LTTTC/Assisted Conception - Due Autumn/Winter 2012

Well. I'm staying another night in the hospital. More monitoring and antibiotics. Better safe than sorry but home sounds so good :( I miss dh and my kiddo's.
Sarah-I don't know how or why that a UTI causes contractions. It's a good question. The nurses and doctor agree that that was the problem though just w/o an explanation.
I have posted twice and it erased on me both times! Grrrrrrrrrr.

Klein, I am sorry you have to go through that. Was there any sign you had an UTI before the pain? and are your contractions braxton hicks or different? I pray you will both be pain free and doing ok. Let us know when you can how you are.

Oh, and I wasn't sure of the layout for a birth plan, so I googled a template and found one at The Bump. You just fill it in and print it. Easy. It is long though and has a bunch of questions I never thought of.

Marie, those are lovely names. Your DH will be happy if you decide on those.

Sarah, yes I was also told to not pump and BF only for a month. But most midwives and doctors are used to women who have that luxury because here we have a year off for mat leave. I have no time off being self employed and a business owner. I will have a bit of help, but some things others just can't do. I also took a new job to try and save up after being so far behind after IVF. So I will probably only take a week or two off from that. I really don't have a choice, I need to bottle feed earlier. :(

Urch, FX they don't call you! I have to tell you I am jealous of all you are able to do. I can barely move sometimes and other times where my pain is down I try to do something and then I suffer for days.

Dis, I like the Tommee Tippee bottles as well. They have a good name. But I can't find glass. They really need to get some glass ones here.

AFM, I had to have my hemoglobin levels checked again and a bunch of other things to see why it was low. My midwife thought it was iron, and I know they checked it, but my doctor only had the hemoglobin test to go by and said he would check everything. So no matter what the baby has enough of everything, it is just me that is low.

I have been taking it easy because 3 times I have found out that when I feel good and I can walk (even though I look silly with a crazy limp) if I do go out or do much of anything I pay for it. So just relaxing today after being in the car for a couple hours.

Have any of you had cramping very low down? Feels like period cramps? I thought they were braxton hicks but I was told those are where your uterus tightens and it is all over. I can't feel my uterus tightening but it has always felt tight and hard. And these are just low down cramps. Sometimes I will get them often (like 6 or more in an hour) and then sometimes I hardly have them. They say braxton hicks will go away if you change positions or move around, but these don't. I was just curious to what they were and if any of you had experienced this. I don't want to call my midwife as it seems silly. This is the third day for them.
Klein - sorry you are still in the hospital but hopefully they can get a handle on things and give you some relief.

My family is local so they will be around. DH has family about 2 hours away. I got a twin pack n play to use as a bed in our room in the beginning but go back and forth about whether to use it or not. We will have to move some stuff out of our room to get it to fit and it will still be cramped. So may end up putting them straight into the nursery. Undecided :shrug:

Care - I haven't had those. Mine have been all over and I will occasionally have some lower back pain but both settle down if I rest a while. When in doubt I would go ahead and call. Better to feel silly than have something be going on.
care from what I understand braxton hicks are mainly the uterus/bump tightening, nothing down below (just because I described the tightening to my MW but said I felt nothing down below and she said thats a classic BH). So i wonder if you are having regular contractions, I think you can have regular practice contractions leading up to the birth?? but I dont know for sure, best phone and ask especially if its the 3rd day.

I just googled practice contractions and BH keeps coming up, so perhaps BH can be just tightening or tightening and period like cramps too.

Ive only had some shooting pains in my cervix, which I was hoping things starting to happen.

yikes we are so close!
Maybe the BH can be either way. It must be that. They are not very painful, just mild. Sometimes they are a bit sharper, but still not too bad.

I can't believe how close we are. Wow, it seemed like it would never come and then wham, it is right around the corner.

MrsB you must be so EXCITED to meet your little ones!!!!

Sarah, I have those shooting pains too occasionally, but I had them at times before being pregnant because I used to hope they were signs of being pregnant. I wonder what they are?

Pretty much all I need now is a few things for my hospital bag. Declan's things are almost ready (except his room, but he won't be in there right away). I got rid of the cradle and pack and play we had last year, so I needed new ones. I got a great pack n play for a shower gift, which was awesome. It is this one here. I was going to use this as a bassinet in our room. But like MrsB, we don't have a ton of extra room in our bedroom so i thought it would be so big in there. My mom found a used one in like new condition from somebody, so she bought it. And a swing. They aren't really my taste, but hey they won't be used for long. Now we can have a bassinet upstairs in our room (and his crib in the nursery) and the pack n play downstairs for when I am working or cleaning up there and a swing upstairs in the family room and downstairs in the living room. So it works out well.

I also got my car seat yesterday!!! I love it. My father in law bought it. He asked which one I wanted, and he ordered it for us!

Wow, I still don't feel prepared. I wish I could finish his room. It is so hard relying on others especially when I have this urge to get things ready and organized.

According to Web MD, my period like pains sound like BH. I guess it can be different for everybody. I had a friend who had such bad BH she went to the hospital thinking it was time. It wasn't. And this was her second child but she still couldn't tell them apart. So I guess it is always different.
Klein, hope you feel better tomorrow and can go home! I'm sure you are relieved the uti is being taken care of.

Take 2 with the nursery color tomorrow.

I know there was sharing of the strollers earlier, but back then I wasn't ready to think of baby gear. Which one did you end up choosing?
Care-The only symptoms I had was peeing more than normal-which i figured was just pregnancy related. The back pain was my kidneys. I did a google on that and confirmed that was the area that was hurting. The pain was constant and then it would peak and get worse during a contraction then go back to constant. I drove myself to the first ER, DS had company over and DH stayed with the was all I could do to lift my foot off of the gas and put it on the break it hurt in my back and lower stomach so bad :( So glad I got pain relief and IV telling how long I would of been hurting with oral antibiotics.

The scary thing is I had an OB appt 1.5 weeks ago and they check my urine each visit. Nothing showed up. It must of got bad really quick. Scary thought.

Care-So glad your getting everything. The carseat makes it sound so real. WOW! I will deff look for a birth plan online. I'll try to go thru all of the options and talk to my doc about it appt after next!

Mrs Bear-Your doing right by deciding later on where to put them. Sometimes no plan is the best plan. Plus, your ready to roll with the punches :) Sounds like you'll have enough arms for holding. I seem to think you'll be very busy though and we won't hear from you in a while....We'll all be going thru Mrs. B withdrawels :(

As for contractions/braxton hicks-This is my 3rd LO and apparently I can't judge Braxton Hicks from real contractions either! Sorry I can't offer any more advise!

They just monitored the baby and everything looks good no contractions all is good. I'm going to drag myself to the bathroom lol and take a pill for sleep. Hopefully next post will be from the comfort of my living room :) Thanks for all your thoughts and concerns :) Hope you all have a great evening
morning all!

no tightenings or cramps for me either ... just a whole lot of wriggling from Eenie-Beans.

My news is that I failed my GTT yesterday ... by 0.1.... nought point friggin one, I ask you!
So I'm off to see the diabetic nurse next week and the dietitian, and until then it's no sugar for me
Am hoping that because I only just failed they won't be too strict with the carbs, but who knows :shrug:
I was getting plenty of BH contractions a few weeks ago when I was really busy getting baby stuff done, but since then nothing.

I have had low down period-like pain though, but its always after I pee. Not sure why, and it lasts a couple minutes or longer...
urch-Fingers crossed they are nice to you and your diet.

So bored, they just came in and said it may be tomorrow before I come home :( that stinks! I just want to go home...whine...

Anyone doing anything interesting today they want to share?
errr depends on how low your 'interesting' threshold is klein!

I have been and ordered a kitchen sink and picked out some taps ... and been to see my midwife - who agrees with me that neither the fluid nor the GTT results are nothing to worry about.
She took my BP when we were talking about it and said 'you're really not at all worried are you?' :rofl:
I feel like a bad mom :(

Had my regular bi-weekly appointment today, and I dropped FOUR POUNDS from my last appointment 2 weeks ago! I feel like I'm not wokring hard enough at eating and keeping food down for him :(

Anyone else lose weight? I'm only up 14 pounds now....
dis Ive read that a lot of people dont gain or actually lose weight in the last part of the 3rd trimester.

Im kinda maintaining, but I find I cant eat much as I get so full and my heartburn is terrible.

dont worry, if they can grow all the important organs with us throwing up the first 3 months they will be fine now. they are only really gaining weight and they can take that from fat storage....I have a lot of that! if you are technically underweight the doctors might have a concern but I dont think you are?
Dis - I agree with Sarah, I think you are fine. I haven't gained much in third tri at all (if anything). They want to see the gain in the 2nd tri. Right now babies are just adding weight and they will take that from us whether we gain anything or not. As long as you aren't starving yourself or dieting you should be fine. The baby will get what it needs
so tonight I had my first 'hmmmmm' moment but I dont think it was anything. I was sitting and I felt down there on my jogging bottoms area and it was all wet. it wasnt loads, say a stretched hand in size, of wet. I asked my hubby feel it and he said 'its like you have wet yourself'. I phone my MW to report it, but she wasnt too concerned especially as an hour later I dont have anymore. they will check up on me in the morning. She said even it was a gush they wouldnt rush me in, and said it was more likely cervical fluid. As it was on black jogging bottoms I had no idea the colour or thickness, it just felt wet! thought it was best to check. It was a panic moment though thinking how messy the house was incase inlaws had to come and feed the pets!!
Oooo sarah - that sounds like things are doing summat down there! :dance:
wonder how long it'll be til we start seeing the 'that was it' posts in this thread?

I'm feeling a bit miserable as I've managed to get a cold - it's not even a heavy one so I'm not sure why I'm so cross with it: I have a dry throat, the sneezes, a snotty nose and a mild headache ... but that really is it. Guess I'm feeling sorry for myself!

This afternoon I have another scan (checking fluid levels again) and an antenatal, where I should get my c-section date - hurrah!
How are you doing Klein?

Dis, I am with everyone else, I think it is nothing to worry about. I have only been up 6lbs since my 6 week visit. I gained 15lbs since ivf though. My midwives aren't worried but I am not under weight at all.

Urch, how's the renovations going? Sorry you are sick. :( Hopefully it won't last long.

I am still having these BH. A lady with 6 children told me today that I might go early since the started more like the beginning of labour. She gave me some tips. It was nice chatting with her.

Sarah, oh how exciting! I had a similar moment today where I had a pain more sharp than the rest and I looked around at all the mess and baby stuff that didn't have a home yet and thought I am not ready. It only lasted a few seconds, but it go me to finish my hospital bag.

MrsB, how are you doing? Are you ready yet for these babies to be here? I am so excited for you I can't wait to see pictures!

So my tests came back and I am still low in iron and also B12. At first I was going to have to go for intravenous iron, but it is a hour drive every day and I can't drive far if at all so for now I am just taking more on the advice of my doctor and going in for B12 shots every two weeks or so.
morning care :hugs:
Renovations are getting there - bathroom is finished enough (just pipes to box in but they can wait) and kitchen fitter starts tomorrow

I'm with you on the 'don't come yet' front ... Eenie is under strict instructions to stay where she is until the kitchen is done - and preferably a week after so that I have chance to put the house back to rights. Goodness knows what it would look like if I left it to Mr Urch to put things back together again!

Sorry to hear about the iron and B12 - good that you've not got to drive for a jab each day though :thumbup:

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