Aww no worries ladies! I am just so happy to have your BFPs to inspire me!
And I know I am going to be a mess from worry if I get pregnant again this month so I completely understand the need for some general guidelines to go by with the scans. Since my last pg was tubal, my GP said I had to call immediately after getting my next +HPT so they can start doing tests! Talk about stress!
Officially done bleeding today and a negative HPT, so I am counting down the days to ovulation. Plus with the long Easter weekend coming up, it will be nice to have some quality time with DH, been missing having cuddles that weren't tearful and sad.
MrsMcK, when do you get your next blood test to check that your HCG is doubling beautifully!?
Toothfairy, have you done another digital test? Or are you waiting awhile to give it time to get that 3+?