CortneyMarie, when I took out the softcup this morning it was fairly easy, just have to remember to bear down like your having a BM for it to come out easier. I don't know if you'd have to do the same with the diva cup since they are different designs and the diva cup from what I've read sits low in the vagina where the softcup is right at the cervix. TMI ---> It still had a fair bit of fluid in it when I took it out. I'm guessing since it's before my fertile phase (probably wont be fertile for at least a few more days if not longer), so my cervix is probably closed, so not as much went up as probably would have had it been open! But again I also don't know how much was there to begin with, so I'm just guessing
Baileybubs sorry you have to go through it again

hopefully this will finally get the bleeding to stop, so you can begin your journey of TTC again
Leinzlove, I wouldn't worry too much about a short LP just yet. First cycles post m/c aren't the best to judge future cycles. If you had a normal LP before, chances are you will have a normal one again, even if it takes a couple of cycles. Easier said then done since I too am worried about it because I was spotting for the majority of my LP. I'm taking a B complex which should hopefully help if it is a problem, and once I ovulate I'm going to add extra B6 just in case. As far as I know it shouldn't cause any harm even if its not needed.

I see a line in the picture! It may not be showing up all the time because your still only 12DPO. You should probably give yourself a testing break for a day or two, but if you're going to still test make sure you hold your pee for a few hours and no liquids. Hopefully then it will come up better!
Toothfairy, hopefully your tummy will calm down for the rest of the day. I understand you're scared of the scan tomorrow. Having gone through what we've all gone through, it would be hard not to worry! Just try and focus on the thought that tomorrow you get to see the little one that is growing inside of you, causing all that morning sickness!