LTTTC/Assisted Conception - Due Autumn/Winter 2012

I dont feel old, but you can only hear the words 'advanced maternal age' so many times!! it was annoying to keep hearing it but then not have extra monitoring........if its a 'problem' that you have to keep mentioning then please monitor me more, if not then shut up!! apart from this biophysical profile I havent had anything extra and in fact for an IVF pregnancy had far less scans than most on here.

urghh I can barely concentrate. Im feeling good physically but I find I wake up exhausted even though Ive had 8 hours. I think Im going to go for a nap!
glad that everything seems to be slotting into place sarah :thumbup:

another oldie here - and yet another scan for me tomorrow ... I'd only just got to the point when they decided that my placenta and fibroid were nicely out of the way, when the GD and extra fluid stepped in to fill the gap ... poor Eenie will probably serve me with a privacy writ when she comes out :haha:

will also find out if they are leaving my date as next week, or if Eenie is going to arrive before the weekend .... eeeek!
I feel you on the exhaustion front Sarah! While I'm not sleeping as well as I'd like (up at 3am every night for an hour or two), I do manage to get 8 hours as I go into work later by sleeping in until 9am. I still find getting up at 9am sooo hard.

Friday night we went to bed at 11:30ish - and I didn't end up waking up until 1:30pm on Saturday! Felt so amazing!
Sarah-So glad things are looking great. You'd think they could find a nicer term than 'advanced maternal age' <---- obviously a young(er) man came up with that term!!!!

Urch-Wow! Can't wait to find out when the date is for sure! Crazy it could be so soon. Even if it's not it's still not long at all!!!! YAY for Mr. Urch and his nesting :) I know you'll take all the help you can get!

Dis-Glad you got some Zzz's in this weekend. I'm sure you needed it!

AFM- Football game was amazing. DH and I had a terrific time together. I added it up and I've been in the car a total of 20 hours in the past 4 days. I mostly sat down during the game and I've had some swelling issues. I think it's all the sitting I've been doing.

My Melt Down---
I did have a pregnancy 'melt down' after the game. It was 2:00am when we got to a McDonalds (the ONLY thing open). I was swollen, tired and hungry....and I hate McDonalds and we waited for-ev-er!!!! DH and I stood in line inside for 20 minutes. They had 4 people working (which under usual circumstances at 2AM is fine) There were customers EVERYWHERE. Everyone left from the game, and were starving apparently. Anyway. Finally I just lost it. I threw my money on the counter, shouted I was done and stormed out the door in tears! Poor DH had to retrieve the cash and wait in line while the poor customers around him felt bad for him being with me I'm sure! He hit the 'unlock' so I could get in the car and waited patiently to order our food. While I was in the van sobbing uncontrollably, mascara running everywhere, me thinking I'm TIRED, HUNGRY, SWOLLEN, CRYING AND IT CAN'T GET WORSE--- MY NOSE STARTED GUSHING BLOOD EVERYWHERE!!! POOR DH CAME OUT TO THE CAR AND DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO THINK! UGH! My chicken was BURNT and I ended up eating out of the vending machine with DH consoling me lol. As horrible as it felt at the time, the next day we had a good laugh about it! It was an experience to say the least haha!

Dr appt today-
Well the 4th doctor in a row has measured my belly, asked me the birth weights of my previous children (6lbs 10oz and 7lbs 2oz), then made a comment on how this baby will be bigger than the previous 2. I guess my facial expression changed when he said it b/c he said...bigger, not huge or anything just for sure bigger! Hmm... I go back in 2 weeks for my first internal exam, then weekly appts til delivery. YAY!!! Oh and baby is still head down. YAY!!!

B&B gives me a horrible time when trying to post I put them online at my studio site if anyone wants to take a look. There is a password it's 'babyklein' ---Oh and be warned, I am holding the girls in a pic lol. I haven't done the ARTSY editing to those pics yet...its on my to do list lol.
Beautiful pics Klein! Lots to choose from.

I posted a while back and it didn't work I guess. I can't remember what I said lol.

Oh my Urch, time is going so fast!!!!!

Sarah, I take the capsules too. I am taking oatstraw tea and soon Chamomile tea, but the raspberry leaf is not. My midwife is having me take 1.2mg 2x/day. So I take 2 capsules in morning and three at night.
klein the photos are amazing! my fave is #27 :kiss:
your family are so cute and you have a lovely extra fat on you!
where are your jeans from, I really like them
and LOL @ the mcd's story!!

care my raspberry is 480 mg each, are you sure yours are 1.2 mg???

urch soooo exciting you are booked for next week!
7 days to go :wohoo:
or fewer, depending on the outcome of today's antenatal and scan!

Klein, I love your pics! Especially the one where the 4 of you are stood in line #21 I think!
Sorry Sarah lol. 1.2 g twice a day. Wow my brain really has left me. My capsules are also 480mg. So by taking 5 I am taking 2.4g per day.

Klein, I wanted to tell you how beautiful your family is! You are so blessed.

Ladies, I am sorry for the TMI, but it is driving me crazy. So we finally had sex. I convinced my DH he wouldn't hurt my hip. Well that didn't happen. I thought from behind would be best, so we tried laying on our sides among other ways and it hurt. I have had this problem before but my doctor told me when I got pregnant it would go away. It honestly makes me react where I have to push away from him. So we tried all kinds of other ways. The only position that was comfortable was me on top. It wasn't too bad during, I could handle the pain, but later that night and days to follow it really hurt my hip/groin. I don't know what to do. It really made me sad. Our midwife is telling us to have sex often and I don't know how I can. So I have been brainstorming ideas so if any of you have any tips I am all ears.
Klein - great pics!! Sorry about the meltdown, I've had those. When DH and I went shopping in the States a little while back, we had a really long day. First we drove an hour and a half to Niagara, saw a play, and then drove another half hour to cross the border and get shopping. We shopped non-stop and we were running around shopping because there were great sales but because of the play we got to the mall pretty late. We were a tag team, I'd run into a store, grab things I'd like, set DH in line to pay while I ran to another store. Was so exhausting and I was soo swollen. Finally we went to Olive Garden and got a table around 10:30, when our food finally came I took one bite and started crying. I didn't have the energy left in me to eat, I couldn't raise the fork to my mouth - lol. Poor DH had to feed me and himself!

Care, DH has refused since 32-ish weeks since he doesn't want me to go early. He said we can start back up Wednesday, so lets see how it goes. I too have been thinking from behind or me on top. This isn't possible for us, because we have a low platform bed, but we did try this at a hotel at 30-ish weeks and it was great. If you lie on the bed so your back is on the bed but the bottom half of your body is hanging off the bed, DH can stand and hold your legs up... kinda like a wheel-barrow?
yes the wheelbarrow over the side of the bed might work as you are not really lying on your hip that way. although Ive found my lower half of body seems so heavy as Ive lost all core strength and so my hubby would have to really hold my legs up!!

for me I find the most painful is him from behind, its like I close up :blush: us on our sides has been great but thats no good for your hip.

but perhaps sex is just not possible for you now with your hip pain. perhaps you guys can just do foreplay and right at the end he can enter you so you get the benefit of the sperm? then he could help you orgasm? then at least you are being intimate, getting some sperm to your cervix and wont feel as sad :hugs:

Id also read that the 5 caps was the max so I will start that on thursday :happydance:
Yes Dis and Sarah, thank you! For some reason I kept thinking it had to be from behind so I don't have to open my legs so much, but that might work too.

Sarah, we talked about just foreplay too, and then try to get it to work last minute. We will try more things and see what works. He is so worried about hurting me though.

Speaking of these intimate things, have any of you been doing (or your DHs) perineal massage? I can't reach very well and me and the midwife assured my DH it wouldn't hurt me, so I think he is going to try. I need something because holy cow, I am like a virgin down there and I really don't want to tear. They say it can lessen burning as well when baby crowns.

We are almost ready to get the nursery together. We just need to stain a new stand I got to go beside the changing dresser. I have pretty much everything washed, but I don't have the bedding on the crib yet as my DH still has to raise the mattress. Most of the clothes are put away except the things I am putting in the dresser because it isn't in the room yet. The bassinet is in our room, and our bags are packed!

Ladies, I hear you on the emotions. They are so crazy! Lots of hugs, our LOs will be here soon!!!
I haven't done perineal massage, dont know how I feel about asking DH to do that actually. I'm 100% sure I'll tear. My dr did a cervix check last week and I tore from that! It was scary to see all this red blood when I went to the bathroom, then I realized it wasn't from inside but outside, I had a huge tear :(

I'm pretty sensitive down there in general unfortunately. Even before being preggo, I almost always have minor tears from bd'ing that sting in the morning but heal in a day or so.
Thanks for all the picture love ladies. :flower:

Dis-Your meltdown shopping trip sounds like a really long day as well! Nice to know I have someone to relate to!

Care-So sorry your hip is giving you issues and DTD problems! Hope the wheel barrel works for you.:winkwink:

Sarah-Those jeans I bought at Wal-Mart on the fly for $8.00. They aren't maternity...I bought them for a few beach pics 6 weeks ago in a much bigger size than normal. It's the only pair of anything that's not shorts I have. When it came time for picture day I completely forgot they probably wouldn't fit since they are non maternity. :dohh: Once I rememebered this, on picture day, I prayed all the way to the closet..."Lord, please let them fit. Please let them fit" It was a tight squeeze but they did fit!:haha: YAY!

Urch-Omg, it's so dang close now!!!:happydance:

Dis-I'm built small down there too. :blush:We use a ton of lube and I often have small tears from DTD. My previous doctor did an episiotomy with the last two births. It's a give me for me I guess and I've came to terms with it. :wacko:
I'm sure the blood did flip you out for a bit until you figured out where it came from.

Ok so I had to do a urine sample yesterday--no big deal right?!? Had to pee already so it's all good. N-O-T It's really flippin hard to catch your stream of urine when you can't see it!!! :wacko: TMI COMING- OMG and my pee was coming out like a fountain in 3 streams or something.:shrug: I felt like such an idiot. I peed all over my hand, all over the cup and the dang toilet seat! I've never done that in my life and with all my bladder issues I've been peeing in a cup since I was 8 yo!:dohh: It took me forever to get everything washed off and cleaned before I left the restroom. LOL. Thought that story might lighten someone's day!!! :haha:
lol Klein I'm the same - tying to get a urine sample when you can't see beneath your bump or reach under properly is a right performance ... I generally roll up my sleeve and aim for the sound of the trickle. doesn't help that I can only hold a thimbleful at a time, so if i miss it, it's gone! :haha:

News from Urchin Towers - I had my scan and antenatal today and:
Eenie is measuring at 7lbs 10oz ... so, a fair size but not outside the lines
Her tummy is in proportion, no sign of diabetes flabbiness
Fluid is at normal levels again - biggest pool measured 7.6
Dr is happy with bloods now I'm on double metformin - said no need for insulin
Pre-op booked for 1st October
C-section remains 2nd October
Sounds like the BD gets really difficult the bigger you get. I haven't done it in months now bc last time it hurt (no tears though) and my drive is nonexistent with all of the aches & pains. If i make it past 36 weeks & if i'm delivering natural, i may consider it but for now, i can't even think about it.
GL Urch! So close now!
At My appt friday, the babies are measuring 3lbs 3oz & 3lbs and 1 is head down & 1 transverse so if they are both head down, we will consider natural. I can't wait for updates from everyone so i know what to expect.
Urch-That's exactly how I felt. I barely got enough in the cup for the sample. I kept thinking they were going to say...nope we need more lol!
Have you got everything together? All last minute details taken care of? Anything left to do?
Marie-Sounds like good weights! I'm sure your pleased. I can only imagine the aches and pains of carrying 2. Hang in there!

Oh, while I was waiting in the exam room for the doc to come yesterday. I overheard 2 doctors talking outside my door. The one asked how it went and the other one said, it's done! The triplets delivery went great. Their weights were great and it was so much fun. (you could just hear the excitement in his voice, he was SOOOO was very cute, sorta kid in the candy store excitement lol) Anyway, when I was done with my appt I walked out he door and he was standing there grinning ear to ear! I asked him if he had a good time and he replied with 'the best, it was awesome' I just thought well that's least you enjoy your job! One compared to 3 may get a big boring though lol. He is my actual doctor and is very experienced and won tons of awards. I've been meeting all the others that COULD be on call when I deliver and honestly I have been thrilled with each and every one. They are all great. It's pretty inspiring in their office. They use Christian music in their lobby and while on hold over the phone. When you lay down it's Christian posters on the ceiling for you to look at lol. It's nice :) Just thought I'd share...I guess I get the same professional high when I upload customers pics and start to edit them hehe!
ohhhh Ive got a sore bump today. at first the pain seemed to be where bub was moving, almost like he is scraping me from the inside. but its continued even when he is not moving. I dont think its contractions (its only one side and I dont feel tightness, just soreness) and have no idea if its anything at all to do with things starting, will ask my MW later today when I have my apt.

care I did get a perineal gel from the UK and hubby was rubbing it on, not really a proper massage as they say to do. then he stopped as has been doing lots of construction work and he was paranoid his hands/nails were dirty (even after washing). so Ive been rubbing it on, but again not a good massage like they say. im sure not much helps and if you are going to tear you will. hopefully if we do it will be a quick recovery.
I can't imagine having two in there. I feel like there is no room in there already!

I just had lunch and my stomach feels sooo grossly full and tight, eventhough my lunch was smaller than pre-preg lunches. Its like the feeling when you have really tight pants on and can't wait to get them off, except I can't just unzip, lol!

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