Lucky thread

That's awesome bump (about not needing an internal).

Question - is your uterus tilted? Mine is apparently (though I was never told during my pregnancy with my DD?), and I've heard that can affect whether an internal is needed this early.

I have a titled Uterus, and I've never heard anything about that theory.... I think even with a titled uterus, it flips back to normal when you are pregnant. Did with my DD and then tilted back again after delivery :dohh:

: :hugs: I pray things get resolved soon so you can get back to TTC. Great to see your postive attitude
Congrats to all the BFPs!

I hope I can join you soon! I feel nauseous, again 5 days in a row :( I won't be thrilled if I've been feeling like this all this time and I don't get a BFP. Still going to wait until I think Wednesday at least before I test.
I'm waiting for a dnc cos mines has been a mmc this time... Il be ttc ASAP hope u get ur BFP Hun. Xx
My uterus is tilted and I seen the baby abdominally and internally at 6 weeks last time. I don't think it matters, I just drank a lot of water and there it was!

Depends on the machine more I think x
aww cheryl sorry to hear hun take care of yourself.. i spose the only good thing from a d n c is that u dont bleed much after so you can ttc asap sorry i know theres not really anything good about it but u get what i mean xx
Hi everyone :wave:

Bump congratulations :happydance: what a lovely pic already

Congratulations sweetz what a lovely surprise

Bailey I'm glad the postman arrived I would start testing from cd10 to make sure you don't miss the surge

Dani happy no pressure bd'ing I hope you catch that eggy

Mummy good luck for testing in the morning

Shellie I hope you feel better soon and get your bfp

Cheryl I hope your limbo ends soon hun and you don't have to wait too long for the d&c xx
Mrs Duck I hope you're doing ok!

I forgot to mention, I had a dream last night about having a "gender reveal" party LOL. I think it was cuz I saw a pin on it on, and me and OH were discussing doing cake pops for our wedding, so those things got mashed in my brain last night. In my dream I'm trying to make cake pops for this party and trying to make them with my eyes closed cuz I don't want to see the colour yet (not exactly something you could do in real life thou LOL)
Lol, Shellie I've seen those gender reveal cake things, looks like such a great way to find out! I'd still be far too impatient for that!!

Bump - yay I'm so hard it went well and little bean is doing well!!

Cheryl - hope you are closer to getting it all sorted hun

Mummy - looking forward to that BFP tomorrow from you!!

Dani - glad you are more relaxed about it, must be nice to enjoy dtd more!! I don't think my head is in the right place to be relaxed yet. Think I need to do another month of opk's and really trying before I can try and do the relaxed approach.

Hope everyone's ok today!
Ok hubby and I are headed to Jamaica for vacation for a week! I'm really excited but a tiny part of me in the back of my head is very nervous for results this cycle as we're already in the 2ww. I should find out on the trip if we are pregnant or not...maybe...i'm scheduled to get my period on or about the 10th...we get back on the 11th. So I won't be temping or charting at all while we're gone so I think this month will just be a surprise either way. I know I'll be thinking about it a little but I'm going to try not to stress and just enjoy this vacation and maybe luck is in our favor this time. Pray for us/wish us luck, whatever it takes. I will check back in when we return and see how all of you ladies are doing and give you an update on me! :dust: to all!!!
Hi everyone! I've been missing lately. DH was on vacation for a week. We spent it as a family and they kept me busy for my birthday. Which was June 27. I know theres a lot of July anniversaries in here... :happydance: And soon there will be added July BFP's! :happydance: I had to read back over 40 pages in here. :)

Cheryl: I'm so sorry that this wasn't a new pregnancy! I truly hoped and thought it was. :hugs: I'm all for adoption, but I also understand where DH is coming from. Don't give up! It'll happen for you! It has too. It's also very possible. I hope the NHS testing finds a problem if there is one, and you concieve your forever baby as soon as you TTC. I hope you never have to get your heartbroken over loss again. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Cath: I hope you are feeling better physically. I'm glad to hear your tube was saved. I hope the 3 month waiting goes fast and that your concieve your forever baby cycle 1 ttc, again. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Duck: I'm sorry you are waiting! I hope you can TTC right after the operation! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Dani: I hope your neverending AF ends. How cruel for her to stay so long!! I hope you get pregnant fast and I'm sorry its taking so long. :hugs:

Shellie: I hope this is your month and that you are about to see your BFP on Wednesday! Your symptoms are great! And I think that dream is a huge sign. I had a dream like that in my 2ww. :happydance:

Tawn: I'm so glad you finally got your positive OPK. I usually always had 3 days of positive OPKS. With O, occuring on the second day. Alot of it depends on the sensitivity of your OPKs. (They vary.) Mine were more sensitive and gave longer advance notice of O. I still think you got enough BD in for your BFP! :happydance:

Poppy: I'm glad you found reassurance with your doppler! :) I bought the same one Sololine B off of ebay for $52 USD! I've been using it for almost a week and no luck on finding baby. I'm going to keep trying though. I wonder if my uterus is more to the back? It's just to early? Or I have more cushion? I'm not worried yet, though. Can't wait to hear about your scan and see picture... So, I can throw out my gender guess. :)

Welcome Amy and Sweetz! Congratulations on your BFP's! :happydance:

Bailey, Fletch, Mummy, ttcbaby, Tawn, Shellie: Hoping more than anything that July is the month you concieve your forever babies! :hugs:
TTC- have an amazing, relaxing holiday! I hope you come back to a big, fat BFP!

Mummy_2_One, have you tested yet today?! Excited for you hun!

Shellie, hopefully the dreams are a big TWW symptom. I had super vivid dreams during my TWW when I got my first bfp! Fx'd!

Leinzlove, so glad you got some great family time for your birthday! When is your next scan hun?

Dani, jealous of your relaxed attitude! I am not 100% sure I o'd as my OPKs have been quite dark consistently since Friday, but I CBA to dtd yesterday as I am a bit worn out from my unbelievably long "fertile" period. Hope this new approach gets you a bfp hun!

Cath, how are you doing hun?

Cheryl, fingers crossed that you get an appt soon and can start TTC asap! :hugs:

Bump, beautiful scan! So happy for you, I have a feeling this is your forever baby!

Sorry if I missed anyone!

AFM, I am going INSANE because I am not sure I o'd this cycle yet. My OPKs were +Friday, Saturday and Sunday--then Monday morning was close to + and then went neg (with more diluted urine) in the afternoon and eve and now I just did one with FMU today, Tuesday, and this is what I got! Uhg. Last cycle when I had a +opk it went negative the next day..... Does this (today's) look positive to you girls? Why isn't it going blank!?!?!!?!
Tawn were the others darker? It is close but if I had a darker one I would count that. Also some months I miss the surge as in Jan I had a pretty dark opk and got pg so I'd count it as still possible O and DTD if you can, KWIM? Anything close to pos I would count as a maybe.....

I get dark opks all month, so I go with my BBT and other signs as well as opk, this month no opk at all! I have none in the house.

I have some crappy ICs but no desire to use one!
Thanks Dani. My OPKs back over the weekend were darker than this one (very obviously positive) but as I have had dark(ish) ones since--ones that look either positive or JUST below positive, it makes me wonder WHAT is going on with my body this cycle! I had sharp right sided ovary pain last night (the kind I get when a follicle is forming) but nothing compared to the serious ovulation cramps and pains I had on Friday and Saturday. :wacko:

Just took another OPK with SMU (held wee for 3 hours but not super dark) and it was negative, but the second line was pretty dark for me still (mine go very very faint when neg usually). CM is veryyyyy creamy and lotiony but has tiny spots of EW in it?????

So I guess I will just have to hope I have O'd for real because DH and I haven't dtd since Saturday late night. I think both of us need a break from sexy time as we were waiting for ovulation for about 2 1/2 weeks and were very consistently trying--I'm knackered! :haha:
Ttcbabyisom - have a fab holiday hun!! Bring us back a BFP :haha:

Tawn - mine are usually quite blank too, but if they are positive a lot I'd say maybe you already O'd when it was darkest.....not sure tbh, these cheap opk's confuse me! I get where you are coming from with being too tired as well, happened to me last month as I was working ridiculously long shifts at around the time of O. We missed a day too but I don't think that's why we didn't catch the eggy, as we dtd when my opk was darkest. I'm trying preseed this month to give those lazy spermies a helping hand lol!!

Hope everyone is ok today, I'm currently arguing with the oh over money and smoking! I'm not trying to make him quit, but I really wish he'd cut down or try to quit. It's costing so much money and I don't want out baby to have a parent who smokes. But I can't make him, I just wish he was putting as much effort into ttc as I am.....I am a huuuuuge coffee lover but I've cut down to just one cup a day, I'm on a diet to try and get healthier, joined the gym. Feel like the least he could do is try!! This is why I think ttc is so much harder for women, men just don't get it sometimes!!
Thanks Bailey.

I am sorry you and the OH are having a rough day! Money is one of those things that causes the most stress in a relationship (my parents always said they only ever fought about money worries), and couple that with ttc and it is bound to overflow! Honestly, DH and I have had more petty little rows in the last couple of months than ever before, because I am super stressy when TTC and we have been trying to sort money out to move to a bigger house... So I feel ya hun!

And with all the effort you are making to be healthy, it is hard not to resent the men as all they have to do is "show up" so to speak! I know when DH and I first met, I told him I don't date smokers (family history of serious health issues with smoking has caused me to personally just really not like it) and he stopped in order to be with me. Even though I never told him to quit per se, in fact I told him not to quit if it was just for me, he still likes to make me feel guilty that he "did it for me" whenever he is craving a smoke--4 years later!!! :dohh:
Just got my opk's in the post....reading the info it says to start using on cd6, is this just a way of them making more money by us using too many opk's coz to me that seems a little too early! I only got my positive opk on cd17 last month! But don't know when I normally O otherwise coz of mc and coz I only got pg one month after stopping bc pill!

And has anyone used the cb digi opk's with fmu as it states you can use them anytime of day but they are only sensitive to 40uml (or whatever it is lol). My problem is I work weird shifts so can't always test.....somedays I do 14 hour shifts. Has anyone managed to identify that they had O'd by using fmu with them? This is so complicated!!

And to make it worse im not talking to oh! As well as asking me to give him some of my money (he spent all his) for fags, I've just found his new contract of employment as I'm tidying, he's been promoted to Acting Heaf Chef and didn't even tell me!! I'm still gonna demand he try to get me pregnant this week though haha! (make up sex is awesome anyway lol :haha:)
Yeah I don't wanna make my oh quit coz I'm sure he'd make me feel guilty too Tawn, but I've been a bit mean and keep saying that he could buy baby clothes with the money he spends on fags, and nappies, and that he won't be able to play football in the park as he gets so out of breath coz he smokes!! I'm evil lol!!
My OH smokes too. He tried quiting when I was preg but stress got to him and he still smokes. At least he only does it outside thou as he used to smoke inside before we moved to our current place in November. I know he'll try again whenever I get my BFP.

Still feeling sick in my tummy. Had some AF type cramps this morning. Donno if I will test tomorrow CD12 or wait until Sunday if I'm late. Alright off to start my shift in 4 minutes!
Aww bailey - men can super suck sometimes. Things may change for him when there's a tiny little person on the way :hugs:

Tawn - could you have O'd twice this month...? I also get pain during ovulation, and some months it hangs around for days to a week afterwards too. OPKs would do my head in I think!!

AFM... I took a test this morning... and got a BFN, which doesn't surprise me cause it's still so early. I had some spotting yesterday afternoon (mostly brown but a little pink too, just when I wiped) - enough to freak me right out! But it all settled down within a few hours which makes me feel better. I had a little more brown spotting today, mixed with increased CM, but it all ties in with IB I guess (?? about 9 DPO today ??) so I'm trying to stay cool. Definitely feeling pregnant though :happydance:

Doc has given me the ok this morning to start on baby aspirin as he doesn't think it could hurt anything. I'm still keen on an early pos though so I can get some testing done for progesterone levels.

:dust: to all who are still in the TWW. And super sticky :dust: to those expecting =)
Shellie, I can't wait for you to test!

Mummy_2_One, 9DPO is super early yet! I am sure you are going to get your BFP in the next couple of days! That spotting certainly sounds like IB to me!

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