LTTTC/Assisted Conception - Due Autumn/Winter 2012

Oh thats so exciting Mrs. Bear - can't wait to see those cute little baby pictures!!!
Hi Ladies! Just wanted to post now that I'm back in town. I've been reading and stalking while I was away :) We had a lovely vacation but I'm glad to be home. This week is sure to be a crazy one with the kids starting school tomorrow. Once I get everything back on track around the house I'm sure I'll be on more often. I must admit I am miserable now. I have NO energy and I'm getting very large. My neck and back hurt alot, can't find a good sleeping position. I guess I'm just pregnant lol. Anyways, here's to the home stretch. There are so many of you getting REALLY close now!!! So exciting!!! ((hugs))
Hey Klein good to see you - glad you had a good holiday.
Yes, it is certainly all getting uncomfortable now ... sleeping is not easy, sitting is the same, and standing isn't much fun either!
Welcome back Klein! Glad you had a great vacation! Unfortunately this uncomfortable thing only gets worse!!

I did the decals on Saturday. I'm very particular about things like decor and DH steps into "assistant" mode so I won't flip out on him if something goes wrong. So I was putting them up and he was the "hand me this" guy. He was also gripping me tightly while I was on the ladder for the tall pieces. It was a lot of work and my legs swelled up beyond belief....they actually changed colour and got very red, you could see the blood pooling in my legs and feet. Took over 8 hours of me being on my feet and going up and down a ladder.... but here's a picture of the feature wall.

Hopefully will have the pictures of the nursery completed posted before the end of this week!


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That looks fab Dis :thumbup:

My legs don't change colour, but the swelling is alarming - luckily they go down over night, otherwise I might be truly worried
Dis-Great job you and your 'assistant' did on the wall! Can't wait to see the finished pics of the room.

Washing the cribset as I type! I need to pick up some waterproof mattress liners and then it'll be ready to put on the crib! All the painting in there is done. It's slowly coming along.

Both kiddo's did well when I dropped them off this morning, whew! Went to the chiro and my neck feels a little looser. Maybe I'll be able to sleep better.

I've been having PICA cravings. The only thing I've actually ate from my cravings is ice. I have an appt w a blood specialist tomorrow. I'm supposed to be taking iron pills but I've had iron IV's before and I'd prefer to have them verses the pills if at all possible. Hope that they will give me some much needed energy.

Anyone else having any PICA cravings???

Also, I've been having Braxton Hicks when I walk around or try to do anything. When I was at the beach and hauling around a little of the beach gear I'd have them too. I'm going to mention them to the doc when I go on Wednesday. Due to my lack of energy I usually just sit or lay around the house all day everyday :( If I felt like I could be up and moving around energy wise I think I'd have a problem with all the contractions. They don't hurt, sometimes my lower back hurts but how do you know if that's just typical back pain or pain w contractions?!?!

Anyone else doing this?
MrsB, a month! Time is flying, isn't it? When does your DH return? You must be missing him so much. I find I am more needy and clingy with mine these days.

Wow Dis, the wall looks awesome!

Klein, no I haven't had any pica cravings (thankfully). I feel for you. Mine is mostly ice cream, lol. It could be because I am sick and have a sore throat so it feels good, but ice cream is definitely not a pica craving. Unless it was dirt flavoured I guess.

I also don't think I have had any braxton hicks. Sometimes my uterus is sore or my muscles around it, bt it feels different. Like maybe the weight of my belly or the fact that Declan is so strong with his movements sometimes I think he is going to rip apart my muscles. That could be making things sore and tight. But I have also heard of women having them and not knowing until the doctor tells them. So maybe I have had them...

Yesterday my mom came over early and we started stripping the dresser/change table for Declan's room. I should say she did it. I helped get things ready and I fetched things etc, but I didn't do anything with the stripping. The fumes are not good, so I kept 10-30 feet away (we were outside and I could still smell it). She then got one coat of stain on it. This dresser used to be my DHs dresser when he was young. We were going to get a new one or use other dressers we have, but this seemed appropriate.

I don't even have the paint picked yet for the stripe in the nursery I want. I have the brown paint for the brown stripes, but not the shade of blue I want. I want the 6-8" stripe (blue) to go around the top of the walls horizontally (about 1 1/2' from the top) and two smaller (maybe 3") brown stripes on either side where you can see about an inch or so of the background wall colour (a lime green colour called Key Lime Pie). I am not sure if this makes sense to any of you. I have the vision in my head, but no picture to go by. I can come up with creative ideas, but my mom is the one who is good with her hands for stuff like this. So she will be doing most of the actual painting part. She is fast and makes it look so easy. I hate painting as I always get it everywhere and it takes me so much longer.

I also have Declan's hospital bag packed, so that is off my list. I don't have mine even started yet as I am still getting things I need. I hope to have everything packed before 34 weeks. It is getting exciting!!!
Care - Last I heard DH should be back early next week :happydance:

Had appt yesterday

Boy measures 5lb 3oz and is lying sideways across bottom with head on right. HB was in 150s

Girl measures 4lb 13oz and is lying sideways across top with head on left. HB was in 160s.

No real good scan pics this time. It is like they are playing twister, they are on top of each other so much. In one pic of the girl's profile you see her brother's spine like a hill in the background. Odds of them turning down at this point is pretty small, but since I've always anticipated a c-section I wasn't shocked or upset by that news. C-section will most likely be set between 9/20 and 9/26. Going to wait til DH is back to see what works best with his work before deciding on anything. Dr suggested a Friday.
It's so close now isn't it?
Very soon we are going to have our very own babies :cloud9:
I've definitely had a lot of BH contractions. They are the worst if I'm walking about, but for the last week or so I've been getting them every night when I lie down to go to sleep....
Hey ladies! :hi: I have been missing but trying to catch up when I can. Things are always so busy at the end of the summer trying to fit everything in. I can't believe how close we are getting! Im so excited for everyone, as for myself I think Im in major denial because it hasn't sunk in yet. I really haven't done anything to prepare. I think since I have a nursery, all of the baby things, don't know the sex, etc it is easy to stay in denial :haha:All of my friends with due dates around our time who are having c/s have their dates set. Which makes it all so real!!

I finally convinced my OB to send me to the high risk doctors since I was measuring small with the tape measure (I did with DD too, and it was nothing). Turns out the baby is actually measuring BIG. 4 lbs 4 oz and 90th percentile as of 2 weeks ago. I find it hard to believe since DD was 6 lbs 13 oz at birth, but we will see!!! They will do another ultrasound at 36 weeks to check. I can't believe thats only a month away! How crazy. These last few weeks are going to fly by. We are going to Disneyworld in 2 weeks (Im crazy, I know) and by the time we get back it will practically be here. all of the IVF stuff seems like a year ago but at the same time it all flew by!

Heres my latest pic taken today. I tried to make it exactly the same as the last one so that it was better to compare. I have gained 22 lbs so far and its very obvious!:sick: But the baby is obviously thriving so I can't complain!

Enjoy the last few weeks of summer!! :cry:


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Teta - I get exhausted just making a quick trip to the grocery, Disney would put me in a coma :rofl:. I admire your stamina :thumbup:
You're a brave lady Teta!
I don't think i could even consider a theme park right now - a 5 minute walk wears me out!

:dance: LAST DAY AT WORK TODAY :dance:
Hi everyone! So happy that everyone continues to thrive and happily anticipate the beginning of something as special as becoming parents.

Urchin- That is awesome that it's your last day at work.

Dis - I've started having BH contractions. For some reason I didn't believe they were real before.

Teta- I second what everyone's saying. You have to be so patient to wait in all those lines. It'll be worth it, your daughter will be ecstatic.

MrsBear- Yay, your DH is returning soon. September is close!

Klein - No PICA cravings for me, actually never had cravings except for a crazy citrus phase early on (grapefruit for dinner).

AFM, have finally started thinking of the nursery and baby gear. Dis, your wall looks cool. Unfortunately we aren't happy with our first attempt at a color. We picked a blue color for the nursery (he wanted it lighter than I did but I OKed it), I went away for the weekend while he had painters do a few rooms in the house. He sent me a picture of it and promised it would darken up. But I got back yesterday and it's a disaster. It's an awful shade of blue, we're going to have to repaint it!!
Mrs B-So great your hubby will be home soon. I know your thrilled.

Urch-Whoo hoo for last day at work!!! That's awesome.

Sienna-That stinks about the paint. I'm sure your disappointed. Maybe you can get away with less coats since it's in the same color sceme, hopefully.

Teta-Wow, your wonderwoman! Have fun at Disney. Maybe it'll be cool there for you. The heat is the devil now days for me! Love your pretty bump pic. You look amazing. Are you super sure you gained 22 lbs??? If so, it looks very good on you :)

AFM-I ended up calling the doc Tuesday night. I was having contractions with lower back pain and was having 6 an hour. The doc called me back and told me he'd check me the next day (I already had an appt for that day at 10:30) So...cervix is closed and thick and long so all is good. He did say that since it's my 3rd pregnancy that my uterus is stretched out already and I'll feel more 'braxton hicks' this go around. So that's a good enough answer for me I guess. He said baby's head is down, I figured cause I can tell where the hiccups are coming from lol. It'll probably flip and flop til delivery time but maybe it'll end up back head down! 4D u/s scheduled for next Friday. Can't wait to see my LO's face, hope it cooperates!

I started my iron IV's today. I have to take 9 more days of the IV's. First one went well so ready to get them going so hopefully I will feel better!

Put the cribset on the crib last night. Going to meet with my friend who is giving me my shower later today to pick out colors etc. Umm..that's about it. trying to settle back down in the school routine. I should be cleaning my house...key word being 'should'.
AFM, have finally started thinking of the nursery and baby gear. Dis, your wall looks cool. Unfortunately we aren't happy with our first attempt at a color. We picked a blue color for the nursery (he wanted it lighter than I did but I OKed it), I went away for the weekend while he had painters do a few rooms in the house. He sent me a picture of it and promised it would darken up. But I got back yesterday and it's a disaster. It's an awful shade of blue, we're going to have to repaint it!!

Booo for the repainting - but better to get it right than cringe every time you look at it (well, that would be my theory anyway!)

AFM-I ended up calling the doc Tuesday night. I was having contractions with lower back pain and was having 6 an hour. The doc called me back and told me he'd check me the next day (I already had an appt for that day at 10:30) So...cervix is closed and thick and long so all is good. He did say that since it's my 3rd pregnancy that my uterus is stretched out already and I'll feel more 'braxton hicks' this go around. So that's a good enough answer for me I guess. He said baby's head is down, I figured cause I can tell where the hiccups are coming from lol. It'll probably flip and flop til delivery time but maybe it'll end up back head down! 4D u/s scheduled for next Friday. Can't wait to see my LO's face, hope it cooperates!

glad to hear the contractions aren't heralding anything sinister hon ... so many things are worrying, but it sounds like your cervix is doing its job well :thumbup:

AFM - work is over!
No more work for meeeeeeeee! :dance:

Just need to get the house Eenie-worthy in time for her arrival.
The plasterer has nearly finished the kitchen, just one wall left to do in the morning. Then, if we can get the walls dry over the weekend I can start painting next week :D Soon as that's done the new units can go in
MrsB, you must be SO happy to have DH back soon. Yay!

Teta, you look great! I can't even begin to imagine going to Disney. I am trying to work and clean my room and I have to stop to breathe. My body is so tired, but yet I can't nap.

Urch, woohoo for no more work!!!! I have to say, I am jealous. I work from home and it is nice to be here, but I am so busy and no mat leave. You must be so relieved.

Sienna, sorry about the paint. At least you have time.

Klein, wow. How scary, but so glad everything is ok. So I have never been told about these IV iron sessions. How do they work and where do you do to get them?

AFM, I am so tired lately. It doesn't help that I am sick, so my chest (which was getting hard to breathe anyway with baby pushing on everything) is incredibly heavy. It makes it hard to do simple tasks. Between my anemia and low blood pressure, I don't know how I don't pass out sometimes.

I got a call from my midwife today and even though I have been taking iron my iron is even lower than it was before. She said not only should it have gone up from taking the iron, but that at this point it should start to rise on its own. So they said I have to go to a doctor for it as that is there protocol. It has to rise before I get full term. I can't even get in to see my doctor until Sept 4.
Care- It's a blood specialist that I see. My iron would never pull up with the oral pills. It's something to do with the way that I don't absorb it. The IV's are safe after the first trimester. I get 10 of them. It takes about 45 min a day and I have to go into the office to get them. I do have to get restuck everyday but they use a tiny butterfly iv needle and it's not so bad. Do you know what your HB level is? Mine was a 9.3 on Monday.
Last pregnancy it got down to a 4!!! I was told that if I didn't get it up ASAP that I could bleed to death in labour. It was a bit unnerving. Anyway, they gave me the option of a blood transfusion or IV's. I choose the IV's and I started feeling better days into the treatment which was great!
I have BC/BS insurance and they wouldn't pay for the IV's unless my levels dropped below an 8. BUT b/c I can't pull it up with the pills, that was a loophole so they had to pay. You may have to check into that. I hope you get it straightened out. It can make you feel SO-OO bad!
Thanks for the info Klein. My levels were nothing like that number. It wasn't single digits. Maybe they measure it differently here. I don't know about insurance and if OHIP covers that. I don't even know if anybody around me does the iv. I am in the country.

I am not sure what would happen if it doesn't rise, but my midwife almost made it sound like I would have to go back with my high risk OB. I hope not. I don't think it is anywhere as low as yours was.
AFM, I am so tired lately. It doesn't help that I am sick, so my chest (which was getting hard to breathe anyway with baby pushing on everything) is incredibly heavy. It makes it hard to do simple tasks. Between my anemia and low blood pressure, I don't know how I don't pass out sometimes.

Everything definitely gets squashed up in there - just when you think it isn't physically possible for your organs to fit in a space any smaller, baby grows a bit more

Care- It's a blood specialist that I see. My iron would never pull up with the oral pills. It's something to do with the way that I don't absorb it. The IV's are safe after the first trimester. I get 10 of them. It takes about 45 min a day and I have to go into the office to get them. I do have to get restuck everyday but they use a tiny butterfly iv needle and it's not so bad. Do you know what your HB level is? Mine was a 9.3 on Monday.
Last pregnancy it got down to a 4!!! I was told that if I didn't get it up ASAP that I could bleed to death in labour. It was a bit unnerving. Anyway, they gave me the option of a blood transfusion or IV's. I choose the IV's and I started feeling better days into the treatment which was great!
I have BC/BS insurance and they wouldn't pay for the IV's unless my levels dropped below an 8. BUT b/c I can't pull it up with the pills, that was a loophole so they had to pay. You may have to check into that. I hope you get it straightened out. It can make you feel SO-OO bad!

That all sounds very scary klein - glad your health team is on the ball and sorting it out for you

and I'm soooo freakin happy :dance:

Got the plasterer in this morning finishing off the last wall - then this afternoon I have a scan and consultant appointment ... where we will be discussing c-sections. I'm really hoping not to have to have a battle with him - will let you all know how it goes x

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