LTTTC/Assisted Conception - Due Autumn/Winter 2012

wwbx-Welcome! Care to share a little about yourself? Have you had a good pregnancy?

Sarah-Love your pics! Mine are scheduled for Monday. Hope mine turn out ok. I tend to go a bit overboard with pics and stress way too much. I'm a pretty hard critic of our pics lol. I think I stress everyone out. I do like your artsy look. There is a similar pose I have requested with the shadowy look to it! Most of ours will be more light hearted an fun I think. I wanted something different this go round!

Marie-Sorry people are being a**es. They always know exactly what to say to a pregnant person. <---NOT!!!

Urch-We will be looking forward to pics!

I had enough energy to manage cooking hamburger helper and a cake for dessert. I must be feeling better! So glad too. Maybe I could manage to get some cleaning done tomorrow....key word being MAYBE!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Another long day for me - awake at 3.30 again and eventually gave up trying to nod back off. Good job there's the internet to entertain me!

I'm off to a game fair with Mr Urch and Stig the whippet (think country pursuits, dogs n horses - not La-Z-Boys, PS3 and Black Ops!) Stig is currently UK Working Whippet Champ and we wanna see if we can add to his silverwear!

Then I'm going to a lovely friend's hen do ... luckily it starts early so I can do plenty of joining in with the festivities before it gets to the 'heading off to a bar' stage :))

What's everyone else up to?
Urch-Sounds like a packed day! Hope you have a great time :)

DH took DS to Saturday school this morning...he got in trouble for saying a** at school!!!! We haven't had any prior issues with cussing so I hope that this was a one time deal. Omg, I just love teenagers. Anyway, DH is going to watch football all day and we will do bbq ribs for supper :) and I'll go pick up DS. Then I'd like to do some cleaning around the house and be lazy. Those are my expectations anyway lol.

Next weekend DH and I will drive 8 hrs for a college football game---GO FLORIDA STATE!!! That sounds a bit more exciting than housework lol! Hope we have a good time and umm...WIN!!! hehe

Anyone else doing anything fun?
ha I think you stay a squash for a few weeks then watermelon??

a** is not too bad, in my nieces school in england kids say the c word!

we just went and got our crib set....crib, changing table and glider for $800! wasnt going to bother yet as have the bassinette but I couldnt resist the deal and the thought of finishing off his room. the crib I had originally wanted was $800 and glider $800, but I found the crib in this deal was nice and sturdy, not cheap looking at all, so went for it. hubbies is going to put together now, I feel like a kid at xmas.
Mrs. Bear, thinking of you and your last weekend on your own.

Sarah, your pics are beautiful. Congrats on completing your nursery.

Marie, super glad for you that you've gotten lots of baby gear. It's so ridiculously expensive even for 1.

Klein, I spent 8 hours in a car over a month ago and it was torture. Hope it goes well for you next weekend!

Whatwillbex, November 2 is close. Welcome!

AFM, I got my first rude comment today. Up to this point friends and family thought my belly was small, most people didn't believe me when I told them how far along I was. The belly has grown a lot in the last week, but it's still normal size for 7 months. A young salesperson today said "Oh it must be a big baby, you have a big belly!". I was surprised but my husband was angry that people feel they can make comments like that. Anyway, going to a wedding tonight, have a nice dress from Motherhood Maternity. Unfortunately don't know what am doing about shoes, hopefully don't have to wear flats.

Have a great weekend everyone. Another friend got pregnant on the first cycle of trying, and it made me sad last night thinking about how hard all of us struggled to get pregnant, and yet how lucky we are to be a this point. I guess we all have to struggle with something in our lives!
Welcome Whatwillbex!

Urch I hope your kitchen goes smooth and soon all the renos will be over!

Sarah, gorgeous pics! And what a great deal. At least you don't have to worry about it now.

Sienna, I can't even believe you can even think of anything but flats! I have only been able to get my feet into an old pair of stretched out dwindles for the past couple months. I tried to find others that fit but then they were too long. I bought a bigger pair of running shoes but they are super tight now.

Klein, good luck on the road trip! I couldn't imagine it right now.
I had a great day yesterday, but came home absolutely knackered!

Stig won the whippet racing at the Game Fair and has another lovely trophy - Mr Urch is off out in a bit to buy a shelf to put them all on!
I bought myself another wonderful Woll pan ... there is always a stall at the Midland GF selling them at good prices, so my plan is to buy one every year. last year I bought the frying pan - it's a good deep one so I end up cooking all kinds of things in it
This year I got the stock pot. They all go in the oven so it will double as a casserole
The big deal with them is that absolutely nothing sticks to them - you can melt plastic in them and it will just slide off ... which means you can 'fry' eggs with no fat at all :D
(and yes, I am aware that this makes me sound like a stepford wife!) :rofl:

Then went to my friend's hen do - there was a Grease theme but luckily I was let off dressing up - not sure that a waspie or circle skirt would go with my current body shape!
I sloped off at about 8.30 when everyone else was heading to the bar - but as it started at 5 I got a goodly amount of time to join in the festivities :thumbup:
Been busy busy busy trying to rest and still get last minute stuff done. Posted some nursery pics in my journal. Don't know how much I will update before the babies are here, so if you don't hear from me before then they will be here shortly after 830am ET on Tuesday. Urch - that is 130pm for you.
Hiya everyone! :hi: everyone have a nice weekend?

Erm a bit about me..... Been with my partner for 10 years. Went to start having treatment 2 years ago but unfortunately OH and I got made redundant so we had to put it on hold due to finances :cry:
Then last October got the ball rolling again and had our first round of non medicated IUI on the 17/02/12 and were told very small chance it would not work and would then need to have IVF. To our surprise we got a BFP first time, still cant believe it.
Then got pushed ahead a week at our 12 week scan. Pregnancy to date has been ok actually apart from the morning sickness which eventually eased at 14 weeks and a bit of SPD which I had physio for and is now a little better.
No major niggles just on the big count down, 7 weeks to go.
I do however feel like I have been pregnant forever and I'm not the most patient person in the world. So I am more than ready now for our little girl to arrive. Our nursery is near enough complete :happydance: so just a waiting game. Thanks for welcoming me and I hope everyone else's pregnancy are running smoothly as can be:hugs:
MrsB, I can't believe in about 24 hrs you will be a mommy!!! You probably won't be back here before, but I will say a prayer that everything goes smoothly and you and your mini-Bears will be home in no time. Get lots of rest today. I can't wait to see pics of them! :hugs:

WWB (sorry I shortened your name), lucky you for your first IUI to take! I know what you mean about being anxious. But it is too early for the babes to come yet so we have to push on.

I have SPD as well and I have to say it is horrible. The wait time to get into physio was weeks I didn't have and my midwives said it didn't really help except to show you how to cope with it. I am glad you found some relief. I learned how to move on my own (how to get up, out of bed, walk, move in general) with research and trial and error. I have been for massage, which they can't massage the actual hip but they work on my leg and back because those are effected and hurt even more most of the time because of the way the ligaments and tendons attach to the hip. I was doing quite a bit better because I have basically been restricted to no walking or stairs except in my house. Then because I thought maybe I was healing I went out shopping. I only did one small section of Walmart but I could hardly get back to the front of the store by the time half an hour went by. I guess I learned my lesson.

Sarah, your pics are GORGEOUS! Thank you for sharing.

Urch, sounds like you have been having fun!
Blummin eck MrsB - that's TOMORROW! You're gonna be a mummy TOMORROW :dance:
All the very best - hope it goes smoothly for you xxx

WWB - wow! a BFP from your first IUI, that's impressive going!
SPD sounds truly horrid, am glad it's one of the things I haven't been troubled by!

Care - cheers duck, I had a great weekend ta ... was really nice to get out and do something with Mr Urch as a couple. We won't get many easy opportunities for that from now on!

I'm just back from an appointment with the diabetes nurse...I've been put on metformin for the rest of my pregnancy to try and get my blood sugar under control.
My next ante-natal is on Tuesday and they will decide then whether or not to bring my c-section forward (if they do that it will either be weds, thurs, fri next week!) eeeek!

Kitchen fitter reckons he will be finished today :dance: yaaay for a working kitchen!
thanks everyone for the nice comments on the photos, Im pleased with them!

mrs bear good luck, will be thinking of you and cant wait to see photos of the first bubs on this thread! so exciting :kiss: urchin wow not long for you either. then the countdown is on for the first to have a non scheduled delivery, I should be first but you never know!

WWB welcome :flower: thats great you were able to get your bfp fairly quickly once starting treatments. I did 3 IUIs and 1 IVF so I was starting to wonder if it would ever happen, I got my BFP on a frozen transfer left over from the IVF. I have 3 weeks to my due date and I can barely concentrate on anything, its been such a long journey and Im not the most patient person either, so just want him here already.

went and picked up a few items last night from a friend, most of my friends had babies ages ago so I havent had much donated to me. She had a mattress for the crib, a jolly jumper and a car seat we could use for a spare :thumbup: whats funny though is I get grossed out by used baby stuff, its better if I know the person but I still imagine germs and other peoples baby spit on everything :haha: isnt that awful, I know a lot of people rely on used baby things so I dont know why I feel that way and others dont.

anyone else :sex:? we hadnt for a while then saturday night we did, it was quite comical trying to get into a good position and it also hurt down there a few times....I think Im quite swollen on the outside. then we did again last night, this time (sorry if TMI for some of you!) we lay on our sides with him behind and it was sooooo much better! Ive know that sperm can start to soften the cervix so I figured might as well try it, as I want to avoid artificial induction. I have my acupuncture booked for a week friday too.
we got banned from strumping pretty early on by the consultant sarah - so am very jealous, as I could really do with a slice of Mr Urch just now :D

I guess I'll have to wait til I'm all healed up from the c-section to jump his bones - I'm not very good when I'm not getting any!
Sarah-Yea it could of been much worse with the language! I'm so sick of the ticker not changing lol. I may have to find another one. I already feel like I'm standing still with my due date at this point I don't need a flippin squash for 4 weeks or so!!! LOL Vent over :) That's an awesome deal on the crib set! So glad you was able to get it now! As for the comical BDing. Yea, I'm there too. That seems to be the best position we've found. I'm nervous to attempt on top as I think a massive stomach laying over DH could be a turn off. Don't know that for sure but I wouldn't want to risk it this far out lol. We will be attempting the sperm softening cervix too when it's closer to our date. Good luck with the accupuncture.

Sienna-I hope I'm not miserable. We have a van and I'm picturing myself laid across the back seat buckled up. LOL Boo!!! For stupid salesperson. Sometimes I wonder what people could possible be thinking.

Urch-Congrats on the win and the new shelving for trophies!!! YAY for a new Woll pan. We'll be keeping an eye on you for your stepford wife ways lol. Sounds like you were able to hang out and have a good time minus the dressing up and bar festivities! Working kitchen=PRICELESS!!!

Mrs B-Good luck! Can't wait for updates and pics! Will be thinking of you all!

wwbx-So glad you got your surprise BFP! I'm not patient either and I'm ready to reach the finish line and hold my prize lol!

Maternity session is cancelled today. I really wanted a few outside pics and its raining here all day 100% lol. So...I'm switching gears and cleaning the kitchen and then going to SAMS to pick out a shower cake this afternoon. Rescheduled maternity pics for Thursday. It's supposed to be a pretty day then. I really need to get these pics done! UGH!

Our weekend was good. Just stayed around the house and watched football. I sat in the nursery and thought my we need alot of stuff before the baby gets here! We literally have maybe 10 sleepers, 2 packs of diapers, a pack of wipes, 2 packs of bottles, a diaper bag, crib, changing table and glider! I hope to get down and dirty shopping after the shower. I hate feeling so unprepared!
Sarah, believe it or not we have not had sex since BEFORE IVF! We did until we were cut off, and then we were told no. Then I had the cysts and they stayed until after 20 weeks. Then we chickened out. Then we agreed to try around 32 weeks because we felt that by then we would be safe. Then I had this SPD and I can't move my hips. But we are going to try anyway, we have been looking into the best positions. My husband is scared to hurt me though. He is totally paranoid.

I am sure this is TMI so this is your warning, but I don't think he will be able to get it in there. I am so swollen down there and when I had some extra leakage and goo today I went for the first time in forever to see if anything else was in there (like blood or mucus) and I couldn't get in to check! OMG, that freaked me the heck out. Is that normal??? Have I turned into a virgin again? :haha:

Next weekend is our 12 year anniversary and we know we will be trying then. I will have to let you all know how it goes. :winkwink:

Klein, you will probably get lots for your shower still. But you can always stock up and keep your receipts and return items if you get doubles.
so am very jealous, as I could really do with a slice of Mr Urch just now :D

:haha::haha::haha: thats so cute!!

Sarah, believe it or not we have not had sex since BEFORE IVF! We did until we were cut off, and then we were told no. Then I had the cysts and they stayed until after 20 weeks. Then we chickened out. Then we agreed to try around 32 weeks because we felt that by then we would be safe. Then I had this SPD and I can't move my hips. But we are going to try anyway, we have been looking into the best positions. My husband is scared to hurt me though. He is totally paranoid.

I am sure this is TMI so this is your warning, but I don't think he will be able to get it in there. I am so swollen down there and when I had some extra leakage and goo today I went for the first time in forever to see if anything else was in there (like blood or mucus) and I couldn't get in to check! OMG, that freaked me the heck out. Is that normal??? Have I turned into a virgin again? :haha:

Next weekend is our 12 year anniversary and we know we will be trying then. I will have to let you all know how it goes. :winkwink:

care I can believe that, we havent done it that much. the first tri I was so sick, then the third since he can feel him move hubby seemed to not want to, fearing he would hurt him, awwww. but now its to possibly help me he seems to be willing.

Im not sure if its normal to not be able to 'get in there'...I know my outer area is very swollen and puffy, and there has been a little resistance when he have been BDing depending on the position (in fact we would be doing good and move position then it was like it had closed up!!), but I can put my fingers in. you are probably very swollen then, I wonder if that will effect labour at all. we found when he was on top that was the worst as he couldnt lean over at all without squishing bump, me on top was not too bad but I had to stay straight not lean at all and I felt so heavy on him! him behind hurt and it was like I closed up, and so the best was lying side by side (me at more of a 45 degree angle to him). I have an increased amount of cm (remember how I wondered if my waters had broken) so that helps too. I hope you have some success for your 12th anniversary but if not a cuddle and a kiss will do, and a baby not long after!
Morning all!
I'm awake at stupid o'clock again - I love how people keep telling me to stock up on sleep 'while I can'!

But I've just noticed - I'm now a watermelon :dance:
37 weeks, full term and a watermelon - how fab is that?

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