Wow Poppy so exciting! I used ICs with my first pregnancy, and the first day I saw anything I threw it away thinking it was an evap it was so faint. Then I woke up the next morning very nauseous and had to run to the bathroom, so took another IC that day and the line was faint, but definitely a line that day (made me realize the one the day before was my first sign--even though it was soooo faint!)
Also, when I was in my TWW last time, I had the cold of a LIFETIME with the worst blocked nose and sore throat I'd had in a long time!
So, I feel really positive that you are going to see a darker line next time! Fingers crossed and !
So I did an OPK and HPT just now LOL. both negative. Feeling achey on both sides again now I wish I knew what my body was doing. Urgh, no more testing for anything until the 13th or 14th.
It's actually quite a common sign of early pregnancy during the TWW! Honestly, all of the symptoms you have been posting have sounded so spot on I wasn't surprised at all when you said you had a bit of a line today (in fact, I'd kinda been waiting for it )!
I am so excited for you, I really hope the line gets darker and it is your BFP and sticky bean!
All of these stories give me so much hope, especially since my m/c bleeding is finally slowing down and will hopefully stop very soon!
Poppy dont give up yet! You said it was a couple of hours til the line appeared earlier?
Have you saved a nice strong sample to test with when he gets home??
4 hours and don't drink too much, also I don't know if its true but Superdrug early tests are apparently more sensitive than FRERs. Got my fingers crossed for you x x x
Poppy just hold as long as you can but important not to drink loads. Pee into something when you need to go and see if you think it looks dark enough? Asda own tests are great too!!!!
Well hubby leaves about 6 so will miss Superdrug. But perfect timing for holding pee. It will be about 4 hours when he gets home and I won't be drinking until then
haha that's alright! when I first joined the forum, I eventually figured out what FMU was and then a couple of days later got confused by SMU (second morning urine) and felt pretty silly
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