Liles, what a beautiful little bean!!

So gorgeous xxxx Glad to know everything is ok. Do you feel better about it now?

Keep updating us!! Please don't forget about us, lol.

You're one funny duck. I think that's a lovely idea xxx
Curiosity, good luck with the house!!! It's nice to hear you're positive thoughts about this cycle. Still have everything crossed you have a sticky little bean
Glong, still plenty of time for that second line to come up. Even then, with IC's some ladies don't get their BFPS until closer to AF date and by the time they do FRER's are blazing. Sending you lots of

sweetie xx
Les, how're you going lovie? We haven't heard much from you. Hoping all is well
Loving all the theories about dick spoons by the way. Giving me a good giggle!
AFM, only a .01 temp rise this morning, so yesterday wasn't O. I guess it doesn't really matter too much when O happens, as long as my lp gets longer!! Still going to stick with my original AF due date of the 5th with a 27 day cycle as it was still that length last cycle. I was king of hoping O had already happened but no matter. Very annoyed with hubby at the moment, DICK SPOON ALERT,

He told me he had to work late but in fact was out drinking 😡 I don't care about that as much (I prefer it as I don't have to deal with him) but I've told him countless times, just let me know. He ended up coming home in a cab at God knows what hour, so who knows where our car is.
To top it all off, he was supposed to pay rent yesterday. We don't have much money left after my budget this week and I ant seem to find the recipt for rent in my snooping this morning. Will be a rude morning coffee for him this morning. Silly toss pot he is.
Anyway, hoping everyone is well and I'm very eager to see some more
