Wow, you waited to try for a long time. I don't know how you waited that long. DD was easy fell PG first month of NTNP. This second baby has been 5 months TTC, then MMC... Now hoping O happened or is going to.
I just found my forum from the 2ww last time I got a bfp. My symptoms were loads of creamy cm and sore boobs.
My boobs aren't sore at all![]()
For your viewing pleasure - because you all know that we LOVE squinting at these things!! They are blurry as all get out, but you can't get perfect photos of these thingsThese are both from 8dpo.
This IS a lucky thread!! I am so happy to be a part of it, you all are so much fun and such great support!!
I just found my forum from the 2ww last time I got a bfp. My symptoms were loads of creamy cm and sore boobs.
My boobs aren't sore at all![]()
Don't worry hun, my boobs weren't sore at all with my daughter or last time, Symptoms are different in each pregnancy
MrsMcK, thos tests are FAB! Brilliant lines for 8DPO!
OH just rang, they didn't have the double pack of tests in so he just bought two. Now to try and resist the urge to find them tomorrow morning, I need to POAS again, me thinks its time to do another ov testI am soooo addicted, if money was no object I would POAS until the day I died
Thanks Wiggler! You to. It is crazy how fast they grow.
Ladies hang in there! This is a lucky thread! Don't count yourself out unless the uglyshows her face.
Cheryl: Might've been... But if you ovulated on CD11, 12 or 13 and are on CD27. Then AF is due... and you should be able to get a! You should test, if you O'd on CD 13, you'd be 14dpo! I can't wait for you to test! Come on BFP!
AFM: I might still be waiting on O. Many women start surges until the last one. And some have had to wait until CD in the 40's for O. Grrr! Just going to try some patience I don't have...
Sorry its hugeTop one is this morning, bottom one is just now
Just got my!! It's a faint one, but it is there. Did two tests and both are positive
Sooooo excited and scared at the same time. I'm only 8dpo so i knowitis super early and alot can still happen. Going to call dr in the morning and come in ASAP for blood draws since I miscarried last time due to low progesterone, they wanted to follow me as soon as the HPT was positive.
I'm praying so hard - a Christmas miracle would be just perfect!