I think I am in your same boat. I just had another LH surge on CD 21, my opks were more positive than the ones on CD7-9, when I thought I o'd. My temps never really supported that theory, so I was kind of skeptical for o'ing so early.
I am a cd 15-16 o'er on any normal cycle. I thought maybe I o'd early because of my chemical, I am today 3 weeks from the start of my chemical.
It seems now that I maybe have O'd late, today on CD 21 with my temps seeming more supportive and my opks but let's see if I get 3 days of higher temps.
Can you have more that one LH surge that is "fake"? I would hate to not O again after the last "fake" O on CD 9.
Symptoms wise, I have just had the dull backackes and just a bit nauseous since CD 9, yesterday and this morning I have had sharper pains and more ovulation pains, but after this past month, everything feels the same, it's just pain.
Anyone with some words of encouragement or advice??
Is this normal?
Anyways, CONGRATS to youi BFP'ers!! How exciting! Looks like alot of holiday babies coming up this year!!