in time. I was prepared for that if we had been pregnant last year while he was deployed, but it is stupid it should be an issue now when he is not.

I'm not working right now so going to take it easy as much as I can til DH is back. So not strick bed rest but will be definitely taking it easy. The Dr acted like chances were small they would come before he is back so going to hold onto that and hope for the best. Not much else we can do :shrug:

I guess I am a small watermelon :haha: Combined weight is 6lb 6oz so got the equivalent of a full term baby in there already. No telling how big I will be by the end.
in my hypnobirthing class they have us visualize the baby coming down the birth canal during labour, so visualize them staying snuggled up in your uterus! hopefully it will all work out. thats good they dont schedule a section until 37 weeks as Ive read others having them much sooner.
37 weeks is average for twins - hoping to be boring old average :thumbup:
yikes how exciting though to think that (hopefully) starting earlier september we are going to have some births in our thread :cloud9:
If it makes you feel better, I bought one of these and it is great for keeping your mind at ease: Snuza. You can let your husband know that there are no microwaves at all like most monitors. And you can use it wherever baby is (bassinet, crib, your bed..).

care where did you purchase this? when I had a quick peak it looked like US listings. Im so excited thank you for the recommendation, I was worrying what I was going to do :thumbup:
37 weeks is average for twins - hoping to be boring old average :thumbup:

Boring is goooood! :thumbup:

I know Sarah - blummin exciting isn't it! will be so fab when we start posting our this is it notices!
yes after mrs bear it will be the countdown for you and me....will be interesting to see if we go past due date like people always say for first time mums. Im going to do acupuncture at week 40 to hopefully move things along. then just after us its Dis, Teta and Care unless any of them come early. And then a gap till November :happydance:
It is so exciting to think of you ladies coming here and posting news of labour starting and then pics of the sweet LOs!!! And yes, really you never know who will be first with birth.

Sarah, I ordered mine through Amazon. There are two models, one vibrates to give baby a chance to wake up on their own, and the other just sets off an alarm. I just want to know when/if my baby isn't breathing so I ordered the orange one. But both have excellent reviews. and sell them. I think Costco does too. Not sure if the one I got is in Canada though. But both are good, so I wouldn't worry.

Funny how we are talking about the anemia today. My midwife called to tell me I was anemic and she gave me a name of one brand to get that is absorbed well and doesn't cause constipation. I can't remember what it was though. I will have to go check my notes. I will look into the one mentioned before too. Was it a prescription or over the counter?

Oh, but I passed the glucose test! :dance:

ETA: Sarah, I ordered mine from not The reviews there are awesome.
Hey ladies, so sorry I've been MIA. My grandmother passed away last week and her funeral was today. We were really close and it's been hard. She was 80 and in pain though, you get to the point when you don't want them to suffer anymore...but the letting go is still hard.
I'm reading thru posts and will jump in some time lol...
Klein, I'm so sorry about your grandmother. It must be so difficult.

On a different note, I picked up the latest Fit Pregnancy magazine. It has a short article on people like us who struggled with infertility then became pregnant. There's a funny part that I'll type out.

You know you're pregnant after infertility if ...
*You've been taking prenatal vitamins since 2009.
*Your idea of foreplay is your partner swabbing your butt cheek with an alcohol pad before stabbing you with a 3-inch, progesterone-filled needle.
*You have grainy pictures of a 5-day-old embryo in you son's or daughter's baby book.
*You smile while puking from morning sickness.
*You're fluent in IF language and say things like, "BDing didn't work, so our RE suggested ICSI and, after four 2WWs, DH and I got our BFP!"
*You refuse to do so much as apply lip balm without first checking with your OB-GYN to make sure it contains no harmful ingredients.
*The thought of sex alone producing a baby sounds as quaint as churning your own butter or sending a letter via Pony Express.
*You own a hand-knit ultrasound wand cozy.

I think the ones about the language and the ultrasound wand cozy are the funniest.
LOVE those sienna! even more funny for being pretty much true! :rofl:

Sarah - I'm having a c-section, so will be around a week early :thumbup:
I'm just hoping they don't push me into September as I'm used to the thought of Eenie being an October baby... of course, she may have other ideas - I'm presuming if I go into early labour they'll whip me in for an emergency c-section???

Care - I bought an angelsounds monitor when I was at the baby show - it gives a warning beep to wake up baby, then if there is still no movement after 20 seconds (I think) the full alarm goes off.

I've had some strange reactions off people when they have heard that I've bought one - almost as if it's a really morbid purchase. But, I don't understand why you wouldn't get one? I mean if there is technology out there that can prevent SIDS, why wouldn't you use it if you can afford to? :shrug:

Klein - I'm so sorry to hear your news ... there is no good time to lose your grandmother, but it seems especially poignant just before you have your own baby.
But you are right, if she was in a lot of pain and they couldn't stop it for her, then the release can be a blessing.
Big hugs to you chikkie :hugs:
Klein I am so sorry for your loss. (((HUGS))) It is hard, but it is definitely better to be at peace than to suffer. Watching somebody go though that is a horrible (not even close to a strong enough word) experience. I wish you and your family peace through this hard time. :hugs:

Sienna, those had me ROFLMAO! Thanks for posting them, I needed a good laugh.

Urch, people may think it is morbid or paranoid, but I don't give a ----. If we have the technology then why not use it? I hope those people never experience SIDS, but if they did they would be kicking themselves.

I don't know if it is different in the UK, but here the only AngelSound breathing monitors I could find are wireless. They go under the baby's mattress. I am not the average person when it comes to wifi/microwave signals, so I am a bit extra cautious or anal about certain things that go in the baby's room. I know angel Sound is a very popular brand and makes good quality monitors though.

I am pooped today. I asked my DH if we can just forget work and lay in bed all day. But I have to work at least a bit today.

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