Arturia, fantastic news about house and possible bfp in a couple of weeks! After all the hard work and stress you must be over the moon
Liles, glad you're still feeling good about things!
Green, how is this cycle going for you?
Proud, sorry

got you, hopefully it's just pill getting out of your system and making way for a lovely clean cycle this cycle
Tiny, sorry it is proving hard for you and DH at the moment, I really do understand how it feels worrying there is something wrong with you. I have worried about my cycles for over 2 years and DH finds me really hard to deal with over it. When you just want something so badly it is so hard not to let it get you down. I have found vitex is helping me, it can take 6 weeks to 3 months to work so don't lose heart! Xx
Ali, sounds like you have similar ideas to me on a house, ours will need heating put in when we get it and redecoration but overall it is sturdy

have you seen any more you like?
Glong, so excited you're so close to testing! Fx'd this is your month
Mrsunicorn hopefully you have now ovulated! Good luck!
Matts hope all is going well with pregnancy!
Happy, glad you are finding it easier to check cervix position, I don't usually use that method but when I have it is really hard to tell much
Kk how exciting we are both on the same dpo! I am really pleased as following confusion last month I had my usual o bloating this month so left no doubt when I ovulated even before FF confirmed it. I'm hopeful that means it was healthy! Hate to symptom spot early as I don't want to be obsessive but other signs it is healthy are cramping, hunger, sore boobs and tiredness

when are you planning to start testing Hun?
Hope I haven't missed anyone and you're all OK! House is now being pushed along so I'm hoping we're nearly there
