Lucky thread

FX hun!!! Thats right we both need to get our BFPs before holidays as we dont want any unwanted visitors!! what date you on holidays??

Why dont you make Drs appointment hun just to find out? there is no harm in asking and if it makes you feel better it will put your mind at rest then wont it?

Oohhhhhh is it really that cold where you are? i bet the temperature out there right now is what sort of temp we have in a British summer :rofl:

Cath, since your OPK in the evening was not + and you are having your O pains and your CM is stretchy, but not quite EW, I honestly don't think you've O'd yet. I think you are getting closer, but I think those morning OPKs are messing you up a bit because your FMU is so concentrated. Can't be certain, but it is more likely that you get O pains before your +OPK, so I think you might have a few days? Just a thought. And it is totally normal for both sides to hurt, each month is usually a competition between the ovaries and the side that matures the egg/follicle first wins! :)

Bailey, I am not really understanding what all the hype is about with 50 shades to be honest. I will read it all the way through to see what all the fuss is about, but frankly the writing IS horrible and there isn't much of a story line besides the sex for me... The smutty bits are hot and all, but there really is no build up or story to back it. Eh, just my opinion!!! LOL, maybe I will change my mind when I've finished the series, I am currently half way through the 2nd book. Good luck on your 12 hour day!

Cupcake, these are the OPKs I get (from Amazon) if you buy the 50 pack, it is only 16p a stick, which is really cheap and I have good results with these. happy peeing!! lol

Thurl, glad we hadn't scared you off! :) We were worried our chatter is a bit overwhelming at times, but it sure does help pass the ttc time!

Mummy, def go to your doctor and just ask? When did you last get a smear test? Maybe if it is time to get one again, you can just double up and ask while you're there?

AFM, nothing interesting going on in my TWW today. No nausea so far this morning, nipples are only very slightly sensitive but barely noticeable. Boobs are big and heavy, but that is normal PMS for me. Nothing going on uterus wise, which I am finding a bit disheartening. But it is good cause I would rather be resigned to a bfn than be heartbroken by it! So I almost feel it is a blessing that I am not full of TWW symptoms at the moment.

I will def be able to hold out until Sunday to test, and then will likely wait until Wednesday (14dpo) after that if it is a bfn. Feeling NO urge to POAS, which is very strange for me! Sorry for the blasphemy Cath :haha:!
Hi everyone!

Hope your days are going well!

Tawn I might have to read it just to see! You never know unless you try do you?!

Mummy2 - thanks for that, like I said it was probably just a natural worry that unfortunately turned out to be true. I just hate the thought of getting all the way to the 12 week again to find out the same thing. Wish I could just have a scan now.

Best get back to work!!
Thats what i thought too hun, last nights was almost pos! one corner was a bit fair if you get what i mean lol my OPKS have started to go back faint now though :-( after doing some more reading (I am THAT Bored Lol) They say not to use FMU as your LH surge hasnt had a chance to wake up and you will get false negs and miss the surge as most women get pos OPKs in the evenings later in the day etc but my fmu were getting progressivly darker as the days went on soooooooooooooooooo i think my LH surge is more awake in the am??#After everything thats gone on with me i wont be suprised if i am in the small minority of women who gets a lh surge in the morning lol, Im not 100% but i think i always got my OV pains after my pos OPK? Not sure though as iv only monitered my OV for a handful of times :-(

Ohhh 50 Shades.........hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm the first book was good, the 2nd i loved the 3rd................WTF?!?! It was shockingly poop!!!

OH TAWN NO SWEARING PLEASE!! please please please POAS!!! xxxxx
I'm currently reading 3rd book at the moment. I'm not that impreased so far.
Funny you should say that Tawn... I am due for a pap smear. I've been avoiding having it done because I had an irregular one before we conceived DD and had to have surgery to remove some pre-cancer cells. Just worried about that happening again, but avoiding the test won't make sure it won't happen! I don't have a good dr at the moment for these kinds of things... The guy we see is a family friend of my DH and I've already bored him with all the details of both of my MCs (he's ordered all the bloods etc so far and seen me through them both) but to be honest he seems uncomfortable with it all. He's written me a referral for a gynae but that was over a month ago and I haven't heard from them about an appt yet.

I just can't help but think that something to do with my c-section with DD has damaged me or something? I don't feel like I've had a 'normal' cycle since she was born. I just wish I could remember whether I had mid-cycle spotting before my BFP with our first angel baby. Other than that I think it's been every cycle since I've been 'regular' (my periods were stopped altogether while I breastfed and then all over the place for about 6 months after I stopped and I'm pretty sure we fell pregnant on my first normal cycle since her birth and that was when she was 20 months old).

Cath - we go on holidays on the 3rd of Sept and get back on the 14th.
Hi ladies just logged on for a quick update otherwise I'll have loads to read tonight x

Cath I agree with you about 50 shades, first book was ok, I enjoyed the 2nd and 3 was awful x

Cath I would keep doing the opks if I was you just to make sure O isn't still to arrive especially as no ewcm yet x

Tawn I can't wait for you to test x and those are the same opks that I get x

Bailey I hope your 12 hour shift goes quickly x

Mummy I'm sure everything is fine but be sure to have your smear done soon and mention your concerns to your dr while you are there I'm sure they will be able to reassure you x
3rd is rubbish! i honestly didnt see the point in writing it lol! what a rubbish ending aswell!!

yeh im going to continue them throughout today, just done some more research and ovulation pain occurs the day after a pos opk, i went out on my lunch and every step was niggling me, little stitch pain in my EP side, TBH i dont really know if i did have ewcm or just plain old CM i havent been monitering it as much as i did previously, before i was always checking it but now i forget and just wipe with a tissue and think 'Aaahhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooo!! i needed to check lol' sorry if tmi girls im in a really random mood today lol

How you feeling anyway hun xxx
OMG Ladies IGNORE ME PLEASE!! I am doing my own head in!! i just found this website:

I have been having the middle picture for a while, strechy but not too stretchy for the past 2 nights whilst doing zumba i have had to put pants on as i was feeling not right down there, before i had a shower last night i went to the loo, wiped and felt quite slippery - i am thinking it maybe EWCM!? Does that sound normal or not lol? sorry if im annoying you xxx
Thanks Mrs Duck. I will make an appt for early next week I think. Too many things could be causing the early spotting and given my history I need to rule out the cervical cancer option at least. Another thing I just read (YES, I've been consulting Dr Google!!!) is that aspirins can do it, stress an do it (duh, I'm TTC, of course I'm stressed!) and also PCOS, which I was thought to have had before we fell pg with DD.

It's doing my head in so I'm off to bed.

You haven't scared me off haha my DD managed to get a virus on my laptop so been trying to get rid of that!! And also I can't keep up with you you chat so much! My OH doesn't really know I come on here and would probably say I am a tcc obsessed nutjob if he knew :D
I agree about the ttc being expensive, I've just stocked up on the Sasmar lube stuff cos found it made things a lot easier last time we were trying, and I just don't really seem to get much CM either so I thought it can't do any harm!
Also, yes the Fifty Shades books ARE repetitive and badly written, I've read 1 and 2 but started 3 about 3 weeks ago and am struggling to read it it is so corny!! Don't want to spoil it for any one but some of the things Mr.Grey does if he did them to me it would be him getting spanked not me! Lol xx
Its best to go and have a full MOT hun especially if its worrying you, and we all now ttc is stressful enough without having other things to worry about!! im getting an MOT done to check for any infections, i think your wise having a smear aswell.

Good night hun xxx
You haven't scared me off haha my DD managed to get a virus on my laptop so been trying to get rid of that!! And also I can't keep up with you you chat so much! My OH doesn't really know I come on here and would probably say I am a tcc obsessed nutjob if he knew :D
I agree about the ttc being expensive, I've just stocked up on the Sasmar lube stuff cos found it made things a lot easier last time we were trying, and I just don't really seem to get much CM either so I thought it can't do any harm!
Also, yes the Fifty Shades books ARE repetitive and badly written, I've read 1 and 2 but started 3 about 3 weeks ago and am struggling to read it it is so corny!! Don't want to spoil it for any one but some of the things Mr.Grey does if he did them to me it would be him getting spanked not me! Lol xx

I just nearly burst out laughing :rofl: hahahahaaa Mr Grey got on my nerves after a while, and the sex..........oh please!!! Im sorry but no woman i know can climax from 3 minutes sex and then shouts his name?! You would never think a woman had wrote that!! i agree it is VERY badly written! Just goes to show sex sells!!

oohhh how much was that lube hun? im normally ok in the dept but this month its been quite iffy so i may buy it? I thought my OH Would be like that about me coming on here but its done wonders for us cause i no longer talk about babies 24/7 to him ll xxx
Ha yeah that's true actually, caught him peering over my shoulder a few times then shaking his head lol!
The lube is 14.99 for 8 little tubes, from Boots. I had colposcopy a few years ago for abnormal cells and wonder if that why I don't get much?? It's handy aswell for when either of you might be tired or just not in the mood and can speed things along. Don't get me wrong I love me OH to bits but there's no denying ttc sex gets boring when you compare it to no holds barred just for fun and giggles sex!! (Mr. Grey style minus the flogger lol!! ) xx
oohhh i might get that? We were naughty the last time i had to go to hospital for my bloods, we 'borrowed' some lube that was in a draw next to us haha i havent used any of it yet though! i might have to buy the one that you got though, i was in boots earlier, wish i had a nose at it. it does get boring and repetitive i totally agree with you on that, we are quite lucky we have been together 2 years in January so our sex life is still all giggles etc so not too bad, i just hope it never gets to the 'chore' stage.

how you feeling hun? xxx
I'm good got a day off work so mainly trying to do as little as possible :) I am still arguing with myself over whether to ttc at the end of this month or wait til september. I'm so excited to start but I will hate myself if something goes wrong next time because I didn't wait long enough! Aaargh! It will have been 12 weeks and 3 days. Been looking into improving egg quality and got some royal jelly yesterday :) xxx How are you? xx
ohhh i hope the weather is nice where you are then hun? its beautiful here but stuck in work :-(

Where did you get that Royal Jelly from? was it expensive? I need to get me some of that!! i honestly dont think anything will go wrong hun, your on a high dosage of folic acid youve done everything the right way.

im ok thanks hun :) xxx
Cath, if it makes you feel any better, after I wrote that I'm not tempted to POAS, I hopped over to Countdowntopregnancy and was looking at 9dpo symptoms and 9dpo tests and got a serious urge to do one NOW! Lol. So I don't doubt I will be dying to do a test on Sunday, which is only two sleeps! And btw, I love how obsessed you are with your CM today :haha: Did you really pull up those pictures at work!!?

Shelby, glad we didn't scare you off! lol. Sounds like you have done so much to get back into ttc shape! Isn't 12 weeks the recommended amount after MTX anyway? Or do you want to wait another cycle for peace of mind? I've never heard of that lube, is it sperm friendly? I don't have much of a problem with cm, but we did use preseed last cycle just to test it out but didn't fall pg.
Awwwww Tawn PAAALLLLLEEEEAAASSSEEEEEE Test on Saturday lol i cant bloody wait!!!!! haha you have got me all excited!!!!! Hahaha i know, i think its because iv been concentrating more on my OPKs than anything else so havent paid much attention to it if you get me? :rofl: i had it opened in the most smallest window on my PC lol it was TINY i was so scared incase someone caught me lol!!

Tawn when was your 12 weeks up hun? xxx

Actually did you have MTX? xxx
Nope, no shot for me. Actually, my biyatch of a doctor didn't even offer it to me! I found out via scan it was ectopic, then sat sobbing in her office totally unconsolable and she said, "we are taking you down to surgery to remove your tube" no discussion, nothing!

Then I was prepped for surgery and they came in right before I went down, with DH and I crying in the room an said "ooopps we should have waited for your bloodwork first. Your numbers are not what we expected. Either you have a viable pregnancy in your womb as well as the one in your tube (I had a pseudosac growing in my uterus) or you will miscarry naturally. Sorry!"

I was so angry and then had to wait to see if we had any hope at all. But I miscarried naturally and didn't have the MTX or surgery. So I think I was lucky

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