LTTTC/Assisted Conception - Due Autumn/Winter 2012

Hi everyone - a lot going on here!
Teta - you & baby look great. Be careful with all of the walking, don't overdo it. My sister took her son to the zoo at 37 weeks and did a lot of walking & went into labor that night. All was fine bc she was close to home but make sure you take lots of breaks.
Glad all is fine Klein & so happy work is over Urch!
AFM - the babies are measuring 1lb 12oz & 1lb 10 oz which is right on track. I'm told my iron is low too. I am taking so many vitamins, it's crazy & not sure it even helps.
News from today:
Eenie is measuring at 5.5lbs and was wriggling like a good 'un - but they found excess amniotic fluid so I have to have further tests

Now, it could just be that she was lying oddly and making a big pool in one place (she was kinda diagonal transverse) but it could also be GD, a virus, or rarely a sign of an abnormality

So, it's GT for me next friday and another scan the friday after
Hi everyone! Glad to see everyone is doing well!

Teta - looking great! I agree with everyone saying WOW to Disneyworld! I can't even imagine trying to do that!

Urchin - wow, that's quite the big baby you've already got there! My guess is likely GD, since you had sugar in your urine earlier. I wouldn't worry about anything else being too serious... may mean you get lucky with baby being taken out earlier though!

I wish my OB did scans to tell me how big baby was :( I'd also love to be induced a little early. I keep having bad/ scary labour dreams that are traumatizing me. Last night I dreamt I was in pain and all of a sudden baby's legs popped out of my woo-ha. DH and I frantically pushed them back in and called the hospital, and they said that that's dangerous and we could have squashed the cord so we had to rush to the hospital. When we got there, the nurse laid a blanket down on the waiting room floor and delivered the baby right there in front of everyone and I was a bleeding mess, and she took baby away, but in the entire dream I never found out if baby was ok... it was def a weird dream, but not the first weird/ scary one I've had.

Nursery pics are up in my journal :) I looooove going in the room and staring at it :)
I'm not big worried Dis - I think the serious causes are pretty rare, so I'm not wasting time stressing about them :thumbup:

That sounds like a horrid freaky dream ... just shows how our subconscious contrives to cause us the maximum stress, even when we are keeping as calm as possible during the day!
Care-I hope it goes up without any issues!

Marie-So glad everything looks good!

Urch-So crazy that your baby is already 5 lbs! That's amazing. Try not to stress about the fluid. Sounds like it can be many things. I'm sure it will check out to be fine. They sound like they are on top of it and giving you the scans you need. Hope that means more u/s's. I know you don't get tired of seeing her!!!

Dis-Traumatic labour dreams are the worst. I haven't had any this go round but it's a little early. I'm sure the crazy dreams will be starting in a few weeks as I think about it more!

AFM-Nothing much new with me. Enjoying resting this weekend. Seems like all week I've been a TAXI driver for my kiddo's and been running around crazy! Hope everyone has a great rest of their weekend!
Don't think I'll ever get tired of seeing her (except possibly during the sulky teenage years!)

Sounds like a rest is a good plan Klein - rushing around sure takes it out of you!

I will be prepping the bathroom for painting today, but all done at a leisurely pace: do a bit, sit a bit, do a bit, sit a bit.
Yesterday it was my Ungodly Son's 2nd birthday party and I came home exhausted ... but it was so much fun, especially as this little boy wasn't meant to make it to his first birthday. Big Up wee Harry! :hugs:
hi everyone! my family is here visiting for 2 weeks so Im not online much. Been out and about with them but I find I get very tired very quickly. Bump has been growing and it gets really sore at the top when I sit down a lot, lying down relieves it. I think I will be trying to lie down most of the next month!!

Did a quick read of the last page, Urchin how often are you getting scans? we dont get any after 20 weeks, I think thats insane. I wouldnt know if anything was wrong, I suppose they feel if you dont have symptoms you are ok, but that scares me :cry: Dis/Care you havent had anything from 20 weeks right?

I had a maternity shoot today, will see the photos in a few weeks. It was an add on to the newborn shoot we have booked. it was weird to think next time we are back there will be with bub :cloud9:

so I have 6 weeks to go, but 5 weeks till I want to try the acupuncture induction :happydance:
Morning Sarah - maternity shoot sounds fab, will you share the pics?
I've been scanned every 3 weeks from 28 weeks because of my fibroid, but lat time I went they booked me back in 2 weeks due to the raised fluid levels.

They don't routinely scan over here after 20 weeks either - it's only if there is something they want to keep an eye on. It must be very hard to go through half of your pregnancy with no peeks at baby, think I would have booked a couple of extra private scans if I'd been in that position :thumbup:
Sarah, can't wait to see the pics!

I haven't had a scan since 20 weeks either (other than my 3D ones) and it makes me nervous. I keep reading scary third tri posts about kick counting and the things that can go wrong, and I get extremely worried. I think I'm just as worried now as I was in first tri - so much can happen that can be devastating....
Sarah, I am trying not to stress about the no scan thing. I haven't had one since about 22 weeks as it was recommended not to do recreational scanning. I feel him all the time though and I just have to pray and be positive that he is healthy and everything will be ok.

Yay for maternity photos! I love looking at them. My mom is pushing us to get them, so we will see. I am waiting to hear back. I am starting to get stretch marks and I won't do it if they are noticeable. Right now they aren't, but they literally popped up over night.

AFM, I am on some rest right now. Been having a lot of very bad pain in my hips. My right is extremely painful and goes from my groin, around my hip and goes up and down my back and thigh. Lifting my left hurts a bit, but lifting my right even a few inches is horribly painful. Right now I have to wrap my hips together and try to keep them together and stabilized, and we are hoping for it to heal some. I may have to go for physio. With that and the sciatica it is pretty hard to do much of anything. I just pray it goes away after delivery so I can take proper care of my little man.
Care-So horrible your hips are hurting. My shoulders have been killing me. I've been using the over the counter pain patches (sorta like icy hot but in a patch) across my shoulders. I intend to tell the chiro tomorrow when I go and see if he has any suggestions. Good luck, I hope you find a solution.

I haven't had any scans since my 20 week either. I did schedule a private 4D one for this Friday though. I am super excited about it. We also have our maternity shoot scheduled for Friday, if it storms here we'll do it on Monday. I've got one of my BF's that happens to be a photograher that's doing them. We trade out sessions with each other. I come up with what I want and email her and she does them lol. Works out nicely. Then I get to edit my pics however I want to. I'm doing some cute/funny pics and some more serious pics. I figure my kids are so much older, funny and cute...they'll enjoy that! I hope they enjoy'd think the kiddo's would be used to a camera in their faces but they seem to just be annoyed with taking pics....unless it's my DD and she's doing her gymnastics tricks or something and my DS would rather have a serious no smiling pic taken himself with a mirror and a cell phone for facebook! Ugh, teens. lol

Anyway...trying to clean the house today. Atleast the bathrooms and kitchen. Kids rooms are ok and the house needs a vacuuming and dusting...maybe tomorrow (sighs hopefully).

Urch, hows the painting the bathroom going. I'm just so jealous of the energy you and teta and anyone else has b/c I'm pooped...all the dang time.

Sarah-I can't believe you have 6 weeks left. Man, I need to check the list on the front page. I'm sure there are several of you getting so so close!!! YAY!!!
Hi ladies, are you as sad as I am that the summer is over? But on the other hand I know we're looking forward towards the fall.

Care, that sounds very uncomfortable, hope it stabilizes for you. My friend suggested I take pregnancy pictures and reminded me that stretch marks (still waiting for them to pop up) can be airbrushed out!

Sarah, that is so close!!!

AFM, I am joining most of you in the 3rd tri - 27 weeks today. My weight seems to have leveled off, I had avoided getting on the scale until today. I'm up 18 lbs, which is the same as 4 weeks ago. Everything seems good with the baby, we had a detailed follow-up ultrasound last Friday. Even though it was borderline at the 20 week scan, they wanted to check that a kidney issue resolved. So happy to know it's normal. The estimate for the baby was 2lbs6oz, which is on the bigger side (she said 85th percentile in weight).
Care, that sounds horrid - I hope you find some relief soon :hugs:

Klein - all I managed today was to paint the woodwork with primer ... there's still a patch of plaster that's wet, so I can't start the walls yet :(
Wish I had an estimate with how big baby is!

Since I'm still throwing up at least once a day, at 33 weeks, I worry if bubs is getting enough. My weight gain seems sufficient though... 18 pounds at my last check up (32 weeks). Seems to be packing on faster now though, everytime I go back I'm up about so much more. I was only up to 11 pounds at 28 weeks.... jumped to 15 at 30, and 18 at 32.

Sorry you're so uncomfortable Care! For me its mainly my feet. Speaking of which, DH just brought me lunch at work (he works close by so drops off lunch for me most days), but also suprised me with a foot massager to keep under me desk. Have it on right now, its lovely and making being at work so wonderful!!

50 days left for me! Considering we start at somehwere close to 280, that makes me feel unbelievable!!
Plaster STILL wet, so I guess it's woodwork I'm painting again today ... getting down to paint the bath panel is really tricky, bump is much too big for bending or squatting
Oh dear I can only imagine! I remember how hard the bottom areas of the decals were.... can't imagine painting!!
Dis - i can't believe you are still throwing up. Don't worry about the baby, my dr says you will starve before the baby does. They only need the equivalent of 8oz of milk a day.

Urch - can't imagine painting right now. I'm glad the babies room is already pink & white but there is still so much to do.

Sienna - this is the one time i'm glad the summer is flying. The further along i get, the safer it is so i'm enjoying time flying. I don't feel like i've really embraced pregnancy the way i should. I need to get out more and show off the bump instead of staying in all the time. Life will change forever and i will miss just picking up & going.

Hope everyone else is doing good as due dates are approaching!
I would love not to be painting - but there is so much to do, and it won't do itself ... and yes, it is very awkward with a great big huge bump in the way!

Due dates all very close now - it's so very nearly September already!
Hi Ladies! I was wondering if any of you have been looking into which bottles to use? You guys probably think I am nuts, but I am not getting plastic as even the BPA free ones use BPS and it could be just as bad or worse (I predict it will be many years before it gets banned as well). So glass or silicone are the two options left. I am going with glass because I don't know much on silicone. Some labels label it as natural, but beware because SILICON is natural, and SILICONE (which is what it used) is man made. But most nipples are silicone. I can't find a lot on it. the only alternative is rubber or latex and lots of babies have issues with those. Sarah, I thought maybe your DH had an opinion on this? I obviously plan to breast feed, but I will be pumping as well so my DH and mom can also feed the baby.
Urch-I hear you about the painting not doing itself. I still haven't vacuumed or dusted...guess what, it's still sitting here waiting on me lol.

Dis-I can't believe your still throwing up either. I feel so sorry for you. That's awful. Your weight seems good to me. I'm up 18 pounds right now. It's been going up faster this last month or so.

I got a birthing ball to use at home yesterday. I'm going to get on it and see if it helps with lower back pain like everyone says...maybe it will. Something to do with sitting up straight. Plus, I need to feel comfortable balancing on it lol.

I'm super excited about our 4D ultrasound today. The nurse said to bring a VHS...yes that's right a VHS. I went to Wal-Mart and asked for a VHS and the guy laughed at me...I didn't find it too funny. I think he figured it out by my facial expression. Anyway, I called the doc back and asked the nurse, are you sure a VHS??? She said yes and I told her that Wal-Mart didn't sell them anymore. She told me to try Dollar General. I called them and they have them for sale. I also had to call my mom and see if she had a VCR to play it on. The kids are going to want to see it today and we won't have a chance to get it copied over yet. IT'S CRAZY. A VHS. I HAD 3D'S DONE WITH DD AND THAT WAS 7 YEARS AGO...THEY WERE ON A CD THEN. PEOPLE CAN'T WE GET WITH THE TIMES ALREADY LOL.

Hope I get some pics to post later today :)

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