LTTTC/Assisted Conception - Due Autumn/Winter 2012

klein :rofl: VHS???!!!!! are you serious!!! Im old enough to remember using them, but havent seen one in 10, 20 years!! you gotta tell us if the scanning machine looks like a big spaceship :rofl:

care we havent looked at bottles too much as I really hope to breastfeed and want to establish that for a month before a bottle, so figured we had time! but we should look into it. I know we were looking at glass bottles before. As for the nipple I think we will have to just use it, at least we are eliminating most of the chemical stuff. hey whats your birth plan, do you plan to have an epidural? I just ask as you are quite natural in your thinking. We did the hypnobirthing class for relaxing tools but Ive always thought I would take any meds.

Im 35 weeks today :happydance::happydance::happydance: I feel so unorganized though. Just had family here for 2 weeks and a rush work job that we had to take on as it was good money which will take another week to finish. I havent packed my hospital bag or read much of my baby books. Im sure it will all go ok I just want to feel more organized.

went for a scan yesterday as MW wasnt sure if bubs head was down. she thought it was but then she heard the heartbeat stronger in a different area that made her think he could be in a weird spot. I was so happy as Ive only had 3 official scans. Anyway he IS head down, and I saw him drinking the amnotic fluid, his lil chin was going up and down :cloud9: the measurements predict he is 6 lbs 4 :wacko::dohh: LOL but I think its probably as he will be a tall baby (Im 5'10 and hubby 6') and so that throws it off as its just based on an average from measurements. or perhaps thats correct and I will be giving birth to a 9 pounder :haha:
lol Klein - could've been worse, she could've sent you to buy a Betamax!

I went for another scan today to check fluid levels - and the nurse found that they are slightly elevated still, but she said she has seen much much higher. Next scan in a week's time to check they aren't increasing

Eenie is still transverse, looks like my little girlie doesn't fancy a straight up-and-down orientation ... wonder where she gets that from? :rofl:
VHS, wow, I can't believe it. I am surprised the 4D machine even has the rca hook ups?! I guess I am used to everything hdmi.

LOL, Urch. She knows where she wants to be!

Sarah, I know for a fact that my mom and DH intend to be able to feed the baby so I need bottles. Especially if the SPD doesn't get better after labour, I may need help. Last night was so painful and I was thinking OMG, how could I even look after my precious little man when I can barely move. I know you just do what you have to, but it has certainly got me thinking.

We have most of our birth plan finished, but there are a few things I haven't figured out yet (the one I was using had so many options). I always planned a natural birth, but my DH is really pushing for me to get and epidural. He doesn't understand after all the pain I have been through in my life, why I would choose to have pain. I am open to intervention though. More open than I ever was before. Right now I honestly can't imagine being in any position where pushing doesn't severely hurt my hip. But if I have something to help with the pain I have also read you can do more damage by not feeling as much and separating and tearing it more. I am planning to just wait and see how things progress.

My midwives tell me there isn't much I can do for the SPD. Some things may help a bit with the pain that is actually related to it like sciatica (I didn't know my sciatica was probably a symptom of this, my hip wasn't severe then just really uncomfortable so I never knew it wasn't just normal pregnancy separation) and muscle pain. And they say there is no way to know if it will go away after delivery or get worse. It gets better more often than it gets worse. So my goal is to be as careful as possible (which is pretty easy since most things are very painful if not excruciating) and hope it gets better as opposed to worse. I really think it will be better.

I have most things we need. I just need to buy a few things for my bag for the hospital and I will be set. Still haven't finished his room, but he won't be in there at first anyway. This little guy seems to have hiccups quite often, do you all feel them daily as well? It is a weird feeling. Kind of makes me smile. He has them right now. :)
Sarah-still laughing about your spaceship comment!

Urch-Glad the fluid wasn't too high!

Care-If you don't mind will you post your birth plan here. I'd like to see one. I'm thinking I will do one this time around. If I'm not induced (hoping not to be) then I want to try for a natural/water birth at the hospital. If I have to do another induction I know I will crack for an epi...induction too me was horrible. Hiccups-mine gets them 2-4 times a day. I tell DH everytime it gets them...I don't know why but I say 'your baby has the hiccups again!' like he can do something about it or something lol...

Come to find out the cd burner on the u/s maching was broken so the VHS was their means of backup! Which made me feel better lol. They were nice enough to say to call them in a week or so when it's fixed and they'll run a copy on a CD for me.

I really needed this scan to connect with my LO, I think since we are team yellow I needed the boost. It's amazing how incredible the scan was. I'm so pleased. They printed me 42 pictures off! There are some more at this link on the pregnant after a loss thread. I'd repost here but my computer is sososo internet stinks.

Baby is head down but I know this could change anytime...weighs about 3 lbs 8 oz and is measuring 5 days ahead which is what its measured from the start so that's good. She asked me the kids weights and DS was 6lbs 10 oz and DD was 7lbs 2 oz. She said she thought this one would be bigger than that. I just wonder how much bigger it'll be?!?

Anyone know how much weight they put on starting at 30 weeks or so?

My LO looks like it's daddy. Any guesses on boy or girl???


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wow - that's an incredibly clear picture klein ... and what a scrummy little face!

no idea about the gender, I am rubbish at guessing ... but will stick my 2p on GIRL :thumbup:
Thanks Urchin! Got you down for girl :)

So I did get on this exercise ball and stretched my back out. It felt lovely! Apparently it's a big hit with DH & DD too lol. It's the new living room toy.

I'm 90% sure this baby has moved since the exercise ball. I laid down to take a nap and when I awoke...hiccups were in a different place and it feels, well, different. I'm waiting to see where the kicks and everything are coming from since the move.
wow klein those are clear scans :thumbup: so cute! I am going to guess girl too, although at first I was thinking boy but changed my mind. you are so good staying on team yellow!

care I definitely want to hubby to be able to bottle feed too, but I keep reading to give it about a month to establish the breast first. But if you are in pain you might want to do quicker and some babies are fine with either. The medela system has a nipple thats suppose to mimic the breast, not sure if its all marketing or not.

Im very afraid of the epidural :cry: with my hubby its the opposite, we did the hypnobirthing course (as I wanted some tools to try and help my labour, wasnt going into it thinking I wanted a natural birth) and he got brainwashed into thinking I could do a natural birth :dohh::haha: I am keeping an open mind and obviously we all want whatever is best for ours babies. I have heard that some people who do natural are so exhausted if its a long labour then they cant push like they are supposed to and that can be dangerous. My sister had a narcotic that took the edge off and didnt get an epi, but Ive heard you can only have that earlier in labour as it can make the baby drowsy. So many decisions! I think we need to remain open and see what happens, as our labour can be so different to what we expect.

One thing is I really want to avoid an induction, so Im definitely going to start acupuncture as soon as MW allows me to try and get things going naturally.

I keep reading about hiccups and was thinking Id never noticed them. Then yesterday I noticed a sensation I hadnt really noticed before, a 'twinge' that had a rhythm to it and kept going (hard to describe) so I suppose that could have been hiccups? how did you know thats what it was?

so does anyone know anything about 'dropping'? yesterday I woke up and thought whoa my bump has grown. then I was having some shooting pains in my cervix area and googled it, and people said they got that when their baby had dropped. so then I looked again at bump and I think the growth is actually that its dropped a bit and theres more in the middle.

also I think Im having another scan called a biophysical profile at 38 weeks due to my age, its where they check bubs breathing and check the placenta etc is working. I was quite pleased about that as MW kept mentioning my age and risks but I didnt feel like there was an extra monitoring so it seemed cruel she would mention it but then nothing is checked. for younger people they wouldnt do until about 41 weeks. so theres only 3 weeks to go for that :happydance:
I felt hiccups for the first time yesterday too Sarah :thumbup:
I think with the anterior placenta there's a lot I don't feel (sometimes my belly is moving like crazy, but I can't feel a thing) so I think maybe it's unusual for her to line her hiccuping bits up with a bit that I can feel ????

I quite fancy a birthing ball Klein, even though I won't be labouring ... but I'm finding my sofa particularly uncomfortable now, which is a right pain
Hi ladies - thought I'd check in.

No hiccups that I have noticed - though the babies have been very squirmy the past few days. At last measurements on 8/20 the boy was 5lb 3oz and the girl was 4lb 13oz. I am having weekly biophysical profiles now but no measurements since the 20th. I start non-stress test monitoring twice a week starting next week.

I will say that even though I have had lots of scans the worries are still there. One day I know they are ok but a couple days later I have all the same worries that the rest of you have. Don't know how I would stand it with no scans.

The c-section is scheduled for Sept 18 (unless they decide to come early on their own). As of Aug 28th, Boy was breach and girl was transverse - both heads were together to the left of the belly button (I have a very lopsided bump these days :haha:). I think one or both have moved since then though. You would think they would run out of room to flip over but they still manage to do it.

Sleeping is super uncomfortable these days so up every hour or so and tired most all of the time. DH got back last weekend but has been working a lot so we have been trying to get as much done as we can this weekend to be as ready as possible for when they arrive. Nursery still a mess but it is getting better.

Glad to hear everyone seems to be doing well. Care - hope things ease up on you soon and clear up after delivery :hugs:
Klein - i was thinking boy at first, then girl like sarah but i'll stick with my first instinct & guess boy. So cute!

Sarah - sounds like you've discussed everything about the birth plan. That's really all you can do. Things can change in the delivery room and there are so many decisions to make, it is crazy.

Mrs.bear - so excited the babies weights are so perfect. That should ease your mind a lot. Also, everything should be fully developed now even lungs so its just a waiting game.

Care - feel better :) sounds painful
My back and stomach are killing me. I sent DH to the store for over the counter pain patches. Now I'm in the bath trying to manage the pain. I'm feeling for contractions. I hurt!!! I'm waiting to see when or if I'm contracting and what I should do if I am.
Maybe it's a UTI and my kidneys hurting??? It's so hard to tell the difference in these things now that I'm pregnant...maybe I've pulled muscles in my back or something?? Omg so frustrated. I need one of those dang monitors for contractions! I'd feel so stupid going to the hospital over nothing. I'm such a worrier!
klein, if you're worried go to the hospital - it's what they're for!
honestly, they would much rather see 10 women where nothing is wrong, than miss one woman where something is :hugs:

MrsB - my gosh, you're awful close now! 2 weeks til you get to meet your little 'uns :cloud9: Don't forget pictures for us!

AFM I've got a week of appointments ahead:
GTT tomorrow
midwife wednesday
scan & antenatal Friday

They seem to be scanning me weekly now because of the excess fluid - think they are just keeping an eye to make sure it doesn't increase any more.
I should also get my c-section date on Friday - will be so nice to know when I am aiming for

Until then I am keeping very very busy:
Yesterday I met up with a friend and her gorgeous little boy
Today I have finished painting the bathroom and then am off to meet up with another friend who has also started her maternity leave. She is my Amazing Coincidence friend; I met her when I was in hospital 2 years ago for my fibroid op - she was in the next bed to me having the same surgery. Through chatting we discovered that we have a friend in common. Fast forward to 2012 and we are both pregnant and due to give birth within a couple of weeks of each other!

Thursday the new cooker gets delivered, so that will be a day of waiting at home - the time slot is 7am-7pm ... hoping it comes early!

Then on Saturday the kitchen fitter starts putting the kitchen in :dance:
I will feel so much happier when I have a fully functioning kitchen again :D
Urch - you sound super busy! You'll feel better when the house is ready & you can relax.
Klein - i never had a uti but i know they are dangerous late in pregnancy if left untreated so make sure to get medicine if that is what it is. Sounds painful, whatever it is.

So i may have some names picked out. I haven't brought it up to dh yet since he threw a fit a few months ago insisting he name one angela after his late aunt without me getting any kind of say. Every time he brings it up, i tell him i don't want to tslk about it. I'm thinking i will give into him & name one Angela Reese and one Cassidy Quinn. I'm letting it simmer a little longer before i tell dh because he's not a fan of changing your mind.
I will defo be able to relax once the house is in a fit state for a newborn to come home to ... but now we have the kitchen fitter coming saturday it's looking likely :thumbup:

let us know how the naming pans out Marie - it's a massive responsibility isn't it? picking a name for a human person x
Urch-You sound so busy, time is sure to fly with all of that going on. I know you'll be ready for your kitchen to be put back together. Plus, you'll rest easier knowing its done!
Wow, scheduling your section date is so exciting...I'm living thru all of you who are going earlier than me lol!

Mrs B- I am so excited for you!!!! I can't imagine being 2 weeks away from my date. I'm sure you have a range of emotions!!! So glad your DH is home and the 2 of you can finalize things together. Fill us in on everything. Will your family be able to be there after birth. Will DH be home any after? Are you putting the babies in your room or in the nursery? Anything else exciting you want to add lol?

Marie-I don't blame you, especially with my preggo brain I could totally see me agreeing to a name then changing my mind lol. It's horrible. I change my mind constantly. Better to let it sink in then tell him. It's so cool that you get to pick out 2 little girl names. Since we're team yellow, we have names picked out for each gender...I think I'm actually going to be sad that we don't get to use both names! I'm attached to them. I know that sounds crazy!

AFM-I ended up going to the local ER and they hooked me up to monitors, I was contracting and was in a horrible amount of pain. They send me home with a script for a UTI. Did nothing for my pain. I suffered all night last night and reached my breaking point for my pain. It was horrible. I called my doc (2 hrs away) They told me to come in and they'd try to figure out where the pain was coming from. So...we drove here and they said yes I was contracting. Cervix is closed. I have a major UTI infection. They are keeping me overnight for monitoring and have started an IV for the UTI. PLUS, I'M GETTING SOMETHING FOR PAIN. Which is great. I still haven't slept any today or last night but atleast the pain is gone and I am resting and not hurting nonstop. They feel like the contractions are from the UTI and they have decreased since the anti has been going in. So all is good :) On the down side I was supposed to do maternity pics today...had to cancel :(
klein you poor thing :hugs: glad they are taking care of you and the pain has lessoned. why would the UTI cause contractions?
Klein - great scan pics, how adorable! Sorry you're in so much pain though and that you had to go back in. You'd think they would have taken care of you properly the first time you went in! Hopefully things get sorted out.

Sarah - great weight! Wow! Thats a lot of baby!!

Regarding the birthing ball, I spend at least a few hours of my working day sitting on a ball instead of my office chair. Its been great and my back pain has been minimal. Just wish I could have no nausea/ vomiting and I'd be having a great pregnancy....

Regarding bottles, we decided on the Tommee Tippee bottles. They seem great for switching easily between breast and bottle immediately... I've read great things about them!
Klein, that sounds truly awful - but glad they've got to the bottom of it now and are treating it (and giving you pain relief!)

Dis, I've been considering getting a birthing ball - even though I won't be labouring. I get to a certain time of night then I have to sit forward in my chair and kinda rock about ... I think a ball to bounce on might really help.

I had my GTT today - no idea how it went. Apparently, if I don't get a phone call by 5pm tomorrow I'm in the clear
I met a friend for sushi in town after and now I am absolutely exhausted ... I went into Lush and bought myself some bath bombs and plan to have a big soaky bath later :thumbup:
Klein - i'm so relieved they are treating the uti. I have to be on the lookout for that as it is more common in the 3rd trimester. You must be relieved you caught it early enough.

Urch - bubble bath sounds so relaxing. I don't remember the last time i had one but it sounds like a great idea.

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