Yay Poppy! Keep us posted!
MrsMcK....... when will you get more test results?
Got my progesterone today. Came back at 24!! Woo Hoo! Won't need progesterone supplements!
HCG is at 9 on 9dpo. The Dr. said it is low and it is "bad news". However, it was my first HCG with this pregnancy and the number is usually irrevelant, they want to know what it will look like in 48 hours. Online the charts say 5-50 is normal for the 3 week range - the day of the test I was 3+2 so I just keep being optimistic that it is low because it is so early!! I go back tomorrow and get the results on Thursday. I'm praying so hard that it doubles (or more!!) This is sooooo nerve wracking!
My HPT's aren't getting darker so I am scared...even though I know it takes days before they will get darker. I hate waiting.
Thanks for the advice ladies. I don't know what to do. I think maybe if I get a 3+ on a digi by next monday then I will go see midwife on the tuesday appt that I have made. I have just googled and it said that to get a 3+ on digi levels HCG need to be 2000. I think I have seen somewhere that at this level something can be seen on scan. Hopefully if I get a 3+ then I should see something?? If I am still getting only 2-3 weeks I might TRY hold off another week!
POPPY.....what time do you hope to test?????
My doctor said your levels have to be above 2,000 to see a sac and a small bean on the ultrasound.