Lucky thread

You're up late too poppy, I know it took forever to read through today's posts.

Poppy I don't think for one minute they are talking about you hun x

You get given so many leaflets you give up reading them, sorry you had to pay for your early scan when you didn't need to but I'm sure it was worth it to see that heartbeat xx

When do you have your 4d scan? X
I can't sleep!
My sil had her baby today and it sounds awful but I am REALLY jealous!
She was due 5 weeks before I was originally. She gets everything she wants and always before me. She got engaged before me, married 5 weeks before me, pregnant before me (without even trying). She wanted a girl and got a girl
Y is it so easy for some people?
I must sound horrible, ESP as I am pregnant again

Sorry needed a moan and couldnt say it it hubby

Y u up so late mrs d?

Ps I think I may know who they were talking about. Just wanted to check it wasn't me
No honestly ladies, the person in discussion would not have taken the time to read anyone elses posts so wouldn't even know it had been said! It's not you poppy!!
Everyone reading its none of you!! This person would not be reading it now it was ages ago!!! End of lol!!!

Hope we didn't upset anyone making them think it was then!! I take it all back, pretend we never said owt!!

Anyways mrs d it sounds like you had an amazing day!! So amazing!! You oh sounds wonderful!

Poppy - I'll have to see what midwife says at my booking appointment I think. My gp was bloody useless last time and barely gave me any info. He sounded totally clueless and just told me to book with the midwife so I'll wait til I see her next week. I know they will try and discourage me because my angel only passed at 11 weeks last time so an early scan won't tell me anything but I am worried that my babies overall development wasn't progressing right and that would show on an earlier scan coz I'm getting so worried about going to another scan just to see another angel passed away with no warning. Do you think she'll refer me if I say that?

And just had a cry at oh over the housework lol. Didn't mean to but he didnt seen like he was paying attention and at the end he said "look I will do more but just because I don't do it one day doesn't mean I'm not going to do it at all" which made me burst into tears coz I told him it has to be done and it can't be put off when he feels like it coz I will end up doing it and he can't act like that when we have a baby!! Think he finally understands!!
I can't sleep either, hubby is sound asleep beside me

No you don't sound horrible it is totally understandable, I really wish I knew why some people have everything the want in life and why everything always goes well for them and others seem to be unfortunate throughout their life???

That's why we are here hun, we all need a good vent, a good cry or a good laugh and we are all here to listen to each other no matter which it is xxx

Ps I think I know who it is too
And poppy I can't sleep either. I fell asleep earlier and now wide awake!!

Aw poppy it doesn't sound bad at all, and I know exactly how you feel. My SIL is 24 weeks now and I should have been 28 weeks, it wa supposed to be me getting to all the milestones first not her and I feel so jealous. But she is lovely my SIL so then I feel bad for feeling jealous.
Lol mrs d my oh is trying to sleep next to me lol! I might get told off in a minute though coz of the light from my phone so may have to say goodnight!!
I would mention it bailey, worst case scenario is they say no wait til 12 weeks but hopefully they will give you a reassurance scan.

Don't feel bad girls for feeling jealous we all do, we were robbed of our babies it's only natural xx

I'm sure a moan at your oh will do the world of good,mand you can just blame your hormones :winkwink: x
I'm on dh's iPad and he keeps turning over coz of the light so I think I'm going to get shouted at in a moment too x
Thanks mrs d. I will mention it definately, like you say worth a shot!

And I guess as long as we keep that jealousy to ourselves and just have a moan on here there is no harm done. In fact I just bought SIL some baby clothes to show my support etc so it's all good.

And I think my crying was most deffo down to hormones as it came from nowhere but my point was deffo valid lol, as much as the hormones make me crazy at least they are a good excuse sometimes!!

And yeah I think I'm really gonna have to go now, really should try and sleep at least, plus oh is at work in the morning do best let him sleep too!!

Night mrs d, night poppy!! (I feel like one of the Waltons, night Jim Bob lol)
Hey ladies I thought I'd bump in before bed

Night out wasn't so good..... oh and I ended up arguing over something stupud,he's so drunk then I broke down crying about everything,I just couldn't stop,feel so much better now

Haven't had a chance to read through everything but iv messaged London,quite hurt by her response,don't know how many times we have said its a person from a while back...poppy its not you we said this person wouldn't have taken the time to read it.....

Anyway!!!! How you doing ladies xxx
Cath sorry your night out wasn't great. I hate drunken fights cause sometimes it gets hard to remember why you're upset! Glad you feel better after a good cry tho

I love that you all are/were up too! I was soundo at 10:30 then woke up when DH came to bed at 1 and can't get back to sleep!

Ps I want to apologize for even making that comment in passing! I've found it frustrating and hurtful in the past, but like I've said a million times today it seems I would never have even said 2 words about it if I thought it would hurt anyone's feelings!!!!!! If you have ever, even once!!! Asked any other person on this thread how they are or congratulated them or cheered them on or gave them a virtual hug or anything IT IS NOT YOU! Seriously!!! I hope I have been nothing but supportive on this thread and for one comment made in the middle of saying how amazing you all are to blow up so big is crazy.
Don't apologize hun,I think we were all thinking it but just you hd the guts to say it,I'm glad you did I.was thinking it was just me lol xxx

How you feeling hun xxx

It was over summit stupid and then all of a sudden the water works started..... I think its cause I'm scared of seeing my grandad tomorrow,I know I'm going to be was quite cute...we were both sat on the curb and I literally broke my heart,feel loads better its because I haven't seen hun propeelly since Tuesday, Arghhh enough of me!!!@ xxx
Awww Cath I am sorry Hun. I am sure tomorrow is gonna be so tough for you! I will be thinking about you and your granddad hoping you have a nice visit :hugs:

I'm good, just annoyed to be wide awake at this time when I was so tired tonight! DH came into the room with a torch looking for his pjs and it was so bright haha made me really cross even tho he was trying to be polite it was one of those super bright led torches!!! Lol. So you gonna be apple bobbing tomorrow then? ;)
oh you girl are so so chatty , it takes me all my time to cach up on whats being said and your all offline by time ive read, but wanted to read posts up to tawn doing her test and now i have seen it can`t wait to end o caching upto say a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS fx`d for a happy and healthy sticky 9 months :flower: and heres some :dust:

sorry ladies that i don`t do personals vey often but time i catch up i can never remember whats been said, but good luck to all you pg ladies and to every1 else in the tww and to those waiting to ov
also mrsd hoping alls well with your results think you said tuesday for those and with the next steps to your recovery so you can get back to ttc in no time ,
so now going back to catching up as am on pg783 of 796
last thing , i dont chat very often and feel odd about adding the lovely signature that tawn has made tho would love to add it
nite nite any1 online xx
Maryanne hello lovely! Thank you for the congrats! Of course add the siggy, it is for everyone on this thread!! Please do!!!

How are you doing? Where are you at in your cycle Hun?
can anyone help me i took a ovulation test today and the line is faint not as dark as the other, am i ovulating or getting ready to??
Hi alambka i would say running up to ovulate as a positive is meant to be test line as dark as control line i have seen other ppl get positives as dark as but never have really myself some ppl get a short surge and may miss the true positive which may mean they have still ovulated just timed the opk wrong but if you are having gradual darkening opks then i would say running up to ovulation good luck hun fxd for a positive opk any day now and a bfp this month x
MASSIVE CATCH-UP!! *takes a deep breath!* Here goes...

Tawn – *Releasing previously pent-up excitement…* YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!
Oh my goodness I could have burst this morning reading your news about your BFP!! I actually saw your ticker pop up first and told my DH that one of the girls took a + test (I think I was beaming when I told him!) and he was like “oh, that’s really nice Honey”. They don’t really get how we can be so happy for someone we’ve never met and hardly know, but your news is very exciting to me!! How are you feeling?

And about your brother’s wedding, I know the timing isn’t ideal, but a bub is definitely the best reason to be missing it hun. I’m sure they will understand. Bub might even be born on their day! And that would be a wonderful connection for you all to have. I was thinking though that maybe you could Skype in for the ceremony and maybe the speeches at the reception? Dress as though you’re there and get your hair and makeup done and you can be a ‘special guest’ on the day.

About the comment to do with 'somebody'... I know who you mean and I agree they wouldn't even have read it. It's people like that who make these forums a dull selfish place to be and I'm glad that none of the other ladies in here are like that. Bailey - these people make other threads feel impersonal too and not the supportive place we've come to find this thread to be, so I'm glad you're sticking around in here! Don't feel bad for having said that though. I know I asked if it was me, but I think we all know whether we're being that way or not (and we're not). Don't stress Tawn xx

Bailey – I understand completely about the housework. I hint and ask and when DH doesn’t do things I just end up doing it myself then holding a grudge! Having said that, he is pretty good mostly, but I think boys don’t understand that we don’t like to just leave things ‘till we feel like it’ cause it never gets done that way. PLEASE take it easy though and don’t drag that vacuum up the stairs for goodness sake! :)

And your friend… Sounds immature to be honest. It’s like it’s all about her as far as she’s concerned and if your news doesn’t thrill her she’s not the type to even pretend to be happy. I was glad to hear about your other friend’s response though – she’s a keeper! Sucks big time about the bag, but maybe she’ll get that you have been the better friend and step up a bit. I would email a complaint to the site too!

Cath – Your outfit looked gorgeous, so at least you would have looked like an absolute stunner sitting on the curb bawling your eyes out xx I hope everything goes ok with your visit with your granddad today. Thinking of you… And I think going through hard stuff is made worse when we can’t feel connected properly to the people who care most about us, so that would explain why not having had time with OH for most of the week would have stirred up more stuff and made emotions and arguments closer to the surface. Give him a big hug and tell him you feel broken :hugs:

Thurl – That must be hard hun. I haven’t hit my EDD yet from our first loss, and I don’t want to get there and not be pregnant again, but you know what, if I do I figure there’s a reason in all of it. The day will come and go and it will hurt, and it’s ok to cry and feel really sad about what you’ve lost. Try to keep your chin up though and keep dreaming about your rainbow baby. I’m sure he or she will be glad one day of the fact that your angel didn’t get to come and meet you and DH – they probably would never have been here otherwise x Are you feeling better after your date last night?

Cupcake – I love reading your posts, you’re so positive and lovely. I don’t feel like I know much about you yet though! Maybe I skimmed over an important post (sorry!), can you remind me where you are in your cycle/TTC journey?

Fletch – WE MISSED YOU!! Hope you made a gorgeous tent baby while away. Glad you had a great time!

Shelby – I’ve only just realised I was calling you Shellie… FAIL! Sorry hun. Hope the next few weeks goes super quick for you and we both catch our eggys in August!

And I know how you feel about not seeing friends’ babies. One of the girls from my mums group just had her bub on Thursday (I only found out today) and I felt really mixed emotions getting a text from her with the announcement… I AM really happy, but at the same time I just can’t be very excited for her. I’m sure it’ll change when I get to meet Aston (what do you think about the name?). Babies have an amazing way of making everything better I think – even when they’re not yours. I have mums group on Mondays with my 2 year old and there are 4 new babies in the group now too, so I will be stealing one of them away tomorrow for a nice cuddle for sure! :hugs:

Mrs D - Your day away sounded fabulous. I have no idea where any of those places are... But it just gave me the warm fuzzies reading about your day :) Don't get too much sun though! Having grown up under the Australian sun I can't say enough about the importance of sun protection, so please make me feel better and tell me you are using sunscreen when you 'sun worship'...?

AFM - It looks like AF has just about left the building, which makes it a shorter period for me, but I'm not complaining and it did feel more normal. I have in my head already a BD plan for this month too so I'm feeling confident. Just keep reminding myself with all the little disappointments each month that even a healthy 'fertile' couple only have a 1 in 4 chance each month of conceiving, so we're not doing too badly.

Love you all xx Sorry if I missed anyone.

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